Friday, April 26, 2019

Love Yourself Workshop and Ritual

Loving ourselves is the foundation of real love. Only when we love ourselves, we can truly love others.
When we feel good about our self, we will have the self-esteem needed to act in love towards another being.
To truly love ourselves may increase the chance of amplifying the love shared with our partners, family, animals, nature, the planet and the universe.

It has nothing to do with selfishness – rather with expanding love in a healthy and sustainable way!

What you would learn?

- How to express and respect each other boundaries and wishes
- One of the ways of tantric communication: Speaking from your heart Purposes of this workshop: - to recognize, learn, explore and experience the importance of loving ourselves on every level: body, emotional, intellectual, spiritual etc. - to show that is nothing wrong in touching our body, self-love, being naked ( or not :) ) but even more, especially doing it in the tantric ways could be very healing, liberating, energizing and it is good as the exercise of bringing the energy up instead of losing it. - to get into more contact and communication with our bodies. - to break the taboo about talking about sexuality, emotions etc. - to explore and exercise that our body is a temple, what we should take care of respect, listen and worship.

What you may Experience?

- We will receive ritual
- Healing may occur.
- Ecstasy-like never before - may happen
- Healing of your sexuality, past traumas, blockages
- Love
- Friendship
- Connection
Your life would never be the same

By who?
Michal Kali Griks - Founder of Tantra Movement
Michal dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Tantra. When he discovered Tantra eleven years ago, it completely changed his life. He followed his heart and completed several trainings in Tantra and Kundalini Yoga, including the Rasayana Academy in the Netherlands.

For seven years he has been sharing his enormous knowledge of Tantra and Yoga and passing on his enthusiasm, love and experience in his retreats. Since he started to train teachers as well, the Tantra Movement Team is growing – and so is our love through which we aspire to make the world a more beautiful and loving place. Join us on this journey!
Costs / Contribution:

Early Bird. 1 week before the course
70 USD per person
120 USD per couple

Normal Price:
100 USD per person
170 USD per couple

Whenever this would be really too much and you would really like to join, do not hesitate to find a solution with us
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center // Koh Phangan // Sri Thanu
Check our website for more info:
and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks (FB)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Ejaculation is not needed for health

The main reason why the doctors say that the man needs to ejaculate is that during spasms the prostate is massaged and this prevents the cancer. 

The doctors don't know that the tantric man train his pc muscle and by using it massage prostate in the s
ame way. No need for ejaculation for this reason

Also another reason why men ejaculate is release of the emotional charge what he gather by suppressing his emotions. Tantric man should learn to express his emotions instead using making love for this.
Michal Kali Griks

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Tantra Movement Massage Course

Once again, I have the honour to share on Koh Phangan my most powerful creation in tantric massage. This massage is a fusion of years of my own practice and study at The Rasayana Tantra Academy and is a carefully blended mixture of techniques that I found are extremely powerful when used together.

This development of the massage is based on Neo Tantric massage, inspired primarily by the teachings of Margot Anand and Marjanne Hurks.
Included are elements of Kum Nye - a Tibetan tantric massage - that has been taught to me by Tara Long.
Utilization of breath and energy techniques were derived from Tantra Kriya Yoga which I learned from Anand Rudra.
When the energy is fully awakened during the massage, powerful energetic touch is used as taught by Flaviu Pop.
Finally, in the Tantra Movement Massage I must also credit the influence of my ex, the great masseuse, tantrika and teacher Edyta Baghira Weber.

These techniques used together create a 'dance' with 5 elements and energies between the bodies of the giver and receiver, together creating a sacred space for healing, pleasure, bliss, unblocking, liberation, full body orgasms and everything else that is allowed space to occur.  
Other important principles included in Tantra Movement Massage are:
- Slowness, which is an essence of this massage
– no goal
– awareness; being here and now
– using sexual energy and moving it upwards, transforming it instead of releasing it (and losing it, as would be the goal in erotic massage)
– the presence of love
The Tantra Movement Massage workshop is conducted in two parts, where the second part is differed according to gender.

1. First day: Intro – full body massage when we prepare the energy for the things to come…
2. Second day: Full body massage including Yoni massage
3. Third day: Full body massage including Lingam massage
Yoni and Lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massages.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Thankfully, Yoni and Lingam massage allows exploration of much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than a typical peak orgasm, which is like comparing kindergarten to university 🙂
Besides being a great source of pleasure, Yoni massage can be a great source of healing for a woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, anger, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.
Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo-tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today's world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).
It's not commonly known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexological active zones in the human body. By stimulating the different parts, we are bringing health to all parts of the body.

This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Neo Tantric Massage is to have it come from the heart.
What will you learn?
- Respecting and expressing your and your partner's boundaries and wishes
- The concept of Healing and De-Armouring and how to approach it in the most supportive way
- How to sublimate and bring sexual energy to the higher chakras instead of losing it through the peak orgasm
- Full Body Massage
- Yoni Healing, Liberating Massage
- Liberating from addiction Lingam massage
What you may Experience:
- Healing of your sexuality, past traumas, blockages
- Higher, longer ecstasies than you have ever had before without need for having an ejaculation or even an erection
- Liberating from conditioning
- Love
- Friendship
- Connection
By who?
Michal Kali Griks - Founder of Tantra Movement
Michal dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Tantra. When he discovered Tantra eleven years ago, it completely changed his life. He followed his heart and completed several trainings in Tantra and Kundalini Yoga, including intensive study at the Rasayana Academy in the Netherlands.

For seven years, he has been sharing his vasr knowledge of Tantra and Yoga and passing on his enthusiasm, love and experience in his retreats. Since he started to train teachers as well, the Tantra Movement Team is growing – and so is our love through which we aspire to make the world a more beautiful and loving place. Join us on this journey!
Costs / Contribution:

300 USD per person
530 USD per couple

If cost is an issue and you would really like to join, do not hesitate to find a solution with us
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center // Koh Phangan // Sri Thanu
Check our website for more info:
and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks (FB)


Monday, April 15, 2019

[Doorbraak Info] Campagne voor verhoging minimumloon van start

Nieuwe artikelen

#Samenvoor14 campagne van start gegaan voor verhoging van het

De FNV heeft het initiatief genomen tot een campagne en de opbouw van
een sociale beweging om het wettelijk minimumloon van 9,82 euro bij een
38-urige werkweek te verhogen naar 14 euro. De campagne ging
gistermiddag van start in Rotterdam-Zuid. Demonstranten verzamelden zich
op het Afrikaanderplein, midden in een van de armste wijken van ons
land. Zij trokken naar de Kop van Zuid, waar ze een monument met het
cijfer 14 onthulden bij een bouwplaats waar het duurste appartement van
Nederland zal worden gebouwd. De bouw gaat 15 tot 20 miljoen euro
kosten. Lees meer:

"Kijk de andere kant op." VOC-verheerlijking moet kunnen, vindt
ChristenUnie-raadslid uit Amersfoort

Nog steeds raken heel veel witte Nederlanders compleet overstuur wanneer
ze worden geconfronteerd met kritiek op het koloniale verleden. Zo bleek
ook de afgelopen dagen weer. Nadat Het Parool eind vorige week bekend
maakte dat het Amsterdamse VOC Café na aanhoudende kritiek zijn naam
ging veranderen, kwam er een stormpje aan woede en verontwaardiging los.
De extreem-rechtse websites GeenStijl en de Dagelijkse Standaard hitsten
hun achterban op en natuurlijk droeg PVV-'ideoloog' Martin Bosma ook
zijn steentje bij. "Linkse terreur" was het volgens hem. Lees meer:

Soedanese revolutionairen eisten vanmiddag in Den Haag de sleutels van
de ambassade op

Vanmiddag was er in Den Haag een spontane demonstratie van Soedanese
vluchtelingen in Nederland. Er zou een statement komen van het Soedanese
leger over dictator Omar Al-Bashir. Wij hebben de revolutie in onze
gedachten en hoopten dat de statement positief nieuws zou bevatten. Ons
doel vandaag was om de sleutels van de ambassade te krijgen. Lees meer:

Teken ook de petitie van Dokters van de Wereld voor een toegankelijke

Onlangs heeft Dokters van de Wereld een petitie gelanceerd voor
toegankelijke tandartszorg. "Voor ruim 500.000 mensen in Nederland is
mondzorg onbetaalbaar geworden", aldus de organisatie die opkomt voor
goede gezondheidszorg voor iedereen, ook voor mensen zonder
verblijfsrecht. "Wij zien dagelijks de gevolgen hiervan: rotte tanden,
bloedend tandvlees of heftige pijn – en alle gevolgen van dien. Dat
vinden wij onacceptabel. Iedereen moet toegang hebben tot
gezondheidszorg, dus ook tot mondzorg." In het kader van de campagne
"Kiezen voor elkaar" toert Dokters van de Wereld de komende maanden met
een mobiele tandartspraktijk door Nederland. Lees meer:

Lawaaiactie bij Leids kantoor van Airbus tegen wapenhandel Jemen-oorlog
en militarisering van grenzen

Vanmiddag maakten vijftien actievoerders anderhalf uur lawaai bij de
Leidse vestiging van wapenbedrijf Airbus. Ze hadden spandoeken bij zich
en deelden flyers uit aan Airbus-medewerkers die het gebouw in en uit
liepen. Vandaag vindt in Amsterdam de jaarlijkse
aandeelhoudersvergadering van Airbus plaats. Lees meer:


20 april, Nijmegen: bijeenkomst "Is de Armeense genocide geschiedenis?"

Op zaterdag 20 april organiseren Nor Zartonk Nederland en Doorbraak een
bijeenkomst met 2 lezingen in het kader van de herdenking van de
Armeense Genocide. Internationaal wordt wordt 24 april 1915 gezien als
het begin van de Armeense Genocide in het Ottomaanse rijk. Op die dag
werden Armeense intellectuelen gevangen gezet en kort daarop
geëxecuteerd. Dat was het startsein voor de genocide, waarbij 1,5
miljoen Armeniërs en Aramese christenen werden vermoord. Die
slachtoffers worden jaarlijks herdacht, overal ter wereld. De genocide
wordt echter ontkend door de Turkse staat. Het Nederlandse parlement
erkent de genocide wel, maar de Nederlandse staat officieel nog niet.
Gezien de actuele situatie van Armeniërs in Turkije, kan men zich
afvragen of de genocide ooit wel echt tot een einde is gekomen. Zaterdag
20 april. Vanaf 19:30 uur. De Klinker, Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46,
Nijmegen. Voertaal: Engels en Turks. Lees meer:

23 april, Den Haag: demonstratie voor erkenning van de Armeense Genocide
door de Nederlandse regering

Op dinsdag 23 april organiseren de Samenwerkende Armeense Organisaties
(SAO) in Den Haag een demonstratie voor erkenning van de Armeense
Genocide door de Nederlandse regering. Er zal ook een petitie worden
aangeboden. Dinsdag 23 april. Vanaf 12:00 uur. Plein, Den Haag. Lees

1 mei, Leeuwarden: debat over de actualiteit van het vrij socialisme van

"Op woensdag 1 mei zullen we een bijeenkomst houden in Zalen Schaaf.
Hetzelfde onderkomen waar ruim 125 jaar geleden duizenden Friezen
opkwamen voor het recht op de achturige werkdag. We zijn benieuwd naar
de actualiteit van Domela's gedachtegoed en doen dat door terug te
blikken naar een debat tussen Piter Jelles Troelstra en Domela
Nieuwenhuis van weleer", aldus de oproep. Woensdag 1 mei. Vanaf 19:30
uur. Zalen Schaaf, Breedstraat 48, Leeuwarden. Lees meer:

Nieuws elders

"Er vindt een revolutie plaats, slapen komt later"

FNV: zondag honderden Rotterdammers op de been voor een hoger wettelijk

Boodschap van de Koerdische hongerstaker Hüseyin Yıldız in Den Haag

Protest tegen komst Paul Cliteur naar Groningen

"We're not cleaners" – sexism amid Sudan protests



Նոր Զարթօնքի Հոլանտայի մասնաճիւղը եւ Doorbraak, 20 Ապրիլ 2019 շաբաթ օրը
կը կազմակերպեն զրոյց մը եւ ցուցահանդէս մը: Հոլանտայի իշխանութիւնները դեռ
չէ ճանչցած ցեղասպանութիւնը, երբ Հոլանտայի խորհրդարանը ընդունած է: 24
Ապրիլ 1915 ին հայերու եւ Ասորիներու ոչնչացումով սկսող ցեղասպանութիւնը,
եթէ նկատի ունենանք փոքրամասնութիւններու ներկայ վիճակը մեզի ենթադրել կու
տայ այն հարցման մասին թէ ցեղասպանութիւնը կը շարունակո՞ւի: Read more:

Middelstegracht 36a, 2312TX Leiden

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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Neo Tantric Massage Course

Hello Lovely People!
We just finished nicely Neo Tantric Massage Course today. There are 2 "live" videos from the parts of it on our Tantra Movement fb page. There would be one more opportunity to learn the same wisdom very soon.
This 3 day course includes healing yoni massage and liberating lingam massage. This is one of the most precious gifts what we could give in practice to humanity. 
Neo Tantric Massage was the first massage introduced to the West with inherent tantric principles. It was in the 1960s that Kenneth Ray Stubbs first started to add massage of intimate parts of the body in his massage practice.

My other great inspirations have been Margo Anand and Marjanne Hurks.
Other important principles included in Neo Tantric Massage are:
– no goal
– awareness; being here and now
– using sexual energy and moving it upwards, transforming it instead of releasing it (and losing it, as would be the goal in erotic massage)
– the presence of love
The Neo Tantric Massage workshop is conducted in two parts, where the second part is differed according to gender.

1. First day: Intro – full body massage when we prepare the energy for the things to come…
2. Second day: Full body including Yoni massage
3. Third day: Full body including Lingam massage
Yoni and lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massage.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Through yoni and lingam massage, you may explore much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university 🙂
Besides being a great source of pleasure, yoni massage can be a great source of healing for a woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, anger, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.
Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo-tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today's world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).
It's not commonly known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexological active zones in the human body. By stimulating its different parts we are bringing health to all
parts of the body.

This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Neo Tantric Massage is to do it from the heart.
What will you learn?
- Respecting, expressing your own and partners boundaries and wishes
- The concept of Healing and De-Armouring and how to approach it in the most supportive ways
- How to sublimate and bring sexual energy to the higher chakras instead of losing it through the peak orgasm
- Full body Massage
- Yoni Healing, Liberating Massage
- Liberating from addiction, Lingam massage
What you may Experience:
- Healing of your sexuality, past traumas, blockages 
- Higher, longer ecstasies than you had ever before without need for having ejaculation or even erection 
- Liberating from conditioning
- Love 
- Friendship
- Connection
Check fb event for details:  
Check our website for more info:
and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks (FB) 


Friday, April 5, 2019

Joke Kaviaar is vrij!

Joke Kaviaar is vrij!

Joke Kaviaar is weer vrij! Vanmorgen vroeg liep ze de bajespoort van
Nieuwersluis uit, vermoeid, maar stralend, sterk, ongebroken. De tien
weken gevangenisstraf, opgelegd wegens kritische artikelen tegen de
onderdrukking van vluchtelingen en wegens deelname aan een protest tegen
de bouw van een vluchtelingenbajes, is achter de rug!

Namens Joke bedankt de Steungroep 13 September alle mensen die op welke
manier dan ook steun hebben gegeven en solidariteit hebben betoond,
financieel maar vooral ook in de vorm van post. Joke is blij me de
ladingen post die, tien weken lang, bijna dagelijks zijn binnengebracht,
met de e-mails, met de meegestuurde enveloppen en postzegels, de
uitgeprinte artikelen die ze opgestuurd kreeg zodat ze op de hoogte
bleef van wat er 'buiten' speelde. Het maakte de dagen daar binnen
korter, het hielp haar in wat ze binnen onvermoeibaar heeft gedaan:
artikelen schrijven, tekeningen maken, songteksten creëren… en brieven
beantwoorden. Dank aan jullie allemaal!

Joke is nu dus weer op vrije voeten, voor zover je van vrijheid kunt
spreken in deze van repressie en racisme doordrenkte en van hekken,
grenzen en bewakingscamera's vergeven wereld van vrijheid kunt spreken.
Zij zal de strijd tegen repressie en racisme, die ze in haar cel zo goed
mogelijk heeft voortgezet door middel van artikelen en het aanvechten
van onrechtvaardige bajesbesluiten, buiten die cel ook weer oppakken.
Omdat niemand vrij is zolang niet iedereen vrij is.

Geen grenzen, geen gevangenissen: vrijheid voor iedereen!

Steungroep 13 September

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Full Body Orgasm Massage workshop

You may experience, full body orgasm, deep healing and bliss. First time for me it felt, so amazing, like the light, what was described by people with afterlife experience. I didn't want to come back. One of the most beautiful things I ever felt. It made me and my life so much more pure and powerful. I want to share it <3 - Michal   💜   Full Body Orgasm without Touching Massage is based on energetic touch that doesn't require physical touch. Still, you may be able to bring the person to very deep full body energetic orgasm or if the body chooses to deep energetic healing. This technique is also very useful in cases when people are blocked for touch. I feel that nothing explain better than the video with me as a model for my teacher and student Flaviu Pop:
What you would learn?
- The concept of Energetical Body and other bodies, what simultaneously we work on in Tantric Massages
- Energetical strokes
- Triggering the energy soft strokes
What you may Experience:
- Healing of your sexuality, past traumas, blockages
- Higher, longer ecstasies than you had ever before without need for having ejaculation or even erection
- Full Body Orgasm Without Touching Massage
- Bliss, what help you to go through life in a beautiful way
- Liberating from conditioning
- Love
- Friendship
- Connection
By who?
Michal Kali Griks - Founder of Tantra Movement
Michal dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Tantra. When he discovered Tantra eleven years ago, it completely changed his life. He followed his heart and completed several trainings in Tantra and Kundalini Yoga, including the Rasayana Academy in the Netherlands.

For seven years he has been sharing his enormous knowledge of Tantra and Yoga and passing on his enthusiasm, love and experience in his retreats. Since he started to train teachers as well, the Tantra Movement Team is growing – and so is our love through which we aspire to make the world a more beautiful and loving place. Join us on this journey!
Costs / Contribution:

Early Bird. 2 weeks before the course
100 USD per person
200 USD per couple

Normal Price:
150 USD per person
250 USD per couple

Whenever this would be really too much and you would really like to join, do not hesitate to find a solution with us
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center // Koh Phangan // Sri Thanu
Check our website for more info:
and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks (FB)