Monday, July 2, 2012

Olive Tree Campaign.Keep Hope Alive for Palestine. Interview with Baha Hilo in Appelscha TV 3

Palestijnse activist op PL 2012

Palestijnse activist op Pinksterlanddagen 2012

 Dit jaar is Baha Hilo, de coördinator van de Olijfbomencampagne in Palestina, te gast op de Pinksterlanddagen.

 Onder het motto "Houd hoop levend – Plant een olijfboom!" is al enige jaren een internationale actie gaande om door middel van het planten van olijfbomen de hoop op een goede toekomst levend te houden. Doel van de actie is samen met Palestijnse boeren het herplanten van olijfbomen in de Palestijnse gebieden, als een krachtig signaal van gerechtigheid en vrede.

Hilo geeft een presentatie over dit werk in de Palestijnse gebieden waar middels de aanplant van olijfbomen op geweldloze manier verzet plegen tegen de land confiscaties en het geweld van de kolonisten. In het kader van deze actie komen regelmatig groepen naar dit gebied om te helpen met de aanplant van gesponsorde olijfbomen. En in oktober komen er honderden mensen meehelpen om de olijven te plukken, als bescherming tegen kolonistengeweld

More info about campaign here :

Keep Hope Alive - The Olive Tree Campaign

The Olive Tree CampaignThe Olive Tree Campaign (OTC) seeks to replant olive trees in areas trees have been uprooted and destroyed or in areas where the fields are threatened to be confiscated by the Israeli military Occupation and settlers, or where parts of the Isralei apartheid wall or Jewish settlers are constructed on part of the land.

Since the year 2001 Israel through its military and settlers in the West Bank and Gaza has uprooted, burnt and destroyed more than 548,000 olive trees that belong to Palestinian farmers and land owners, most of these trees have survived hundreds and thousands of years. We know that we will not replace the life of such olive trees, nor the stories and life lived around them, but we try to overcome such barbaric, irresponsible and careless practices by providing a sign of hope that future generations might than us for.

When the campaign was launched in 2002 it objective was to replant 50,000 olive trees in the Palestinian Territories through the sponsorship of individuals, YMCAs, YWCAs, churches, church related organizations, human rights organizations, as well as solidarity and advocacy groups around the world. Through replanting olive trees, Palestinians will be encouraged to keep hope alive and to reaffirm their commitment to work constructively toward peace-building.

The Campaign has an expanding network of friends and partners who have decided to join into the campaigns mission in keeping hope alive. They all work to bring about awareness about Palestine and encourage others to get involved through the sponsoring of planting of an olive tree in many countries like Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Japan, UK, Switzerland, USA, Ireland, and many others. The aim is to bring in about 350 new sponsors each year and to help in replanting 8,000 new olive trees each year.

So far the campaign has planted more than 80,000 olive trees in hundreds of fields in the West Bank and Gaza, many of which are already bearing fruit for the farmers and their families. The trees planted have helped the farmers to steadfast on their land and confront the unjust Israeli military practices, and more importantly, to get individuals from all over the world involved and become more aware of what is happening in Palestine.

Help Keep Hope Alive

For the amount of USD $20 you can Sponsor an Olive Tree. Sponsorship covers the cost of the young plant, distribution, planting and information for the farmers on the best techniques for olive tree care and production improvement. The cost also covers an official certificate, a sponsor label to be inscribed with the sponsor's name and put up in the field where his/her tree is planted and miscellaneous implementation costs of the project. Three-year old, solid, young plants and agriculture tubes are used in order to optimize survival potential.

Every sponsor will receive a certificate and an indication of the location of their trees.

Campaign search online

Search for planted olive trees, for all seasons, with search options, to see fields and areas planted in, as well as farmer name and additional information upon request, if available.

Brochures and Poster

The olive tree campaign has made brochures, posters, stickers available in several languages.

Brochures: English, ArabicSpanish, French, DeutchDutch, and Chinese (text only).

Posters: English, Arabic, and Dutch.

Online Promotion video

View the online promotion video on the Olive Tree Campaign: land confiscation, Campaign needs and effectiveness, interviews with farmers and Campaigners.

Local farmers and fields

Planting will only take place in agreement and cooperation with landowners and farmers. They are given information on the project and they participate in the planting of the trees. In addition, specialists will give them the tools necessary to ensure the best future care of their trees.

We look forward to your support in helping us KEEP HOPE ALIVE within Palestinian communities throughout the West Bank and Gaza. We also hope that your participation in this campaign will be the first step in an ongoing partnership and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

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