Thursday, January 24, 2019
Fwd: Tantra Movement Transformation
[Persbericht] Activiste Joke Kaviaar gearresteerd, Steungroep 13 September roept op tot protest
Persbericht Steungroep 13 September - 24 februari 2019
Activiste Joke Kaviaar gearresteerd, Steungroep 13 September roept op
tot protest
Joke Kaviaar is gearresteerd. Dat is zojuist bekend geworden. Haar
arrestatie was een kwestie van tijd nadat haar eerdere veroordeling na
hoger beroep en cassatie op 8 januari 2019 definitief was geworden. Joke
Kaviaar zal nu een celstraf van twee maanden en twee weken uit gaan
zitten. Daar gaan dan de drie dagen van af die ze al in voorarrest heeft
bezeten, zodat er 71 dagen cel overblijven.
Veroordeling en gevangenisstraf waren uitkomst van een strafvervolging
tegen Joke Kaviaar, schrijfster, activiste, strijdster tegen de
vervolging en onderdrukking van vluchtelingen. Ze is veroordeeld tot
twee maanden voorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf wegens het publiceren van
teksten die Justitie opruiend vindt. Die straf werd onvoorwaardelijk
nadat ze in haar proeftijd aangehouden werd wegens deelname aan een
actie in de gemeenteraadszaal van Zeist tegen de aanleg van een
gevangenis voor vluchtelingenkinderen op Kamp Zeist, waarvoor ze ook nog
twee weken celstraf kreeg. Samen met de twee maanden zijn dat dus twee
en een halve maand. Meer over de strafzaak is te vinden via een
persbericht van 8 januari 2019:
De Steungroep 13 September spreekt zich met klem uit tegen deze hele
gang van zaken en roept mensen op om zich tegen haar vervolging en
arrestatie uit te spreken. Joke Kaviaar wordt vervolgd en is nu
opgesloten omdat ze zich verzet tegen het deporteren van vluchtelingen.
Joke Kaviaar wordt vervolgd en is nu opgesloten omdat ze daarbij scherp
gebruik maakte van het geschreven woord, van die vrijheid van
meningsuiting die heilig is, behalve als het even niet uitkomt. Joke
Kaviaar bestrijdt misdadig overheidsgedrag in woord en daad. Zij
verdient volgens de Steungroep geen veroordeling en gevangenisstraf,
maar bijval en solidariteit.
De Steungroep roept op tot steun en solidariteit. Steun kan zich
bijvoorbeeld uiten in het schrijven van brieven en kaarten zodra bekend
is in welke gevangenis ze zit. Solidariteit kan neerkomen op het verder
verspreiden van de verboden teksten van Joke Kaviaar, en op deelname aan
of het zelf organiseren van protestacties. De Steungroep zal een
lawaaidemonstratie organiseren bij de gevangenis waar ze wordt
vastgehouden en roept mensen op om daaraan deel te nemen. Meer
informatie daarover zal bekend worden gemaakt via de website van de
Ook bereidt de Steungroep de uitgave van een boekje voor over de
strafzaak tegen Joke Kaviaar, met daarin onder meer de teksten waarvoor
ze is veroordeeld. Dat boekje zal gepresenteerd worden op een reeks
informatieavonden in diverse steden. Ook daarover meer op de website van
de Steungroep. Het motto van deze activiteiten: Vrijheid voor Joke
Steungroep 13 September
Noot voor de redactie (niet voor publicatie): voor meer informatie is de
steungroep bereikbaar via mail: steungroep13september@riseup.net.
Telefonisch contact via 06-45070936 (Peter).
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
[Doorbraak Info] Boycot ook Grijze Wolven-sponsors Silifke en Koç Vleeswaren
Boycot ook Grijze Wolven-sponsors Silifke en Koç Vleeswaren
De Turkse Federatie Nederland (TFN), de koepel-organisatie van de
fascistische Grijze Wolven, organiseert het hele jaar door overal in het
land festivals en "kermessen", zoals ze die zelf noemen.
"Multi-culturele" feesten die de Turkse cultuur zouden uitdragen, maar
in werkelijkheid dienen als platform voor extreem-rechtse en
nationalistische propaganda. De festivals worden steevast openlijk
gesponsord door een reeks lokale Turks-Nederlandse bedrijfjes, maar ook
door enkele grotere landelijke firma's die er kennelijk geen bezwaar
tegen hebben om te boek te staan als sponsors van het fascisme. Twee
daarvan, Silifke en Koç Vleeswaren, steunden afgelopen jaren heel wat
van die fascistische festivals. Daarom roepen wij op om hun producten
niet meer te kopen, tot ze hun geldkraan dichtdraaien.
Lees verder:
Ülkücülerin sponsorları Silifke ve Koç Et Mamülleri'ni sen de boykot et
Faşist Bozkurtlar'ın çatı örgütü Hollanda Türk Federasyon (HTF) yıl
boyunca Hollanda'nın birçok yerinde – kendi deyimleriyle – festival ve
kermesler düzenlemektedir. Bunlar sözde Türk kültürünü tanıtma amacıyla
düzenlenen "çok kültürlü" şenliklerdir, fakat gerçekte aşırı sağ ve
milliyetçi propaganda yapmak için kullanılan platformlardır. Bu
festivaller düzenli olarak ve açıktan yerel Türk şirketleri tarafından
sponsor edilmektedir. Aynı desteği faşizmin sponsorları olarak
tanınmaktan çekinmeyen ülkesel çalışan şirketler de vermektedir.
Bunlardan Silifke ve Koç Et Mamülleri son yıllarda birçok faşist
festivali desteklemişlerdir. Bu yüzden para musluklarını kapatana kadar
sözü geçen firmaların ürünlerini almama çağrısı yapıyoruz.
Middelstegracht 36a, 2312TX Leiden
De Turkse Federatie Nederland (TFN), de koepel-organisatie van de
fascistische Grijze Wolven, organiseert het hele jaar door overal in het
land festivals en "kermessen", zoals ze die zelf noemen.
"Multi-culturele" feesten die de Turkse cultuur zouden uitdragen, maar
in werkelijkheid dienen als platform voor extreem-rechtse en
nationalistische propaganda. De festivals worden steevast openlijk
gesponsord door een reeks lokale Turks-Nederlandse bedrijfjes, maar ook
door enkele grotere landelijke firma's die er kennelijk geen bezwaar
tegen hebben om te boek te staan als sponsors van het fascisme. Twee
daarvan, Silifke en Koç Vleeswaren, steunden afgelopen jaren heel wat
van die fascistische festivals. Daarom roepen wij op om hun producten
niet meer te kopen, tot ze hun geldkraan dichtdraaien.
Lees verder:
Ülkücülerin sponsorları Silifke ve Koç Et Mamülleri'ni sen de boykot et
Faşist Bozkurtlar'ın çatı örgütü Hollanda Türk Federasyon (HTF) yıl
boyunca Hollanda'nın birçok yerinde – kendi deyimleriyle – festival ve
kermesler düzenlemektedir. Bunlar sözde Türk kültürünü tanıtma amacıyla
düzenlenen "çok kültürlü" şenliklerdir, fakat gerçekte aşırı sağ ve
milliyetçi propaganda yapmak için kullanılan platformlardır. Bu
festivaller düzenli olarak ve açıktan yerel Türk şirketleri tarafından
sponsor edilmektedir. Aynı desteği faşizmin sponsorları olarak
tanınmaktan çekinmeyen ülkesel çalışan şirketler de vermektedir.
Bunlardan Silifke ve Koç Et Mamülleri son yıllarda birçok faşist
festivali desteklemişlerdir. Bu yüzden para musluklarını kapatana kadar
sözü geçen firmaların ürünlerini almama çağrısı yapıyoruz.
Middelstegracht 36a, 2312TX Leiden
Friday, January 18, 2019
Introduction to Tantra Massage workshop
"Magic of Tantric Massage"
This workshop is composed in such a way that you can learn and feel what sacred touch is so that you can allow healing energy of love into your body and life. Mastering the art of giving and receiving tantric massage is opening us on many levels:
– It helps to recover energy
– Teaches us sacred touch
– Raise awareness of the body
– Is an Introduction to tantric sex
– Develops our potential for love.
It is not possible to mention all the benefits of tantric massage but first of all, it is an experience of deep inner joy, bliss, cleansing, peace and ecstasy. It is the experience of being whole. We will mainly focus on the feelings in the body and not only on the techniques.
First of all, we want to ensure that participants will experience touch, that they open up for receiving and giving on the body level, that they open up for feeling the pleasure of being a giver and receiver of a massage.
We want to go deep into the levels of feeling pleasure, bliss, and flow of the love energy. We want to free all the tension from our bodies, let them go away to make more space in the body, to make in the place of the blockages space for the flow of life energy.
This evening is an introduction to our Tantra Massage Retreat what starts 24 January. You may join us for 3,5,9 days or whole 2 weeks. Here you may read more information about:
21.01.2019 from 6-9.30PM
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center
Sri Thanu, Koh Phangan, Thailand
Suggested Free donation - 500BHT ( free means you may pay less, not at all or even more )
Wish to see you soon ♥
Michal Kali Griks
For more info check our website:
This workshop is composed in such a way that you can learn and feel what sacred touch is so that you can allow healing energy of love into your body and life. Mastering the art of giving and receiving tantric massage is opening us on many levels:
– It helps to recover energy
– Teaches us sacred touch
– Raise awareness of the body
– Is an Introduction to tantric sex
– Develops our potential for love.
It is not possible to mention all the benefits of tantric massage but first of all, it is an experience of deep inner joy, bliss, cleansing, peace and ecstasy. It is the experience of being whole. We will mainly focus on the feelings in the body and not only on the techniques.
First of all, we want to ensure that participants will experience touch, that they open up for receiving and giving on the body level, that they open up for feeling the pleasure of being a giver and receiver of a massage.
We want to go deep into the levels of feeling pleasure, bliss, and flow of the love energy. We want to free all the tension from our bodies, let them go away to make more space in the body, to make in the place of the blockages space for the flow of life energy.
This evening is an introduction to our Tantra Massage Retreat what starts 24 January. You may join us for 3,5,9 days or whole 2 weeks. Here you may read more information about:
21.01.2019 from 6-9.30PM
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center
Sri Thanu, Koh Phangan, Thailand
Suggested Free donation - 500BHT ( free means you may pay less, not at all or even more )
Wish to see you soon ♥
Michal Kali Griks
For more info check our website:
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Tantric Massage Retreat
Tantric Massage Retreat on Koh Phangan starts on 24th January! There are still some places left...
The 2-Weeks Retreat will cover great subjects like
De-Armouring Massage, Neo-Tantric Massage and Full Body Orgasm without Touching.
You want to change your (Love-)Life forever?
Join us now!
Saturday, January 12, 2019
The Practice of Tantra - Free Lecture & Workshop
How can you use Tantra and Tantric practices daily to transform your life?
How can you tremendously improve your relationship with simple Tantric techniques and see immediate effects?
How can you increase your self-love and love to your partner and others?
How can you use and integrate sensuality and sexuality in your spiritual path, so that it nourishes you on all levels?
This Lecture and Workshop introduces you into the basic principles of Tantra and Tantric practice. It will be mainly theoretical, but will also include some simple, safe and short exercises.
Michal Kali Griks, founder of worldwide "Tantra Movement", is a Tantra teacher, a Kundalini Yoga teacher and also a Tantric masseur relationship and life coach. His Tantric journey began over eleven years ago. He graduated as a Tantra Masseur and Group Trainer at the Rasayana Tantra Academy in the Netherlands. Since more than seven years he has been sharing his wisdom and knowledge as a teacher of Tantra.
With spreading Tantra in an experience-based and practical way, he wants to contribute to bring healing and understanding to the important area of love. With his teachings, he intends to bring sexuality out of guilt and shame to it's rightful place of sacredness and honour.
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center / near Sri Thanu
(Hint: Dirt Road direction "Holystone")
The Lecture is open to all participants free, but we would kindly suggest a donation up tp 500 THB
More Infos on Tantra Movement, Workshops and Retreats:
How can you tremendously improve your relationship with simple Tantric techniques and see immediate effects?
How can you increase your self-love and love to your partner and others?
How can you use and integrate sensuality and sexuality in your spiritual path, so that it nourishes you on all levels?
This Lecture and Workshop introduces you into the basic principles of Tantra and Tantric practice. It will be mainly theoretical, but will also include some simple, safe and short exercises.
Michal Kali Griks, founder of worldwide "Tantra Movement", is a Tantra teacher, a Kundalini Yoga teacher and also a Tantric masseur relationship and life coach. His Tantric journey began over eleven years ago. He graduated as a Tantra Masseur and Group Trainer at the Rasayana Tantra Academy in the Netherlands. Since more than seven years he has been sharing his wisdom and knowledge as a teacher of Tantra.
With spreading Tantra in an experience-based and practical way, he wants to contribute to bring healing and understanding to the important area of love. With his teachings, he intends to bring sexuality out of guilt and shame to it's rightful place of sacredness and honour.
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center / near Sri Thanu
(Hint: Dirt Road direction "Holystone")
The Lecture is open to all participants free, but we would kindly suggest a donation up tp 500 THB
More Infos on Tantra Movement, Workshops and Retreats:
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Ons klimaat lijdt onder #vleeskoorts Rabobank
Daarom dien ik een klacht in
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