Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Awakening 7 Animal Liberation Front ready to listen and to download or embed
If You would like to download or embed this show go to:
Description of this show below (or post before)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Animal Liberation Front Awakening today

Today issue that's like usual agenda, then as main subject would be Animal Liberation Front and animal rights. Beside ridden by Rabia:"whats Good to plant in April", remedy for hay fever, film recomendation and "Why organic food is better for health. We will also would try to fit some DIY tips and positive things about squatting...In the background like usual some fresh in our collection international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00-19.00 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for almost three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last half ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing ourself,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every tuesday from 4pm till 7pm.In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on http://www.freeteam.nl/patapoe
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from last week go to:
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
The show is streamed through radio patapoe 88.33FM every Tuesday from 16:00-18:30. Please write first telling us what you would like to talk about and the time that you would like to to start. Give us at least one week in advance.
Kind regards,
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
Dzisiejszy Awakening o ALF i prawach zwierząt.
Powoli zmieniamy nazwę polskojęzycznej części z "Polskiego kwadransu" na "Polonię Walczącą", bo poprzednia wydaje nam się nie adekwatna do prawie godzinnego czasu na antenie.
Głównym tematem w dzisiejszym programie będzie Animal Liberation Front i prawa zwierząt
Po za tym jak zwykle ważne i pozytywne wiadomości,a na zakończenie kontynuacja książki "anarchia w obrazkach" o historii ruchu.
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam swój skłot skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów sie na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia. ( Tak samo jeśli chciałbyś poruszyć inne ważne tematy.) Do usłyszenia
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Rabią gramy program "awakening" przez 3 godziny w tygodniu (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "polski kwadrans"(a raczej pół godziny). Gadamy non stop przez trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
lub jeśli mieszkasz w Amsterdamie 88.3 FM
stare programy dostępne też na
Zapraszamy też każdego kto ma coś do powiedzenia do naszego programu. Zarówno do angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Jeśli chciał(a)byś usłyszeć więcej innych programów(ta opcja ma opisy po polsku) wejdź na :
Jeszcze więcej ?
Przekaż tą informację dalej jak możesz !!!
Red Het Lappersfort interview nr 1
This is the one of the steps in to making bigger documentary about Lapersfort forrest occupation.
"The Lappersfort - Brugge in Belgium occupied again. The next action camp in defence this forest from cuting for more industry terein ( even a lot of there is left empty and not used ). They need You to help them!!! More info and great pictures on indymedia.nl..."
Tijdens de nacht van vrijdag 19 op zaterdag 20 september 2008 hebben tientallen milieuactivisten het door kap bedreigde deel van het Lappersfort opnieuw bezet.
De eigenaar van het bos, Fabricom, heeft sinds 3 september 2008 een kapvergunning op zak. De actievoerders die zich verzamelen onder de netwerknaam Groenfront! protesteren met deze actie niet alleen tegen de kap van het Lappersfort Bos, maar beschouwen dit bos als een symbooldossier voor de 10.000 andere hectare zonevreemde en onmiddellijk bedreigde bossen in Vlaanderen. Bovendien willen zij met deze actie het schijnheilige, politieke gedrag van Stad Brugge en de Vlaamse overheid hekelen. Ze vinden het absurd dat ook de laatste en weinige restjes bos in Vlaanderen plaats moeten ruimen voor industriezone terwijl er in Vlaanderen meer dan 30% leegstand op afgebakende industrietereinen is en terwijl alleen in Brugge al 60 bedrijfsgebouwen leeg staan. Verder willen de activisten het hele dossier kaderen in de globale sociaal-ecologische crisis waar ook Fabricom medeplichtig aan is.
Stop censorship in Tibet - demonstration for human rights
This is from two years after...
International Campaign for Tibet Europe en de Tibet Support Groep Nederland vroegen op 10 december op de Internationale Mensenrechtendag aandacht voor de schendingen van de mensenrechten in Tibet onder het motto Silenced: Stop censorship in Tibet.
Deze dag lanceerde de VN tevens een campagne onder het motto 'Waardigheid en Gerechtigheid voor Allen' om te vieren dat het in 2008 zestig jaar geleden is dat de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens werd opgesteld.
De bijeenkomst op de Dam in Amsterdam werd geopend door ICT Europe directeur Tsering Jampa, gevolgd door een gebed door de Tibetaanse monnik Geshe Ngawang Zoepa.
'De wereld kan niet blindelings met een boodschap van waardigheid en gerechtigheid het 60-jarige bestaan van de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens vieren terwijl de VN tegelijkertijd de mensenrechtensituatie in Tibet negeert,' aldus Tsering Jampa, Executieve Director van ICT Europe en voorzitster van de Tibet Support Groep-NL.
Tijdens een gevarieerd programma werden Tibet-supporters en langs lopend winkelend publiek er op gewezen dat sinds 1949 Tibet door China bezet wordt en dat sindsdien de fundamentele economische, sociale, politieke en culturele mensenrechten in Tibet worden geschonden. Tibet kent geen vrije pers en internet wordt gecensureerd. Internationale bedrijven zoals Google maken het de Chinese autoriteiten mogelijk om websites met onderwerpen als Tibet's onafhankelijkheid en de Dalai Lama te blokkeren.
Speciale aandacht werd die middag gericht op de veroordeling op 20 november in Lithang, Oost Tibet, van vier Tibetanen, 'the Lithang Four'. De nomade Runggye Adak kreeg een gevangenisstraf van acht jaar, omdat hij tijdens een paardenracefestival op 1 augustus jl. opriep tot de terugkeer van de Dalai Lama en tot de vrijlating van de Panchen Lama en Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. De monnik Lupoe Adak kreeg tien jaar en kunstdocent en schilder Kunkhyen negen jaar voor het nemen van foto's van Runggye's arrestatie, en omdat ze probeerden informatie naar buiten te sturen. Een vierde Tibetaan, Jarib Lothog, kreeg drie jaar voor zijn betrokkenheid.
Via een petitie en handtekeningenactie, gericht aan president Hu Jintao, drongen ICT en de TSG op tot de vrijlating van de 'Lithang Four' en alle andere Tibetaanse politieke gevangenen.
De Tibetaanse non en ex-politieke gevangene Phuntsog Nyidron sprak over haar ervaringen tijdens haar 15 jaar durende gevangenschap. Na een kort protest in Lhasa, samen met andere nonnen, werd zij gevangen gezet. Ze was een van de nonnen die in de Drapchi gevangenis in het geheim liederen opnam die naar buiten werden gesmokkeld, hierdoor werd haar straf verlengd. Phuntsog Nyidron wist het aanwezige publiek op de Dam te ontroeren met haar verhaal over de situatie van politieke gevangenen in Tibet en de martelingen die zij zelf regelmatig onderging.
Tevens werd er bij de Chinese autoriteiten op aangedrongen om in de aanloop naar de Olympische Spelen Beijing 2008 de mensenrechtenschendingen in Tibet te beëindigen en directe onderhandelingen te beginnen met de Dalai Lama om een oplossing te vinden voor de Tibetaanse kwestie. In het kader daarvan sprak de Tibetaanse coach van het Tibetaanse voetbalteam in ballingschap Kalsang Dhondup. Hij is in Nederland op uitnodiging van ICT-Europe ter voorbereiding van het geplande bezoek van het Tibetaanse Nationale Voetbalelftal in het voorjaar van 2008.
Op de Dam waren er behalve diverse andere sprekers ook optredens van twee Tibetaanse artiesten, de zangeressen Soname Yangchen en Chungga.
It’s not all doom and gloom, even in these miserable debt-ridden islands. In early February workers in the engineering construction industry in the UK (Lindsey refinery and dozens of other sites) put illegal solidarity strikes (and tea-breaks!) firmly back on the agenda. In Ireland there have been mass demonstrations against wage cuts in the public sector. The new punishments planned for the unemployed will be hard to enforce when there are no jobs to force people into: the private Job Centre contractors are already panicking at the idea. A dole system overwhelmed by sheer numbers will be ripe for collective troublemaking.
And we can’t expect the unions to fight for us. We all know what happened at Cowley when BMW laid off 850 temps without warning. The union knew this would happen three weeks in advance but didn’t tell the workers! Unions exist to negotiate the rate of exploitation. They have an interest in managing the crisis, not in turning it to the workers’ advantage.
If capitalism is “reformed” and left to try and stand without its shattered financial crutch, what might the promised “return to normality” be like? Economic “laws” will demand that we make sacrifices: drastic wage cuts with longer working hours when any work is going; perpetual job insecurity and mass unemployment while welfare benefits disappear; shutdown of public health, housing, transport and education services. Individual competition of all against all for every imagined “opportunity”, more violent crime and more violent policing, ethnic and religious sectarianism as substitute for social solidarity, and that old favourite social safety valve and economic powerhouse: war.
And what if we try to put crippled capital out of its misery? Nothing is certain, and there's no chance things will be easy. But nothing is going to be certain or easy anyway. The economy as we've known it is going down one way or another, on their terms or ours. If we agree to “make sacrifices” and go meekly into under-funded redundancy, we'll simply be letting the former owners and creditors loot everything of value from the wreckage. Only if we act together now to seize what's ours, refusing the “owners” what they think we owe them, is there a chance that the world resulting from the chaos will be worth living in.
German court forbids longer running times for oldest nukes
This decision makes it even more likely that all nuclear power stations in Germany will stop operation in a bit more than a decade, as in the corresponding law.
The ruling by the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig concerns the power stations at Brunsbüttel, about 90 kms from Hamburg at the mouth of the Elbe River, and Biblis A, about 60 kms from Frankfurt. Hamburg is Germany’s second-largest city with about 1.7 million people, Frankfurt its fourth-largest with 650,000.
Block A in Biblis was the first nuclear power plant in the then West Germany, starting operation in 1961. Brunsbüttel started up in 1976.
Both nukes have a history of mishaps, including near-meltdown at Brunsbüttel. Biblis has the dubious reputation of being a "junkyard reactor" because of the frequency of its breakdowns.
The Leipzig judgment, handed down on Thursday (26 March) confirmed those of lower courts and rejected complaints by the power companies operating the plants.
The owners wanted to achieve longer running times by transferring the remaining output quota of another station to these two.
There is tension in the fractious coalition government of conservatives and social democrats over a past government’s law to close down all German nuclear power production in about ten years.
The power industry is lobbying hard to have the law overturned and is backed in this by Chancellor Angela Merkel, a conservative.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Stop het kraakverbod! Kraken gaat door!
Beste Mensen,
Stop het kraakverbod! Kraken gaat door!
Kraken dreigt in Nederland verboden te gaan worden. Dit is de meest serieuze dreiging van de afgelopen jaren. Er is namelijk een voorstel wet gepubliceerd waar de beide Kamers daadwerkelijk over gaan stemmen. (zie beneden)
De Tweede Kamer gaat, zo is de planning, nog voor de zomer stemmen over een kraakverbod. Op dit moment is er een meerderheid tegen kraken. Na de Tweede Kamer moet ook de Eerste Kamer er nog over stemmen. In het slechtste geval wordt de wet door beide kamers aangenomen en dan zou hij waarschijnlijk ingaan vanaf januari 2010.
Maar jij kunt helpen deze wet te stoppen!
In Rotterdam is een groepje mensen een tijd geleden bezig gegaan met het opstellen van een petitie tegen het kraakverbod. Over de tekst is zorgvuldig nagedacht en de argumenten tegen het kraakverbod zijn zo volledig mogelijk neergezet. Op http://www.kraakpetitie.nl kun je deze tekst lezen.
Maar belangrijker: je kunt ook de petitie tekenen!
Want om te zorgen dat de regering de petitie serieus neemt hebben we heel veel handtekeningen nodig.
Je wordt gevraagd om je naam, woonplaats en e-mailadres. Je kunt er voor kiezen of je naam wordt gepubliceerd op de website, je kunt dus ook niet publiceren. Je krijgt vervolgens een email om je handtekening te activeren. Zonder activatie is je handtekening niet geldig! Je wordt bij die activatie gevraagd om je beroep, geboortedatum en geboorteplaats. Dit is niet verplicht om in te vullen. Als je het invult wordt alleen je beroep gepubliceerd, je geboortedatum en geboorteplaats niet. Deze gegevens worden gebruikt om te bewijzen dat het niet een persoon is die 10.000 keer heeft getekend. Teken niet met "kraker" of zoiets. De overheid zal deze handtekeningen niet serieus nemen en het helpt dus niets.
Wat kan je doen op dit moment:
Teken de petitie op http://www.kraakpetitie.nl
Stuur al je vrienden/kennissen/collega's op persoonlijke titel het verzoek ook te tekenen
Help maatschappelijke organisaties te vinden die de petitie willen steunen
(op http://www.kraakpetitie.nl/met_steun_van.htm kun je vinden welke er al zijn aangesloten)
Voor vragen: info@kraakpetitie.nl
Dear People,
Stop the anti squat law! Squatting will continue!
Dutch government wants to make squatting illegal. This time it is more serious than it ever was in the last years, because an proposal for an actual law has been made. However, the government still has to vote over it. (see below)
The anti squat law will be discussed in the House of Commons (Tweede Kamer) before the summer. Right now the majority of the House of Commons will vote in favor of the anti squat law. If the law is agreed upon by the House of Commons, the House of Representatives (Eerste Kamer) will have to vote as well. In the worst case, when both Houses agree, squatting could be illegal in January 2010!
But you can help to stop this law!
In Rotterdam some people started with the initiative to start a petition against the anti squat law. They tried to make the petition as complete as possible, naming all the arguments against the anti squat law. You can read the text (right now only in Dutch) on http://www.kraakpetitie.nl.
But more important: You can sign the petition!
Because if we want the government to take the petition seriously, we need a lot a lot of signatures.
You will be asked for your name, city where you live and email. You can also choose to not publish your name on the website, then you have to remove the little x. After this you will get an email to actually activate your signature (it is not valid if you don't activate). Then you will be asked for your date of birth, place of birth and occupation. You don't have to fill it in, but when you do, only your occupation will be published, not your date or place of birth. This is used to give the petition more body (to prove it is not one person signing 10.000 times). Don't sign with "squatter" or something like it, cause the government will not take those signatures seriously, so it won't help.
What can you do right now?
- Sign the petition at http://www.kraakpetitie.nl.
- Ask all of your friends/collegues/class mates/ family members to sign as well
- Help to find organizations that want to support the petition
(you can find a list of the organizations already supporting at http://www.kraakpetitie.nl/met_steun_van.htm)
If you have any questions: info@kraakpetitie.nl
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Alternative CV by Griks
Examples of my work can be seen on the channel Spirit Of Squatters.(http://www.youtube.com/user/spiritofsquatters)
There it is possible to see a few off my movies. Filming is another thing that I'm doing. I used to film for Vrije keizer TV (You can watch every Tuesdays from 8-9pm on ATV1) Now I'm publishing more on net.
My life I'm also documenting in many other ways. I'm writing books about my adventures, actions that I'm participating in, about my thoughts and points of view. The first book is already finished but I am still waiting for a publisher. Fragment's (1/3) are already published in Poland and are available from Fort Van Sjakjo.(Jodenbreenstraat 24) The second book "Life Of Activists" is work in progress. Unfortunately as of now it is only in the Polish language. Check out my pages to read english articles and dutch.(http://www.ourmediaindymedia.blogspot.com) It is clear to see on my pages that writing in Polish is easier for me.(http://www.positi.blogspot.com) The pages are about positive activism news and also platform for activities that I'm connected to and for affinity groups that I'm busy with. One of them is a radio show that I named Awakening you can listen every Tuesdays from 16.00-19.00 in radio Patapoe 88.3 FM (or http://www.freeteam.nl/patapoe)
In the show we talk non stop. We try to awaken hearts, consciousness and intelligence and creativity to bring about positive changes in our life and to try to make our world a better place.
Besides that I actively participate in social, cultural, ecological and political life of Amsterdam. Mainly I'm busy with Positivenest, SWOMP, KSU but also many others. It is clear to see that my goal in life is to try to make this world a better place for me, for my family, for all of us. The tools that I use to achieve this and that is also a passion of my life are using the tool of positive message and media that I try to use in any possible way :by book, www, video, radio, posters, music, my outer appearance and my life(?) Activism is voluntary and it wouldn't be possible to be busy with this for so many hours if I did not have the possibility to squat. Non commercial places for example OCCII, Vrankrijk, Zaal 100, OT301, Positivenest, Eigenardig, Joes Garage, Plantage Doklan and many, many others. I would not have possibility to be a volunteer if not all of You squatters, that are making this such a great movement. Squatting is my choice and it is a life decision and my next passion. That's my activism which become a part of my life. The fight for affordable roofs above our head that is a basic human right. That is my way of taking from the rich and their excess, using it in a better and very needed way. That's a way of having time for my family, for doing the things what are more important than making money and collecting material things. That's My conscious and free choice.
My dream is that not only my home would become activism but also my work would become activism. At the moment to make money (for organic food for my family and for my activism too Hahaha!) I'm working on the bike taxi. Its OK, but just OK.
I'm dreaming about work, that is meaningful. My dream is that my activism would become my paid work, then I could give the whole of myself to make the world a better place. Maybe could You help me ??? Thanks ! mgriks@gmail.comGreat action of Milieu Defensie in front of Albert Schwein ... ups sorry Hein ( sorry for the pig!)
Achter goedkoop vlees schuilt een drama: oerwoud wordt gekapt voor sojaplantages. De soja gaat als veevoer naar onze varkens en kippen. Supermarkten zoals Albert Heijn kunnen hier een eind aan maken. Dat vertelt Milieudefensie het winkelend publiek tijdens deze campagnetoernee.
Video van Internationale aktiedag tegen de NAVO 21-03-09
a'dam 1 april: antifa avond over homostrijd
a.s. woensdag, 1 april, om 20.00 in de molli (van Ostadestraat 55hs).
met deze keer aandacht voor de strijd voor homorechten (in de VS).
Met een zeer toepasselijke film ;-) die je gezien moet hebben...
de flyer
en verder natuurlijk de onovertroffen antifa amsterdam stand
voor meer info: zie de flyer.
tot dan...
Lancering petitiecampagne tegen het kraakverbod
Een landelijke petitiecampagne tegen het kraakverbod gaat vandaag van start. De petitie is online te ondertekenen op kraak.petities.nl en op de campagnewebsite www.kraakpetitie.nl staat informatie over kraken, een blog met nieuws en diverse achtergronddocumenten. Campagneteams gaan aan de slag om organisaties en individuen actief te benaderen.
Vandaag 26 maart 2009, lanceren we een landelijke petitie tegen het kraakverbod op kraak.petities.nl en een campagne om de petitie onder de aandacht te brengen. In verschillende steden gaan campagneteams aan de slag om organisaties, instellingen en individuen actief te benaderen. Op de campagnewebsite www.kraakpetitie.nl staat informatie over kraken, een blog met nieuws en diverse achtergronddocumenten zoals het wetsvoorstel zelf en rapporten over kraken en leegstand. Ook worden de organisaties en personen die de petitie steunen op de campagnewebsite gepubliceerd met naam en logo voor een visuele presentatie van het draagvlak voor kraken in Nederland.
Tot nu toe hebben diverse maatschappelijke organisaties, bekende broedplaatsen, culturele instellingen, professoren, mediafiguren, huurders- en bewonersorganisaties, advocaten, en vakbonden hun steun betuigd, waaronder de Nederlandse Woonbond, de LSVb, FNVjong, Servicepunt Anders Wonen Anders Leven, de Fabel van de Illegaal, TodaysArt, Temporary Art Centre, WORM, Mediamatic, Rop Gonggrijp, prof. André Thomsen, dr. Geert Lovink en Nico Haasbroek.
Woningnood is een chronisch probleem van alle tijden en leegstand ook. Met een kraakverbod zal kraken niet verdwijnen in Nederland. Het sociale grondrecht op huisvesting is immers een belangrijker recht dan dat van vastgoedeigenaren om hun panden leeg te laten staan. Het wetsvoorstel Kraken en Leegstand, ingediend op 9 februari 2009 door de kamerleden Ten Hoopen, Slob en Van der Burg, waaraan gerefereerd wordt als 'het kraakverbod', zal hooguit het karakter van kraken in Nederland veranderen. Zo'n verandering komt niemand ten goede.
Al eerder hebben politici geprobeerd kraken in Nederland te verbieden. Met de petitie willen wij aantonen dat er in Nederland heel veel en heel verschillende mensen zijn die kraken als middel tegen leegstand en woningnood steunen. Het biedt ook mensen van buiten de kraakbeweging de mogelijkheid het ongenoegen over dit wetsvoorstel te uiten.
Over de petitie in het kort
In de petitie verzoeken wij de leden van de Staten Generaal:
- Om kraken van langdurig leegstaand vastgoed niet onder de strafwet te brengen;
- Om bij de invoering van wetgeving ernstig rekening te houden met de mensen die daardoor hun woonruimte zullen verliezen;
- Om het beleid ter bestrijding van leegstand te enten op de woningnood;
- Om kraken niet als een onoverkomelijk probleem te zien voor ondernemers, maar leegstand en woningnood als een groot probleem voor de samenleving.
Het wetsvoorstel wordt waarschijnlijk net voor of net na het zomerreces behandeld in de Tweede Kamer.
Over de initiatiefnemers
De petitie is opgesteld door een groep Rotterdamse krakers en kunstenaars die onder andere actief betrokken zijn bij Stichting De Fabriek (www.defabriek.nu), Stichting Dek 22 (www.dek-22.com), het Poortgebouw (www.poortgebouw.nl), het KraakSpreekUur (KSU) en de Groene Voltage, daarin bijgestaan door een kraakadvocaat en socioloog.
Verspreid dit bericht aub onder vrienden en familie, want de petitie moet natuurlijk gaan OVERDONDEREN in aantal ondertekenaars.
Als je kunt bijdragen aan de petitiecampagne in jouw regio, neem dan contact op via:
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
New social center- Under the Bridge - program and stuff
every day there is day cafe and people are always welcome to help building, occupying, donating food, and building materials..
proposals for activities and projects are also welcome!
Install Fest
Install linux on your Destkop/Laptop. Quick and easy workshop introducing the world of liberated software. How to install, configure and use your Linux operating system (ubuntu), add/remove applications etc.
Bring your computer (screens, keyboards, mouse are provided)
WARNING! make a backup of your data before in case of forced disk format or data loss
human climbing 17h
learn how to climb other people (human towers). We will use the traditional Catalan Castells technique
dancing 18,30 h
This hour of moving will be dedicated to the principle of movement repetition. We will try out different kinds of transformation that start in the thinking. this principle can be applied for all bodies and minds.
voku & games night
poker, muzz, hosen obe, spin the bottle, truth of dare
and last but not least the much anticipated with revolutionary quizz! bring games!
Intervention in public space
Street Art stencil & adbusting workshop
Reclaim the city with your own art and actions. Learn how to produce stencils, alter advertisments and plan your own actions. Radical T-shirt art stand by DIY Shop&Gallery Amsterdam
hiphop bar
Stylewars Doku
DJs, MCs and Beatbox
Graffiti Flavour movies
Internet safety/Encryption workshops
basic knowledge for using internet safely. the difference between clear browsing and encrypted browsing, and OTR (encryption protocol for Instant Messaging). introduction to GPG (Gnu Pretty Guard), a system that allows people to encrypt and sign data and communications. Creating keys and encrypting your private data. Disk Encryption. Practical workshop teaching you how to encrypt data onyour harddisk (true crypt, LUKS, dm-crypt, loopAES). Bring usb sticks to store gpg encryption keys,
Bring your computer (make backup of your private data just in case).
films and discussion about activism in occupied palestine
"Nada in cambio di Nada" - Nothing for Nothing
infoevening about money and monetarism
punk bar
music and dance improvisation jam. 18:00
Gentrification talks, presentations and discussions
The landless peasant movement of Brazil (MST) info
voku, bar and bands
vj’s and dj’s
presentation new social centre
and invitation to everyone who is intrested to use in the space.
ksu center bar
Install fest
voku, movies and bar
photography 15:00
build your own pinhole (hand made camera) with recycled materials, experiment with its first pictures, and develope it in the black and white lab
voku and bar
alternative media day (radio, tv, internet...)
Liberate yourself from mental slavery! boot live GNU/Linux
discussions, workshops and movies about strategies and benefits of using alternative media.
voku, film and bar
Place- the newly squatted social Center in Amsterdam Center, De Ruyterkade 153-157 by the Ij, under the bridge, Right behind the Library.
- E-Mail: spaceinvaders@cryptodrunks.net
[Adam 26.03] Streetart Workshops, movie and HipHop night
On Thursday 25.03.09 starting at 3 o'clock, there will be workshops and an open artspace dealing with Street Art and Reclaim the city and the radical HipHop bar in the evening till late.
It will take place in the new squatted social center in Amsterdam Center (Piet Heinkade 2 and De Ruyterkade 153-157).
> WORKSHOPS [15:00]
Intervention in public space workshop feat. Street Art stencil and silkscreen printing workshops
Reclaim the city with your own art and actions. Learn how to produce stencils from scratch, alter advertisments and plan your own actions. Print your own stickers, posters and t-shirts - communicate your political attitude through art or
just express yourself in the streets.
We will provide all the knowledge and tools and we will help you to realise your own ideas. Use our silkscreen printing facilities, design and cut stencils, get knowledge about organising reclaim the city actions, do a Graffiti piece and
hang out with people at the bar.
We will screen the latest and best Graffiti movies and play some nice oldschool HipHop music.
Style Wars is an early documentary on hip hop culture in New York City, produced by Tony Silver and Henry Chalfant in 1983.
Style Wars gives a view into the graffiti subculture (as well as urban New York City life in the 1980s), documents the stages of New York City Hip Hop, and shows that its members were a racially and ethnically diverse group of creative young artists.
There will be vegan food for donation!
> RADICAL HIPHOP NIGHTER [20:30 till late]
IBMCs Amsterdam & G.A.A.F. PRESENT "Under the bridge Vol. 1"
DJ Loud, B3CK, SoekiakaDRC, DJ Nemo & guests will spin the wheels of steel with the finest HipHop tunes.
Be there or be square!
Bikes not Cars festival
We are not going to take it anymore! When the war on cars begins we will send out a message to car users in Amsterdam that they do not have ultimate priority in public space anymore, that cars are outdated technology since oil will not be affordable for ever and that we demand a healthy earth for the next generations. We will temporarily reclaim some public space for games and fun, promoting bikes and demanding more space and facilities for bikes, and for informing people about alternatives to an oil-based society.
Throughout the weekend there will be an ´alley-cat´-race, a carrier bike (bakfiets) race, tall bike jousting and bike wars. To enter an event send an email of your team name and which event to enter to or just show up with your (carrier)bike, tall bike or warbike. Also a lot of help is needed in organizing, and mobilizing. Especially outside Amsterdam and Holland! So get in touch, inform your surroundings, get involved, get active!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tomorrow25.3.9(wed)5th Video Activists Meeting in Molli
Like every Wednesday from 19.00 till 21.00 we meet in Molli at Van Ostadestraat 55 HS
So we have 5th meeting on the 25th of March Wednesday at 19:00.
This meetings' agenda is...
- considering of video active participation in comming actions
- general technical session
- introduction of new projects if new people join us.
- ideas about musical
- presentation of work what we done from last meeting and conclusions from it
- considering to make one meeting with connection with the practical workshops and projection in new squatted center
- Your point ?
The idea is to come together, make group, present some of the projects, make new and see how we can help each other. Together We are stronger and We can do more.For example we can teach each other how to do things better , easier and more independent. There would be beemer thus everyone could present what things he/she is busy with and what he/she can offer to the group and tell us what help he/she need.
Dinsdag 31 maart: protesteer bij Afghanistan-top - 'Stop de Oorlog!'
Achter de mooie woorden over nieuwe strategieën en wederopbouw schuilt een diepe crisis. De NAVO-bondgenoten zijn verdeeld over zowel het doel van de missie als de plaatselijke situatie op de grond. 'We gaan deze oorlog niet winnen', zei de hoogste Britse commandant in Afghanistan Mark Carleton-Smith afgelopen oktober nog. Richard Holbrooke, Obama's nieuwe gezant voor het gebied, zei afgelopen januari dat Afghanistan 'moeilijker wordt dan Irak'.
Het falen van de NAVO in Afghanistan leidt tot de keuze tussen exit en escalatie, tussen het vertrekken en versterken van de troepen. Tijdens de Afghanistantop in Den Haag wordt een wanhopige poging gedaan om te escaleren. De Amerikaanse president Obama wil 17.000 extra troepen sturen en de NAVO-bondgenoten overhalen hun inzet te verhogen, met alle risico's van dien. De oorlog heeft zich al uitgebreid naar grensgebieden van Pakistan, een instabiele kernmacht. Vele duizenden Afghanen zijn in de oorlog gedood, honderdduizenden lijden honger en zijn op de vlucht geslagen. Er is de afgelopen jaren geen sprake geweest van wederopbouw, maar van maatschappelijke achteruitgang. Het sturen van meer troepen zal dit proces versterken. De enige weg vooruit begint dan ook bij het beëindigen van de bezetting en het terugtrekken van de troepen.
Dat is ook wat meer en meer mensen vinden, zowel in Afghanistan als in het Westen. Een onderzoek van ABC News van afgelopen februari concludeert dat de Afgaanse oppositie tegen de Amerikaanse bezetting snel groeit. Een kwart van de Afghanen steunt nu aanslagen op buitenlandse troepen, een verdubbeling ten opzichte van twee jaar geleden. In de NAVO-landen brokkelt de publieke steun voor de missie ook snel af. In januari 2002 vond maar 6 procent van de Amerikanen de missie in Afghanistan 'een foute keuze'. Deze maand is dat opgelopen tot 42 procent, het hoogste cijfer tot nu toe. In Nederland geven de meest recente peilingen aan dat een meerderheid tegen de missie in Uruzgan is. Dit tegengeluid moet ook hoorbaar zijn als de wereldleiders op dinsdag 31 maart in Den Haag neerstrijken om hun plannen te smeden.
Daarom roept de Stop de NAVO Coalitie op om tijdens de top te protesteren. We verzamelen om 11:30 op Den Haag CS. De exacte lokatie van het protest wordt later in de week bekend gemaakt.
Meer informatie: http://stopdenavo.blogspot.com/
Monday, March 23, 2009
Today Awakening about recently squatted social centre and about anti racism day in Melkweg last sunday
polisch below

Today issue that's like usual agenda, then as main subject would be recently squatted social space in Amsterdam and Anti Racism day in Melkweg last sunday.The organizations(Atom vrij staat,vrije bit,vluchtelingen werk,united against racism,ASKV) what were there would explain what they are stand for and what they are busy with. We will also continue the book SHARING THE QUEST. We will also would try to fit some DIY tips and positive things about squatting...In the background like usual some fresh in our collection international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00-19.00 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from last week go to:
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for almost three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last half ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing ourself,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every tuesday from 4pm till 7pm.In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on http://www.freeteam.nl/patapoe
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
The show is streamed through radio patapoe 88.33FM every Tuesday from 16:00-18:30. Please write first telling us what you would like to talk about and the time that you would like to to start. Give us at least one week in advance.
Kind regards,
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
If You can pass this info further. Let the inependent media fly everywhere !
O angielskiej części poczytaj powyżej
Dzisiejszy Awakening o głodzie i o nowym zaskłotowanym centrum socjalnym w Amsterdamie
Głównym tematem w dzisiejszym programie będzie głód w trzecim świecie, związana z tym konsumpcja mięsa oraz sposoby zmniejszenia tego problemu oraz nowo zaskłotowane centrum kulturalne w Amsterdamie
Po za tym jak zwykle ważne i pozytywne wiadomości,a na zakończenie kontynuacja książki "anarchia w obrazkach" o historii ruchu.
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam swój skłot skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów sie na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia. ( Tak samo jeśli chciałbyś poruszyć inne ważne tematy.) . Do usłyszenia
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Rabią gramy program "awakening" przez 3 godziny w tygodniu (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "polski kwadrans"(a raczej pół godziny). Gadamy non stop przez trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
lub jeśli mieszkasz w Amsterdamie 88.3 FM
stare programy dostępne też na
Zapraszamy też każdego kto ma coś do powiedzenia do naszego programu. Zarówno do angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Jeśli chciał(a)byś usłyszeć więcej innych programów(ta opcja ma opisy po polsku) wejdź na :
Jeszcze więcej ?
Przekaż tą informację dalej jak możesz !!!
new social centre amsterdam update
throughout the next week there will be daily day and evening program with focus on autoorganisation and reclamation of space.
On saturday, 21 of march we squatted Piet Heinkade 2 and De Ruyterkade 153-157 on "het Ij" which are part of the recently built bridge on the level of the Muzikgebouw behind Central Station. The owner of the whole complex is the City Amsterdam, but the 2 squatted places are additional owned by Woningcooperatie Ymere.
Until now, monday afternoon, we have not heard any news from either cops or company.
In the next few days we will be mainly busy building up the space (it is over 2000 square metres), so any help with either materials, building skills, transportation to getting materials or cooking, would be more than welcome.
Please feel free to drop by and give a hand and also check out the program which will be posted later today!!!!
also if you have any of these items to spare please contact us under 0644812881 or send us an email to;
- couches
-building material ( wooden plates, beams etc...)
-elecricity cords
-electrical or wood heaters
-kitchen stuff ( pots, stoves, plates, cups, etc...)
-if you come to help with builing please bring tools if you have them...
anybody who feels like helping with decorating the place and/or bringing decorative items, aswell as doing painting or art installations is very welcome!!!!
In aanvulling op de lijst;
als mensen ook nog steigerpijpen hebben, neem ze dan mee!
relacja po polsku=polse relatie+film mgriks - 24.03.2009 01:55
Hier = Tutaj:
en filmpje:
also tomorrow in the radio show Awakening from 16.00- 19.00 in radio patapoe 88.3fm
Squatting as a Protest Tactic
Tips for Squatting as a Political Act
This will help deter police harassment and, if it occurs, provide you with a record of it. It will also help you to document and celebrate any victories in gaining your aims.
If you are journalist, bring your press pass. It can help you get access to sites and information that authorities are trying to keep from the public eye. It's amazing how humanely officials can act when they know that others are watching.
This cross-fertilizes strategies and helps you decide what may work or not locally. It also builds morale, especially when authorities are trying to discredit you and threatening arrests to scare off supporters.
Nowadays, the Internet is an excellent link to other squatters in a world where over a billion people are houseless--even in wealthy nations.
Homes Not Jails (Boston chapter) homepage is a good place to start, at: http://www.homesnotjails.org
The list should include contact phone numbers for the news desks of alternative and mainstream media — local TV, newspapers and radio, plus wire services such as United Press and Reuters. Don't forget college papers and radio stations.
Also include contact numbers for supporters to mobilize quickly if arrests occur. Perhaps you can find progressive members of City Council, clergy or other "notables" to promise to be arrested if you are "evicted" from the site. But make sure they do not take over and co-opt your aims. (For more on this, see point 5.)
Never "guilt-trip" those who may not want to do civil disobedience. Make sure they are in a spot where they will not be arrested. Help them choose legal support tasks. These include meetings, transport, materials, cash, outreach, publicity and legal help--to name but a few.
I think it's a form of "domestic colonialism" when non-poor people speak for the poor, even when "progressives" do it. When actions show signs of success, politicians and services providers often try to take control, take credit and take any resources you win (such as housing and cash).
Homeless peoples' aims get lost in such shuffles--as well as the materials to survive and thrive that homeless people deserve. Choose your allies carefully, and let homeless people speak for ourselves.
Be realistic. Demand the impossible. What is "politically feasible" today is far short of what people need and deserve. Accept no substitutes. You may get what you ask for--so ask for everything.
People who are high or agitated at your actions will undercut your credibility with the public who can help win your demands. If you see someone with drugs or alcohol, ask them to take it off the site--first time, every time. Fighting drunks will discredit your actions quickly.
One group that comes to mind is National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (which works closely with National Coalition for the Homeless). The Law Center recently published a report on police harassment of homeless people, titled "Mean Sweeps". If you use the Internet, you can link to the Law Center (and other useful information on homelessness) via the National Coalition for the Homeless homepage at:
The National Lawyers Guild and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are groups worth working with, especially if people are arrested.
If you manage to hold a building, authorities may try to starve you out. So have water, blankets, food, soap and buckets for human waste inside--before you publicly announce your site. Also have cell phones inside, so that you can have contact with supporters outside. Don't forget musical instruments to celebrate your struggle -- and to accompany you as you sing "We Shall Not Be Moved".
[From "Squat for Affordable Housing" by Tom Boland]
Target Café in 25 mart in OT 301
This evening will be another exciting mix of new information, background information, and fun. First, Gipfelsoli will give a presentation about NATO's role in domestic security enforcement, particularly the proposed plans outlined in NATO's new strategy paper, "Towards A Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World". Afterwards, there will be updates on the action plans for Strasbourg, more information about busses going to Strasbourg, and information about police repression in France and Germany. The evening will close with a report back on the recent international anti-NATO actions and look forward to the G20 protests that will descend upon London on 1-2 April.
Target Café
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
20.00 (doors open at 19.30)
De Peper, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam
stop 'slimme'spionagemeters
Utrecht 23-3-09
Morgen, dinsdag 24 maart 2009 wordt de petitie- Stop 'slimme'spionagemeters voor gas en elektriciteit - aangeboden aan de Eerste Kamer.
De petitie wordt aangeboden door de vereniging Vrijbit en zal in ontvangst worden genomen door de voorzitter en leden van de Eerste Kamercommissie van Economische Zaken.
Plaats: Hal van de Eerste Kamer, Binnenhof 23 Den Haag
Tijd: 13.00 uur
Aansluitend zullen de betreffende wetsvoorstellen 31.320 en 31.374 die dag van 13.45 uur t/m middernacht in drie bedrijven behandeld worden.
Tot dat de beslissing wordt genomen, of de wetsvoorstellen worden verworpen of aangenomen, kunnen mensen de petitie blijven ondertekenen. Zolang de beslissing uitblijft of de EK of het laten installeren van 'slimme'meters bij wet verplicht of de voorstellen verwerpt is het actuele aantal ondertekenaars van minuut tot minuut te volgen op www.wijvertrouwenslimmemetersniet.nl
The Pope vs condoms
This week, on his first visit to Africa, Pope Benedict said that "[AIDS] cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which even aggravates the problems".
The Pope's statement is at odds with the research on AIDS prevention, and a setback to decades of hard work on AIDS education and awareness. With powerful moral influence over more than 1.1 billion Catholics in the world, and 22 million HIV positive Africans, these words could dramatically affect the AIDS pandemic and put millions of lives at risk. Worldwide concern is starting to show results and a willingness by the Vatican to revise the statement - sign our urgent petition asking the Pope to take care not to undermine proven AIDS prevention strategies:
The personal and religious beliefs of Catholics and all people should be respected, and the Pope does advocate for other effective AIDS prevention methods such as abstinence and fidelity, while the Catholic Church engages in a vast amount of social service work, including the care of those living with AIDS. But the Pope's claim that condom distribution is not an effective AIDS prevention mechanism is not supported by research. It's untrue, and if it diminishes condom use, it will be deadly.
The fact is, HIV and AIDS are prevented by condom use. There is no easy solution to the spread of this tragic disease, but condoms and education are the best known prevention combination and have not been found to increase risky sexual behaviour. That is why even priests and nuns working in Africa have questioned the Pope's statements.
We may not be able to ask the Catholic Church to change its broader position, but we are asking the Pope to stop actively speaking out against prevention strategies that work. It's important that people of all beliefs, especially Catholics, call on the Pope to exercise care in his leadership on this issue. Sign below then spread the word to your friends and family - this petition could actually save lives:
25 million people worldwide have already died of AIDS, and 12 million children have been left without parents. If enough of us join this outcry, we will win an important battle in the struggle for a world without AIDS.
With hope,
Ricken, Alice, Ben, Graziela, Iain, Brett, Paula, Pascal, Luis, Paul, Veronique, Milena and the whole Avaaz team
The Pope's statement opposing condoms (BBC):
European governments criticise Pope Benedict for his statement
Condoms 'aggravate' AIDS scourge, Pope says:
CNN Report on the Pope's anti-condom position:
Vatican backtracking on condom statement:
Growth of the Catholic Church in Africa, see:
http://www.zenit.org/article-18894?l=english and http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29777984/
South African Bishop supporting condom use:
UNAIDS Report on the AIDS epidemic:
ABOUT AVAAZ Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva. Call us at: +1 888 922 8229 or +55 21 2509 0368 Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!
You are getting this message because you signed "Rome Summit: Stop the Food Crisis" on 2008-05-01 using the email address mgriks@gmail.com. To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, https://secure.avaaz.org/act/index.php?r=profile&user=5f226e589bd5e2eadecb43b31cf9c213&lang=en, or simply go here to unsubscribe.
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Saturday, March 21, 2009
"Amsterdam Social Center" video+program
New Social Center in Amsterdam/Centrum squatted
Reclaim the city!
Today the 21 of march we squatted Piet Heinkade 2 and De Ruyterkade 153-157 on "het Ij" which are part of the recently built bridge on the level of the Muzikgebouw behind Central Station. Those two spaces have been remained empty and unused since their construction or rather the construction of the bridge in 2004. The owner of the whole complex is the City Amsterdam, but the 2 squatted places are additional owned by Woningcooperatie Ymere.
We are planning to use the space as an autonomous social center, where workshops, info evenings, movy evenings, peolpe's kitchen, bar, bike repair shop, library and distro, silkscreening and many more activities will take place (see the programm for the first week below).
…we are fighting for self organized spaces, that can be freed of the political, social and cultural conformity brought by enforced capitalist compliance…(based on representation and compromise)…
…but, now more than ever, our desires are being attacked by the authorities…
…the city is mainly concerned with increased security measures and control...
the planning of urban space is always dominated by the needs of the rich and structured in order to maintain social control...
and...we the ones who don’t fit into and fight against these plans,
by choice or by circumstances, are the ones being fucked over, evicted and excluded by this policy…
…we don’t want that freedom and autonomy be granted to us by our enemies, which would mean to compromise on their terms.
…We want to create possibilities of genuine face to face interaction as a way of opposing the system that surveills, normalizes, codes and controls us.
… This is why we want to use squatted places as a tool in the first practical steps to exist on our own terms and to brew resistance against the capitalist system protected by laws, government and cops.
These spaces are points from which some of our contribution to social struggle can develop, sharpen and grow. And where we can begin to live and understand how much this system of control over our lives is only repressing the possibilities of liberated social interaction and action, therefore useless to us, and must be attacked, destroyed!!!
"what distinguishes it (the practice of self organization) from politics is its opposition to
representation and compromise- not just with the ruling order, but within the movement itself"
there will be every day, daycafe and peoples kitchen and of course theres allways people welcome to help building, occupying, donating food, cigarettes, and building materials
proposals for activities and projects are also welcome!
for information or proposals you can reach us on 06 44812881
SATURDAY after squatting, voku, bar and bands:
land of anarchia, "nn" , caspian hat dance and cash brothers,
plus balkan disco dj
Afternoon (+-15.00) :
learn how to silkscreen!
instrument building workshop
make your own instrument out of recycled materials, such as oil canisters, wooden sticks, tiers etc
bring your own materials to be sure there’s enough
voku (20.00)
antifa avond
Bar-evening with mobilisation info for the Antifa Demo in Stolberg,
doku-screening about Blood n Honour and Neo Nazi networks, merchadise and
info stand
alternative media day (programm starts at 15.00):
discussions, workshops and movies about strategies and benefits of using alternative media.
voku (20.00), then film and bar
Install Fest (starts at 15.00)
Install linux on your Destkop/Laptop. Quick and easy workshop introducing the world of liberated software. How to install, configure and use your Linux operating system (ubuntu), add/remove applications etc. Requirements:
Bring your computer (screens, keyboards, mouse are provided)
WARNING! make a backup of your data before in case of forced disk format or data loss
Evening (20.00) :
globalization night:
Talk and discussion on G-20 related subjects including the role of the World Bank and the European Investment Bank
info on X minus Y:
the X minus Y Solidarity Fund is an independent fund that has been supporting groups and organisations all over the world for almost 40 years.
movy about civiel disobedience and globalisation
Afternoon (15.00) :
human climbing:
learn how to climb other people (human towers). We will use the traditional Catalan Castells technique
build your own pinhole (hand made camera) with recycled materials, experiment with its first pictures, and develope it in the black and white lab.
dancing workshop
Evening (20.00) :
voku & Games Night,
poker, muzz, hosen obe, spin the bottle, truth or dare
and last but not least the much anticipated !Revolutionary Super Quizz!
if u want, bring also your own game
Afternoon (15.00) :
Intervention in public space
Street Art stencil & adbusting workshop:
Reclaim the city with your own art and actions. Learn how to produce
stencils, alter advertisments and plan your own actions.
Radical T-shirt art and stand by DIY Shop&Gallery Amsterdam (below Fort van Sjakoo, Jodenbreestraat)
voku (20.00)
radical hiphop bar
Stylewars Doku
DJs, MCs and Beatbox
Graffiti Flavour movies
Afternoon (15.00):
Internet safety/Encryption workshops:
Workshop on basic knowledge for using internet safely.
the difference between clear browsing and encrypted browsing, and OTR (encryption protocol for Instant Messaging). introduction to GPG (Gnu Pretty Guard), a system that allows people to encrypt and sign data and communications. Creating keys and encrypting your private data. Disk Encryption. Practical workshop teaching you how to encrypt data on your harddisk (true crypt, LUKS, dm-crypt, loopAES).
Requirements: Bring usb sticks to store gpg encryption keys,
Bring your computer (make backup of your private data just in case).
voku (20.00)
"Nada in cambio di Nada" - Nothing for Nothing:
infoevening about money and monetarism
punk bar
Afternoon (15.00) :
different talks, presentations and discussions about Gentrification
The landless peasant movemnt of Brazil (MST):
information about the biggest squatting movement in the world
voku (20.00)
bar and bands: The Afwassers, hc punk-rock, A'damned
+ others still to be announced
vj’s and dj’s
go to squatting actions
voku (20.00)
movies: die edelweisspiraten
and doku about the Angry Brigade
Ksu-Center BarNightsu center bar
Friday, March 20, 2009
Albert heijn (or schwein) is threthening with the court Milieu Defensie
Netherlands as a transit port is the second largest importer of soybean in the world. Over 90 percent of the soy in our country continues to be used as cheap animal feed, especially chickens and pigs in intensive farming. The production of chicken fillets and pork chops as caused massive deforestation. As the largest supermarket Albert Heijn is the key with which to address this problem and an example to all Dutch supermarkets. Milieudefensie the supermarket chain in recent years been repeatedly addressed this problem. Real improvements were so far off.
Campaign leader Wouter van Eck of Friends: "It is really better than Albert Heijn its energy focused on measures to stop deforestation. We do not succumb to the legal threats and continue with our activities. "
The correspondence between Albert Heijn and Milieudefensie is available at: http://www.milieudefensie.nl/stopfoutveevoer/info
The next broadcast of the television-Vara Kassa is on the campaign Milieudefensie and the relationship between meat and deforestation: Saturday, March 21, Netherlands 1, 18:55 pm
and the other guy was a proud vegan, sitting at home making silly remarks.
White Book of Squatters interview nr 1
We decided that we will publish sometimes not till the end edited interviews to not let them lay too long in the drow...and thats efect of it
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Last Awakening 7 (anti NATO, Anti racism) already ready to download
Help Free Aung San Suu Kyi
Burma's peaceful pro democracy activists are calling on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to secure the release of political prisoners. Stand with them - |
Burmese pro democracy leader and Nobel peace prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, has spent 13 years detained by the Burmese military junta. She and thousands of fellow monks and students have been imprisoned for bravely challenging their brutal regime with calls for democracy. This week a glimmer of hope has risen for their release, and it's time for us to stand with them.
Risking danger to speak out for their jailed friends, Burmese activists this week demanded the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners and called on the world to help. As the global economic crisis makes aid flows more essential, Burma's generals are becoming more vulnerable to international pressure, but we need a flood of petition signatures to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to make this a top priority. Follow the link to sign the petition, and forward this email on to make sure she and her fellow prisoners are freed:
The Burmese organizers have set a goal of 888,888 signatures. The number 8 is powerful in Burmese culture, and the ruling junta is extremely superstitious - such a large and significant number might have a special influence on them. But this issue isn't in the headlines, so to build our numbers we need to forward this email and persuade our friends to help.
Aung San Suu Kyi is the international face of the struggle for democracy in Burma. She has been detained over and over again since 1988. She is now under house arrest and is allowed no contact with the outside world.
But growing international pressure is working -- In December, 112 former Presidents and Prime Ministers from 50 countries sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urging him to press for the release of all political prisoners, and 20 political prisoners were released in February after a United Nations envoy visited the country.
Sources now say that the military regime is fearful of this unified and massive online call to the UN -- over 160 Burma exile and solidarity groups in 24 countries are participating in the campaign. But it will take all of us and all our friends signing this petition to get Mr Ban's attention. Avaaz has done it before for Burma – we can do it again. Click here to stop the arrests and brutality:
This is one of those times where if enough of us act we can truly make a difference. Let's join the courageous Burmese democracy activists in jail and in hiding and help end this violent repression.
In hope and solidarity,
Alice, Ricken, Pascal, Graziela, Veronique, Iain, Paul, Luis, Paula, Brett and the whole Avaaz team
For more about the Global Campaign visit:
For more about Burmese political prisoners visit:
Article on torture in Burmese jails:
Some prisoners release after UN envoy visit February 2009:
Letter from former presidents:
For more about Aung San Suu Kyi visit:
ABOUT AVAAZ Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva. Call us at: +1 888 922 8229 or +55 21 2509 0368 Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!
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