Monday, November 24, 2008
Awakening7 program about Lappersfort ocupation
If You would like to embed or download this program go to:
In this issue:relations,call for actions,interviews about ocupation of forrest in Brugge in Belgium
"The Lappersfort - Brugge in Belgium ocupied again. The next action camp in defence this forest from cuting for more industry terein ( even a lot of there is left empty and not used ). They need You to help them!!! More info and great pictures on"
Tijdens de nacht van vrijdag 19 op zaterdag 20 september 2008 hebben tientallen milieuactivisten het door kap bedreigde deel van het Lappersfort opnieuw bezet.
De eigenaar van het bos, Fabricom, heeft sinds 3 september 2008 een kapvergunning op zak. De actievoerders die zich verzamelen onder de netwerknaam Groenfront! protesteren met deze actie niet alleen tegen de kap van het Lappersfort Bos, maar beschouwen dit bos als een symbooldossier voor de 10.000 andere hectare zonevreemde en onmiddellijk bedreigde bossen in Vlaanderen. Bovendien willen zij met deze actie het schijnheilige, politieke gedrag van Stad Brugge en de Vlaamse overheid hekelen. Ze vinden het absurd dat ook de laatste en weinige restjes bos in Vlaanderen plaats moeten ruimen voor industriezone terwijl er in Vlaanderen meer dan 30% leegstand op afgebakende industrietereinen is en terwijl alleen in Brugge al 60 bedrijfsgebouwen leeg staan. Verder willen de activisten het hele dossier kaderen in de globale sociaal-ecologische crisis waar ook Fabricom medeplichtig aan is.
Awakening program,
Groen Front,
Krakers komen met ‘Witboek Kraken’
Krakers komen met ‘Witboek Kraken’
Witboek Kraken - 23.11.2008 22:29
Amsterdam, 24 november 2008. De Nederlandse kraakbeweging komt met een eigen antwoord op het wetsvoorstel van Ten Hoopen om kraken te verbieden in de vorm van een Witboek Kraken. Het Witboek Kraken moet het publiek en de politiek informeren over de vele kraakpanden die Nederland rijk is. Daarnaast biedt het boek talrijke argumenten die aangeven waarom kraken nog steeds een belangrijke functie heeft als het gaat om het bestrijden van speculatie op de woningmarkt, het behoud van sociale huisvesting, het stimuleren van nieuwe culturele initiatieven en het beschermen van monumentale panden. Het Witboek Kraken wordt gepresenteerd op 15 januari 2009 in ‘De Illusie’ in Den Haag tussen 14:00 en 17:00 met prominente sprekers en debat.

Krakers komen met ‘Witboek Kraken’
Inmiddels heeft het Amsterdams VVD-gemeenteraadslid Bas van ’t Wout zijn ‘Zwartboek Kraken’ afgerond. Van ’t Wout is van harte uitgenodigd om op 15 januari bij de presentatie van het Witboek Kraken aanwezig te zijn om aldaar het boek als nieuwjaarspresentje in ontvangst te nemen en zijn reactie te geven. De makers van het Witboek zijn er van overtuigd zijn Zwartboek zowel in kwantiteit als kwaliteit te zullen overtreffen. Een voorproefje is alvast in te zien op
Het Witboek Kraken is een initiatief van een aantal krakers en ex-krakers dat zich zorgen maakt over de manier waarop kraken momenteel in de publieke belangstelling staat: Krakers worden gelijk gesteld aan criminelen en terroristen, het idealistische aspect zou zijn verdwenen en de kraakbeweging zou gekenmerkt worden door toenemend geweld. “Het Witboek Kraken laat een ander geluid horen over kraken,” aldus David van der Bree, redactielid van het witboek. “Krakers zijn doorgaans juist betekenisvol voor hun directe omgeving. Het witboek schetst met heel veel voorbeelden een beter beeld van de de huidige kraakpraktijk.”
De makers van het witboek vinden het de hoogste tijd om de stem te laten horen van de kraakgeneratie die nu actief is. Het laatste overzicht van de Nederlandse kraakbeweging dat geschreven is door socioloog Eric Duivenvoorden houdt op in 1999. Het Witboek geeft daarom vooral inzicht in de kraakacties die de afgelopen tien jaar hebben plaats gevonden. Het boek bevat zo'n 80 recente voorbeelden van positieve kraakacties in verschillende Nederlandse gemeenten, waarvan er ongeveer 35 uitgebreid zijn beschreven. Ook wordt context en weerwoord geboden bij kraakpanden die negatief in de belangstelling hebben gestaan. Daarnaast zijn er artikelen van wetenschappers en opiniestukken opgenomen, waaruit blijkt dat het geweld van de kraakbeweging juist afneemt en die een ander licht werpen op kraken.
Met het Witboek Kraken hopen de krakers ook de politici die tegen het wetsvoorstel van het kraakverbod zijn te voorzien van de benodigde handvaten om de politieke discussie aan te gaan. Zo hebben de gemeentes (G4 en VNG) in een reactie al aangegeven dat zij het wetsvoorstel niet steunen. Naast de argumenten die zij al hebben, kunnen zij nu met het Witboek Kraken in de hand illustreren dat kraken nog steeds een belangrijke functie heeft: Als stok achter de deur tegen misbruik van vastgoed, én als bron en thuisbasis van sociale en culturele initiatieven.
Het Witboek Kraken ligt vanaf half januari in de boekhandel.
- E-Mail: Website:
Witboek Kraken - 23.11.2008 22:29
Amsterdam, 24 november 2008. De Nederlandse kraakbeweging komt met een eigen antwoord op het wetsvoorstel van Ten Hoopen om kraken te verbieden in de vorm van een Witboek Kraken. Het Witboek Kraken moet het publiek en de politiek informeren over de vele kraakpanden die Nederland rijk is. Daarnaast biedt het boek talrijke argumenten die aangeven waarom kraken nog steeds een belangrijke functie heeft als het gaat om het bestrijden van speculatie op de woningmarkt, het behoud van sociale huisvesting, het stimuleren van nieuwe culturele initiatieven en het beschermen van monumentale panden. Het Witboek Kraken wordt gepresenteerd op 15 januari 2009 in ‘De Illusie’ in Den Haag tussen 14:00 en 17:00 met prominente sprekers en debat.
Krakers komen met ‘Witboek Kraken’
Inmiddels heeft het Amsterdams VVD-gemeenteraadslid Bas van ’t Wout zijn ‘Zwartboek Kraken’ afgerond. Van ’t Wout is van harte uitgenodigd om op 15 januari bij de presentatie van het Witboek Kraken aanwezig te zijn om aldaar het boek als nieuwjaarspresentje in ontvangst te nemen en zijn reactie te geven. De makers van het Witboek zijn er van overtuigd zijn Zwartboek zowel in kwantiteit als kwaliteit te zullen overtreffen. Een voorproefje is alvast in te zien op
Het Witboek Kraken is een initiatief van een aantal krakers en ex-krakers dat zich zorgen maakt over de manier waarop kraken momenteel in de publieke belangstelling staat: Krakers worden gelijk gesteld aan criminelen en terroristen, het idealistische aspect zou zijn verdwenen en de kraakbeweging zou gekenmerkt worden door toenemend geweld. “Het Witboek Kraken laat een ander geluid horen over kraken,” aldus David van der Bree, redactielid van het witboek. “Krakers zijn doorgaans juist betekenisvol voor hun directe omgeving. Het witboek schetst met heel veel voorbeelden een beter beeld van de de huidige kraakpraktijk.”
De makers van het witboek vinden het de hoogste tijd om de stem te laten horen van de kraakgeneratie die nu actief is. Het laatste overzicht van de Nederlandse kraakbeweging dat geschreven is door socioloog Eric Duivenvoorden houdt op in 1999. Het Witboek geeft daarom vooral inzicht in de kraakacties die de afgelopen tien jaar hebben plaats gevonden. Het boek bevat zo'n 80 recente voorbeelden van positieve kraakacties in verschillende Nederlandse gemeenten, waarvan er ongeveer 35 uitgebreid zijn beschreven. Ook wordt context en weerwoord geboden bij kraakpanden die negatief in de belangstelling hebben gestaan. Daarnaast zijn er artikelen van wetenschappers en opiniestukken opgenomen, waaruit blijkt dat het geweld van de kraakbeweging juist afneemt en die een ander licht werpen op kraken.
Met het Witboek Kraken hopen de krakers ook de politici die tegen het wetsvoorstel van het kraakverbod zijn te voorzien van de benodigde handvaten om de politieke discussie aan te gaan. Zo hebben de gemeentes (G4 en VNG) in een reactie al aangegeven dat zij het wetsvoorstel niet steunen. Naast de argumenten die zij al hebben, kunnen zij nu met het Witboek Kraken in de hand illustreren dat kraken nog steeds een belangrijke functie heeft: Als stok achter de deur tegen misbruik van vastgoed, én als bron en thuisbasis van sociale en culturele initiatieven.
Het Witboek Kraken ligt vanaf half januari in de boekhandel.
- E-Mail: Website:
other media,
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Awakening7 interviews witch United Against racism
In this issue interview witch Imane from organization UNITED against racism, and on the end ABC Demonstranta in polish
If You would like to download or embed this program go to
UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism
and in support of migrants and refugees
The largest pan-European anti-racism network of more than 560 organisations from 46 countries: UNITED to promote the rights of refugees, minorities & migrants
* An end to racism, fascism, nationalism & discrimination
* Equal Rights for All!
* Respect for Diversity!
* Open Borders - Open Minds!
* Sharing good practices to learn from each other's experiences
* Cooperating across national and cultural borders
* Promoting solidarity between a wide variety of unique organisations
* Respecting individual opinions
* Accepting diversity to make our multicultural societies work
* Europe-wide campaigns:
- Action Week Against Racism around 21st March
- International Refugee Day on 20th June
- International Day Against Fascism & Antisemitism on 9th Nov.
- Fatal Realities of Fortress Europe, the list documenting refugee deaths since 1993
* International conferences - to create a platform for anti-racist activists
* Info-Point - to support and inform the movement
* Lobby - to make our voices heard
* Information system - to efficiently reach 8000 stakeholders across Europe
What is the UNITED network?
SUPPORTERSinfoposter united (front)
Linked through UNITED, hundreds of organisations work together on a voluntary basis. Everyone is welcome to take part in any of the activities initiated by UNITED, but no-one is forced. Each action is prepared by an ever changing international planning group with members drawn from the network organisations across Europe.
All of the organisations are unique, but there are many aims which they have in common and areas where they can agree on combined actions. UNITED seeks active cooperation with other initiatives against racism and other forms of discrimination in Europe.
UNITED is, and always will, remain independent of any political party, organisation or state. That is why financial contributions are sought from a wide range of independent supporting organisations, foundations, individuals, national ministries, the Council of Europe and the Commission of the European Union. All activities of UNITED have preferably more than one sponsor.
infoposter united (front)AWARENESS
Constant contact with the television, radio and printed media raises the wider public's awareness of important issues. This is vital in giving proper recognition to the organisations' actions and in promoting the aims of the UNITED network. UNITED PR-material and posters are distributed all over Europe since 1992.
A conscious decision was taken to keep the secretariat small and efficient. The workers are in constant contact with the network organisations, ensuring that information and proposals for action are transmitted rapidly. Information is received regularly from more than 2500 organisations and mailings are sent all over Europe, to 2400 groups by post and to over 8000 by E-News.
Why does UNITED exist?
Racism, nationalism, fascism, discrimination, asylum policies... all of them have a European dimension even though they often may look like purely national issues. Reports from all over Europe demonstrate the increasing dangers facing migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities. These dangers are often increased by undemocratic intergovernmental decisions such as the Schengen Treaty. Strangely enough racist and fascist organisations have strong European links from Portugal to Russia, from Sweden to Italy. "Fortress Europe" needs to be fought at local, regional and European levels - it cannot be fought on one level alone.
This is why the participants of two anti-racist European youth seminars deci-ded to set up the UNITED network in 1992. Bringing together such a wide variety of organisations is difficult work - but necessary to increase the effectiveness of campaigns and information-sharing across Europe.
European-wide campaigns, action weeks, etc. do not just happen by themselves. UNITED conferences are designed to enable the network organisations to make concrete plans and discuss common strategies.
We work better with people we know!
Like-minded organisations can find each other through UNITED and go on to work on specific projects together. Organisations with similar concerns (for instance refugee organisations or anti-racist telephone hotlines) set up working links within UNITED.
Who are UNITED's network organisations?
They are active organisations engaged in the fight against racism, fascism and nationalism and in support of migrants and refugees. They share ideas and work together to put them into practice. A good example here would be the "Open Borders - Open Minds!" campaign. Refugee and other UNITED network organisations combined forces to put pressure on governments through coordinated actions such as demonstrations, protest to ministries and info stands. The idea was born at a UNITED conference.
At recent UNITED conferences participating organisations came from all over Europe: from Norway (Norwegian PeopleÕs Aid) to Moldova (Youth Helsinki CitizenÕs Assembly), from Slovakia (People Against Racism) to Spain (Movimento Contra Intolerancia), from Serbia (Queeria-Center for Promoting Nonviolence & Equality) to Poland (Never Again Association) and to Russia (Centre for Interethnic Coope-ration). Some organisations support the network as part of their broader work; especially international youth organisations such as Service Civil International or the European Union of Jewish Students.
The UNITED network organisations receive
Every two months UNITED publishes the Calendar of Internationalism containing details of campaigns, actions, seminars with dates and contact data.
The European Address Book Against Racism is updated each year and contains addresses of over 2000 organisations active in the field.
Practical help in fundraising, organising campaigns, etc. Posters and other material produced by UNITED and the network organisations are distributed at various intervals.
Access to information, support, contacts, advice and the possibility to participate in the most exciting and effective network in Europe!
UNITED can also offer a print run of labels from its mailing list.
How can we get involved?
Discuss the ideas and aims of the UNITED network within your own organisation. Let us know that you would like to join or receive information. Complete the subscription form (see page 6 or on the UNITED site) and mail it to UNITED Ð simple! And add UNITED to your mailing list! Contact our secretariat - we speak English, German, French, Italian and Dutch.
UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism
and in support of migrants and refugees
Postbus 413, NL-1000 AK Amsterdam, Netherlands
phone +31-20-6834778, fax +31-20-6834582,,
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.Itś talkactive. It means we talk for almost three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last half ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing ourself,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every tuesday from 4pm till 7pm.In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and ewerywhere else on
If You would like to download or embed this program go to
UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism
and in support of migrants and refugees
The largest pan-European anti-racism network of more than 560 organisations from 46 countries: UNITED to promote the rights of refugees, minorities & migrants
* An end to racism, fascism, nationalism & discrimination
* Equal Rights for All!
* Respect for Diversity!
* Open Borders - Open Minds!
* Sharing good practices to learn from each other's experiences
* Cooperating across national and cultural borders
* Promoting solidarity between a wide variety of unique organisations
* Respecting individual opinions
* Accepting diversity to make our multicultural societies work
* Europe-wide campaigns:
- Action Week Against Racism around 21st March
- International Refugee Day on 20th June
- International Day Against Fascism & Antisemitism on 9th Nov.
- Fatal Realities of Fortress Europe, the list documenting refugee deaths since 1993
* International conferences - to create a platform for anti-racist activists
* Info-Point - to support and inform the movement
* Lobby - to make our voices heard
* Information system - to efficiently reach 8000 stakeholders across Europe
What is the UNITED network?
SUPPORTERSinfoposter united (front)
Linked through UNITED, hundreds of organisations work together on a voluntary basis. Everyone is welcome to take part in any of the activities initiated by UNITED, but no-one is forced. Each action is prepared by an ever changing international planning group with members drawn from the network organisations across Europe.
All of the organisations are unique, but there are many aims which they have in common and areas where they can agree on combined actions. UNITED seeks active cooperation with other initiatives against racism and other forms of discrimination in Europe.
UNITED is, and always will, remain independent of any political party, organisation or state. That is why financial contributions are sought from a wide range of independent supporting organisations, foundations, individuals, national ministries, the Council of Europe and the Commission of the European Union. All activities of UNITED have preferably more than one sponsor.
infoposter united (front)AWARENESS
Constant contact with the television, radio and printed media raises the wider public's awareness of important issues. This is vital in giving proper recognition to the organisations' actions and in promoting the aims of the UNITED network. UNITED PR-material and posters are distributed all over Europe since 1992.
A conscious decision was taken to keep the secretariat small and efficient. The workers are in constant contact with the network organisations, ensuring that information and proposals for action are transmitted rapidly. Information is received regularly from more than 2500 organisations and mailings are sent all over Europe, to 2400 groups by post and to over 8000 by E-News.
Why does UNITED exist?
Racism, nationalism, fascism, discrimination, asylum policies... all of them have a European dimension even though they often may look like purely national issues. Reports from all over Europe demonstrate the increasing dangers facing migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities. These dangers are often increased by undemocratic intergovernmental decisions such as the Schengen Treaty. Strangely enough racist and fascist organisations have strong European links from Portugal to Russia, from Sweden to Italy. "Fortress Europe" needs to be fought at local, regional and European levels - it cannot be fought on one level alone.
This is why the participants of two anti-racist European youth seminars deci-ded to set up the UNITED network in 1992. Bringing together such a wide variety of organisations is difficult work - but necessary to increase the effectiveness of campaigns and information-sharing across Europe.
European-wide campaigns, action weeks, etc. do not just happen by themselves. UNITED conferences are designed to enable the network organisations to make concrete plans and discuss common strategies.
We work better with people we know!
Like-minded organisations can find each other through UNITED and go on to work on specific projects together. Organisations with similar concerns (for instance refugee organisations or anti-racist telephone hotlines) set up working links within UNITED.
Who are UNITED's network organisations?
They are active organisations engaged in the fight against racism, fascism and nationalism and in support of migrants and refugees. They share ideas and work together to put them into practice. A good example here would be the "Open Borders - Open Minds!" campaign. Refugee and other UNITED network organisations combined forces to put pressure on governments through coordinated actions such as demonstrations, protest to ministries and info stands. The idea was born at a UNITED conference.
At recent UNITED conferences participating organisations came from all over Europe: from Norway (Norwegian PeopleÕs Aid) to Moldova (Youth Helsinki CitizenÕs Assembly), from Slovakia (People Against Racism) to Spain (Movimento Contra Intolerancia), from Serbia (Queeria-Center for Promoting Nonviolence & Equality) to Poland (Never Again Association) and to Russia (Centre for Interethnic Coope-ration). Some organisations support the network as part of their broader work; especially international youth organisations such as Service Civil International or the European Union of Jewish Students.
The UNITED network organisations receive
Every two months UNITED publishes the Calendar of Internationalism containing details of campaigns, actions, seminars with dates and contact data.
The European Address Book Against Racism is updated each year and contains addresses of over 2000 organisations active in the field.
Practical help in fundraising, organising campaigns, etc. Posters and other material produced by UNITED and the network organisations are distributed at various intervals.
Access to information, support, contacts, advice and the possibility to participate in the most exciting and effective network in Europe!
UNITED can also offer a print run of labels from its mailing list.
How can we get involved?
Discuss the ideas and aims of the UNITED network within your own organisation. Let us know that you would like to join or receive information. Complete the subscription form (see page 6 or on the UNITED site) and mail it to UNITED Ð simple! And add UNITED to your mailing list! Contact our secretariat - we speak English, German, French, Italian and Dutch.
UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism
and in support of migrants and refugees
Postbus 413, NL-1000 AK Amsterdam, Netherlands
phone +31-20-6834778, fax +31-20-6834582,,
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.Itś talkactive. It means we talk for almost three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last half ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing ourself,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every tuesday from 4pm till 7pm.In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and ewerywhere else on
Awakening program
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Axie en Feest voor Lappersfortbos
Op 30 november vind er een festival plaats in het bezette Lappersfortbos in Brugge. Op 7 december vind er een betoging plaats in het centrum van Brugge.
Lappersfort Festival Het Festival staat in het teken van natuur, milieu en activisme. Er zullen gedurende de dag verschillende workshops en lezingen zijn over b.v. klimaatverandering en klimaatneutraal leven. Maar ook kan je leren klimmen en spandoeken schilderen. Al deze serieuze dingen worden afgewisseld met muziek, poezie en theater.
Overdag zal het festival in het bos plaats vinden, maar 's avonds willen we de bosrust niet verstoren, dus zal het avondprogramma in Efetta plaatsvinden. Hier zal eten zijn en vinden optredens plaats van The Usual Suspects en Kilnaboy.
Ten Briele, Brugge
(achterkant van het station uit, naar links spoor blijven volgen, bij rotonde (+/- 10 min) links onder de tunnel door, na 100 meter bos aan de rechterkant)
Polderstraat 76a
Sint Kruis, Brugge
klik hier voor Google kaartje
Betoging tegen wanbeleid stad Brugge.
Op 7 december plannen wij een betoging door de stad om ons ongenoegen kenbaar te maken in verband met het ontbreken van enige inspraak in het beleid van de stad.
We willen een halt toeroepen aan het niet au sérieux nemen van het steeds toenemende aantal actiegroepen die de leefbaarheid van de buurt, stad of omgeving ter harte nemen. Deze spontane verenigingen zijn geen samenraapsel van gefrustreerde onverdraagzame groenen, maar wakkere burgers die hun luttele vrije tijd opofferen om flagrante schendingen van ons leefmilieu aan te kaarten.
De stedelijke afbakening, een monsterlijk vehikel, binnenskamers bedisseld met minieme inspraak uit milieuhoek bepaald het lot van Chartreuse, Loppem, delen van Zedelgen, Varsenare en Jabeke. Zonevreemde bossen worden nog zonevreemder, landbouwgrond wordt industrie?
De Vaartijkstraat en het Lappersfortbos. Is het gezicht van onze burgemeester nog te redden? Het meest gecontesteerde bos van Vlaanderen, het symbool voor alle zonevreemde bossen. Beleidsplannen worden te pas en te onpas herschreven of aangepast, maar dit is schijnbaar onmogelijk voor het Lappersfort. Telkens weer wordt er verwezen naar een 10 jaar oud besluit van een onwetende gemeenteraad om dit monster te doden. Hemel en aarde wordt verzet om dit bos te rooien.
Het is totale oorlog, 250 politiemannen, en vrouwen, helikopter, honden, paarden, waterkanonnen.
Niets zal het omhakken van de bomen en het aanleggen van een weg tegenhouden. Voor een zinloze weg, zinloze loodsen en nog zinlozer bureaus?.
Dus doe mee, 7 DECEMBER, 14:00 uur, 't ZAND! BE THERE!!
- E-Mail: Website:
Lappersfort Festival Het Festival staat in het teken van natuur, milieu en activisme. Er zullen gedurende de dag verschillende workshops en lezingen zijn over b.v. klimaatverandering en klimaatneutraal leven. Maar ook kan je leren klimmen en spandoeken schilderen. Al deze serieuze dingen worden afgewisseld met muziek, poezie en theater.
Overdag zal het festival in het bos plaats vinden, maar 's avonds willen we de bosrust niet verstoren, dus zal het avondprogramma in Efetta plaatsvinden. Hier zal eten zijn en vinden optredens plaats van The Usual Suspects en Kilnaboy.
Ten Briele, Brugge
(achterkant van het station uit, naar links spoor blijven volgen, bij rotonde (+/- 10 min) links onder de tunnel door, na 100 meter bos aan de rechterkant)
Polderstraat 76a
Sint Kruis, Brugge
klik hier voor Google kaartje
Betoging tegen wanbeleid stad Brugge.
Op 7 december plannen wij een betoging door de stad om ons ongenoegen kenbaar te maken in verband met het ontbreken van enige inspraak in het beleid van de stad.
We willen een halt toeroepen aan het niet au sérieux nemen van het steeds toenemende aantal actiegroepen die de leefbaarheid van de buurt, stad of omgeving ter harte nemen. Deze spontane verenigingen zijn geen samenraapsel van gefrustreerde onverdraagzame groenen, maar wakkere burgers die hun luttele vrije tijd opofferen om flagrante schendingen van ons leefmilieu aan te kaarten.
De stedelijke afbakening, een monsterlijk vehikel, binnenskamers bedisseld met minieme inspraak uit milieuhoek bepaald het lot van Chartreuse, Loppem, delen van Zedelgen, Varsenare en Jabeke. Zonevreemde bossen worden nog zonevreemder, landbouwgrond wordt industrie?
De Vaartijkstraat en het Lappersfortbos. Is het gezicht van onze burgemeester nog te redden? Het meest gecontesteerde bos van Vlaanderen, het symbool voor alle zonevreemde bossen. Beleidsplannen worden te pas en te onpas herschreven of aangepast, maar dit is schijnbaar onmogelijk voor het Lappersfort. Telkens weer wordt er verwezen naar een 10 jaar oud besluit van een onwetende gemeenteraad om dit monster te doden. Hemel en aarde wordt verzet om dit bos te rooien.
Het is totale oorlog, 250 politiemannen, en vrouwen, helikopter, honden, paarden, waterkanonnen.
Niets zal het omhakken van de bomen en het aanleggen van een weg tegenhouden. Voor een zinloze weg, zinloze loodsen en nog zinlozer bureaus?.
Dus doe mee, 7 DECEMBER, 14:00 uur, 't ZAND! BE THERE!!
- E-Mail: Website:
Groen Front,
Friday, November 14, 2008
[A*dam] 15.11. Benefit for an Anarchist Social Space
[A*dam] 15.11. Benefit for an Anarchist Social Space
Benefit for an anarchist social space in Coast Salish Territories (Vancouver) Canada
to organize and mobilize against the 2010 Vancouver Olympics - the capitalist media spectacle that is only bringing intensified gentrification, ecological destruction, displacement and further theft of indigenous land.
The program for the evening will start at 20:30 with info about native and anarchist struggle resisting the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC Canada. The profit of the benefit will contribute financing an anarchist social space that will be opening its doors in February 2009 and will operate as a convergence/social centre leading up to and during the Olympics.
20:30-21:30 info + distro
22:30 bands:
The Plague Mass (hardcore punk from Graz/Austria) - -
Karaktermoord (hardcore/punk from Utrecht) -
Lewd (down-tempo post-punk from Helmond somewhere in between of Danse Macabre, Shikari and Minor Threat) -
DJ Crito and others later
Damage: 3,50.-
Vrankrijk, Spuistraat 216, Amsterdam
more info: - -
Benefit for an anarchist social space in Coast Salish Territories (Vancouver) Canada
to organize and mobilize against the 2010 Vancouver Olympics - the capitalist media spectacle that is only bringing intensified gentrification, ecological destruction, displacement and further theft of indigenous land.
The program for the evening will start at 20:30 with info about native and anarchist struggle resisting the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, BC Canada. The profit of the benefit will contribute financing an anarchist social space that will be opening its doors in February 2009 and will operate as a convergence/social centre leading up to and during the Olympics.
20:30-21:30 info + distro
22:30 bands:
The Plague Mass (hardcore punk from Graz/Austria) - -
Karaktermoord (hardcore/punk from Utrecht) -
Lewd (down-tempo post-punk from Helmond somewhere in between of Danse Macabre, Shikari and Minor Threat) -
DJ Crito and others later
Damage: 3,50.-
Vrankrijk, Spuistraat 216, Amsterdam
more info: - -
"We won't pay for your crisis"solidarity action witch students protesting in Italy
Italian students, researchers, workers and Dutch activists will meet up on Friday 14 in front of the Italian Consulate in Amsterdam to support the General Strike that takes place in Italy on the same day. On Friday the whole nation will be blocked by demonstrations against the approval of "Legge Gelmini", a law that seriously cuts down on public funding of education.
"We won't pay for your crisis": is the slogan shouted by protesters against Berlusconi governement's choices to destroy public education system. Not only in Italy. In Bruxelles, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Copenhagen students are demonstrating against the neoliberal agenda for the financial crisis diverting money from the public sector to private banks.
Again: "We won't pay for your crisis".
A tactical action will take place on Friday to reach also Dutch people, keeping them updated on what's going on in Italy and in Europe in these days.
We call students, researchers, teachers, activists and sensitive people in Amsterdam to join us to protect knowledge as a common good.
Friday 14 th, 2008
H 10.00
Italian Consolate, Vijzelstraat 79, Amsterdam
European Anomalous Wave, Amsterdam
- E-Mail:
"We won't pay for your crisis": is the slogan shouted by protesters against Berlusconi governement's choices to destroy public education system. Not only in Italy. In Bruxelles, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Copenhagen students are demonstrating against the neoliberal agenda for the financial crisis diverting money from the public sector to private banks.
Again: "We won't pay for your crisis".
A tactical action will take place on Friday to reach also Dutch people, keeping them updated on what's going on in Italy and in Europe in these days.
We call students, researchers, teachers, activists and sensitive people in Amsterdam to join us to protect knowledge as a common good.
Friday 14 th, 2008
H 10.00
Italian Consolate, Vijzelstraat 79, Amsterdam
European Anomalous Wave, Amsterdam
- E-Mail:
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM!
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM!
redaccio — Thu, 06/11/2008 - 01:41
There's some initiatives at the spanish state using a method that was
tried before. Here, economy has existed based on building industry so
politicians and banks could speculate with the land, rising up on the
media the themes of squatting and opening squatted social centres, most of
them anarchist/libertarian but with people from many ideologies working
It was all on TV and newspapers for a while because it was a problem that
affected to everybody, people live with more than 30 years with their
parents or have to mortage for decades. Then an email appeared calling
everybody to gather at a significant place on the city they lived, so if
your city didn't appear on that you had to add it and forward. The message
was clear, against politicians and bank speculators. The message gathered
thousands of people in many towns and cities, of different classes and
ideologies, though repression was equally brutal to all. That didn't stop
the demonstrations to be repeated again and again, with more messages on
the internet (started per week, then one per month, etc) it happened
similarly to the protests of the iraq war, without leaders. When people
had to collectively decide there where to go, many times it was decided
when someone sang loud to go to the parliament or whatever and people
began singing with him/her. Repression was put on the news, and because of
arbitrary arrests and police theaters the first assembly was made, where
people from all ideologies (even contrary) held the meetings to help for
the arrested people's trials, like anarchist, republican, communist...
many of them tried to gain power and control "the masses" on their own
benefit. The movement was divided when elections came and there was people
believing that handling and negotiating with power there would have been
some change. Many others made campaign for active abstention. Then
government made a ministry of houses, people simulated to believe the lie
or something and now we are in the same situation but with economic
crisis. There are still existing webpages of that, which can be considered
a huge ephimeral movement or momentum with mobilizations made by many
different people with the same problem. The webpages were created after,
so they are quite publicitary, but they have all the info about haw many
mobilizations in how many places and how many people. It is:
So what? -well, precisely the economic crisis will affect the housing
sector which is currently going down. Some days ago, another e-mail began
to circulate on the internet, with the same characteristics:
NOTE: i had problems with the translation, i've inserted explanation notes
between , cause i don't have a dictionary with me.
A new e-mail's on the internet convening gatherings/demonstrations against
the crisis the 15th of november, coinciding with the international summit
that pretends to make a refoundation of capitalism.
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM!
The next 15th of November the world leaders will gather to prepare a new
plan against the crisis.
Containing United States' bank crisis has costed 700.000 million dollars!!!
5 more times of what United Nations approved to reach the Objectives of
the Millenium!!! And european costs are even higher. It's a shame!!!
In Spain the government is giving 100.000 million euros to the same banks
that are----------to lots of families bacause they can't pay the mortgages
Months ago thousands of people went out to the streets for a vivienda
digna and we were
already calling attention to the dangers of the burbuja inmobiliaria
. Now that it has exploted, is it US
who are going to pay it?
During years they've made rich themselves and now they announce sacking
, salary cuts , closing
of business, "giving up" the Kioto protocol...
It seems clear that the big political parties govern for the banks and
that big sindicates are not going to say anything. They've even been
congratulated by bankers and businessmen! Only gente de a pie can denounce it.
They privatize benefits and socialize losings . They think
we're stupid? Are we going to permit it? Of course not.
Next Saturday 15th of November at 17:00 we will get out to the streets in
all cities.
We have time and capacity enough to spread the word and organize ourselves.
Doesn't matter if they invite Zapatero or not, we have
to colarnos in that summit...
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM!
redaccio — Thu, 06/11/2008 - 01:41
There's some initiatives at the spanish state using a method that was
tried before. Here, economy has existed based on building industry so
politicians and banks could speculate with the land, rising up on the
media the themes of squatting and opening squatted social centres, most of
them anarchist/libertarian but with people from many ideologies working
It was all on TV and newspapers for a while because it was a problem that
affected to everybody, people live with more than 30 years with their
parents or have to mortage for decades. Then an email appeared calling
everybody to gather at a significant place on the city they lived, so if
your city didn't appear on that you had to add it and forward. The message
was clear, against politicians and bank speculators. The message gathered
thousands of people in many towns and cities, of different classes and
ideologies, though repression was equally brutal to all. That didn't stop
the demonstrations to be repeated again and again, with more messages on
the internet (started per week, then one per month, etc) it happened
similarly to the protests of the iraq war, without leaders. When people
had to collectively decide there where to go, many times it was decided
when someone sang loud to go to the parliament or whatever and people
began singing with him/her. Repression was put on the news, and because of
arbitrary arrests and police theaters the first assembly was made, where
people from all ideologies (even contrary) held the meetings to help for
the arrested people's trials, like anarchist, republican, communist...
many of them tried to gain power and control "the masses" on their own
benefit. The movement was divided when elections came and there was people
believing that handling and negotiating with power there would have been
some change. Many others made campaign for active abstention. Then
government made a ministry of houses, people simulated to believe the lie
or something and now we are in the same situation but with economic
crisis. There are still existing webpages of that, which can be considered
a huge ephimeral movement or momentum with mobilizations made by many
different people with the same problem. The webpages were created after,
so they are quite publicitary, but they have all the info about haw many
mobilizations in how many places and how many people. It is:
So what? -well, precisely the economic crisis will affect the housing
sector which is currently going down. Some days ago, another e-mail began
to circulate on the internet, with the same characteristics:
NOTE: i had problems with the translation, i've inserted explanation notes
between , cause i don't have a dictionary with me.
A new e-mail's on the internet convening gatherings/demonstrations against
the crisis the 15th of november, coinciding with the international summit
that pretends to make a refoundation of capitalism.
Everyone in the streets on N15: The crisis must be paid by THEM!
The next 15th of November the world leaders will gather to prepare a new
plan against the crisis.
Containing United States' bank crisis has costed 700.000 million dollars!!!
5 more times of what United Nations approved to reach the Objectives of
the Millenium!!! And european costs are even higher. It's a shame!!!
In Spain the government is giving 100.000 million euros to the same banks
that are----------to lots of families bacause they can't pay the mortgages
Months ago thousands of people went out to the streets for a vivienda
digna and we were
already calling attention to the dangers of the burbuja inmobiliaria
. Now that it has exploted, is it US
who are going to pay it?
During years they've made rich themselves and now they announce sacking
, salary cuts , closing
of business, "giving up" the Kioto protocol...
It seems clear that the big political parties govern for the banks and
that big sindicates are not going to say anything. They've even been
congratulated by bankers and businessmen! Only gente de a pie can denounce it.
They privatize benefits and socialize losings . They think
we're stupid? Are we going to permit it? Of course not.
Next Saturday 15th of November at 17:00 we will get out to the streets in
all cities.
We have time and capacity enough to spread the word and organize ourselves.
Doesn't matter if they invite Zapatero or not, we have
to colarnos in that summit...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Castor: Blockades on the Tracks by Harlingen
Castor: Blockades on the Tracks by Harlingen
(Germany. 20 000 police against countless protesters to guard a nuclear waste transport train...)
While the Castor transport takes more time than expected to arrive at its destination - because of a blockade with three people who were locked-on at a concrete block at the French-German border - several blockades of hundreds of people sitting on the tracks took place in the region of Harlingen tonight. Even huge amounts of police forces with tanks, water canons, hundreds of police officers and special supply couldn't prevent people coming on the railway. This is a report from one of those blockades near Harlingen.
At Kilometer 187,9 a blockade of what police estimated to be about 138 people sat on the tracks. Some minutes before, in the same region, at least two other blockades like this one happened. Hundreds of people were walking through the forests, showing their presence to the police, shouting, trying to reach the railway and so on. Hundreds of police officers tried to protect the tracks from being walked on and sart on by activists. But police couldn't prevent everything because there were too many people, and the railway is long and can't be protected completely.
An activist described how he and some others managed to reach the tracks. He said that people in the crowd made several atempts to get onto the railway with the intent to sit on it and blockade, and somehow they finally succeeded. At first the police tried to stop the steady stream of people who had found a weak point in the police lines protecting the railbed, but once several people had already succeeded in sitting on the tracks, the police stopped trying so hard to stop them. The situation among the blockaders seemed to be relaxed and without trouble. However, once the blockaders were settled in, the police very resolutely denied anyone who wanted to join or support the blockaders, access to the railbed.
Many people in the blockade declared their action to be non-violent and promised they wouldn't cause conflicts if police wouldn't give a reason for it. The officer in charge of handling the action spoke in a nearly ridiculous-sounding way to the blockaders and wanted them to leave the railway. He gave three announcements that this blockade is against the law and they had to go and announced that otherwise police would remove them from the tracks. He said he could say people "have to go" but wanted to beg them to do it. Later he said that this wouldn't be an order but a beg. He created the impression that police
would be friendly and only wants the best for the activists (they could be hurt by being transported from the wet and slippery tracks).
The first blockaders were taken away carefully after being asked if they wanted to go voluntarily. Later more and more aggressive police officers could be seen, twisting the hands of some activists and making them scream. At least one activist could be watched when a police officer again and again tried to grab his testicles and to cause pain on him. Not every police officer was this brutal but their were many blockaders who were dragged over the gravel, some carried headfirst and many screaming because of pain caused by police grips. Obviously, the nice and friendly words of the police chief were untrue. They used violence against people to achieve their aims if they wanted to, without regard to peoples' health.
After this blockade was removed by the police there were new attempts on other places.
(Germany. 20 000 police against countless protesters to guard a nuclear waste transport train...)
While the Castor transport takes more time than expected to arrive at its destination - because of a blockade with three people who were locked-on at a concrete block at the French-German border - several blockades of hundreds of people sitting on the tracks took place in the region of Harlingen tonight. Even huge amounts of police forces with tanks, water canons, hundreds of police officers and special supply couldn't prevent people coming on the railway. This is a report from one of those blockades near Harlingen.
At Kilometer 187,9 a blockade of what police estimated to be about 138 people sat on the tracks. Some minutes before, in the same region, at least two other blockades like this one happened. Hundreds of people were walking through the forests, showing their presence to the police, shouting, trying to reach the railway and so on. Hundreds of police officers tried to protect the tracks from being walked on and sart on by activists. But police couldn't prevent everything because there were too many people, and the railway is long and can't be protected completely.
An activist described how he and some others managed to reach the tracks. He said that people in the crowd made several atempts to get onto the railway with the intent to sit on it and blockade, and somehow they finally succeeded. At first the police tried to stop the steady stream of people who had found a weak point in the police lines protecting the railbed, but once several people had already succeeded in sitting on the tracks, the police stopped trying so hard to stop them. The situation among the blockaders seemed to be relaxed and without trouble. However, once the blockaders were settled in, the police very resolutely denied anyone who wanted to join or support the blockaders, access to the railbed.
Many people in the blockade declared their action to be non-violent and promised they wouldn't cause conflicts if police wouldn't give a reason for it. The officer in charge of handling the action spoke in a nearly ridiculous-sounding way to the blockaders and wanted them to leave the railway. He gave three announcements that this blockade is against the law and they had to go and announced that otherwise police would remove them from the tracks. He said he could say people "have to go" but wanted to beg them to do it. Later he said that this wouldn't be an order but a beg. He created the impression that police
would be friendly and only wants the best for the activists (they could be hurt by being transported from the wet and slippery tracks).
The first blockaders were taken away carefully after being asked if they wanted to go voluntarily. Later more and more aggressive police officers could be seen, twisting the hands of some activists and making them scream. At least one activist could be watched when a police officer again and again tried to grab his testicles and to cause pain on him. Not every police officer was this brutal but their were many blockaders who were dragged over the gravel, some carried headfirst and many screaming because of pain caused by police grips. Obviously, the nice and friendly words of the police chief were untrue. They used violence against people to achieve their aims if they wanted to, without regard to peoples' health.
After this blockade was removed by the police there were new attempts on other places.
The Castor doesn´t move
At the Moment there is a Blockade at the border of France and Germany. The German police tries to remove the activists.
German police tries to remove three activists attached to the railway track in in Berg near Woerth, Southwestern Germany, where a train transporting German nuclear waste to the Gorleben interim storage facility is awaited. German police expect thousands of demonstrators to try to block the upcoming transportation of eleven Castor rail containers of reprocessed. At the moment the police installed floodlight, because they are expecting a long constancy.
The BI media people report 16,000 protesters at the Gorleben demonstration, the biggest number in all the 31 years the nuclear dumping has been fought.Some people are meeting in Braunschweig to visit Cecile being kept in jail there. German Rail reports delays in train traffic in north Germany caused by arson attacks on railway installations in Brandenburg and damage done to signalling equipment. Repairs would take until the late afternoon. The three activists locked to a concrete block are still stopping the CASTOR train from continuing its journey. Police have not yet succeeded to cut the demonstrators out. They’re working with electric hammer drills to try to break open the concrete. The train is still stopped in the French border station Lauterbourg, about four kilometres from the concrete block.
Castor: Welcoming International Guests
On Friday, 7th December international guests from around the world were welcomed in the Wendland through an information event in Dannenberg with the title „Nuclear Companies Deal World Wide – Our Resistance is International, Connected, and Knows No Borders“. Attendees from countries like France, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Russia, Finland, the United States and Canada participate in the resistance against the Castor transport (high level radioactive material) to Gorleben in the „Wendland“ (Lower Saxony). Some of them told about the situation in their countries. The event was supported with music from a Berlin band „Nümmes Straßenrock“.
Activists from Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, and Russia spoke about nuclear power in their countries and about the national and local resistance against its use. In all of these countries the anti-nuclear movement is quite active and rising. In Russia, Finland, and Canada the nuclear industry, as well as government, would like to build new reactors.
The French activists couldn't take part in this event for two reasons: one of them was ill, the other one was arrested by the German police! She took part in a blockade action against the Castor transport on 6th November in the Wendland, together with other activists. Police arrested her and want to keep her in jail until the transport arrives in Dannenberg (Wendland). She is well known for her creative resistance (especially climbing actions) and there are suspicions that she was arrested due to specific targetting by the German police forces. Police likely want to prevent her from carrying out any actions during the Castor transport, which will be in Germany from 7th November through to the 10th November. It is strongly unlikely that this imprisonment is legal.
The information event was also a memorial service to Sébastian Briat who was killed by the Castor train 2004 in France near Avricourt (by Nancy). Sebastian's passing remains a very sensitive issue among Castor protestors. The information evening was a powerful testament to the strength of a movement that has been dealt a hard blow but continues to fight on.
With a theater insertion, music, and further information about the current actions against the Castor transport, the event came to its conclusion. Warm socks were given to the international supporters for resisting the Castor and to say keep on their fight against nuclear power. Tomorrow, there will be a large demonstration in Gorleben, which will be supported by more activists from different countries.
Activists from Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, and Russia spoke about nuclear power in their countries and about the national and local resistance against its use. In all of these countries the anti-nuclear movement is quite active and rising. In Russia, Finland, and Canada the nuclear industry, as well as government, would like to build new reactors.
The French activists couldn't take part in this event for two reasons: one of them was ill, the other one was arrested by the German police! She took part in a blockade action against the Castor transport on 6th November in the Wendland, together with other activists. Police arrested her and want to keep her in jail until the transport arrives in Dannenberg (Wendland). She is well known for her creative resistance (especially climbing actions) and there are suspicions that she was arrested due to specific targetting by the German police forces. Police likely want to prevent her from carrying out any actions during the Castor transport, which will be in Germany from 7th November through to the 10th November. It is strongly unlikely that this imprisonment is legal.
The information event was also a memorial service to Sébastian Briat who was killed by the Castor train 2004 in France near Avricourt (by Nancy). Sebastian's passing remains a very sensitive issue among Castor protestors. The information evening was a powerful testament to the strength of a movement that has been dealt a hard blow but continues to fight on.
With a theater insertion, music, and further information about the current actions against the Castor transport, the event came to its conclusion. Warm socks were given to the international supporters for resisting the Castor and to say keep on their fight against nuclear power. Tomorrow, there will be a large demonstration in Gorleben, which will be supported by more activists from different countries.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Re-squatting Van Boetzelaerstraat 2 & 20
Two appartments in these houses got squatted last year and evicted on the basis of article 429 on the 30th of October - for emptiness. The appartments belong to "Block AB24", owned by Ymere, and will be demolished in the future. When exactly, nobody seems to know, not even Ymere, as the project has been postponed time and time again.
The renters of the block were forced to move out already quite some time ago, only to be replaced by antisquatters. Now even the antisquatters have moved out and if Ymere will have their way the whole block will remain empty until the demolition will start.
And that's where we step in! In our eyes it is not a crime to squat a house, no matter how long or short time it has been empty, especially during these times of housing shortage. People need houses to live in. 429 is just a number.
AC*AB 24
Apokaputalism now! Zombie Walk Amsterdam
How everyone got locked up in Stock Exchange
Friday, October 31st... People are talking about Halloween. Reason to party!!! Especially this moment - now we might experience the last days of kaputalism. As zombie-bankers we celebrated the downfall of the exchange of stocks. The casino is finally closing down! It's time for a better economic system which cares about the needs of all people in this world. It's about time!
With plackards like "Aaaah - my stocks!", "Apokaputalism - Your turn to jump!" and "Mummy - where's my Money?" about 40 - 50 zombies entered around 4.45 pm the Kalverstraat. At the corner with the Spuistraat the zombies tried to get some of the last money from the pin machine. But in these dark days... unfortunately no money...
And Yeahhh... it's always fun in the Kalverstraat! There are a lot of consumption zombies there... Every day - seven days a week! So we felt at home in the nr. 1 shopping street of Amsterdam. As zombies! (Aaarghhhhh!!!!)
And thank's (Kaputalist) God there's a lot of secerity in the Kalverstraat. Especially if you don't buy anything! For sure if you're not a consumption-zombie - but a zombie-banker... Shouting and crying for money: "Where are my stocks?", "Money - we need money!", "It's My Money! - No - it's My Money!", "I worked for Fortis!", etc.
Reason for the security to warn more security and for the extra security to warn the police and for the police to warn more police. So some of the shops protected their entrances with security, others - like the RABO bank - closed their doors.
If you can't enter banks - what are the remaining opportunities for zombies? For example visit the McDonalds! Always good to see the McDonalds clown! McDonalds is a really great symbol of the exploiters system and the outrageous waste of the environment! We love McDonalds!
At the Dam square we got more police company. A policeman was calling in panic: he didn't know about the coming of zombies... Terrible for blue boys if things are happening outside the predictable grey reality... What to do... Call for more police! 2 blue motor drivers arrived. Also extra blue bikers.
With this company we continued our walk in the Nieuwendijk - also a great place to be - with the same boring shops - like McDonalds!
After a while (5.30 pm) we turned to the right: the C&A passage and then... happened what the cops where afraid for... the zombies crossed the Rokin into the direction of... the Stock Exchange!
The police was really great: in solidarity they blocked the main entrance with their motors. The police bikers did the same. And the Stock Exchange even closed their doors an locked everyone in the building up.
Great! A blockade!
Now we didn't have to organise a blockade. All work was already done... No reason for the zombies to continue their zombie life...
Time to say goodbye to Apukaputalism... and die!!!
Dead zombies bodies laid down on the ground in front of the Stock Exchange...
Waiting to wake up in a new world which is really free!
German anti-nuclear waste newswire now active
German anti-nuclear waste newswire now active
Anti-nuclear activists in Germany are gearing up for another transport of highly active nuclear waste to run through France and Germany from 7 to 9 November for dumping at the north German village of Gorleben. About 20,000 police will be deployed to guard the consignment against thousands of demonstrators. At is a newswire run by the protest movement. It already has some run-up stories on it.
Anti-nuclear activists in Germany are gearing up for another transport of highly active nuclear waste to run through France and Germany from 7 to 9 November for dumping at the north German village of Gorleben. About 20,000 police will be deployed to guard the consignment against thousands of demonstrators. At is a newswire run by the protest movement. It already has some run-up stories on it.
German anti-nuclear waste newswire now active
German anti-nuclear waste newswire now active
Anti-nuclear activists in Germany are gearing up for another transport of highly active nuclear waste to run through France and Germany from 7 to 9 November for dumping at the north German village of Gorleben. About 20,000 police will be deployed to guard the consignment against thousands of demonstrators. At is a newswire run by the protest movement. It already has some run-up stories on it.
Anti-nuclear activists in Germany are gearing up for another transport of highly active nuclear waste to run through France and Germany from 7 to 9 November for dumping at the north German village of Gorleben. About 20,000 police will be deployed to guard the consignment against thousands of demonstrators. At is a newswire run by the protest movement. It already has some run-up stories on it.
We some eco-activists and peacekeeper from switzerland call on all to be part of this
international action day against nuclear power and war. You can organise something
in your city/country that day 29.11.2008 (like info stand, rally, demonstration ecc.)
to show we are all against climat change and war. For all actions you have been doing please send to:
Dear friends, comrades and anti-nuclear activists
As an “Anti-nuclear action alliance”, we organize a legal demonstration on the 29.11.
2008 in zürich/switzerland.
Main topic of the demo: against the building of two new nuclear power stations in Switzerland and abandoning nuclear energy worldwide. Nuclear energy means war!
A wide action alliance is organizing the demo, which shall be a chance to call people’s attention to this topic. Also, the day of the demo shall be an international action day against nuclear energy and power stations. We’re sending a call to many other countries, so that there will take place a lot of different activities worldwide.
We invite you, to join the action alliance and prepare a wide protest together. You can contact us at .
With solidary regards,
Anti-nuclear action alliance
Climate is changing – War is staying
More than a hundred years, we’re living in a nuclear age with all its horrors. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 are only the tip of the iceberg; nuclear incidents like 1979 the almost-MCA (maximum credible accident) in a nuclear power station in Harrisburg (USA) or the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 (Ukraine) are only the most known incidents. Such fatal disasters brought and still bring death and illness for people and an incredible destruction of nature, caused by radioactive radiation, which takes thousands of years to degrade. The mighty of the world, foremost the Nuclear Mafia, is still adhering to this killing development and gets rich at it. Nuclear energy was also developed as a martial weapon in the arms race of the superpowers.
It’s high time we break with this dangerous technology definitely, back out of the nuclear energy programme (in its civil as well as in its military use) and close all nuclear power stations all over the world - there are enough, already highly-developed alternatives. The Nuclear Mafia goes as far as to affirm, that nuclear power is environmentally friendly, ethical and economical worthwile. We all know that these are lies, preached by those, who turn the earth into a dump for their capitalist, profit-driven interests. To stop all these mentioned examples, there’s the need for an orientation of society as a whole. Everyone is talking about climate change; it’s obvious that the combustion of fossil fuels induced the climate change and that we have to act now!
- E-Mail: Website:
We some eco-activists and peacekeeper from switzerland call on all to be part of this
international action day against nuclear power and war. You can organise something
in your city/country that day 29.11.2008 (like info stand, rally, demonstration ecc.)
to show we are all against climat change and war. For all actions you have been doing please send to:
Dear friends, comrades and anti-nuclear activists
As an “Anti-nuclear action alliance”, we organize a legal demonstration on the 29.11.
2008 in zürich/switzerland.
Main topic of the demo: against the building of two new nuclear power stations in Switzerland and abandoning nuclear energy worldwide. Nuclear energy means war!
A wide action alliance is organizing the demo, which shall be a chance to call people’s attention to this topic. Also, the day of the demo shall be an international action day against nuclear energy and power stations. We’re sending a call to many other countries, so that there will take place a lot of different activities worldwide.
We invite you, to join the action alliance and prepare a wide protest together. You can contact us at .
With solidary regards,
Anti-nuclear action alliance
Climate is changing – War is staying
More than a hundred years, we’re living in a nuclear age with all its horrors. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 are only the tip of the iceberg; nuclear incidents like 1979 the almost-MCA (maximum credible accident) in a nuclear power station in Harrisburg (USA) or the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 (Ukraine) are only the most known incidents. Such fatal disasters brought and still bring death and illness for people and an incredible destruction of nature, caused by radioactive radiation, which takes thousands of years to degrade. The mighty of the world, foremost the Nuclear Mafia, is still adhering to this killing development and gets rich at it. Nuclear energy was also developed as a martial weapon in the arms race of the superpowers.
It’s high time we break with this dangerous technology definitely, back out of the nuclear energy programme (in its civil as well as in its military use) and close all nuclear power stations all over the world - there are enough, already highly-developed alternatives. The Nuclear Mafia goes as far as to affirm, that nuclear power is environmentally friendly, ethical and economical worthwile. We all know that these are lies, preached by those, who turn the earth into a dump for their capitalist, profit-driven interests. To stop all these mentioned examples, there’s the need for an orientation of society as a whole. Everyone is talking about climate change; it’s obvious that the combustion of fossil fuels induced the climate change and that we have to act now!
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