Monday, March 22, 2021

Fwd: 50% of Women have this Embarrassing Health Issue—and a Simple Solution.

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Dear Elephants,

It's past time to bring "embarrassing women's issues" out of the gender-stereotyped closet. One in two people with a vagina struggles with pelvic floor health, but just because it's common doesn't make it normal. I know this solution works 'cause I tried it myself...and it changed my life. 

~ Khara-Jade Warren, Eleditor.

Stengthen your Pelvic Floor Without Lifting a Finger (or doing a Kegel):
Kegels Done For You: Use code EJ50 for $50 off 

A healthy pelvic floor is about much more than just being able to hold in your pee.

It's got a lot to do with the lackluster orgasms we're bound to notice well before the other problems begin. Feeble orgasm muscles just aren't the bearers of mind-blowing moments.


Good old Dr. Kegel (Kay-gil) himself said that "sexual feeling within the vagina is closely related to muscle tone, and can be improved through muscle education."

So, for better orgasms, you need a healthy relationship—with your pelvic floor.


And you know that belly pooch? It may be a sign of a weak pelvic floor.


Slouch much? Yep, the primary function of the pelvic floor muscles is postural.


Also, more good/bad news—in order to keep our pelvic floors strong 'n mighty, most of us have been doing Kegels all wrong. Gah! 


The best news, though? You don't have to do a single one of those frankly inscrutable and tedious exercises named for the doctor himself. Nope. Not one Kegel. Well, not on your own anyway. Because Yarlap® does them for you.

less incontinence—better posture—powerful orgasms >>
Order Now (Code: EJ50 for $50 off)

The best 'not' sex toy! So I read that you can't have a good orgasm unless you can have contractions internally. I had a traumatic vaginal birth and basically lost my ability to do a kegel on my own (I can do it now!). I've used this at least 3x a week and seriously I'm 50% tighter after a little over a month. I've never had a sex toy I've found any interest in but this 'not' sex toy gives me the best orgasms. Win-win! Also, I nolonger have pee issues jumping on the trampoline! - E


Strengthen both your pelvic floor & YOUR orgasms (EJ50 for $50 off)
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