Saturday, March 30, 2019
Don Jon in Cosy Cinema
Neo Tantra Massage, Yoni and Lingam Massage. 3 days course, Koh Phangan
Neo Tantric Massage was the first massage introduced to the West with inherent tantric principles. It was in the 1960s that Kenneth Ray Stubbs first started to add massage of intimate parts of the body in his massage practice.
My other great inspirations have been Margo Anand and Marjanne Hurks.
Other important principles included in Neo Tantric Massage are:
– no goal
– awareness; being here and now
– using sexual energy and moving it upwards, transforming it instead of releasing it (and losing it, as would be the goal in erotic massage)
– the presence of love
The Neo Tantric Massage workshop is conducted in two parts, where the second part is differed according to gender.
1. First day: Intro – full body massage when we prepare the energy for the things to come…
2. Second day: Full body including Yoni massage
3. Third day: Full body including Lingam massage
Yoni and lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massage.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Thankful yoni and lingam massage you may explore much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university 🙂
Besides being a great source of pleasure, yoni massage can be a great source of healing for a woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, anger, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.
Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo-tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today's world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).
It's not commonly known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexological active zones in the human body. By stimulating its different parts we are bringing health to all
parts of the body.
This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Neo Tantric Massage is to do it from the heart.
What you would learn?
- Respecting, expressing your own and partners boundaries and wishes
- The concept of Healing and De-Armouring and how to approach it in the most supportive ways
- How to sublimate and bring sexual energy to the higher chakras instead of losing it through the peak orgasm
- Full body Massage
- Yoni Healing, Liberating Massage
- Liberating from addiction Lingam massage
What you may Experience:
- Healing of your sexuality, past traumas, blockages
- Higher, longer ecstasies than you had ever before without need for having ejaculation or even erection
- Liberating from conditioning
- Love
- Friendship
- Connection
💜 Check fb event for details: 💜
Check our website for more info:
and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks (FB)
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Tantra Circle
Hello Lovely People!
Intention of this first Tantra Circle is connection with ourselves, with others with nature and whole universe. Coming together, in awareness, in the nature, by the fire, meeting other powerful mirrors would help us to achieve this intention.
Connection, togetherness, oneness, unconditional love are directions what the world is awakening to.
Those are also very important aspects of Tantra. We as practitioners, teachers, tantric people, we are happy to shine example not just in words but in actions as well.
Those are main intentions of those circles.
We would like that it would be a place where we could share from our hearts, empower each other and connect on all levels possible.
We would like that the main element would be communication.
It would be good that it would be in form of ritual like this time for example we do "Heart sharing around the fire, under the stars".
Also we would love to include some short connecting practices what would support the energy and would our bodies (from sitting) and minds have a break.
We would like that everyone would be equal in their sharing. That's why this time we would follow Native American Indians tradition of the talking stick.
As much as those Tantra Circles are Tantra Movement initiatives, we would love to share this space equally with other teachers.
We would like that in the future other teachers would guide the circle.
We would love that this place is open for everyone: beginners, active advance tantric teachers and practitioners. You're all welcome. Bring your friends :)
We would like that those gatherings would be also joyous events, where we not only discuss serious matter, share emotions but also where everybody would like to come back because it's uniting, loving energy.
We wish to see you there.
Aha! Aho!
Suggested donation for the place:
No obligation. Most important is that you're there :)
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center // Koh Phangan // Sri Thanu
Whenever you like idea but this time you could not come let us know, connect and do not hesitate to ask the questions.
Michal Kali Griks (FB)
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Call a New Orleans friend! Come to the Wild Earth Church!
Created with NationBuilder, software for leaders. |
Heart Opening, Breast Massage Ritual
Monday, March 25, 2019
Tantric Love Masterclass Lecture
Another from the most beautiful gifts that I may give to humanity. At this lecture, I will share my wisdom about the tantric lovemaking and I will explain the differences, benefits foremost how to achieve it in good and not too difficult ways (It's not about positions - sorry :) )
I will cover such subjects as continence, sublimation what means moving energy to the higher chakras (energy centres), to the other aspects of our life like to self-esteem, Love, creativity, spirituality and other.
Thankful this wisdom and practice you not only will have more life energy passion and health. You may use your sacred (free from overtaking desires) sexual energy for healing, liberating, expanding in Love...
Thankful this practice you may explore much higher types of orgasms and ecstasy than in typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university 🙂 You will transform minutes into hours what especially for the woman would be like magic.
After this special event, everyone can recharge at the restaurant afterwards with 20% discount.
With this event, we continue our regular lectures, workshops in Green Gallery.
There is no nakedness or physical touch involved in this lecture. To rest our minds a bit, we would do a few exercises what you may bring to your daily life and what would give great taste what we are heading to. When you would like to practice deeper, we invite you for our coming courses:
The Journey to Love and Intimacy Massage course starts with this lecture :)
Here is the video when I'm speaking about "Use it, Don't lose it" method, what would be included in the masterclass:
Check our website and when you have more questions do not hesitate to connect
Michal Kali Griks (FB)
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Journey of Love Massage Course
[Doorbraak Info] Anti-racisme demonstratie geweldige opsteker
Beelden van de geweldige anti-racisme demonstratie van vandaag in
Na het van racisme vergeven verkiezingsspektakel van afgelopen woensdag
lieten ruim tienduizend mensen vandaag in Amsterdam zien dat er gelukkig
ook nog zoiets bestaat als een bloeiende anti-racisme beweging. Een
verademing na al het racisme van partijen van rechts tot links – ja, we
kijken naar jullie, SP! De demonstratie was een ontzettend bont
gezelschap van zeer uiteenlopende sociale bewegingen en groepen. De vele
blokken lieten zien welke strijden er allemaal samenkomen in het moderne
en intersectionele anti-racisme. Van dieren- en klimaatactivisten tot
queer- en vluchtelingengroepen, en van black lives matter en feminisme
tot FNV-schoonmakers. Veel activisten waren ietwat aangeslagen na
woensdag, maar hebben vandaag weer flink wat strijdbaarheid bijgetankt.
Lees meer
Staatssecretaris en rechter sluiten ogen voor opstand en martelingen in
Soedan en willen vluchtelingen blijven deporteren
In februari en ook gisteren nog liet staatssecretaris Mark Harbers van
Justitie en Veiligheid weten dat hij doorgaat met het deporteren van
vluchtelingen naar Soedan, ondanks de opstand daar die al drie maanden
woedt en die door het regime van dictator Omar al-Bashir wordt
beantwoord met nog meer arrestaties, intimidaties, martelingen en ander
geweld. Het Internationaal Strafhof in Den Haag wil dat regime vervolgen
en berechten wegens oorlogsmisdaden en genocide. Harbers blijft
uitzetten, ongeacht rapporten van Amnesty International over detentie,
martelingen en andere repressie die eerder ten deel viel aan door onder
andere Nederland uitgezette vluchtelingen. En ongeacht het feit dat het
landenbericht over Soedan, het "ambtsbericht" waar beslissingen over
verblijfsrecht en uitzetting op worden gebaseerd, al bijna twee jaar oud
is. Deze week bleek dat ook de rechter zich achter verouderde informatie
verschuilt. Lees meer:
Amnesty laat kans liggen om zich uit te spreken tegen alle deportaties
van Soedanese vluchtelingen
Uit het onderzoeksrapport "Risico's bij gedwongen terugkeer naar Sudan"
blijkt dat Amnesty International zich "ernstige zorgen" maakt over het
Nederlandse uitzetbeleid naar Soedan. De organisatie beschrijft hoe
slecht het is gesteld met de mensenrechtensituatie in Soedan en gaat
nader in op de verschrikkelijke ervaringen van gedeporteerde
vluchtelingen met de repressie van het dictatoriale regime van Omar
al-Bashir. De feiten die in het rapport worden gepresenteerd, maken
duidelijk dat alle deportaties van vluchtelingen naar Soedan met
onmiddellijke ingang zouden moeten worden stopgezet. Helaas laat Amnesty
na om deze principiële eis te stellen. Lees meer:
Ontmoet de feministische academici die de rechten van trans mensen
verdedigen (deel 4: kinderen en de toekomst)
Nergens in dit debat laaien de emoties zo hoog op als rondom de
behandeling van kinderen die zich vragen stellen over hun
genderidentiteit. In een aantal opzichten is het een spiegel van het
bredere debat over trans identiteiten, maar alles wordt gecondenseerd
omdat er minderjarigen bij betrokken zijn. Iedereen die op welke manier
dan ook ingrijpt, kan ervan worden beschuldigd kinderen te gebruiken
voor eigen doeleinden en daardoor de meest kwetsbaren onder ons te
beschadigen. Elk onderdeel van de discussie draait om deze ene vraag:
wie weet het het beste? Lees meer:
1 mei, Leeuwarden: debat over de actualiteit van het vrij socialisme van
"Op woensdag 1 mei zullen we een bijeenkomst houden in Zalen Schaaf.
Hetzelfde onderkomen waar ruim 125 jaar geleden duizenden Friezen
opkwamen voor het recht op de achturige werkdag. We zijn benieuwd naar
de actualiteit van Domela's gedachtegoed en doen dat door terug te
blikken naar een debat tussen Piter Jelles Troelstra en Domela
Nieuwenhuis van weleer", aldus de oproep. Woensdag 1 mei. Vanaf 19:30
uur. Zalen Schaaf, Breedstraat 48, Leeuwarden. Lees meer:
Nieuws elders
Waarom Thierry Baudet een fascist is
Research project on Indonesian War 1945-1949: ignorance and lost
FvD-ers vallen anti-racisten aan in Maastricht
Quiz: zie jij het verschil tussen de ideeën van Wilders, Duk, Baudet,
Tarrant en Breivik?
Middelstegracht 36a, 2312TX Leiden
eveneens te bereiken op dit postadres.
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Friday, March 22, 2019
Journey of Intimacy Massage course
The next opportunity to learn from me Neo Tantric Massage what include Yoni massage, it would be on the 2nd part of Journey of Love and Intimacy Massage course. We would learn also other tantric massages.
When you would like to join this part without participating in first, it would be good that you're a bit advanced in tantra and ready for it (preferably both)
Questions? Info?
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Tantric Wikipedia
Following my universal call and energy of Equinox and Full Moon, I would love to share the idea about Tantric Wikipedia where we could share all tantric practices.
When someone can create something like this technically, I'm willing to share the practices from my book "Tantra Teachers and Students Guide: All Aspects of Life - All Aspects of Tantra"
We are leaving in the times that tantra(not only) is urgently needed to create solutions what humanity is facing nowadays. Time to share Love Unconditionally not just in words but also in actions

Mother Earth, humanity needs solutions, healing, transformation like never before. Most of us, teachers are living already in abundance.
Let's share! I pray I wish, I choose that others will follow this example.
Share when you care

Thanks in Advance
Questions? Suggestions? Contributions? - Connect

Wednesday, March 20, 2019
"How to make Yoni Massage Masterclass"
Another practical video what no one dear to share. After "How to make Full Body Orgasm Massage Without Touching" and "How to make De-armouring Massage", now time for "How to make Yoni Massage Masterclass"
I wish with these videos, I inspire other teachers to share their wisdom. We are leaving in the times that tantra(not only) is urgently needed to create solutions what humanity is facing nowadays. Time to share Love Unconditionally not just in words but also in actions <3
Probably if I would be smart I could sell this video and pay my debts but I choose to be wise and share that Love Unconditionally because the Mother Earth, Womanhood, humanity needs solutions, healing, transformation like never before. This is more urgent than my personal wishes. Most of us living already in abundance. Let's share! I pray I wish, I choose that others will follow this example.
Share when you care <3
Thanks in Advance
This is one of the greatest gifts that I may give to humanity. At this lecture, I will share my wisdom about the tantric yoni anatomy and I will explain how to give the yoni massage.
Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Conversations with God in Tantra Movement Cosy Cinema
This movie as the book is far from religious but very spiritual, inspiring and uplifting.
Based on Neale Donald Walsch's trilogy comes a film you won't want to miss! Conversations with God is an entertaining yet practical exploration of perhaps the most spiritual experience a person can have, regardless of their faith. See why everyone is talking about this exciting, empowering film!
The dramatic true story of a struggling man turned homeless who unexpectedly becomes a spiritual messenger. In the wee hours of the morning, overcome with anger and bitterness, Walsch writes an angry letter to God, demanding answers to his questions.
We would continue regularly, every Wednesday, to show tantric, inspiring and meaningful movies in our Coco Villa Center. Sometimes you may meet with our students especially during the retreat because our movies are the part of the education. This one is tantric in the aspect of spirituality
About the movie "Don't Look Down" (2008)
"...When his melancholy father dies, Eloy imagines that his father visits him at night; the explanation is more pedestrian - Eloy has started sleepwalking. Things change abruptly: while sleepwalking, he falls through an open skylight into the bed of Elvira, a young woman from Barcelona visiting her grandmother. Elvira invites Eloy to become her lover and teaches him Tantric sex. Eloy discovers bliss. And his father?..."
Cosy Cinema every Wednesday
20.03.2019 at 7 PM
Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center
Sri Thanu, Koh Phangan, Thailand,99.9825338,16z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x3054ff11740435b3:0x440ab6b5d1874d76!2sTantra+Movement+Coco+Villa+Center!8m2!3d9.7475616!4d99.9868791!3m4!1s0x0:0x440ab6b5d1874d76!8m2!3d9.7475617!4d99.9868794
Follow the signs "Tantra Movement School" into a sandy road. There is a hill, which can be a bit hard to drive because of sand/stones. If you want an easier route, follow the following description to our Center:
Go up to Seven Eleven (coming from Sri Thanu on the middle road to Thong Sala), turn left just before (concrete road). Take again the first small concrete road on the left, leading up a hill though palm plantations; After the top of the hill go a bit down on a sandy road. Take the first bigger sandy road on the left; our house will appear after five minutes on the left side (also with Tantra Movement sign, visible from the street).
So three times left.
Donation based:
Suggested free donation - 200 THB
Check our Website for more information:
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Tantra Movement Videos. Michal Kali Griks

10 Best Tantra Teacher qualities according to Tantra Movement School