Sunday, April 26, 2020

Triggering in the Body, Triggering in Life

It's important, we realize that in order to heal the wounds, like in yoni massage, she have to go through the pain and emotional releases. 
She also has full control about the process, than in any moment she may request to slow down or even stop it. This is important for rebuilding the trust and creating a safe container, where she may dive deeper into the process. 

Like in yoni massage ecstasy help women to go through the pain and emotions, in the life of relationship, she may focus on love what in the same way would help us to grow through the challenges. 

Love is conquering all

Ps: This text could be applied equally to men. I use the woman and yoni healing as this is closer to my life

This is another fragment of my book "Conversations with God and Goddess within and outside"  

Michal Kali Griks

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