Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Demonstration in solidarity to the Greek people and against the austerity measures in the Netherlands and all over Europe.

Poster om te verspreiden.

- E-Mail:  griekenlandisoveral@live.nl

Demonstration in solidarity to the Greek people and against the austerity measures in the Netherlands and all over Europe.

Saturday - 17.07.2010,
At 14:00,
Spui, Amsterdam.

It is not our crisis! We will not pay for it! Greece is everywhere!

After the Greek government giving the signal, governments all over Europe are imposing ultra-neoliberal policies. 30€ billion of budget cuts in Greece, 29€ billion in the Netherlands, 45€ billion in France, 80€ billion in Germany… Salaries are being decreased, the regulation of dismissals is being lifted off, good education and health care are becoming an expensive privilege of the rich, state services are being privatized.
They tell us that these cuts are necessary to cover the large state debts and deficits. They do not tell us that these debts and deficits were created by the rescue packages that governments offered as a gift to banks. They also do not tell us that with these budget cuts they want the unemployed, the students and the working people to pay for these rescue packages.
They tell us that austerity measures are needed in order to gather the funds that are needed to rescue the euro. They do not tell us that the 750€ billion rescue package for Greece – with a 5.5% usurer's rent – and the other 'weak' economies of the Eurozone is neither a 'blanco cheque' for the Greek people nor a rescue act for Europe.
They do not tell us that the money from this rescue package will go directly to the accounts of the lenders of Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy: the banks and the international speculators that after being 'rescued' last year with tax-payers money, started to speculate and make profit on the default of countries and on the misery of millions of citizens. As the former director of the Bundesbank, Karl Otto Pohl, said: …"what this was really about – (it was) namely (about) rescuing the banks and the rich Greeks" (der Spiegel, 18/05/2010). This 'gift' to banks and speculators will be paid by the Greek people – the poor Greeks – through their loss of income, and by the rest of the European people by having to pay an extra debt and by facing 'preemptive' austerity measures so that their countries can avoid the 'Greek disaster'.
They tell us that we have to accept the deterioration of our living standards with the austerity measures. They also tell us that the strikes and demonstrations in Southern Europe endanger further the economy of these countries and the stability of the euro. They do not tell us that the hundreds of thousands of Greeks, Spanish and Portuguese that have gone to the streets against this unprecedented neoliberal attack are struggling for their basic rights on employment, earnings, pension, education and health care and not to protect some non-existing luxurious privileges that are paid with European money.
We say that Greece is everywhere also for us! The struggle of Greek people against the EU-IMF austerity measures needs our solidarity and not only… It's not only about them 'over there in the South of Europe'. It's also about us, in the Netherlands. No matter what government will be formed in the coming weeks, pure right-wing or 'purple-plus', the poor and middle-class Dutch working people and students will face a cut of unemployment and social welfare benefits, abolition of dismissal-regulation, increase of education and health-care costs. The poor and middle-class people will have to cover the 29€ billion budget cuts so that ABN-AMRO can keep the 30€ billion rescue package that it received last year…
The struggle of the Greek people against the EU-IMF austerity measures is our struggle. It is a struggle for a society that will be determined by the people's needs and not by the banks' interests. It is a struggle for a society with an acceptable standard of living for everybody – working people, students, unemployed and pensioners. It is a struggle for a society without poverty and inequality. It is a struggle for free education and health care for everybody.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Whales in Agadir - we won!

Dear friends,

We did it! The proposal to legalise whale killing went down in flames in Morocco -- and our campaign helped to tip the balance.

In a few short weeks, we built the biggest whale-saving petition in history, signed by an extraordinary 1.2 million of us worldwide, and delivered it directly to key delegates at the International Whaling Commission meeting. In the end, the 24 year old whaling ban was upheld.

The pro-whaling lobby tried to use political favours to win a so called 'compromise' that amounts to a quota for hunting whales, but as tension grew in the closed-door talks, our massive petition became a top story on the BBC's world news, and we worked with friendly negotiators and other allies to put pressure where it was most needed and draw greater global attention.

The Australian environment minister Peter Garrett received our petition for like-minded governments in front of the world's media and said "Thank you very much Avaaz. It is a great pleasure to be here and accept this petition ... I believe the people of the world's voices need to be heard. I certainly hear them today."

The US delegation greeted us saying -- "Avaaz! We saw your billboard at the airport!" and delegates were overheard excitedly discussing our giant real-time petition counter outside the meeting as it blew far past the million mark.

After the meeting, one European negotiator told us: "We've managed to keep the ban in place...I've been checking the petition online. I was very impressed by how fast the numbers are rising and seeing people signing from across the world."

This is an important victory for whales -- and for global people power -- together we demonstrated that international decisions can be shifted by a little bit of well-placed effort from a lot of people everywhere.

Over its short lifespan, our movement has exploded through a simple democratic idea: that people power can stand up and win against powerful special interests. Whether it be protecting whales, countering corruption, supporting authentic democracy movements or fighting for a global climate deal, we are coming together to bridge the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want.

Avaaz.org is a 4.9-million-person global campaign network
that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Jonge Dieren Activist Bram. Video interview at Amsterdam Roots Festival

Amsterdam Roots Reggae that's one of the best, positive manifestation for tolerance and against racism. Beside of the music from all around the world there is also market with all kind off things mainly from Africa. We found also few organisations for social change and human and animal rights, so we interviewed them and one by one we will present their message at Spirit Of Squatters Collective channel. Together we are stronger so support them by spreading this info and video !
Here is the plan of the Following movies:
(At the earlier posts You can see already those movies which are written thick)
1. Varkens In Nood - animal rights organisation
2. One Men (can make a difference) - human rights supporters
3. Jongeren Milieu Actief tegen Shell actie.
4. Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - volunteering organisations coordinating short and long term volunteering projects.
5. Varkens In Nood by Jonge Activisten - a child is teaching about animal rights
6.Jongeren Milieu Actief - young part of dutch equivalent of ecologic organization Friends Of the Earth.
           7. Varkentjes poem readed by Jong Activist

 Also all "Roots" interviews we played in radio show Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm . Soon MP3 on the our media.

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!

Awakening Against Wapon Trade Action

show from 8.6.2010

you can embed or download it here:

radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)

Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on http://www.freeteam.nl/patapoe
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
Op donderdag 3 juni komen vertegenwoordigers van tientallen wapenproducenten bijeen in Amsterdam voor de 'Netherlands Offset Conference'. Deze conferentie gaat over zogenaamde compensatieorders, orders die buitenlandse defensiebedrijven verplicht bij Nederlandse bedrijven moeten plaatsen wanneer de Nederlandse krijgsmacht iets bij hen koopt. Campagne tegen Wapenhandel organiseert een picketline 'Stop wapenhandel!' voor de deur van de conferentie.
Vijf van de tien grootste wapenproducenten ter wereld zullen bij deze conferentie vertegenwoordigd zijn: BAe, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, L-3 Communications en Thales. Deze bedrijven leveren wapens aan landen in spanningsgebieden, landen met interne conflicten en straatarme landen, die hun geld wel beter kunnen besteden. Ook zijn al deze bedrijven betrokken bij de productie van kernwapens en/of clustermunitie. Lockheed Martin is voorts de hoofdaannemer van het controversiële JSF-project.
Daarnaast is ook het Israëlische bedrijf Elbit aanwezig, dat op diverse manieren een bijdrage levert aan de onderdrukking van de Palestijnen. Zo levert het technologie en camera's voor de scheidingsmuur tussen Israël en de Palestijnse gebieden. Een zelfde soort contract kreeg het bedrijf voor het hek tussen de VS en Mexico, bedoeld om 'illegale' immigratie tegen te gaan.
Tijdens de conferentie zullen ook tientallen Nederlandse bedrijven aanwezig zijn, in de hoop meer compensatieorders binnen te halen.

Wapenhandelaren verdienen grof geld aan de dood of verminking van talloze mensen. Mede dankzij hen worden oorlogen, andere gewelddadige conflicten en situaties van onderdrukking in stand gehouden. Nederland heeft hier als de op vijf na grootste wapenexporteur ter wereld, een belangrijk aandeel in.
De miljarden die omgaan in de wapenhandel kunnen veel beter ingezet worden om te werken aan een meer leefbare, eerlijkere en vreedzame wereld voor iedereen.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Info-evening about Colombia ( In A'dam, Utrecht en Nijmegen)


Info evening about land-expropriation, repression and growing resistance in Colombia.

What's happening in Colombia?
In Colombia every day people are being pushed of their lands. Small farmer villages are being demolished by the state to make space for multinationals. These want to use the land to extract raw materials of build hotels. Often people are raped and killed for their land. Inhabitants that defend their lands are systematically murdered or 'disappeared' by the army, that works together with paramilitary structures. We're talking about many thousands of people. At the same time, the Colombian state locked up many thousands because of their struggle for their land and for a economic and political alternative against the neoliberal model that changed Colombia so much the past twenty years.
Besides that, it's becoming more and more impossible for indigenous groups to maintain their culture. Colombia, where 0,3% of the people own more than 50% of the land, is no exception in South America.
Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad comes to talk about the expropriations, state repression and the growing resistance in the form of the campaign Campaña Contra el Despojo, por la Soberanía, la Autodeterminación y la Permanencia en el Territorio ( Campain against the robbery, for sovereignty, autonomy and permanence on the land). They are doing a tour through Europe.

Interested? Come Sunday the 27th of June to the MKZ (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16, behind Vondelpark, Amsterdam). Info @ 20.00, and from 19.00 onwards our famous soup kitchen will be opened, where you can enjoy soup and nice sandwiches with a juice or a beer.

Info evening in English! This info-evening will take place in Utrecht monday the 28th and in Nijmegen tuesday the 29th. Info about time and location will be published below

- E-Mail: agamsterdam@yahoo.com Website: http://agamsterdam.wordpress.com/

Jongeren Mielieu Actief.Oplosingen.Video interview at Amsterdam Roots Festival

Amsterdam Roots Reggae that's one of the best, positive manifestation for tolerance and against racism. Beside of the music from all around the world there is also market with all kind off things mainly from Africa. We found also few organisations for social change and human and animal rights, so we interviewed them and one by one we will present their message at Spirit Of Squatters Collective channel. Together we are stronger so support them by spreading this info and video !
Here is the plan of the Following movies:
(At the earlier posts You can see already those movies which are written thick)
1. Varkens In Nood - animal rights organisation
2. One Men (can make a difference) - human rights supporters
3. Jongeren Milieu Actief tegen Shell actie.
4. Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - volunteering organisations coordinating short and long term volunteering projects.
5. Varkens In Nood by Jonge Activisten - a child is teaching about animal rights
6.Jongeren Milieu Actief - young part of dutch equivalent of ecologic organization Friends Of the Earth.
 Also all "Roots" interviews we played in radio show Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm . Soon MP3 on the our media.

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!

Jongeren Milieu Actief (JMA www.jma.org) is dé jongeren milieuorganisatie van Nederland voor en door jongeren tussen 12 en 28 jaar.

Op een creatieve, ludieke en positieve manier gaat JMA aan de slag met thema's als klimaatverandering, veehouderijen of duurzame consumptie! Wij geven jongeren, bedrijfsleven en de overheid alternatieven voor een schone en duurzame wereld.

  Nigeria is on fire. Shell Stop it! Gas flaring: Natural gas is often released in the extraction of oil in Nigeria. Shell sets this gas on fire. This gas flaring releases large quantities of greenhouse gas. Furthermore, it wastes an enormous amount of energy that Nigeria could put to good use.In this factsheet, Milieudefensie [Friends of the Earth Netherlands] presents information on gas flaring in Nigeria.What is flaring? Oil and gas are usually found together. Gas is thus nearly always released in oil production. This gas is usually gathered and used or reinjected into the ground. If the gas is not gathered, it is set on fire,called flaring. In most countries flaring is no longer permitted (1). In fact, Shell only still flares associated gas on a large scale in Nigeria. Shell in Nigeria Shell has been one of the key players in oil production in Nigeria since 1953. The company cooperates with the Nigerian government in a joint venture. Shell is the operator in this venture: the party that extracts the oil from the ground. Gas flaring began when Nigeria was still a British colony and oil extraction started in the late 1950s. Over the course of time, the negative consequences of flaring have become clear. Flaring in Nigeria has therefore been prohibited in theory since 1984. Major political interests: The Nigerian government obtains more than 80 percent of its income from profits and taxes from the oil industry.The Nigerian government has already been working on stopping flaring for more than ten years,but the deadline for the oil companies, the moment at which the government actually starts collecting fines, has been repeatedly postponed. Analysts expect that this will continue to be the case, even in 2012.The Nigerian government, the political elite and the oil concerns are extremely interdependent. The gasflares: Shell presently has a total of 110 gas flares burning in Nigeria. Most of the flares are located in the Niger Delta. The pipes emit immense quantities of heat and noise. The effect is intensified by the fact that they are positioned horizontally. Some of the flares are less than 200 metres from a village. Shell gas flaring locations in Nigeria. Consequences to the climate Gas flaring in Nigeria makes a major contribution to climate change. Greenhouse gases methane and CO2 are released when the gas is burned. Shell's gas flares in Nigeria emit as much greenhouse gas as four million passenger cars, half of all the cars in the Netherlands. That is nine tonnes of greenhouse gas per year. The consequences of climate change are already noticeable in Nigeria. In the north, extreme rainfall in regions that are normally dry as dust caused severe flooding in 2009 and many homes made from clay and mud collapsed. Consequences for residents of the Niger Delta: People who live nearby the flaring installations suffer from the deafening noise and scorching heat that come from the flares. Day and night they inhale toxic vapours from the flares, which leads to asthma,respiratory ailments and cancer. This causes hundreds of thousands of asthma attacks and dozens of fatalities per year among the 300,000 inhabitants in the state of Bayelsa alone. Wasted energy, wasted money: The gas that is flared is simply natural gas, which could be used in electric power plants or exported as liquefied natural gas (LNG). In Nigeria, Shell burns off an amount of useable natural gas equivalent to the use of threequarters of all Dutch central heating installations and boilers. In Nigeria, 1.5 billion dollars worth of gas was burned in 2007 alone. It is estimated that 27 billion dollars worth of gas has been wasted over the years. It is therefore even more distressing that the people who live beside the gas flares often have to make do with no electricity. Shell's broken promises:  Year after year, Shell has promised to extinguish the flares. But the company has not yet kept its promise. Shell made a great show of announcing it would stop the flaring in 2009, but in 2009 not a single flare was put out.It is true that the amount of gas Shell flares in Nigeria has dropped by 30 per cent in recent years.This is partially due to Shell's gas projects such aselectric power plants. But the main reason is the closure of the oil flow in Ogoniland by government order. This occurred following large-scale protests bylocal people against pollution by Shell.Why doesn't Shell stop?Shell places the blame for lagging progress on the Nigerian government, which has not been willing to co-finance investments. Shell works with the Nigerian government in a joint venture, in which Shell is responsible for extraction of the oil. Local people have also been said to block access to installations. If Shell really wanted to stop the flaring, it has the financial and technical means to do so, and its influence in Nigeria is sufficient. Shell is a major player in Nigeria in the field of oil extraction. The company thus bears a great responsibility for the problems created by oil production. Shell's own 'Business Principles' state that the company wants to operate as a responsible member of society. Milieudefensie believes that corporate responsibility means that oil operations must be stopped if safety or the environment is endangered, until measures can be taken to prevent damage.                                                                      

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Info-night on underground activism by Peter Young (US)

Unique and very interesting talk by Peter Young coming from the US to Europe to share his experience and views from his 15 years experience as an above and underground activist in the animal liberation movement. This will be interesting for all movements as he talks about topics like coping with prison, overtaking fear, government tactics, direct action and personal stories.
The talk will be done in English.

Op 1 en 2 juli komt activist en ex-gevangene Peter Young uit de VS naar Nederland. Hij zal hier een presentatie en info avond houden over het ondergronds activisme binnen de dieren bevrijdings beweging in de VS vanuit zijn persoonlijke ervaring.

Hij zal onderwerpen behandelen zoals de geschiedenis van het ALF, hoe en waarom ondergronds activisme voor de dieren. Ook worden onderwerpen besproken die elke beweging aangaan zoals hoe om te gaan met angst, ervaringen als ondergronds activist, omgang met gevangenisstraffen, repressie van de overheid en directe actie.

Het zal een unieke en inspirerende avond worden met Peter Young die op vele fronten heeft gestaan en zelf een tijd in de gevangenis heeft doorgebracht voor zijn overtuiging en acties.


On the 1st and 2nd of July activist and former animal liberation prisoner Peter Young will discuss experiences and lessons from 15 years in the animal liberation movement.

An outspoken supporter of those who work outside the law to achieve animal liberation, Young offers the hows and whys of working underground for animal liberation in the U.S., success and failures of the A.L.F., and his personal experiences moving from mainstream activist, to midnight
raids, prison, and beyond.

Young will discuss A.L.F. history, government persecution, defeating fear, activism stories, and direct action strategy, and more.

Info-night 1 Amsterdam:
Datum en tijd/Date and time: July 1, 8 PM

Locatie/Location: Bollox
Eerste Schinkel­straat 14-16, Amsterdam
Eten/Food: 7 PM @ MKZ (same address as Bollox)
Reserve/reserveren 14.30-18.00 020-6790712
Vegan 3-course meal for 5 euro

Info-night 2 Den Bosch:
Datum en tijd/Date and time: July 2, 8.30 PM

Locatie/Location: Knoflook
Havendijk 3, Den Bosch
Eten/Food: 7 PM @ Knoflook

OneMen -video interview with human rights Organisation at Amsterdam Roots Festival

Amsterdam Roots Reggae that's one of the best, positive manifestation for tolerance and against racism. Beside of the music from all around the world there is also market with all kind off things mainly from Africa. We found also few organisations for social change and human and animal rights, so we interviewed them and one by one we will present their message at Spirit Of Squatters Collective channel. Together we are stronger so support them by spreading this info and video !
Here is the plan of the Following movies:
(At the earlier posts You can see already those movies which are written thick)
1. Varkens In Nood - animal rights organisation
2. One Men (can make a difference) - human rights supporters
3. Jongeren Milieu Actief tegen Shell actie.
4. Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - volunteering organisations coordinating short and long term volunteering projects.
5. Varkens In Nood by Jonge Activisten - a child is teaching about animal rights
6.Jongeren Milieu Actief - young part of dutch equivalent of ecologic organization Friends Of the Earth.
 Also all "Roots" interviews we will play today in radio show Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm More info below:

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!

Missie en visie van oneman.org


oneMen gelooft in de kracht van het individu. In kleinschaligheid met grote impact. In pioniers: mensen uit Afrika, Azië en Latijns-Amerika die hun idealen nastreven. En in jou: de supporter die vanuit Nederland het werk van de pioniers mogelijk maakt. Daarom gelooft oneMen in de gedachte "oneMen can make a difference". We geloven dat iedereen het verschil kan maken, mannen én vrouwen. De naam oneMen is een woordspeling. oneMen steunt pioniers die zich vaak alleen inzetten voor een betere wereld. Vandaar 'one'. Maar eigenlijk doe je dit nooit alleen. Je hebt vrijwilligers, medewerkers en donateurs nodig. Vandaar 'men'.

oneMen steunt pioniers

Overal in de wereld werken mensen op eigen initiatief aan het verbeteren van de leefsituatie van anderen. Deze mensen noemen wij pioniers en zij zijn vaak in hun eentje de drijvende kracht achter een kleinschalige organisatie. Het zijn lokale mensen, die zich onder moeilijke omstandigheden inzetten voor hun idealen, met een gedrevenheid vanuit het hart. Het werk is direct en aan de basis. Het werk wat ze doen is kleinschalig en vernieuwend. Kortom het is echt pionierswerk. De pioniers zijn vooral actief op het gebied van mensenrechten, persvrijheid, vrouwenrechten, aidsbestrijding en opvang van mishandelde kinderen.

Concrete hulp

oneMen wil deze pioniers steunen. Dat doen wij met concrete middelen op het gebied van transport en communicatie. Wij steunen pioniers met auto's, motoren, fietsen, boten, vrachtwagens, radiomasten, internetaansluitingen en computers. Deze praktische middelen zijn van onschatbare waarde voor de pioniers: hiermee kunnen zij veel meer mensen bereiken en mensen in een groter gebied helpen.

Jouw steun is nodig!

Om deze hulp mogelijk te maken, werft oneMen fondsen in Nederland bij bedrijven, donateurs, onderwijsinstellingen en groepen. Wij financieren de hulp aan pioniers zonder steun van de overheid. Met jouw donatie maak je het verschil in het leven van velen! 

OneMen - interview with human rights Organisation at Amsterdam Roots Festival

Missie en visie


oneMen gelooft in de kracht van het individu. In kleinschaligheid met grote impact. In pioniers: mensen uit Afrika, Azië en Latijns-Amerika die hun idealen nastreven. En in jou: de supporter die vanuit Nederland het werk van de pioniers mogelijk maakt. Daarom gelooft oneMen in de gedachte "oneMen can make a difference". We geloven dat iedereen het verschil kan maken, mannen én vrouwen. De naam oneMen is een woordspeling. oneMen steunt pioniers die zich vaak alleen inzetten voor een betere wereld. Vandaar 'one'. Maar eigenlijk doe je dit nooit alleen. Je hebt vrijwilligers, medewerkers en donateurs nodig. Vandaar 'men'.

oneMen steunt pioniers

Overal in de wereld werken mensen op eigen initiatief aan het verbeteren van de leefsituatie van anderen. Deze mensen noemen wij pioniers en zij zijn vaak in hun eentje de drijvende kracht achter een kleinschalige organisatie. Het zijn lokale mensen, die zich onder moeilijke omstandigheden inzetten voor hun idealen, met een gedrevenheid vanuit het hart. Het werk is direct en aan de basis. Het werk wat ze doen is kleinschalig en vernieuwend. Kortom het is echt pionierswerk. De pioniers zijn vooral actief op het gebied van mensenrechten, persvrijheid, vrouwenrechten, aidsbestrijding en opvang van mishandelde kinderen.

Concrete hulp

oneMen wil deze pioniers steunen. Dat doen wij met concrete middelen op het gebied van transport en communicatie. Wij steunen pioniers met auto's, motoren, fietsen, boten, vrachtwagens, radiomasten, internetaansluitingen en computers. Deze praktische middelen zijn van onschatbare waarde voor de pioniers: hiermee kunnen zij veel meer mensen bereiken en mensen in een groter gebied helpen.

Jouw steun is nodig!

Om deze hulp mogelijk te maken, werft oneMen fondsen in Nederland bij bedrijven, donateurs, onderwijsinstellingen en groepen. Wij financieren de hulp aan pioniers zonder steun van de overheid. Met jouw donatie maak je het verschil in het leven van velen! 

Join the 'Stop Nuclear Power!' infotour around the Baltic Sea!

Hi friends!
Today, on the 21st of June 2010, a group of actvists has gathered in
Mariehamn on the Aland island between Sweden and Finland to start the
anti-nuclear "Baltic Sea Info Tour". For the next two month they will
travel about 6,000 kilometers around the Baltic Sea to raise the awareness
about the nuclear threats to this inland sea which is the most radioactive
sea in the world. In 13 cities the info-tour will have stops and gather
with local activists and organizations to educate about the risks of
nuclear power, to do street actions and to develop the international
networks of anti-nuclear activists around the Baltic Sea.

You are invited to join the tour! You can travel the whole tour or join
for certain parts. If you could make it only to single events during the
infotour, it would also be great to meet you in some information events,
on the streets or in the regional network gatherings that will be
organized together with the local partners. Food and accommodation will be
free or on the basis of donations for our participants. If you can't
afford your travel costs, the possibilities to cover these expenses can be
figured out for you. - Anyway, please announce yourself as early as
possible to help to plan the activities and to arrange food and
accommodation for every one.

At each stop a different programme of activities has been organized by
local activists. They have decided which topics are the most important
ones for them right now, thus the tour will have information events
focussing on certain nuclear facilities, on nuclear waste issues, on the
general topic of the radiation in the Baltic Sea, on action methods for
anti-nuclear resistance and several other topics.

One goal of the infotour is to support the work of the local anti-nuclear
movements by appearance in these places. Basically a group of
international guests will draw media attention and helps to get public
awareness for the local nuclear issues the activists in these places are
dealing with.

Another aim is to strengthen and develop the networks between anti-nuclear
activists - as well between local groups as on an international level. We
will exchange plans for later anti-nuclear activities and work on the
preparation of these cooperative projects. Organizing such a big project
already created contacts and thus we could already make some experiences
with each other. To reach more activists and to structure the later
cooperation activities we are inviting groups and individuals widely to
join the regional networking gatherings. Please consider to attend the
ones that are closer to you. This is a list of the first network
gatherings during the infotour:

* Mariehamn (Finland): June 23 at 9 AM at "Uncan" in Mariehamn
* Loviisa/Isnas (FIN): June 27 at 2 PM at "Kaarnaranta" in Isnas
* Helsinki (FIN): June 30 at 2.30 PM at the Social Center in Helsinki

Find out more about the later networking gatherings and other events at
the 13 local stops of the infotour on our website:

Each stop has a specific webpage with detail information about the
activities there, the nuclear context there, contact information and
requirements for your participation.

Here is a brief overview of the infotour schedule:
# Åland (FIN): June 22-24
# Loviisa/Isnäs (FIN): June 26-28
# Helsinki (FIN): June 30 - July 2
# St. Petersberg (RUS) and Riga (LV): July 6-8
# Riga (LV): July 11-13
# Belarus and Vilnius (LT): July 15-17
# Jezioro Zarnowieckie (PL): July 21-23
# Greifswald (D): July 26-28
# Copenhagen (DK): July 30 - August 1
# Malmö (SE): August 3-5
# Stockholm (SE): August 9-11
# Olkiluoto/Rauma (FIN): August 14-16
# Oulu (FIN): August 18-20

For questions and to announce your participation please contact us at
tour[at]nuclear-heritage.net or at +358 41 7243254.

Wilders Krijgt Koekje van Eigen Deeg. Anti-Fitna film

Wilders Krijgt Koekje van Eigen Deeg
Wil Geerders 

Anti-Fitna is een film die een direct antwoord moet zijn op Geert Wilders Fitna' en in gaat op de praktijken van Geert Wilders en zijn ideeën over de immigratie en hoe Nederland superieur is aan andere landen.

Geert Wilders krijgt een koekje van eigen deeg met Anti-Fitna, een film die Nederland laat zien wat Geert Wilders allemaal van plan is, en hoe dit eigenlijk allemaal niet kan.

Geert Wilders is een tiran die het niet verdient om aan de macht te komen in Nederland. Wel stemmen er ruim 1.5 miljoen Nederlanders op deze man en zijn partij. Hoezo?

Standpunten die van Wilders een tyran maken zijn stellingen zoals de immigratiestop die moet worden gefaciliteerd door het dichtgooien van de grenzen. Dit roept herrineringen op naar de tijden van de Berlijnse Muur, die het kaf van het koren gescheiden moest houden. Zijn budgetplannen klinken prachtig, maar zijn niet uit te voeren. Zijn bezuinigingsplannen willen tegelijk dat er meer zorgmedewerkers en politieagenten bijkomen, maar dat met minder geld.

De praatjes van Geert Wilders zijn te mooi om waar te zijn, de dingen die hij wil kunnen niet waargemaakt worden.

- E-Mail: richardjbos@gmail.com

Climat action camp Belgium (and the others)

Klimaat Actie Kamp België

29 July – 4 August


Other Camps Around the World



Copenhagen has seen just one important spark of hope that should empower us to build our movement in the future: while the "official" climate summit was a total failure, lots of people showed to be determined to take action themselves. Despite all the repression and the obvious lack of ambition during the talks on the inside, during the street protests outside we could hear the call for change. There we could find the seeds for our movement, the roots for climate justice. It has become clearer than ever: we must not expect real solutions from our political 'leaders', but become active ourselves!

Similar things are happening on a daily basis: many current politicians, the media and corporate world play with the green hype while contiuing as before. Their solutions are all about greenwashing and trying to maintain the current, intenable market capitalist system, by proposing measures which conform to the free market. The current market-oriented approach is clearly far from effective. Corporations are making huge profits by trading emission rights, while the real problems are concealed: a foolish economic system, based on profit, unlimited growth, and increasing social inequalities. The current economic and climate crises more than ever show their disastrous consequences.


Climate change is happening ... now!

In the meantime, global climate change is moving forward. The consequences for the ecosystem and human beings become clearer everyday, especially in the south, among poor people and in the most vulnerable ecosystems. The current country commitments will lead to a 3 to 4°C increase of temperature which is equivalent to catastrophic climate change.


It is time for real action. Tens of thousands demonstrated for a socially just and effective climate policy in Copenhagen. Thousands of activists tried to enter the conference venue during the Reclaim Power Action in order to push for another, socially just climate agenda.

In the light of the political situation, the global movement for climate justice is gaining momentum, favouring alternative and real solutions. Our ideas and proposals are
in line with the demands of CJA, an international network on Climate Justice.

Some of the big asks:

  • We need to leave fossil fuels in the ground. Instead, we must invest in community-controlled renewable energy, and drastically reduce the current society's enslavement to energy.
  • Global capitalism is unsustainable per definition. We must stop over-production for over-consumption. You can't have infinite growth in a finite planet.
  • All should have equal access to the global commons through community control and sovereignty over energy, forests, land and water.
  • We must acknowledge the historical responsibility of the global elite and rich Global North for causing this crisis. Equity between North and south is essential.

If we put humanity before profit and solidarity above competition, we can live amazing lives without destroying our planet.

Get active, come to the Climate camp!

It is with all this in mind that a broad group of activists from Belgium and abroad have come together to create this summer's Camp for Climate Action. This year's camp is taking place from 29 July to 3 August. Different options for the location and the target are being considered. Sign up for our multi-language newsletter to stay up-to-date on our preparations (low email flow guaranteed!).

While regional camps prepared the ground for climate action in previous years, a first national climate camp took place in the harbour of Antwerp in August 2009. More than 400 people participated in a week full of education, direct action, encounter and exchange. There were actions against the meat industry, the Lange Wapper, nuclear energy etcetera. During one day, we occupied the most important coal hub in the harbour.


Everybody is welcome

We want the camp to be as inclusive as possible and we are reaching out to all those who share our vision. The camp is a place for anyone who's fed up with empty government rhetoric and corporate spin; for anyone who's worried that the small steps they're taking aren't enough to match the scale of the problem; for anyone who thinks present climate policies are only increasing inequalities and injustices; for anyone who wants to find concrete alternatives here and now; and for anyone who's worried about our future and wants to do something about it. It is not only a place for experienced activists, but also for all those who are interested, who want to learn more, and are looking for ways to become active. And everyone is free to participate in direct action – or not!

We try to organise the camp in an ecological and carbon-neutral way. Briging people together in the camp is is our way of building a climate justice movement capable of tackling the root causes of climate change.


Get involved!

Come to the camp, or, even better, join in the preparation process! We are all volunteers and all help is welcome. Whatever your background, there is a role for you.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Jongeren Milieu Actief Tegen Shell. video interview at the Amsterdam Roots Festival + all interviews today in the radio show Awakening + info about campaign against Shell

Amsterdam Roots Reggae that's one of the best, positive manifestation for tolerance and against racism. Beside of the music from all around the world there is also market with all kind off things mainly from Africa. We found also few organisations for social change and human and animal rights, so we interviewed them and one by one we will present their message at Spirit Of Squatters Collective channel. Together we are stronger so support them by spreading this info and video !
Here is the plan of the Following movies:
(At the earlier posts You can see already those movies which are written thick)
1. Varkens In Nood - animal rights organisation
2. One Men (can make a difference) - human rights supporters
3. Jongeren Milieu Actief tegen Shell actie.
4. Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - volunteering organisations coordinating short and long term volunteering projects.
5. Varkens In Nood by Jonge Activisten - a child is teaching about animal rights
6.Jongeren Milieu Actief - young part of dutch equivalent of ecologic organization Friends Of the Earth.
 Also all "Roots" interviews we will play today in radio show Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm More info below:

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!

radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)

Awakening i Polonia  Aktywna
Awakening and Polonia Aktywna

Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,
ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on http://www.freeteam.nl/patapoe
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.

Nigeria is on fire. Shell, stop it!

Nederlandse vlag

shelllogo groen

On its website Shell states that its scientists, engineers and entire technical community are working on the development of technologies to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

shelllogo half brand
IIn Nigeria, Shell keeps 110 gas flares burning, day and night. Together, these gas flares produce as much CO2 as four million cars. But this gas could be used for other purposes, such as electricity generation. Tells the harsh truth.
shelllogo brand

Nigeria is on fire. Shell, stop it!

Sign the petition

Nigeria is on fire
Climate consequences
Natural gas is often released in the extraction of oil in
Nigeria. Shell sets this gas on fire. The gas flares release
large quantities of greenhouse gas. Furthermore, they
waste an enormous amount of energy that Nigeria could
put to good use. In this factsheet, Milieudefensie
[Friends of the Earth Netherlands] gives information
about the consequences to the climate of flaring gas in
Greenhouse gas emissions
Flaring gas in Nigeria increases greenhouse
gases, the source of climate change, in two ways:
1. Burned gas
The first way is in the form of the greenhouse gas
carbon dioxide (CO2). Natural gas released in oil
production is set on fire. When the gas is burned
completely, CO2 is released. About 98 per cent
of the total amount of flared gas is burned
completely (1)(2).
2. Leaked gas
Not all the gas is burned. A small portion (2 per
cent) of the gas leaks away or is not fully burned.
This methane (natural gas) is a much more
powerful greenhouse gas than the CO2 that is
released when the gas is burned completely.
Methane has 20 to 60 times more impact on the
climate, depending on the period over which the
warming up is calculated.
The emission of greenhouse gases by Shell in
Nigeria is equal to that of four million passenger
cars: half the number of cars in the Netherlands.
Emissions in perspective
Exact figures for the amount of burned or leaked
gas are not known. In Nigeria, a total of 40
tonnes of greenhouse gases is emitted per year
(3). According to Shell's own estimates, the
company is responsible for nine tonnes (2).
Under ordinary circumstances, gas flaring by Shell
in Nigeria produces 4 per cent of all greenhouse
gases in Sub-Saharan Africa (2)(4). Flaring by all
the oil companies in Nigeria together equals 10
per cent of emissions in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Children playing near a gas flare. Photo: Elaine Gilligan
Decreasing emissions?
Shell's gas flaring in Nigeria seems to be
declining. Shell reported lower emissions in 2007
and 2008. According to Shell, flaring decreased
by 30 per cent between 2002 and 2008 due to
measures such as exporting LNG (liquefied
natural gas) and converting gas in electric power
The largest portion, however, is the result of
shutting down oil operations in Ogoniland by
government order. That occurred following largescale
protests by local people against pollution
by Shell. Before the protests, the emissions
amounted to 21 tonnes of greenhouse gases (2).
It is feared that Shell plans to start production
again as soon as possible and thus to carry on
with the flaring.
Wasted energy, wasted money
The gas that Shell flares in Nigeria is natural gas,
which could be gathered and used. The amount
of gas flared is equivalent to the amount of gas
used by three-quarters of all Dutch households.
This is thus a huge waste of energy and money.
Gas flared in Nigeria was worth 1.5 million dollars
in 2007 alone. It has been estimated that 27
billion dollars worth of gas has been wasted over
the years.
This is even more deplorable when one considers
that most people in the Niger Delta still have no
electricity in their homes. According to the World
Bank (1), gas flared by oil companies in Africa in
2000 would have been sufficient to provide half
of all electricity used in Africa that year.
The Nigerian government has developed a gas
master plan, which would provide gas-fuelled
electric plants, helping to restrict the gas flaring
and furnishing a much-needed supplement to
Nigerian electricity provision (5). Shell has so far
built two electric power plants in the Niger Delta.
The progress of other projects lags behind.
(1) ICF Consulting Ltd and Triple E Systems Associates
2006, Nigeria Carbon Credit Development for Flare
Reduction Projects, Guidebook.
(2) Shell plc 2009, 2007, Sustainability Report 2008, 2006
(3) World Bank 2004, Report No.3 Global Gas Flaring
Initiative: Regulation of Associated Gas Flaring and
Venting – A global overview and lessons learned.
(4) World Resources Institute http://earthtrends.wri.org/
(5) EIA 2005 country analysis brief Nigeria,
Milieudefensie, April 2010

"Roots" interviews 2day in Awakening in radio Patapoe at 88.3FM

Awakening i Polonia  Aktywna
Awakening i Polonia Aktywna

Also all "Roots" interviews we will play today in radio show Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm More info below:

radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on  http://www.freeteam.nl/patapoe
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.

Stichting Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - interview at the Amsterdam Roots Festival with Voluntary organisation.

Amsterdam Roots Reggae that's one of the best, positive manifestation for tolerance and against racism. Beside of the music from all around the world there is also market with all kind off things mainly from Africa. We found also few organisations for social change and human and animal rights, so we interviewed them and one by one we will present their message at Spirit Of Squatters Collective channel. Together we are stronger so support them by spreading this info and video !
Here is the plan of the Following movies:
1. Varkens In Nood - animal rights organisation
2. One Men (can make a difference) - human rights supporters
3. Jongeren Milieu Actief - young part of dutch equivalent of ecologic organization Friends Of the Earth.
4. Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - volunteering organisations coordinating short and long term volunteering projects.
5.Varkens In Nood by Jonge Activisten - a child is teaching about animal rights

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!

Slogotichting Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie (VIA) Wil je werken aan de wereld, dan kan dat met ons door het doen van vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland. Samen met andere internationale vrijwilligers kun je iets nuttigs doen en ook nog eens veel plezier maken! Er zijn meer dan 1000 projecten voor jong en oud, voor mensen met en zonder ervaring, ver weg of dichtbij, voor langere of kortere tijd, met fysieke inspanning of met je creativiteit. Altijd in direct contact met de plaatselijke bevolking. Voor velen een goede besteding van de vakantie en een mogelijkheid om een paar prachtige en intensieve weken door te brengen. De meeste van onze vrijwilligersprojecten duren 2 tot 3 weken maar we hebben ook lange termijn projecten van 3 tot 6 maaden.meetings.jpg

   Stichting Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie (VIA) organiseert internationale werkprojecten in Nederland. Daarnaast zenden we Nederlandse vrijwilligers uit naar werkprojecten in het buitenland. Projecten: Tijdens een werkproject leef en werk je gedurende een aantal weken samen met een internationale groep vrijwilligers. Het doel van projecten is om op een praktische manier een bijdrage te leveren aan maatschappelijke verandering. Naast het nut van het werk dat in de projecten verzet wordt, denken we ook dat het samenbrengen van mensen met verschillende achtergronden en nationaliteiten bijdraagt aan wederzijds begrip. Hulp : We proberen via deze projecten concrete hulp te bieden aan organisaties die bijdragen aan maatschappelijke verandering en hierbij steun kunnen gebruiken. Het werk dat vrijwilligers tijdens een werkkamp doen komt dus rechtstreeks ten goede aan de organisatie waarvoor ze werken, of ze nu meehelpen in een natuurgebied, tweedehands spullen inzamelen en opknappen, werken met gehandicapten of activiteiten organiseren in een asielzoekerscentrum. SCI :  VIA is de Nederlandse tak van Service Civil International (SCI), een internationale vredesorganisatie. SCI werd vlak na de eerste wereldoorlog opgericht; een groep internationale vrijwilligers werkte in Frankrijk samen aan de wederopbouw van verwoeste dorpen. In de loop der jaren is SCI uitgegroeid tot een wereldwijd netwerk, met takken in Europa, Azië en de VS en met partners in andere delen van de wereld. Die takken en partners organiseren allemaal hun eigen werkprojecten, waaraan buitenlandse vrijwilligers deelnemen. Het motto van SCI is 'geen woorden maar daden'. Belangrijk voor elk project is dat het op enige wijze voldoet aan de missie van SCI: het bevorderen van vrede! Lange Termijn Vrijwilliger :Naast het deelnemen aan werkprojecten van twee of drie weken biedt VIA ook beperkte mogelijkheden voor vrijwilligerswerk in het buitenland voor langere tijd. Aktief binnen VIA : VIA bestaat geheel uit vrijwilligers: we hebben geen betaalde krachten in dienst, dus alle werkzaamheden worden gedaan door vrijiwlligers. Dit gebeurt in verschillende groepen: de werkkampgroep, de kantoorgroep, de pr-groep, Midden-Oosten en Noord-Afrika groep; beslissingen worden genomen in de zogenaamde kerngroep. Het kantoor van VIA is in Amsterdam; elke woensdagavond is er kantooravond. VIA is altijd op zoek naar nieuwe mensen om mee te helpen bij de organisatie van kampen en het uitzenden van vrijwilligers.

Nigeria is on fire. Shell, stop it!

Nederlandse vlag

shelllogo groen

On its website Shell states that its scientists, engineers and entire technical community are working on the development of technologies to reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

shelllogo half brand
IIn Nigeria, Shell keeps 110 gas flares burning, day and night. Together, these gas flares produce as much CO2 as four million cars. But this gas could be used for other purposes, such as electricity generation. Tells the harsh truth.
shelllogo brand

Nigeria is on fire. Shell, stop it!

Sign the petition

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Varkens In Nood. Video Interview at Amsterdam Roots Festival

Amsterdam Roots Reggae that's one of the best, positive manifestation for tolerance and against racism. Beside of the music from all around the world there is also market with all kind off things mainly from Africa. We found also few organisations for social change and human and animal rights, so we interviewed them and one by one we will present their message at Spirit Of Squatters Collective channel. Together we are stronger so support them by spreading this info and video !
Here is the plan of the Following movies:
1. Varkens In Nood - animal rights organisation
2. One Men (can make a difference) - human rights supporters
3. Jongeren Milieu Actief - young part of dutch equivalent of ecologic organization Friends Of the Earth.
4. Vrijwillige Internationale Aktie - volunteering organisations coordinating short and long term volunteering projects.
5.Varkens In Nood by Jonge Activisten - a child is teaching about animal rights 

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action(like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!

Pigs in Peril
a Dutch animal welfare organisation

Appalled by the horrors of the epidemic of pigs' plague in 1997, Dutch novelist and publicist J.J. Voskuil founded the animal welfare foundation Pigs in Peril (Varkens in Nood). With this initiative he tried to raise moral consciousness about the living conditions of millions of pigs in the Dutch factory farms. Pigs in Peril preferred style of campaigning is to communicate decently but high profile.

The Netherlands are densely populated: 16 million people and 20 million pigs. The nation is the number one in export of pigs in Europe, transporting over 8 million animals to Germany, Spain, Italy and even Russia.

Production efficiency, in order to be cost effective, puts an enormous strain on living and housing conditions of the animals. In their stables, there's hardly any distraction so stress and all kinds of related health problems are immense. Coupled with specific market demands, pigs are the weakest link in the system, victim to tail docking, teeth cutting and castration. All this makes the life of a highly intelligent and social animal like a pig, deeply frustrating.

One of the primary focuses of Pigs in Peril is to inform the consumer on their responsibility in this matter. Every time people buy pork, their choice is of influence on the wellbeing of farm animals. Pigs in Peril hopes to arouse more interest and consciousness over the price of pork.    

After campaigning for two years and filing several lawsuits against supermarkets, Pigs in Peril has succeeded in banning castration for 80% of all boars sold in the Dutch supermarkets. See our pressrelease.
The Flemish best-seller writer Dimitri Verhulst is currently our ambassador. His first objective is to end the castration of piglets in Belgium. Read his article Castrating piglets is ofall  
For more information please contact us at info@varkensinnood.nl  

Aktie voor Gaza Vrijheidskonvooi 2

Al vier jaar lang lijden de inwoners van de Gaza-strook onder een erbarmelijke situatie. Er is een gebrek aan schoon drinkwater, melk voor baby's, voedsel, medicijnen en nog veel meer.

Aktie voor Gaza Vrijheidskonvooi 2

Al vier jaar lang lijden de inwoners van de Gaza-strook onder een erbarmelijke situatie. Er is een gebrek aan schoon drinkwater, melk voor baby's, voedsel, medicijnen en nog veel meer.
Reeds zijn er al honderden mensen bezweken door het ontbreken van deze primaire behoeften. Het enige wat niet bezweken is, is de steun van vele betrokkenen overal op de wereld.

Stichting ISRAA heeft reeds bijdragen geleverd aan verschillende acties, met als doel: het leed in Gaza te verzachten. De laatste actie waaraan ISRAA heeft bijgedragen is de "konvooi-actie".

Wij, stichting ISRAA zullen in samenwerking met verschillende organisaties niet opgeven! Wij zullen weer meehelpen met een vloot voor behoeftigen in Gaza. Dit willen wij doen door minstens één schip met hulpgoederen te leveren, welke halverwege juli uitvaart.

Bij deze vragen wij u om een bijdrage voor deze actie, want zonder uw steun kunnen wij het schip niet vullen.


Wij gaan de crisis niet betalen!

Onder de leus 'Wij gaan de crisis niet betalen: rekening retour!' kwamen we op 22 mei uit verschillende delen van het land samen met diverse vertegenwoordigers en activisten vanuit de vakbeweging en links.

Rekening Retour!
Rekening Retour!


Donderdag 8 juli 2010
'Wij gaan de crisis niet betalen!'

Onder de leus 'Wij gaan de crisis niet betalen: rekening retour!' kwamen we op 22 mei uit verschillende delen van het land samen met diverse vertegenwoordigers en activisten vanuit de vakbeweging en links.

Uitgangspunt was de vraag hoe we een vuist kunnen maken tegen de miljarden aan bezuinigingen die in het licht van de crisis en verkiezingscampagnes door de meerderheid van de politiek in stelling worden gebracht. Want of het nu gaat om de AOW en pensioenen, de WW, het onderwijs en de zorg of andere sociale verworvenheden: op basis van de peilingen is voldoende duidelijk dat het nieuw te vormen kabinet de rekening van de crisis bij gewone mensen wil neerleggen.

Door meerdere sprekers werd op de bijeenkomst dan ook de noodzaak onderstreept voor de opbouw van zo breed mogelijk maatschappelijk verzet, als antwoord op Prinsjesdag en het bezuinigingsoffensief dat rond die periode concreet gelanceerd zal worden. Daarbij werd benadrukt dat we a) tijdig bij elkaar moeten komen voor het plannen van een initiatief in het najaar, en b) onze best moeten gaan doen om dit initiatief te verbreden.

In dit kader willen we jullie van harte uitnodigen voor een grote voorbereidingsvergadering op donderdag 8 juli om 19.00 uur in Amsterdam, in het pand van DIDF aan de Ite Boeremastraat 1 (eerste etage). Uitgangspunt van de vergadering is het organiseren en opbouwen van verzet in het teken van 'Wij gaan de crisis niet betalen!', waarbij we onder andere denken aan een demonstratie in oktober.

We hopen jullie op deze avond van harte te mogen verwelkomen. Meld je voorafgaand graag aan met je naam en organisatie, door een mail aan onderstaand adres. En benut deze uitnodiging vooral ook zelf om meer organisaties en maatschappelijke groepen van de vergadering op de hoogte te stellen.

- E-Mail: rekeningretour@gmail.com Website: http://rekeningretour.blogspot.com

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Lappersfort nog steeds deels zonevreemd

Alles over deze lijst op: https://lists.riseup.net/www/info/lappersfortnieuws
Lappersfort deels zonevreemd , Brugsch Handelsblad 11 juni 2010
BRUGGE - De actiegroep Groene Gordel Front heeft een bezwaar ingediend tegen de afbakening van het stedelijk gebied Brugge. "Het Lappersfortbos is niet opgenomen in die afbakening", zegt Luc Vanneste van het GGF.

"Dat betekent dat het deel van het bos dat oorspronkelijk kmo-zone was en door de Vlaamse overheid werd gekocht, niet herbestemd wordt tot bosgebied. Zo blijft het stuk bos dat gered werd van de kap, zonevreemd."

"Waar het GGF ook zwaar aan tilt is dat iedereen het eens is dat de aangekochte kmo-zone op papier groenzone moet worden, maar we er in het document van de regionaalstedelijke afbakening niets van terugvinden. Willen de samenwerkende overheden er dringend werk van maken, zodat het aangekochte kmo-deel Lappersfortbos niet langer zonevreemd is op papier ?"

"Velen onder ons geloven in de woorden van politici en wanneer blijkt dat de daad bij het woord dient gevoegd te worden zijn ze er niet. Het geredde Lappersfortbos blijft dus deels zonevreemd. We vragen aan de bosministers Schauvliege en Muyters om hier persoonlijk corrigerend tussen te komen", besluit Luc Vanneste.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

STEUN Pascual Pichún Collonao, een politieke Mapuche gevangene.

STEUN Pascual Pichún Collonao, een politieke Mapuche gevangene.
Op 26 februari van dit jaar werd Pascual gearresteerd door de agenten van de inlichtingendiensten in Temuco, Chili, en wordt nu vastgehouden in de gevangenis van Traiguén, samen met andere politieke Mapuche gevangenen. Zijn advocaat heeft een verzoek ingediend voor de vermindering van de oorspronkelijke gevangenisstraf van 5 jaar. De Chileense justitie heeft nu een maand om zich hierover uit te spreken. Het helpt om druk uit te oefenen op de Chileense autoriteiten. Wat je kan doen lees je verder alsook hier.

Ik leerde Pascual kennen in La Plata (Argentinie), waar hij destijds woonde in afwachting op de toekenning van zijn politiek asiel. Aangezien Argentinië hem nooit asiel heeft verleend, keerde hij afgelopen februari terug naar Chili om de strijd van zijn familie en zijn volk te kunnen ondersteunen. Daar werd hij snel door de Chileense intelligentiedienst aangehouden en gevangen gezet in Traiguén.

Het Argentijnse Comité 'Pascual Libre' zette daarom een campagne op om druk uit te oefenen op de Chileense autoriteiten. Vanuit het buitenland kunnen wij nog meer gewicht geven aan deze oproep, dus...

Wat kan je doen?

1.Onderschrijf als organisatie onderstaande verklaring .
2.Stuur e-mails en faxen naar de betrokken instanties link naar modelbrief
3.Naast Pascual worden meer dan 70 politieke Mapuche gevangenen vast gehouden. Kom naar de manifestatie op 23 juni bij de Brusselse Chileense Ambassade

Alle politieke Mapuche gevangen moeten vrij!

Facebook-event Manifestatie bij het Chileense ambassade in Brussel op 23 juni tussen 15h en 17h30 bij de Rue des Aduatiques/ Aduatukersstraat 106 te Brussel. Help met de mobilisatie door deze oproep verder te verspreiden!

[klick  op flyer naar facebook-event]

Merci voor jullie steun en verspreid deze oproep graag zo breed mogelijk, het maakt een verschil!

Solidaire Groeten,

Wij vragen om steun en solidariteit voor de Vrijheid voor Pascual Pichún Collonao, politieke Mapuche gevangene.

Pascual Pichún Collonao is een 27-jarige Mapuche communicator en student van de Faculteit voor Journalistiek, Nationale Universiteit La Plata, Argentinië. Pascual woont in Argentinië sinds 2005, waar hij een tijdelijke verblijfsvergunning van de Argentijnse autoriteiten verkreeg. Hij is een vierdejaars student, werkt ad honorem in de Mensenrechten Secretariaat van de Faculteit voor Journalistiek, en is betrokken bij een aantal van de gemeenschap outreach projecten van de universiteit. Als inheemse communicator participeert hij in diverse platforms ter verdediging van de rechten van inheemse volken.

Op 26 februari van dit jaar werd Pascual gearresteerd door de agenten van de inlichtingendiensten in Temuco, Chili, en hij wordt nu vastgehouden in de gevangenis van Traiguén, samen met andere politieke Mapuche gevangenen (1).

Chili heeft een anti-terreur wet (2) die dictator Pinochet (1973-1990) invoerde om politieke tegenstanders te vervolgen. Deze wet wordt momenteel enkel gebruikt bij de Mapuche-bevolking. In totaal zitten meer dan 70 Mapuche-indianen achter de tralies door toepassing van deze antiterreurwet.

Pascual wordt beschouwd als een voortvluchtige voor de Chileense justitie sinds 2003, toen hij werd veroordeeld tot vijf jaar en één dag in de gevangenis, samen met zijn broer Rafael Pichun. Hij werd veroordeeld in een duidelijk oneerlijk proces, beschuldigd van het in brand steken van een truck met boomstammen in 2002 in de buurt van het dorp waar hij met zijn ouders woonde. Hoewel de chauffeur aanvankelijk verklaarde de 'aanvallers' niet te kunnen herkennen, beschuldigde hij in latere verklaringen rechtstreeks de broers Pichun die reeds een paar uur na de feiten gewelddadig werden gearresteerd. Ze werden tot de uitspraak in 2003 voor meer dan een jaar in voorhechtenis gehouden.

Ook Pascual's vader Lonko(=traditionele politieke leider) Pichun is veroordeeld onder de anti-terreur wet die straffen oplegt tot drie keer hoger dan voor gewone misdrijven. Deze wet wordt uitsluitend gebruikt bij de vervolging van het Mapuche-volk in Chili, zo is ook de zaak van de familie Pichún een van de meest karakteristieke voorbeelden van onrechtvaardige gerechtelijke en politieke vervolging door de Chileense staat.

Wij eisen de onmiddellijke vrijlating van Pascual Pichún en de stopzetting van de vijandelijkheden tegen zijn familie en zijn volk. Géén politieke gevangenen meer in een democratie, geen dictatoriale anti-terrorisme wet die nog steeds gebruikt wordt om politieke en inheemse activisten te onderdrukken.

Wij eisen dat de rechten van inheemse volkeren in Chili gerespecteerd worden. Vandaag de dag hebben zij nog steeds een beperkt burgerschap. Dit is in strijd met de democratische waarden en beginselen.

Vrijheid voor Pascual en alle politieke gevangenen van de staat van Chili!
Nee tegen de Pinochet anti-terreur wetgeving.

Deze petitie kan je als organisatie onderschrijven door een e-mail met uw naam/organisatie naar
pascuallibrearg@gmail.com en pascualvrij@gmail.com te sturen.

Meer informatie:
- over het verzoekschrift Pascual Pichun voor politiek asiel in Argentinië, 2005:

- blog in het Spaans:

- Audio in spaans: http://radio.mapuche.nl/audio/1_136.m3u

video over de rechtszaak van pascual's vader (waar pascual zoon ook in voorkomt): http://vimeo.com/10266148

- video over het verzet van een mapuche gemeenschap in Ralco. Het Spaans bedrijf ENDESA zou er voor de constructie van 7 dammen Mapuche land met een voorouderlijke begraafplaats onder water zetten. Door het verzet tijdens 2000-2004 kon slechts 1 dam gebouwd worden. Nu proberen ze hun plannen verder door te voeren: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCmQf5hcPUo


De Mapuche-indianen zijn een minderheidsgroep in Chili. In totaal zijn er ongeveer één miljoen Mapuches, goed voor 6,8 procent van de totale Chileense bevolking. Het conflict tussen de Mapuche-indianen en de Chileense regering gaat in hoofdzaak over grond. De Mapuche zijn immers de oorspronkelijke bewoners van de Araucanía-streek. In 1881 moest de Indiaanse bevolking zijn meest vruchtbare gebieden afgeven en werden ze ondergebracht in reservaten.

Dit land werd gedeeltelijk teruggewonnen door de Mapuche onder de regering-Allende (1970-1973), maar na de staatsgreep van Pinochet werd deze landhervorming teruggeschroefd. Sinds de jaren negentig begint de Indiaanse bevolking haar gebieden weer op te eisen.


Deze wet is in strijd met de garantie op een eerlijk proces, en maakt het mogelijk voor de militaire rechtbanken om burgers te veroordelen met behulp van "anonieme" getuigen. Dit is openlijk in strijd met de vereiste onafhankelijkheid en onpartijdigheid van de mensenrechten-verdragen geratificeerd door Chili, met inbegrip van het Pact van San Jose, Costa Rica. Tegelijkertijd worden andere juridische instrumenten die de rechten van de inheemse volkeren beschermen op internationaal niveau, zoals ILO-Verdrag 169 van de VN-Verklaring inzake de rechten van inheemse volkeren, buiten beschouwing gelaten.

De heer Rodolfo Stavenhagen, speciale rapporteur van de VN-Mensenrechtenraad voor inheemse volkeren, drong er bij de Chileense regering op aan aanklachten, zoals terrorisme on andere contexten toe te passen, zoals "daden in verband met sociale strijd om land en legitieme inheemse aanspraken" toe te passen.