Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Unite Tantra Festival

The intention of this whole day festival is to connect in unity, liberate, expand in love and experience Oneness.
Let's celebrate a beautiful life together!

 8.30 Creating Sacred Space Meditation
 9.00 Introduction, Connection Rituals + Cacao
 9.30 - 11.00 Tantra Kriya Yoga
11.00 - 13.30 Awakening the Senses Ceremony
14.00 - 17.00 Introduction to Tantra Massage
17.30 - 18.30 Dance with Tantra workshop
18.30 - 20.30 Ecstatic Dance
20.30 Fire, Live Music
22.00 Sharing, Closing Circle Ritual

Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center // Koh Phangan // Sri Thanu

5th March 2019

Price: - includes teachings in a beautiful location, fruits and water.

Before the event:
2500 BHT
Links for the transfers you may find here: https://tantramovement.com/info/#contribution  

At the door
3000 BHT  
When you could not join the whole event you may participate partly and this costs 700BHT per part
Ecstatic, live music and Fire only 400BHT

Most of the events would be guided by:
Michal Kali Griks
Check the website for details and do not hesitate to ask further questions

Monday, February 25, 2019

Snorkelling as spiritual practice video

A free event, any time, everywhere
Here and now. Spiritual, conscious snorkelling.
Use it, don't lose it! Enjoy!

Michal Kali Griks

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Call for Assistants and Volunteers for Tantra Movement

Hello Lovely People!
We are constantly growing and as follow, we are expanding. To share our love, abundance, and wisdom more efficiently, we would like to invite you as an assistant, volunteer, task manager, community member or any other helping hand. 

We offer participation in our teachings and opportunities to grow in your process as individual or/and as part of the movement. Together we are stronger. Together is more fun :)

We are opening up for co-creating together, sharing space. 

For more information contact us a PM and do not hesitate to ask further.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Michal Kali Griks

Uniting Tantra Festival Meeting

Uniting Tantra Festival

I have one wish for my birthday:
That all tantric (and not only) people would unite together in co-creation, brotherhood, sisterhood and togetherness.
That together, in the best ways, we would celebrate life, love and joy.

The main idea is that spontaneously (yes there is not so much time left), we co-create together something that could be approachable for beginners but also nice for advanced practitioners. 

How we would like it to happen it's all up to us.
Tomorrow we meet at 18.00 at the naked part of the Zen beach to tie up the last treads and set up the program. Send us your offer beforehand, especially if you could not come.

We have a place, we have some ideas, we have spontaneity, nice enthusiasm. Now we wait for your good mood and initiatives what would contribute to this beautiful celebration :)

Let's enjoy the oneness together <3

Michal Kali Griks

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Valentine's day offers

Hello Lovely People. 
Special offer for Valentines day: treat yourself or your beloved with experiencing three days of Tantric Massage. Now we offer you the first three days for only 150 USD!   
But this count's only when you book today. 

And of course, tomorrow, you may join our donation based intro. We wish to create the best choice for you to connect with your self, partner and the whole universe. 

We wish that you that even would go deeper and join our whole retreat

Enrich your (love-) life with Tantric practices and Massage Techniques, that will change your (love-)life. Our Retreats are perfect for couples who want to improve their relationship, as you will work during the whole course only with your partner!  

Enrich your (love-)life now by learning new approaches to sensuality and sexuality. Learn new ways of communication with your partner and how to express your wishes. Tantra can help you to explore new ways that can lead to greater fulfilment and closeness in your relationship.  

Check our website for more information:

Michal Kali Griks

Volunteers Tantra Movement meeting

We would like to invite you to join our Tantra Movement. At this evening we will present what we offer, how we work and our vision of how we may co-create things together.

From this first step, we looking forward to work with you. https://www.facebook.com/events/748557492196088/

Together we are stronger and together is much more fun :)

You may check our website, contact us and/or come for our introduction.

Michal Kali Griks

Sunday, February 10, 2019

[Doorbraak Info] Institutioneel racisme in de rechtszaal

Nieuwe artikelen

Grou: demonstratie tegen Swarte Pyt en racistisch profileren van
journalisten (beeldverslag)

Vandaag demonstreerden, net als drie jaar terug, zo'n twintig mensen in
Grou tegen Zwarte Piet, of in het Fries: Swarte Pyt. De Grouster versie
van het Sinterklaasfeest heet Sint Piter en vindt in februari plaats.
Lees meer:

Institutioneel racisme bepalend bij strafzaak tegen Gilly Emanuels

Gistermiddag moest Gilly Emanuels in Utrecht voor de rechter verschijnen
wegens mishandeling. De zwarte vrouw kreeg in Hilversum tijdenlang
racistische terreur over zich heen van een groep jongeren en reageerde
daar in augustus 2017 uiteindelijk op door de confrontatie aan te gaan
in de hoop haar belagers te verjagen. Ze kreeg vooraf, tijdens en na
afloop van de zitting steun van zo'n honderd voornamelijk
Surinaams-Nederlandse sympathisanten. Op de zitting bleek hoezeer
Emanuels het echte slachtoffer was, en dan niet alleen van die groep
racistische jongeren, maar ook van het institutioneel racisme dat hen
beschermt. Lees meer:

Het oer-fascisme van de gefrustreerden

De Italiaanse regeringscoalitie van Lega en de Vijfsterrenbeweging
draagt kenmerken van wat Umberto Eco "het eeuwige fascisme" noemde. Lees
meer: https://www.doorbraak.eu/het-oer-fascisme-van-de-gefrustreerden/


15 februari, Den Haag: demonstratie uit solidariteit met de opstand in

Op 15 februari vindt er in Den Haag een demonstratie plaats ter
ondersteuning van de opstand in Soedan. De actie begint op het
Malieveld, vlakbij station Den Haag Centraal, en voert naar het
Internationaal Strafhof (ICC) aan de Oude Waalsdorperweg 10. De
demonstratie is een initiatief van de gezamenlijke Soedanese
organisaties in Nederland die solidair zijn met de opstand in Soedan.
Tijdens de demonstratie verkoopt het Kendakat-comité hapjes en drankjes
om geld op te halen voor de Soedanese revolutie. Dat comité organiseerde
op 2 februari ook al een benefietbijeenkomst. Demonstratie. Vrijdag 15
februari. Vanaf 12:00 uur (vanaf 14:00 uur bij het ICC). Malieveld, Den
Haag. Lees meer:

23 maart, Amsterdam: demonstratie tegen racisme

Op 23 maart organiseert het Comité 21 Maart in Amsterdam de jaarlijkse
demonstratie in het kader van de internationale dag tegen racisme. Het
protest begint op de Dam en voert naar het beeld van de Dokwerker op het
Jonas Daniël Meijerplein. Doorbraak roept iedereen op om aan de
demonstratie deel te nemen. Om inhoudelijke redenen hebben wij het
manifest van het comité echter niet ondertekend. Demonstratie. Zaterdag
23 maart. Van 14:00 tot 17:00 uur. Dam, Amsterdam. Lees meer:

Nieuws elders

KOZP dient een klacht in tegen NCTV

Principes? Niet overzee

Koerdische hongerstaker Yıldız: "We moeten laten zien dat het menens is"

Is Liam Neeson nou een racist of niet?

De lange arm van Rabat IV

Grou houdt vast aan Zwarte Piet: demonstratie zaterdag gaat door


Kürtlerin açlık grevinin 14. günü: Hüseyin Yıldız ve Hasbi Çakıcı

Bugün Hüseyin Yıldız ve Hasbi Çakıcı'nın başlattığı açlık grevi 14.
gününde. Yıldız ve Çakıcı, yaklaşık iki hafta önce bugün 86 gündür açlık
grevinde olan HDP milletvekili Leyla Güven'i desteklemek için açlık
grevine başladıklarını belirtmişlerdi. Güven ve diğer Avrupa çapinda
açlık grevinde olan Kürt aktivistler, Türk devleti'nden Kürt lider
Abdullah Öcalan'in yıllardır süren tecrit halinin sona erdirilmesini ve
baris görüşmelerinin yeniden başlatılmasını talep ediyorlar. Read more:

Açlık grevindeki Kürt aktivistlerle dayanışmaya

Doorbraak delegasyonu olarak bir haftadır açlık grevinde olan iki kürt
aktivisti DemNed'in Lahey deki merkezinde ziyaret ettik. Görüşme
esnasında, bir süredir tutuklu bulunan ve 79 gündür açlık grevinde olan,
HDP milletvekili Leyla Güven'in serbest bırakıldığı haberi ve Güvenin
serbest kalması sonrası ilk görüntüler televizyonda yayınlandı. Hüseyin
Yıldız ve Hasbi Çakıcı, Leyla Güven'in 79 gündür süren açlık grevini
desteklemek için, Cumartesi günü açlık grevine başladıklarını
belirttiler. Leyla Güven'in Kürt lider Abdullah Öcalan'ın tecrit
durumunun sona erdirilmesi ve barış görüşmelerinin tekrar başlaması
talebiyle açlık grevine başladığını söylediler. Read more:

Middelstegracht 36a, 2312TX Leiden

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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Neo Tantra Massage. Yoni and Lingam Massage. Video

Hello Lovely People <3

Here I share with you what we would learn at our coming retreat. Neo tantric massage what includes Yoni and Lingam massage. One of the best healing and liberating gift to humanity

More info about our coming retreat you may find  here: