Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Call for protest in Poznan in Poland

From 1 to 12 of December in Poznań there is a party for 180 ministers of environment and other VIPs of world's political-business lobby. Officialy they meet to discuss the pollution of air and greenhouse effect in general. As usual a panel of PR experts puzzle over how to sell the neo-liberal view of the world to the society.

On this occasion it is intended to serve a nightmare about modern social relations (including relation with nature) as a fairy tale, where closely not defined global warming is the villain and the authority that defeats it plays a positive role. What a hypocrisy! This system breeds ecological decline. "Free"-market economy takes profit as a sole criteria and political establishment is its guard.

Global problems are extraordinarily difficult matter. To solve them, we must think globally and act locally. Where if not here and when if not now shall we demand our rights? We are those who elect our representatives, who pay them and who is affected with their decisions. Division between authority and society cannot be solved with thousands of words about global politics and greenhouse effect. We demand concrete actions and effects.

The decision about organizing this meeting in Poland is pretty controversial. The state that is leading in discharging greenhouse pollution, thanks to good marketing became a host of a conference about decreasing this discharge. The city authorities that are famous for giving away the "green lungs" of the city (parks, forests etc.) for investments, that always so easily succumb to the car lobbies boasts of organizing international ecological event. Our local politicians that have increased not so long ago– presumably for eco-arguments – the public transport fees will tell pretty clichés about significance of ecological development.

Where are we? Where do they want us to be? In front of TV and by the ballot box! This is their democracy!
Not this time. In Poznań and worldwide casual people are experiencing causes of this policy and are not willing to give in in to this dictatorship.

Decision makers of this city and all the countries' representatives who are arriving here can be sure that we are going to make any effort that will turn days presumed to be glorious to medial and propaganda distaster.

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