Nederlands bedrijf discrimeert Poolse Lowlands bezoekers nn - 21.08.2010 01:48 Meer dan tien Polen die statiegeldbekers verzamelden zijn vrijdag van het Lowlands festivalterrein gestuurd zonder hun persoonlijke bezittingen. Medewerkers van beveiligingsbedrijf "The Security Company" ( Meer dan tien Polen die statiegeldbekers verzamelden zijn vrijdag van het Lowlands festivalterrein gestuurd zonder hun persoonlijke bezittingen. Medewerkers van beveiligingsbedrijf "The Security Company" ( Twee personen zijn in elkaar geslagen door de festivalbeveiliging, waarvan een hevig en bloedend. Hij werd naar een politiebureau in de buurt gebracht. Nadat ze met hem hadden gepraat heeft de politie besloten hem terug te brengen naar het festivalterrein en een onderzoek in te stellen. Een vrouw werd op de grond gelegd en door een mannelijke beveiliger gefouilleerd. Zij voelde zich geschonden. Beveiligingsmedewerkers verwijderden foto's met beschuldigend bewijsmateriaal van telefoons. Eén slachtoffer heeft een boete van 500 euro gekregen. Het is niet duidelijk waarom. Beveiligingsmedewerkers vroegen willekeurige bekerverzamelaars of ze Nederlander zijn. Een man die zijn Poolse identiteitsbewijs liet zien werd onmiddelijk van het terrein gestuurd. Een ooggetuige die vroeg wat er aan de hand was werd ook weggestuurd na het tonen van een Pools identiteitsbewijs, ondanks dat hij slechts twee bekers had verzameld. ---------------------------------------------- Dutch security company discriminates Polish Lowlands visitors More than ten Polish people collecting cups for their deposits have been kicked out from the Lowlands festival terrain on friday without their personal belongings. Employees of "The Security Company" ( Two people were beaten by festival security, one person beaten up heavily and bleeding. He was taken to a nearby police station. After talking to him, the police decided to take him back to the festival terrain and start an investigation. One girl was put on the ground and searched by male security. She felt violated. Security guards deleted photo's from phones with incriminating evidence. One victim has received a fine for 500 euro's. It's not clear why. Security employees randomly asked people that were collecting cups if they where Dutch. A man showing his Polish ID was immediately expelled from the terrain. A witness that asked what was happening was also removed after showing Polish ID, despite having collected only two cups. |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten |
aanvullingen |
uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |
triest gedoe |
ans - 21.08.2010 11:25 fotomateriaal? pers ingeseind? |
Write email or call |
Kosiarz - 21.08.2010 11:36 Please write email or call to organizers and security company. Below contacts: The Security Company: Bouwerij 30 1185 XX Amstelveen Postbus 8001 1180 LA Amstelveen Nederland email: Telefoon: 020 - 4 562 222 Fax: 020 - 4 562 200 Organizers: Mojo concerts Bel ons: 015-212 19 80 mail: |
info - question |
matol - 21.08.2010 15:20 info is from a fest, from people who spoke with some "organizer". if you in amsterdam, it will be benefit meeting about Rozbrat, and we can meet togeather. |
mistake |
nn - 21.08.2010 15:34 sorry , i wrote above that this guy has to sit for at least 3 weeks but i ment 3 days. |
De festivalorganisatoren waren geschokt ?? XD |
noname - 21.08.2010 16:54 Please do not provide false in formations. It was about 30 polish cup collectors had been capcherd by security guards all phones were taken to prevent taking pictures of security guys,they refused to show id or even tell the name of their company.. Also one dutch cup collector was capcherd but as soon as they find out his nationality they just let him go.. From all others(polish and one german) de bandjes were stolen (it took them about one month in poland to make money for lowlands the ticket. none of them broke any rule of the festival.Some were beatin up,one realy badly,he was refused to see a doctor for a long time. Girls were forced to pee in the toilet with an open door and bunch of security guys kept staring at her.. The organisators of lowlands had known those facts,only thing they had to say was we were not allowed at the festival area any more and threat us with 3 days in jail if we will come back.Organisators kept looking at us being pushed further from the main entrance. Now were gonna start the courtcase aginst TSC to make them face responsibility for that whats happend.and get refund for the stolen tickets. |
bekerrapers |
nn - 22.08.2010 08:28 tot mijn verbazing blijkt dit een hele arbeidstak te zijn die mij niet eerder bekend was: als de security nou zakkenrollers of tentenstropers zou gaan zoeken, maar bekerrapers? op de fora blijkt dat de jongeren waarbij ik geen rijke ouders vermoed het wel prima vinden dat er bekerrapers zijn, lowlands is tenslotte waanzinnig duur. de lui die hun recycle beker over de schouder werpen hebben blijkbaar geld genoeg en vinden de bekerrapers vies, naar, ratten of een ander xenofoob pvv standpunt. tja deze opportunistische mensen werken hier op de overschotten de verwende kaaskoppen jeugd. |
Recover Deleted photo's from digital camera |
nn - 22.08.2010 18:32 A website that gives simple instructions for retrieving lost photos. This is for the victims of the unacceptable discrimination that happened at Lowlands Festival. Hopefully you can retrieve photo's with incriminating evidence that will help and make your case stronger so that you can prosecute. Check out this website, I hope that it helps you. |
nl anarchist so lame |
noname - 22.08.2010 20:29 thnx for telling us about diy festivals,we never heard about it. cup collectors were screwing lowlands budged thats why they were kicked out.Oranisators quickly calculated how much money gonna flow out from festival cuz of cup collectors thats why kicked them out.(even with their profit cant really feel it but can look at numbers thou).and some people still write organisators were shocked they were shocked. your anarchy ends with wall of your libary where u built your barricades. and i appreciate post of security dude,which is helpfull and makes most sense.thnx. |
handig |
nn - 22.08.2010 21:39 Hier |
filmpje over bekersrapen |
link - 22.08.2010 21:53 Hier een linkje naar een item op De organisatie legt keurig uit waarom ze het statiegeldsysteem hebben en er worden wat personen geinterviewd die al 300 euro bijeengeraapt hebben. Of de organisatie is in dit filmje een schijnheilig verhaaltje aan het vertellen of het is puur de ordedienst die polen discrimineert of misschien mensen die er niet zo net uitzien als je jongeren in het filmpje. (of de mensen die er uit werden gegooid en in elkaar werden getrimd waren achter de rug van mensen nog niet lege bekers aan het rapen. Uit de verhalen hierboven blijkt hier echter niets van. Ik wil trouwens niet zeggen dat je iemand er in dat geval wel uit zou mogen gooien, alleen kun je dan moeilijker hardmaken dat het om discriminatie ging.) |
Hot discussion also on polish media |
mgriks(at) - 23.08.2010 01:18 in polish = po polsku here = tutaj |
This is discrimination |
mgriks(at) - 23.08.2010 15:19 if there on dutch media (link above) there on the moovie is security guy explaining that its ok that people collecting the cups, there are dutch people that explaining that they are making money, and in the post above few times you can read that dutch people had no problem, THERE IS DISCRIMINATION. Open your eyes. BTW Many of those people they are active political squatters ( often students ) thus rarely crust's |
jammer |
nl anarchist - 23.08.2010 17:02 we have yet a long way to go together. people are angry, feel misunderstood, voice assumptions. i hope one day we can put all this energy into creating. |
Soep niet zo heet... |
Vancouverfan - 23.08.2010 18:04 Other news report are saying the Polish guys were very agressive in collecting the cups. People with half a cup were stared at or the cups were taken out of their hands. Also other people at the festival have seen Polish guys that were very annoying. So I don't think this is about discrimination. But trying to keep the festival a pleasure for everybody. |
vancuverfan how lame u can be? |
nn - 23.08.2010 19:40 really u have to be dutch lowland teenage lamo to belive that belive it or not all cup collectors were captured at ones.asked for nationallity and the polish ones got kicked out.they did not misbehive,were drunk etc.I wish security were tested for drugs thou. ive seen it.they all were sober doing nothing exept of picking up cups from the ground or rubishbins.just work,no one was violent there exept of security,cuz one guy didnt seat when he was told to. but whatever u have your media to u have to be dutch lowland teenage lamo to belive that belive it or not all cup collectors were captured at ones.asked for nationallity and the polish ones got kicked out.they did not misbehive,were drunk etc.I wish security was tested for drugs thou. ive seen it.they all were sober doing nothing exept of picking up cups from the ground or one of them was violent there exept of security,cuz one guy didnt seat when he was told to. but whatever u have your media to trust. |
Don't believe in everything what they saying |
Spirit Of Squatters Collective - 23.08.2010 23:59 Geloof niet alles One poster which is saying Do not believe in everything what they are writing. Media,politicians and police very often are in the hands of the rich which mostly would like to be even more rich. That's why: Make difference ! Organize yourself ! Resist ! Look for Alternative's ! For example : radio patapoe Vrije Keyzer TV every tuesday and friday at 20.00 etc. |
answer to "Capitalism, anti-capitalism..." |
no gods, no masters - 24.08.2010 18:22 to the author of comment: Capitalism, anti-capitalism and anarchism nn - 24.08.2010 02:08 I am agree with you. My friends and comrades from Rozbrat collective (they were collecting coups also) know it is "elitist and lifestylist" solution to "drop out" of capitalism by using (squatting) forgotten buildings, skipping food from containers or "stealing" garbage (plastic coups) on Lowlands. But THEY LIVE NOW AND HERE and as you said they do not want to have their hands dirty, so they use this solutions. You should know that in the same time members of Rozbrat collective are very active in political struggle, because they know "elitist and lifestylist" solution to "drop out" of capitalism are not solution that everybody can use in their daily life and as you said "There is no possibility for building a lifestylist mass movement" either. In order to bulid wider anti-capitalist movement they are building connection with local community of Poznan. They support workers, people from their neighbourhood Solacz in their struggle against local authorities, they do activities with environmentalists and cyclists (lack of bike roads in Poznan). When Rozbrat collective organized demo to defend their squat some of the local people that were supported by Rozbrat collective came to show their support and solidarity with squatters and anarchists. As you see in their everyday political struggle they are trying to build up wider anti-capitalist movement. Please check their websites: The Workers' Initiative (anarcho-syndicalist workers union) Rozbrat collective On the right bottom corner you can click to translate website to english, dutch and other languages. |
Capitalism, anti-capitalism and anarchism |
nn - 24.08.2010 23:50 Dear no gods, no masters I'm not criticising those who were collecting cups, I understand that people have to do what they can to survive under capitalism. I'm criticising those comments from dutch anarchists equating cup picking with capitalism, which reveals their lack of understanding of what capitalism is as a social relation, wage laour, etc., what anarchism means and what some people have to do in order to get by and make a living. As if there is an option to just live outside of capitalism or work in self organised anarchist jobs, as if this isn't another form of wage labour, even if it is self managed (probably part of the problem). See article "Abolish Restaurants" on the contradictions and false thinking in working for alternative workplaces. It would seem those picking cups are aware of those contradictions within "lifestylism" and "dropping out" and choose to take part anyway, which is fine and they're probably aware of the problem with paying to work and no workers rights, but being judged by others for doing it is the height of ignorance/arrogance/condescension. "As you see in their everyday political struggle they are trying to build up wider anti-capitalist movement." This is appreciated and understood, keep up the good work. Better than alot of the unenlightened self interest here in the netherlands. @ ea, the quote is from Introduction to Anarchist Communism by the Anarchist Federation. |
Ook aandacht voor de kwestie op GS |
spotter - 25.08.2010 14:28 |
nn - 25.08.2010 17:49 how cool of you that you wrote something to lowlands. i also will write something now but not sure which mail adress, i only could find this one it would be really cool if a lot of people would write to them. thanx |
Some selected coments from our media |
mgriks(at) - 25.08.2010 18:03 link to the pages below Anonymous Anonymous said... An apology from the security company sounds on its place here, because I think they were totally out of line here (what else is new). This is where the problem starts: most of those security guys are army or police rejects that weren't good enough to qualify for a more responsible security job, and then ended up with a security company. Please note that I said: 'most of them'. There are lots of very professional security guards, but obviously they weren't working on Lowlands. Tip for the organization: check who you hire next time, because this all is ridiculous. And an apology towards the polish folks that had to undergo this madness; I'm dutch, but VERY much ashamed of my country in this matter. Anonymous Only one with brains here? said... No proof = nothing happened. I can make up any number of stories like this, especially since you can't find any info on this anywhere else. On top of that, NO reports on this from the local police. NONE at all. Stop making shit up. Anonymous Anonymous said... Destroyed pictures will not be un-recoverable! Keep your smart-cards and cell phones safe and dont store any new data is it will overwrite the original pictures. Google for forensic data recovery. a tool like Encase (available in P2P and torrents) will get the pictures back. Without evidence this didn't happen. So get it back so you have a case. Blogger Tim said... I filed a complaint at the security company for their behaviour last year. on monday everybody has to leave the campsite.(this year the airforce was happy to provide a few flybys with two f16 fighter planes) Normally the security guys wake stragglers but now they have gorilla like staff with little temper on their payrol. What they did was cut tent cords with their knives and break tent poles just to get rid of the festival goers. This year some lost their temper when dealing with people having fun but not realy misbehaving. Like the toilet concerts on campsite 2 and 3. One guy went totaly crazy. I dont hope this will be a trend for the next years to come. |
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