Damoclash teams up with PRINDI
The Dutch budget cuts and severe police brutality towards squatters and cultural activists in The Netherlands is pushing artists into exile. Therefore we're seeking asylum in Kosovo. The 13th edition of the independent culture festival Damoclash will take place in Prishtina, Kosovo! 50 Dutch artists and cultural activists will travel from Amsterdam to Prishtina to merge with the local underground scene.
On august the 13th, at a secluded part of the beautiful Lake Batovc, the 13th Damoclash teams up with PRINDI; the Pristina Underground Scene, to provide the city with a transnational cultural festival where the boundary between countries as well as the boundaries between performers and audience are temporarily annulled. Dutch and Kosovar bands, acts and artists will perform on a joint stage, celebrating the merger of two independent scenes: Prishtina and Amsterdam.
Preliminary program: www.damoclash.nl
The festival will present and provoke you to join in a chaotic circus-like mixture of music, poetry, film, debate and theatre. Instead of providing the passive consumption of art, Damoclash seeks to initiate and activate all people that feel passionately for performing, confronting and experimenting. Enjoy, experiment and participate!
Damoclash is a free, independent, non-commercial festival for underground artistic potential & activity in every possible form. We have organized 12 festivals in Amsterdam, where music, poetry, debates, art, theatre, and a weird tradition called the cultural peepshow (in which a private one-on-one cultural performance is provided in a very small performance space) are combined to offer a way for the audience to freely participate and connect. Last year, Damoclash celebrated the bankruptcy of the capitalist system. With fluctuating beer prices, burning banks, our own crisis management and money-printing on demand we created our own monetary society at ADM.
In preparation for the exodus
On Thursday the 28th of July everyone will be welcome to visit the temporary embassy for the new Damoclash free state in Amsterdam at the Vondelbunker, in the Vondelpark at 20.00. Here you can inform yourself on the coming emigration. Information will be provided on 'I-love-Holland-nationalism' and repression of counter culture and demonstrations. Everybody who has images of recent police brutality is asked to bring these along. We will also write letters to political prisoners in foreign detention.
In need of transport
If you are in need of transport: we try to arrange a bus. If we get 40 people together, a return ticket will cost 170 euro. If you are interested to join, contact
The plan is to leave around the 9th of August from Ansterdam to be in Prishtina on the 13th. The bus will return to the Netherlands on the 21th of August.
Looking for passengers?
Are you coming with your own car and do you have any seets left? E-mail us at
Staying over and other stuff
The festival is totally DIY. Bring your tent with you, check out the hostels in Pristhina, and contact your friends.
Hope to see you on the 28th of July and the 13th of August!
Schijnheilig & Damoclash
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