Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Awakening7 from before yesterday already on net while sil actual=Mobilisation for ontwapen action+Anty Apartheid Poetry+successful defence of squat Rozbrat(PL)+DIY-why / how without liders.(mp3)ready to listen/download or embed

Show from 30.03.10
To download or embed this show You can go to:

polish below
Today's show, as usual agenda, then... 
Main subject would be the agrofuels as green wash solution. From 15.3.10-17.3.10 in Amsterdam RAI biofuel markets having place. As our resistance to this lie of "green capiatalism" we will talk about how bad for environment and for people are the agro fuels. By deforestation and other factors they are worse for the climate than oil.
The second main subject would be the solidarity with the accussed for COP 15 protests. They will have 16.3.10 their first process, so all around the world there would be organised actions in their solidarity. So we will play the interviews from the action at 12.00 by the Danish consulate in Amsterdam. Beside of that we will also tell some information to mobilise You to actions in defend of Rozbrat, one the most active squat in Poland. This sat. in Poznan would be the big demonstration to prevent selling the place on auction.
Beside we will also play some interviews from Climate Justice Action Conference Europe what was held in Amsterdam two weeks ago. Further in the show we will continue with  "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) This time we will educate ourself and You about eko technology what we can use in our daily life.
As always (if enough time left) we will read some ecological advice from a book "Make A Difference"...In the background as usual we will be playing a collection of international/political songs(mainly punk) 

radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)

Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.

Polonia Aktywna=Sukces Rozbratu+Kłamstwa sceptyka klimatycznego+"Festiwal Reinbow"-"Los Buntownika"cz.9.Mp3 do posłuchania,zembedowania i ściągnięcia podczas gdy wciąż aktualne.

Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.

Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. My w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...

lub jeśli mieszkasz w Amsterdamie 88.3 FM

stare programy dostępne też na


Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, wydarzenie, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia.Tyczy się to angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...

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Awakening=Agrofooling climate change,solidarity with COP 15 Accussed+Mobi4squat Rozbrat demo CJA+DIY eko technology.(mp3)ready to listen/download or embed

polish below
Today's show, as usual agenda, then... 
Main subject would be the agrofuels as green wash solution. From 15.3.10-17.3.10 in Amsterdam RAI biofuel markets having place. As our resistance to this lie of "green capiatalism" we will talk about how bad for environment and for people are the agro fuels. By deforestation and other factors they are worse for the climate than oil.
The second main subject would be the solidarity with the accussed for COP 15 protests. They will have 16.3.10 their first process, so all around the world there would be organised actions in their solidarity. So we will play the interviews from the action at 12.00 by the Danish consulate in Amsterdam. Beside of that we will also tell some information to mobilise You to actions in defend of Rozbrat, one the most active squat in Poland. This sat. in Poznan would be the big demonstration to prevent selling the place on auction.
Beside we will also play some interviews from Climate Justice Action Conference Europe what was held in Amsterdam two weeks ago. Further in the show we will continue with  "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) This time we will educate ourself and You about eko technology what we can use in our daily life.
As always (if enough time left) we will read some ecological advice from a book "Make A Difference"...In the background as usual we will be playing a collection of international/political songs(mainly punk) 

radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)

Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:
to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go
Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.

Polonia Aktywna=Mobilizacja na Rozbrat demo+fakty klimatyczne dla niedowiarków(cz.7)+Los Buntownika(cz.8)

W Poloni Aktywnej głównie będziemy mobilizowali do wsparcia skłotu Rozbrat przed kolejną aukcją budynku. 20 marca w tę sobotę w Poznaniu odbędzie się wielka demonstracja aby zapobiec sprzedaży tego miejsca. Z całych sił będziemy się starali zachęcić do udziału w niej oraz/lub jakiegokolwiek innego wsparcia. Będziemy też mówić trochę o Rozbracie i ostatnich wydarzeniach z nim związanym.Póścimy także audio z trzeciego już wywiadu na temat Rozbratu zrobionego przez zaprzyjaźnionego "Duszka Skłoterskiego" Po za tym będziemy kontynuować cykl(część 7)"Fakty Klimatyczne dla niedowiarków", w którym krok po kroku, audycja po audycji będziemy obalać bzdury o tym, że zmiany klimatyczne nie istnieją albo, że człowiek nie ma na nie wpływu. Będziemy także uświadamiać o tych fałszywych rozwiązaniach, które próbują nam sprzedać "zieloni" kapitaliści, które to tylko pogarszają sytuację, a zarazem mydlą nam oczy. Tym razem z okazji odbywających się w Amsterdamie targów "bio" paliw, przedstawimy to fałszywe rozwiązanie, kolejny "green wash".Przedstawimy jak oszukańczym wybiegiem kapitalistów i jak szkodliwe dla środowiska oraz dla ludzi(powodują głód) są"bio" paliwa oraz jak może jeszcze gorzej niż ropa przyczyniają się do zmian klimatycznych. Postaramy się też przedstawiać bardziej uczciwe rozwiązania. Będziemy kontynuować cykl "Film tygodnia", w którym będziemy przedstawiać i recenzować jakiś warty obejrzenia, inspirujący do działania film. Na zakończenie jak zwykle następny już ósmy, nie publikowany jeszcze fragment dopiero co skończonej książki "Los Buntownika". Tym razem "Psy Skłoterskie Najwierniejsze. Psy Skłoterskie Najmądrzejsze"  Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp.
Rozbrat zostaje!
W Awakening głównym tematem będą także "Bio" Paliwa, a także solidarność z sądzonymi tego samego dnia  eko aktywistami, którzy zostali oskarżeni za udział w protestach przeciw konferencji klimatycznej COP 15. Zagramy wywiady i audio z akcji solidarnościowej, która odbędzie się o 12.00 pod konsulatem duńskim w Amsterdamie. 16 marca ma być globalny dzień solidarności z tymi oskarżonymi. Oczywiście także przeczytamy info o Rozbracie i także w angielsko, holenderskiej części będziemy starali się zmobilizować na przyjazd do Poznania. Także zagramy wywiady z konferencji Climate Justice Action Europe odbytej w dwa tygodnie temu w Amsterdamie.  Ponadto z poradnika DIY "Jak Ulepszyć Świat" przeczytamy jakich technologii i w jaki sposób użyć by zmniejszyć naszą konsumpcję przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu, a nawet polepszeniu naszych i innych standardów życiowych. Po za tym jak starczy czasu, parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę" .

Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.

Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. My w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...

lub jeśli mieszkasz w Amsterdamie 88.3 FM

stare programy dostępne też na


Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, wydarzenie, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia.Tyczy się to angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...

Do usłyszenia

Jeśli chciał(a)byś usłyszeć więcej innych programów(ta opcja ma opisy po polsku) wejdź na :
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Przekaż tą informację dalej jak możesz !!! Wyzwól media!!!

Why environmentalist's should protest in Volkel

From the book "Why climate change is not just environmental issue?"
Or/and from blog:
Militarism: Declaring a War on Global Warming
With the amount of money spent on war each year, our beloved 'world leaders' could easily meet the Kyoto Protocol's international targets on climate change as well as their Millennium Development Goals for poverty alleviation and development; they could phase in energy efficiency and localised renewable energy technology for all and they could prevent huge destruction of human and animal life and the environment...
But what are budgetary priorities when current power relations need support and reinforcement, especially in times like these of multiple crises? War is big business and a major industry that thrives on crisis. It alone ensures constant crises either by physical force or by political discourses that justify a constant cash flow. For example, from the far Right to more moderate environmental NGOs, a discourse of panic suggests a tsunami of bodies about to hit our countries, that starving waves of climate refugees are expected to wash up on our shores. Population alarmism is linked here with a climate change scenario where the depletion of carrying capacity in overpopulated areas causes increasing wars, disease, starvation and ultimately migration to the North. We find this threat narrative reproduced in the NATO strategy paper discussed at the Strasbourg summit in April 2009, where climate change scenarios were used to justify an increase of budgets for internal and external military border control and to legitimize NATO's personal war on the very group of refugees it helped to create.
If we look further at the role of the military in the climate crisis we see that the military apparatus disproportionately consumes energy supplies: energy for the manufacture of vehicles and weaponry, energy for building and dismantling military bases and facilities, energy for the construction of roads for military access, and energy consumed while rebuilding whatever the military blows up. Let alone the energy required by the military's partners, like NASA and the nuclear industry. In the case of the U.S., the irony is that the military is using vast amounts of oil to fuel a war in Iraq fought at least in part to ensure future American control of oil supplies. The Pentagon is the single largest consumer of oil worldwide.
Up to 10% of total carbon dioxide emissions are a result of military activity. A single KC135 plane uses 44 gallons (167 liters) of fuel per minute the same amount of carbon dioxide as 2000 cars. The world's military forces are also responsible for the release of more than two-thirds of CFC-113 into the ozone layer. The US military is the world's single largest polluter and generates more toxics annually than the top five chemical companies combined... so much for ecological bootprint. After the direct impact of war, we are left with chemical and sometimes radioactive contamination of air and groundwater, oil spills or burned forests, and of course devastation of homes and local infrastructure, all further endangering the habitats of people and animals for generations to come.
The hunger for resources extends far beyond fossil fuels like oil. The military's use of metals like aluminium, copper, nickel and platinum is greater than the entire demand for these materials in the Global South. Though it is in the Global South that US-trained paramilitary troops wage war against unarmed small farmers and indigenous communities, displaced from land to be privatised in mining projects for bauxite (aluminium), copper or uranium, and it is in the Global South that wars are raging with kalashnikovs, clubs and knives, wars to control and earn the incomes from the raw materials necessary to make more war with tanks, fighter planes and missiles.
Meanwhile, in those regions where the impact of climate change is already apparent, wars over fresh water resources and arable land have already claimed many lives. The profits to be made from green capitalist solutions to the changing climate, like carbon offset plantations and agrofuels, only intensify neo-colonial land grabs. The new endorsement for nuclear power takes for granted the conflict zones and repression necessary around uranium mining sites, the depleted uranium by-product of enrichment being a welcome resource for the armour plating of tanks, bomb making, and in machine-gun bullets.
Capitalism results in the need for continuous war and ever increasing rates of resource extraction, causing environmental degradation, climate change and social injustice and yet more war. The solutions to climate change within this system only feed the war machine and strengthen authoritarian regimes of control, while further degrading the rights of indigenous peoples and animals.
The US military recently launched its 'war on global warming', assigning the 'military to play a key role in tackling climate change'. A new frontier in the fight for freedom and justice...

Nuclear Power and Centralised Energy Production
Only a decade ago the nuclear energy industry was dead in the water. The high costs of building and decommissioning nuclear power stations, the impossible task of safely disposing of nuclear waste, and the human and environmental catastrophes of Chernobyl, Tokaimura and Three Mile Island (among many others) made nuclear energy a highly undesirable form of electricity production. A number of European countries made plans to phase out nuclear power altogether.

But recently, in a stroke of strategic genius, the nuclear industry have constructed for themselves a lifeline out of climate change. Within the framework of the international climate negotiations, ruthless lobbyists are pushing nuclear energy as a low-carbon climate solution. Over the past four years they have sucessfully forced nuclear energy back onto the European energy policy agenda in what has been branded a 'nuclear renaissance.'

At the end of 2005 EU parliamentarians signed a "Statement on Climate Change and Nuclear Energy," initiated by Foratom (the European Atomic Forum, an association for the nuclear energy industry in Europe). "Nuclear energy should play an increasingly key role in the worldwide fight against climate change and remain a pillar of EU energy and environment policy," the paper said. "We're firmly convinced that the increased use of nuclear energy -- the biggest single component in the fight against climate change – is essential."

But nuclear energy is neither efficient nor effective in cutting CO2 emissions; is not a renewable energy source, and it is equal to, if not worse than, fossil fuel energy in the devastation it wreaks from mining through to waste disposal and decommissioning.

Taking into account all the steps needed to produce electricity in a power station, the reality is that nuclear energy production creates large amounts of CO2, from uranium mining, enrichment and transport across the globe, the construction and decommissioning of facilities and the processing, transport and storage of radioactive wastes. All these consume huge amounts of carbon-based energy such as oil and coal. Even a massive, four-fold expansion of nuclear power by 2050 would provide only a 4% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Nuclear power plants themselves release unknown quantities of greenhouse gases more powerful than carbon dioxide – such as the ozone-depleting chloro- and hydro-fluorocarbons,as well as sulphur hexafluoride. Emissions from nuclear will grow over time as the depletion of uranium sources will increase the amount of energy needed to mine the same amount of useful uranium. Furthermore, a growing number of studies tell us that if we were to outright replace all fossil-fuel generated electricity with nuclear, there would be enough economically viable uranium to fuel reactors for only three to four years.

But it's not only about greenhouse gases. Like coal and oil, uranium is extraced from the lands of indigenous peoples across the world; the uranium mining, nuclear power and nuclear weapons industries are resposible for human rights abuses and displacement of indigenous communities in Southern Australia, Arizona, New Mexico, India, China and across Africa. The indigenous people whose land and communities are destroyed are also the same people who have been employed in the process, unaware of the biological hazards of working with radioactive materials. At the end of 2006 indigenous peoples from around the world, victims of uranium mining, nuclear testing, and nuclear dumping, issued a global ban on uranium mining on native lands.

Profiting from nuclear waste

Depleted Uranium (DU) is nuclear waste left over after enrichment activities for the nuclear power industry. DU is expensive and hazardous to store, so it is sold at a very low cost to arms manufacturers. Both industries profit greatly from the deal.

Each kilo of reactor-ready enriched uranium produced leaves behind seven kilos of DU. DU is a chemically toxic heavy metal and is radioactive, releasing alpha, beta and gamma radiation. It is used in armour-piercing munitions because of its very high density – 1.7 times that of lead – and as armour in battle tanks, in Tomahawk cruise missiles and in some types of landmines.

Estimates of DU munitions expended run to 280 tonnes in the Gulf War of 1991 by US and UK forces and 14 tonnes in the Balkans in the latter half of the 1990s by NATO. There was further large-scale use in the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and also in Afghanistan in 2001. Use of depleted uranium in armaments leaves behind toxic and radioactive wastes that contaminate the land and water for years after the war is over, poisoning the people and ecosystems who are left to survive there.

Maintaining a centralised energy infrastructure

For some people, there is little to be gained from repeating familiar arguments about the costs, carbon-intensity, capacity and risks of nuclear energy. These arguments are already widely known.

But another crucial aspect of the argument against nuclear energy that is often ignored – and one reason why this dangerous technology has been enthusiastically adopted by governments in preference to localised renewable energies – is that it is simply a convenient replacement for centralised, industry-owned, technocratic and highly profitable energy production, at a time when fossil fuels are fast becoming socially unacceptable.

Modern societies have created elaborate socio-technical systems that link production, distribution, and consumption in coherent patterns. The current energy regime is characterized by large, complex, centralized, and hierarchically managed systems that position 'energy users' as 'energy consumers,' purchasing from an energy system whose internal structure is of no particular public concern. Centralised power production serves to centralise political and economic power, disconnects communities from responsibility and control over energy and creates a vast, wasteful system. Currently, almost all discussions about the future of low-carbon energy make the basic assumption of centralized generation by large-scale systems.

Even wind power is promoted with images of massive wind-farms. Geothermal, nuclear, hydropower, hydrogen and bioenergy, the main low-carbon systems, are all large-scale projects based upon a centralized production system. But the development of such energy systems, promoted as climate-change solutions, change only the inputs to the system, continuing the social and political characteristics and the political economy of our current fossil-fuelled infrastructure, strengthening authoritarian and capitalist social relationships. Any discussion of our social relationship to the production and consumption of energy is sidelined or altogether ignored. If we are to recover democracy, a key element must be democratizing power production.

International negotiations

Through a post-Kyoto climate agreement, to be signed at COP15 in December 2009, the nuclear industry hopes to get credit for something it cannot deliver: clean, cheap and safe energy production. Inclusion in the 'flexible' mechanisms (Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation) will allow rich nations to build power stations in other countries and get pollution credits for reducing carbon emissions.

For ten years the nuclear industry has tirelessly lobbied for nuclear power stations to be included in the CDM. Now they are setting their sights on the Joint Implementation (JI) mechanism. If successful, this would mean companies receiving carbon credits for building nuclear power stations across Southern 'developing economies' and in Central and Eastern European 'economies in transition'.

Those pushing for nuclear to be included in the CDM claim that they want to share these progressive technologies with countries across the world, and that governments should be free to decide for themselves which technologies are sustainable and which are not. Some Southern countries support the nuclear option, with its promise of subsidized capacity, but others fear nuclear power carbon credits will favor high-growth projects over smaller sustainable projects. The nuclear lobby has recognised that an emphasis on renewables will deter investment in nuclear energy, and conversely a policy emphasis on nuclear energy, with the attendant government subsidies, will mean reduced investment in renewables.

The nuclear industry has over the past ten years hijacked the climate change discourse to successfully pressure governments into a new round of nuclear power plants across Europe. Many member states, including Britain, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Switzerland are now planning or in the process of constructing new nuclear plants or extending their existing ones. Sweden has lifted a 30-year ban on new nuclear, more than 20 years after banning nuclear energy Italy has signed an agreement with France for at least four nuclear plants, and debates on "new builds" are under way in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Hungary.

Such centralised, large-scale and privatised energy production is exactly opposite to the reduction and localisation of energy production that is evidently necessary to tackle climate change. Nuclear energy represents only a simple switch of inputs from fossil-fuels to uranium, side-stepping any challenge to the current social, political and economic organisation of energy production and consumption and the relationships and power dynamics that such organisation creates and enforces. It also happens to be expensive, dangerous, carbon-intensive, finite and its waste is a cheap and convenient raw material for depleted uranium weapons of war.

APRIL 2010 Seedy Seed Business Info-tour

A SEEDs Infotour:              
The Seedy Seed Business  ..
alles wat je altijd al had willen weten / everything you ever wanted to know

De hele maand April toert A SEED door Nederland en België met info-activiteiten over de opslokpraktijken van zaaigoedmultinationals en een groeiende tegenbeweging van protestgroepen tot lokale alternatieven. Plaatsen die we zullen aandoen zijn: Amsterdam, Emmen, Den Bosch, Groningen, Eindhoven, Gent, Rotterdam en Wapserveen. Aan Utrecht en Nijmegen wordt nog gewerkt.

The whole month of April A SEED will tour through the Netherlands and Belgium with info activities about the gobbling&gulping practices of seed multinationals and the growing counter movement of protest groups and alternative food and seed projects. Towns we will visit include: Amsterdam, Emmen, Den Bosch, Groningen, Eindhoven, Gent, Rotterdam and Wapserveen. We are still working on Utrecht and Nijmegen. Evenings are generally in Dutch, but the first one in Amsterdam will be in English.

Waar gaat het over?
De invloed van multinationals op de wereldwijde voedselproductie neemt snel toe. Ook de mondiale handel in zaaigoed laat dat duidelijk zien. Een steeds kleiner aantal gigabedrijven aangevoerd door Monsanto monopoliseert de zadenmarkt. Ondertussen wordt in Europa gewerkt aan nieuwe patenten op voedselgewassen, worden nieuwe genetisch gemanipuleerde gewassen toegelaten en staan er grote veranderingen in het landbouwbeleid op stapel. Tijdens de informatie-avonden zal A SEED de stand van zaken in Nederland en de rest van Europa uiteenzetten en ingaan op de consequenties die de huidige ontwikkelingen zullen hebben op de landbouw en voedselvoorziening. Een reactie kon natuurlijk niet uitblijven: er is een groeiende tegenbeweging van politieke actiegroepen tot constructieve initiatieven voor zelfvoorziening van voedsel als gemeenschappelijke moestuinen en voedselkoöperaties in opkomst. Ook daar zullen we een beeld van schetsen.

Deze Seedy Business infotour is onderdeel van de landbouw- en voedselcampagne van A SEED Europe. De brochure 'Wie wind zaait, zal storm oogsten ' met meer achtergronden over de ontwikkelingen in de zadensector is te downloaden van de A SEED-website. Ook is er een Engelstalige versie 'You will reap what you sow '.

Waar doen we wat?

Tuesday 6 April 2010 – Amsterdam
Groenfront Infocafe, start 20u
Da Molli - Van Ostadestraat 55 – Amsterdam
Info-night video's - language: ENGLISH

Woensdag 7 april 2010 - Emmen
Huize spoorloos
Vega info/eetcafe vanaf 18u
Wilhelminastraat 33 - Emmen
reserveren voor eten voor 16u op 06-50591313

Vrijdag 9 april 2010 – Den Bosch
AktieKantine Knoflook
Bio-vega eten om 19u
Inlichtingendienst, info- en discussieavond, aanvang 20:30u
Havendijk 3 – Den Bosch

Zondag 11 april 2010 – Groningen
Hunzerheem flat
Vega eet/info cafe + film, vanaf 18u
Populierenlaan 1 – Groningen

Vrijdag 16 april - Eindhoven
De Omslag, Werkplaats voor duurzame ontwikkeling
Info-avond: 20-22u
Hoogstraat 301 a - Eindhoven
Reserveren op 040-2910295 (vanwege beperkte ruimte)

Zaterdag 17 april 2010 – Gent, België
Alternatieve Boekenbeurs
12u30 – 14u30 workshop Loesje/A SEED : Samen Loesjes teksten schrijven over de wanpraktijken van de agromultinationals onder het motto: 'Het zijn niet alleen de groenten die die door Monsanto gemanipuleerd worden'
Verder ook een A SEED infostand
De Centrale, Kraankinderstraat 2 - Gent

Donderdag 29 april 2010 – Rotterdam
datum onder voorbehoud – exact tijdstip en locatie nog niet bekend
z.s.m. meer informatie op

Zaterdag 1 mei – Wapserveen
Leefgemeenschap De Hobbitstee
Info-avond voorafgaand aan meewerkdag op zondag.
Van Zijlweg 3 – Wapserveen
- nog even onder voorbehoud -

Ergens tussen bovenstaande data proberen we nog een avond in Utrecht en in Nijmegen te organiseren. Daarover ook z.s.m. Meer informatie hier.

Voor vragen enzo kun je ook contact opnemen via info [at]

Volkel: nog 1 week - geef je op voor de bus!

Nog 1 week en dan barst de grote actie bij Volkel los! Het programma voor de manifestatie is zo goed als rond. Na deze manifestatie gaan we met zoveel mogelijk mensen het terrein van de vliegbasis op om de kernwapens daadwerkelijk op te ruimen. (Zie:
De actie maakt deel uit van een Europese actiedag: in alle Europese landen waar in NAVO-verband kernwapens liggen opgeslagen vinden op of rond 3 april acties plaats.
Doe mee en geef je snel op voor één van de bussen!

* Manifestatie
Op het podium spreken ondermeer Meindert Stelling (Tribunaal voor de Vrede) en Henk van der Keur (LAKA). Er wordt een verhaal van Een Ander Joods Geluid gebracht over Vanunu en de Israëlische kernwapens. Nico van Apeldoorn draagt gedichten voor.
Muziek komt van de Fanfare van de Eerste Liefdesnacht, Zjef Naaijkens (voorheen van RK De Veulpoepers) en Loutje Bosch met Fanfarette, Srdan Kekanovic (van Musicians without Borders), Manu en The Bucketboyz.
Diana Ozon presenteert het podiumprogramma.

* Opruimingsactie
Direct na de manifestatie barst de actie echt los. We gaan zoveel mogelijk mensen proberen over of door het hek van de basis te komen, richting de kernwapens. Alles moet weg! Niet alleen de kernwapens, maar ook de NAVO als geheel!

* Bussen
Je kunt je nog steeds opgeven voor één van de bussen die naar Volkel rijden (en na afloop van de actie weer terug). Doe dit snel, zodat wij een overzicht hebben!

Bussen vanuit Amsterdam:

Bus 1 (nog een zeer beperkt aantal plaatsen):
10.00 uur – Veemarkt (Amsterdam Oost)

Bus 2:
9.15 uur – Victoria Hotel (tegenover Centraal Station) – Amsterdam
10.10 uur – Jaarbeurs-kant Centraal Station – Utrecht
11.00 uur – NS-station Den Bosch

Bus vanuit Nijmegen:

10.45 uur – Van Schaeck Matonsingel (weg tussen het Keizer Karelplein en het NS station, zo dicht mogelijk bij het station)

Geef je nu op:

* Verdere informatie
Op onze website verschijnt de komende dagen verdere informatie: een digitaal infopakket voor deelnemers aan de actie, juridische informatie, een kaart van de basis enzovoort.

- E-Mail: Website:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rozbrat Stays! Relation and video from demonstration in defend squat Rozbrat(PL)

The auction of the grounds where Poznan's Rozbrat squat is situated will take place on 26th March at 10 a.m. Since January 2008, when the bailiff came to the squat for the first time, we have managed to keep the squat, through different legal actions and protests. If nobody buys the ground on 26th March, the next auction will take place within the next 2-3 years. That is why this is a critical moment for us.

This years we will celebrate 16th year of the occupation of the buildings which were abandoned by a company, which took a lot of loans and ran off abroad. 16 years ago the buildings were squatted by people from the local anarchist community. Since then we have invested a lot our resources and work to renovate and rebuild the rooms that were going into ruin and we have also started a wide political, social and cultural activity. Currently, around 20 people live at Rozbrat, concert and rehearsal rooms, a library, a gallery, screen print and bike workshops, places for meetings and debates are also there.

Recently, as a part of the defence of Rozbrat campaign, we have actively taken part in the meetings of the city council and its different commissions, where they have been debating over a local land development plan of the Solacz district, which also includes the premises of Rozbrat (on the official map of the plan, the premises of Rozbrat were marked as “wastelands”). Because of significant resistance of the inhabitants of the district, the plan still have not been outvoted by the council. Since January 2009 we have made a lot of steps towards and agreement with the city authorities about our situation. Vice mayor of Poznan visited Rozbrat and he wasn't able to offer anything, although, in front of the media, he claimed that he has an alternative option. We asked about this offer in an official letter last May and we still have not got any answer.

On the 9th May 2009 we showed that Rozbrat has huge support. Around 1,500 people came out to the streets for our demonstration, those were not only the inhabitants of Poznan, but also our supporters from various communities and organizations. So far, there has been one auction of Rozbrat but nobody wanted to buy it. This time, according to the law, the price will be lower.

Thanks to all the actions in defence of Rozbrat that we have undertaken, we haven't been so strong before, but still, the distribution of forces is not even. Rozbrat is in danger. That's why we call everyone to support our protest and to take part in the demonstration on 20th March in Poznan.

We won't give up without fight! Rozbrat stays!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

1500 activists on demonstration to defend squat Rozbrat(PL)video

EYFA Network News: .on Autonomous Spaces (February 2010)

.on Autonomous Spaces (February 2010)

Social centres, squats, infoshops, free parties, protest camps, hacklabs
and convergence centres...  Autonomous spaces come in many forms and have
often served as important bases of resistance for popular movements and
struggles.  In this newsletter we take a closer look at social centres
around Europe, examining some of their potential strengths and weaknesses
as projects for social change and looking at current struggles around
protecting autonomous spaces.


1.What is a Social Centre?
2.Some Examples of Social Centres Around Europe
3.Days of Action for Squats and Autonomous Spaces
4.The Role of Autonomous Spaces – Strengths and Challenges
5.Upcoming Events
6.(Many) More Links to Social Centres and Autonomous Spaces in Europe
7.Links to More Information

1. What is a Social Centre?

A social centre is an autonomous space where people can come together to
share, exchange, create, experiment, communicate and conspire.  The idea
is to create a visible, critical presence in the community, where people
can engage in radical ideas and events.

Like all autonomous spaces, social centres are self-organised and
self-managed.  This usually means a commitment to horizontal organising
(no leaders and no fixed executive roles), open discussion (where everyone
can have an equal say),  consensus decision-making, and shared labour
(both rote tasks and empowering work are divided equally).

A social centre can be owned, occupied or leased.  They take many
different forms - from small resource centres of alternative literature,
to sprawling multi-use complexes.  Commonly they include some or all of
the following:  free meeting space, a cheap (veggie/vegan) café, cinema
space, gig rooms, a radical bookshop or library, free shops, internet
access and bike workshops.  Some have free language classes or a community
garden, others offer support for asylum seekers  or equipment loans.

Social centres offer a sense of community and solidarity, affordable food
and entertainment, a non-commercial place to relax, talk, meet people or
find information on political campaigns, issues and actions.

At their best, social centres act as a direct resistance to the
dehumanising and profit-driven logic of capitalism: by taking back control
of our lives, and practising and promoting our political ideas, we
demonstrate alternatives to the exploitative and alienating system of
private profit.  It's not just about the program of activities, but also
the process of learning and developing our politics as we set up and
organise a project together as equals.

2. Some Examples of Social Centres Around Europe

Rote Flora (Hamburg, Germany)

The social centre Rote Flora has been squatted for more than 20 years.
Before it was taken as a space for grassroot activities in 1989, it had
been abandoned.  Before that it functioned as a supermarket.  Originally,
it was a theatre called "Flora," and was named "Rote Flora" (Red Flora) by
activists when it was turned into a social centre.

From the beginning the struggle for Rote Flora has been related to
gentrification.  A huge commercial music venue was planned to be
constructed at the end of Schulterblatt Street, but neighbourhood
resistance against the project began, including resistance to the
demolition of the Flora theatre.  Only part of the theatre was saved by
these actions, and this is what makes up the Rote Flora today.

Two floors and a cellar, several rooms for meetings, a DIY printing
workshop, a motorcycle workshop and a sports room were established in the
Rote Flore.  The 'archive of social movements' also moved to the space,
and is still part of the project.  Today there is also a bicycle workshop
and twice per week a people's kitchen takes place.  There are also various
concerts and parties happening, including a weekly Dub Cafe.

The newspaper project 'Zeck' is still named 'information from the Rote
Flora' and has been going for almost 20 years as a left-radical,
non-official but tolerated media, in which to publish texts from various
autonomous, anarchist and undogmatic radical-left groups and structures.

In 2000 discussion and debate took place around the issue of legalising
the space.  The issue wasn't about money, but about the politics of having
a squat.  There are other legal social centres in Hamburg, some of which
started as squats.  Most are not particularly political now, and people
argued that legalising Rote Flora would create conflict as more pressure
was created to 'stick to the rules.'  On the other hand, others were in
favour of legalisation to make sure the space would not be evicted.  In
the end, the group decided not to legalise and so far it does not seem
like the authorities are willing to risk an eviction.

In the last years, the street in front of the Rote Flora has been
reconstructed as a 'piazza,' increasing the number of people coming to
consume in the area's cafes.  Prices to live and prices of food and drink
are increasing drastically.  In the last ten years the feel and look of
the quarter has changed significantly.  The Rote Flora can also be seen as
part of the problem, as 'creative yuppies' are attracted to the space,
shooting photos in front of the space or drinking cocktails at parties.
On the other hand, the left-liberals see it as a poorly functioning
cultural space.  A legal, commercial culture centre opened next to the
Rote Flora a number of years ago and is used to split cultural activities
into those which are acceptable and constructive, and those that are
unacceptable and destructive.  It still remains to be seen how this will
affect the project in the upcoming years...
Edited from a longer text by a3yo (

Seomra Spraoi (Dublin, Ireland)

Seomra Spraoi, which means 'play room,'  is a radical social centre that
"seeks to be a hub of positive resistance in a city and society where
public spaces have been eaten away by consumerism, property speculation
and the culture of the car." (From the website:

The collective formed in 2004, opening their first space in 2005.  Since
then, they have moved two more times and are currently renting their
space.  The space has a cinema room, gig space, meeting rooms, kitchen and
café area, a bike workshop and more.  Many groups use Seomra Spraoi for
their meetings, including Revolutionary Anarcha-Feminist Group (RAG),
Workers Solidarity Group, Climate Camp Ireland, Ireland Palestine
Solidarity Campaign and Soupstone Kindergarten.  There are regular
Spanish, English and German classes, as well as free computer access and
wireless internet.

Seomra Spraoi has a clearly developed set of principles under which it
organises: autonomy and self-management, openness and inclusion,
horizontal (non-hierarchical) organising, collective decision making,
cooperation and mutual aid, not-for-profit and environmental
sustainability.  Open meetings are held regularly, where all can
participate in running the space on an equal basis.

Rozbrat (Poznan, Poland)

Set up in 1994 on the site of a bankrupt warehouse complex, the original
idea of Rozbrat was a commune for people who did not accept or believe in
"a world based on the rat race."  Initially Rozbrat was a housing squat,
providing a shared place to live outside of the for-profit housing market.
 But quickly the aims of the project broadened to include all kinds of
cultural, social and political work.

Today Rozbrat is at the centre of alternative culture not only in Poznan,
but also the whole region of Wielkopolska.   It is a social space where
activities that could not take place in commercialised world thrive.  The
building includes a living area for 15-20 people, an anarchist library, a
two room concert hall, the anarchists' club and some other smaller spaces.
 Various festivals, workshops, meetings and lectures take place in the
space.  Many radical political initiatives, such as Food Not Bombs and
Workers' Initiative, use Rozbrat as a base for organising their work.

Rozbrat has been under threat of eviction since 2008, with a 'Rozbrat
stays!' campaign active since the beginning of 2009.  On May 9th 2009 more
than 1000 people took part in a demonstration in Poznan organised by the
Rozbrat Collective, with solidarity actions at Polish embassies in
countries like Greece, Hungary, Romania and the Netherlands.  Right now is
a critical time for Rozbrat since an auction to sell Rozbrat is supposed
to take place on March 26, 2010.  Another demonstration is planned for
March 20th.

Patio Maravillas (Madrid, Spain)

Patio Maravillas is a social centre in central Madrid, in existence since
2007.  The collective squatted a long-abandoned building on Acuerdo
Street, in the university area, from summer 2007 until January 2010.  On
January 26, 2010 police moved in to evict the squat, after legal action
was taken by the owner.  On the same day, hundreds of people protested
against the eviction, and a new building was occupied nearby on Pez
Street.  Activities of the social centre were quickly resumed in the new

Patio Maravillas has acted as a busy local cultural and political centre
Regular activities include a bicycle repair workshop, film screenings, a
hacklab, free classes and workshops, political discussions, children's
activities, a photography workshop, legal advice, meeting space and a café

3. Days of Action for Squats and Autonomous Spaces

In 2007 a call to action in support of squats and autonomous spaces was
made, proposing a weekend of decentralised actions April 11-12, 2008.  The
idea was to promote and disperse the ideas and ideals of autonomous
spaces, whilst also feeding on one another's energy to fight in people's
own localities.  A meeting in Dijon, France was attended by approximately
130 and the call out was translated into 18 languages.  Many people will
eager to show that their struggles are not only about isolated spaces, but
a movement without borders that requires international solidarity.

Actions were reported in 95 cities, in at least 26 countries – mostly in
Europe and often in places that didn't already have a social centre
Everything from banner drops, food not bombs, new squatting actions,
street theatre, parties and discussions took place.  More than 30 new
squats were taken over the weekend (although quite a few were also quickly

Since then, there has been a follow up meeting in Berlin and in September
2009 a smaller weekend of actions took place, mostly in the UK.

You can find a full report from the 2008 actions days here:

Interspace Coordination List
Original the April2008-coordination list set up in the lead up to the
decentralised days of action for squats and autonomous spaces.  The list
now provides a communications tool for autonomous spaces throughout Europe
and beyond.

4. The Role of Autonomous Spaces – Strengths and Challenges

The strengths and advantages of organising a social centre or other
autonomous space are clear.  They act as a physical space to unite social
movements and strengthen activism in our communities – a place to plan and
strategise together, and to make links with other struggles and activists.
 They can contribute to the development of horizontal politics and
autonomous movements, by acting as spaces where self-management, mutual
aid and solidarity can blossom.  And of course, by reclaiming private
property and opening it back to the public in a not-for-profit way, social
centres are a direct intervention and confrontation to the logic of
capital.  Autonomous spaces expose the madness of property speculation and
gentrification; they provide an alternative to city centres where the only
places to meet are corporately controlled and owned.

But there are also tensions and problems when it comes to organising
autonomous spaces.  First, there is the question of the project's
sustainability.  Often the day-to-day work in these projects is carried
out by a very small group of people.  Everyone turns up when there is a
good gig on Friday night, but when it comes to fixing the leaky roof or
administrative work like paying the bills, the group suddenly seems a lot
smaller.  This can lead to burnout and resentment.  And even in projects
committed to 'doing it without leaders,' it is an easy way for informal
hierarchies to form.  Those who have more experience or knowledge about
the project can end up with more influence over decisions.

Sustainability can also be a matter of money – without any formal funding
it can be a struggle just to keep the lights on from month to month.  Many
spaces come to rely on bar nights and alcohol sales to keep their space
going, which can also bring up questions about the role of alcohol in our

One of the biggest questions in many countries is often about whether or
not to squat.  One argument says that the bureaucracy and financial costs
of legal autonomous spaces divert energy and resources away from 'real'
activism and social change activities.  There is also a concern that the
group will become professionalised or institutionalised.  Another argument
against legalisation says that the direct confrontation of occupation and
squatting is necessary for the growth of radical politics, and to avoid
engaging with the system one is objecting to.

But squatting can have its own issues.  The instability of constantly
having to move to a new building can be tiring.  In many places, squatting
is becoming more difficult with new laws being passed to make it illegal
or more enforcement of laws that already exist.  Many activists,
especially as they get older, want to create a more permanent base.
Buying or renting a property can allow them to make their politics more
open and accessible, and is often seen as a tactical compromise.
The debate around squatted versus legal spaces continues, often with these
spaces working and networking together, feeding off each other and
building solidarity.

Finally, there is a question of who these projects are for.  Are we
satisfied with youth-oriented subcultural ghettoes, or are we really
serious about connecting our politics with 'regular people' and their
day-to-day concerns?

Read more about the issues surrounding autonomous spaces:

And a guide about how to set up your own social centre:

5 Upcoming Events

Frontal Attack Intersquat Festival (Grenoble, France)
March 20-28, 2010
An intersquat festival against evictions and private property, to reclaim
the city.  Numerous activities will be organized by/in different squats in
and around Grenoble: a week of live shows, movie screenings, walks, vegan
meals, discussions and more, to confront the political managers who are
ruining our city and lives.

Social Centres in a Time of Crisis – National Social Centres Meeting
(Leeds, United Kingdom)
April 17-18, 2010.
A weekend of workshops, discussions and socialising for everyone with an
interest in radical autonomous social centres.
- How can a new generation of social centres learn from the successes and
failures of established ones? What are the ways in which we can best face
up to the challenges?
- How can we sustain energy and dynamism? Can we stop the daily grind of
actually running a social centre from eclipsing the politics and passion
behind it
- Is there a way in which we can capitalise on the current widespread
disaffection with mainstream politics? What is the role of social centres
in a time of crisis?
- What is the current situation with your social centre? What's going
right, what's going wrong, and what support do you need?

6. (Many) More Links to Social Centres and Autonomous Spaces in Europe

This list is by no means comprehensive, and spaces are opening and closing
all the time.  Send an email to eyfa [at] if you'd like to see
your space added to the list on the website.

Ernst Kirchweger Haus (Vienna, Austria)

Infocenter Ecotopia (Razgrad, Bulgaria)

Infoshop Škatula (Rijeka, Croatia)

Jolanda Club (Brno, Czech Rep)

Revolver Infoshop (Prague, Czech Rep)

Truhlarska (Prague, Czech Rep)

Folkets Hus (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Ungdomshuset (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Sosiaalikeskus Satama (Helsinki, Finland)

Hirvitalo (Tampere, Finland)

Les Tanneries (Dijon, France)

Calendar of Berlin events (including address listings)

KØPI (Berlin, Germany)

Au (Frankfurt, Germany)

Villa Amalias (Athens, Greece)

Fabrika Yfanet (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Italian Squats

CSA Vittoria (Milan, Italy)

Officina 99 (Naples, Italy)

CSA La Torre (Rome, Italy)

Forte Prenestion (Rome, Italy)

Fuori Controllo (Savona, Italy)

Zabadaks (Kuldiga, Latvia)

Teror 13 (Macedonia)

Joes Garage (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Molli (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Grote Broek (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)

ACU (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Information about what's happening in many Dutch squats.

Blitz (Oslo, Norway)

Hausmania (Oslo, Norway)

Ivar Matlaus Bokkafe (Trondheim, Norway)

UFFA (Trondheim, Norway)

Warsaw Infoshop (Warsaw, Poland)

DeCentrum (Bialystok, Poland)

ZAKAŹN (Biala Podlaska, Poland)

CRK [Centre of Culture Reanimation] (Wroclaw, Poland)

Elba (Warszawa, Poland)

Metelkova (Ljubliana, Slovenia)

Utkanten (Malmoe, Sweden)

Kafe 44 (Stockholm, Sweden)

Newsletter of activities in Barcelona squats.

Can Masdeu (Barcelona, Spain)

Espace Noir (Saint-Imier, Switzerland)

Haymatlos (Istanbul, Turkey)
London Social Centers Network (London, UK)

UK Social Center Network

7. Links to More Information

Prague Squats Under Attack: some articles on squats in Prague

What is This Place? Stories From Radical Social Centers in the UK and Ireland

Some words on the movement of political squats in France:

Network mailing list

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

EYFA Network News / .on Copenhagen


EYFA newsletter is a tool to spread information on campaigns, actions,
meetings and convergence happening around Europe and beyond. Info is
forwarded to our network e-list and to network partners and contacts.

Please send us info <> if you have news to be spread.

--- -- -- - - - - -- - --- - - - -- --- - --- -- --- -- - - --- -- - -

.on Copenhagen

Despite the unexpected level of police repression at the Climate Summit
demonstrations in Copenhagen, Denmark, thousands of protesters kept up the
fight for ten days of action against the bankrupt United Nations climate
conference, COP15, at the end of 2009. With this newsletter we take a look
back at what happened.



*1. Organising

*2. Police Repression

*3. Actions

*4. Alternative Summit

*5. Official Summit Outcome

*6. Trade &#8594; Climate Caravan

*7. Moving Forward


*1. Organising:

With the COP15 being a conference on climate change, and a United Nations
one at that, there was some concern that mobilisation would be difficult.
The UN is the most democratic forum we have for global decision making...
right? How else will we deal with the problem of climate change... right?
Actually, the UN is half of the problem. By legitimising and justifying
massive corporate influence on government decisions and the continued and
increasing exploitation of common natural and human resources, the UN
climate summits are doing exactly the opposite of solving climate change.
They are legitimising ways of making it worse, and earning lots of money
in the process.

Many groups began planning and mobilising more than a year in advance -
since September 2008 - and a new international network was created exactly
for this purpose - Climate Justice Action (CJA).

Climate Justice Action (CJA) was a very broad network made up of groups
ranging from the explicitly anti-capitalist and direct action based Rising
Tide through to policy-heads such as Carbon Trade Watch, southern NGOs
like Jubilee South who facilitated the participation of indigenous groups
such as Filipino fisherfolks, and well-established global networks like
Via Campesina. Making any kind of decision with all these groups in one
room was always going to be a challenge (though most of those who could
attend the meetings were based in Europe), but over the course of 16
months the network reached consensus on a call-out, set of goals,
principles of unity and agreed to support a whole series of actions.

The Klima Kollectiv was the local on-the-ground group, formed in response
to the need for logistical preparations (such as sleeping spaces,
convergence centres, food, info points etc). But it grew into a climate
action group that also organised its own actions and is continuing to be
active on climate issues post-COP15.

Street-medics, legal support teams, action kitchens, alternative media and
tech collectives, people with practical skills and others with corporate
media skills came from across Europe to contribute to the practical and
logistical organisation of the protests. Several local groups were
reinvigorated and stepped-up for the mobilisation, including Copenhagen
Activist Trauma Support (CATS), the local prisoner support group, and the
legal team Rusk who provided legal advice in the run-up to the summit and
support for the thousands of people who were arrested throughout the


*2. Police Repression:

Police repression in Copenhagen began months before the summit began. A
new law package, called 'Lømmelpakken.' was pushed through the Danish
parliament in the lead-up to the summit. The law turned acts that
previously resulted in a fine into crimes causing unconditional prison
terms, and criminalised people for being simply in the area of
'disturbances' for 'contributing to the atmosphere'. The new law also
permitted the police to pre-emptively arrest people...a power which they
used and abused massively throughout the climate conference.


Border Controls

In advance of the summit, Danish police had already issued warnings about
border controls that would restrict people from entering the country. They
publicly announced a 'black book' of activists who would be stopped and
turned away at the border, angering many people at the repression of
freedom of speech ( True to their word,
Danish Police stopped and searched many of the coaches bringing people
from across Europe to demonstrate their dissent, forcing people to empty
their bags and searching their belongings before any crime (whatever that
means these days) might even have been considered -



Many people began arriving from the first days of December to help prepare
the convergence spaces and sleeping halls. There was much practical
building and maintenance work to be done to make the giant halls warm and
liveable for the thousands of people who would be coming. Despite the
majority of people not arriving before 10th December, and despite the
spaces being legally rented from the local municipality, Danish police
raided both big convergence spaces – 'Teglehomlen' on 4th and
'Ragnhilsgade' on 9th December – even without a warrant. At the second
raid police took everything from work tools to banners and placards and
even stole all the public meeting notes, practical information and task
rotas from the notice boards in the No Borders Cafe.

Police raids activist housing -

Police Search Ragnhildsgade Sleeping Space -

Another Police Raid on Climate Campaigners -

Report from the raid at Ragnhildgade -

Activists: Police out of proportion -

Picture before and under the accomodation raid -



During the ten days of protest there were over 1800 arrests in a shocking
demonstration of the UN's war on dissent. Seven people continue to face
serious charges of conspiracy, despite the entire summit mobilisation
having been organised on an entirely non-hierarchical and open basis.
Solidarity demonstrations took place and continue to happen at Danish
embassies across Europe, and there is a further callout for solidarity
demonstrations at Danish embassies on 16th March to coincide with the
court dates of two defendants.


*3. Actions:

The fortnight of the summit was an action-packed time, with even some
tension in the lead-up between activists who demanded 'action action
action!' and others who wanted to create space for political discussions
and network-building on the streets. The actions began with Don't Buy the
Lie on Friday 11th December, a hit-and-run game of target-tag with
activists receiving info via telephone and text message on an action-map
of corporate offices to strike with invasions, occupations and noise
disruptions. The arrests began immediately.


This was followed on Saturday 12th with a march of over 100,000 people
through the streets of Copenhagen in the annual Global Day of Action,
mirrored by marching in cities across the world. In a dramatic
demonstration of escalating police repression of dissent, over 900
demonstrators were arrested in a pre-emptive mass-kettle halfway through
the march, with police randomly cutting off a section of the 'System
Change Not Climate Change' block and re-routing the rest of the march
around it. Those arrested were made to sit on the ground in lines for over
5 hours, without access to food, water or toilets, and then held in cages
overnight, causing outrage from protesters and media-outlets over the
inhuman treatment of those who show dissent (even by just marching!).
Despite over 900 arrests on this day, no one was charged.


Not deterred by the repressive policing, Sunday 13th was the day to Hit
The Production - a mass action to shut down the harbour of Copenhagen as a
symbol of global capitalism and key hub for the transportation of goods
from production in the south to consumption in the north. Over 200 people
gathered to march to the harbour with the intention of blockading the
entrances. Immediately surrounded by police, demonstrators were eventually
outnumbered by police. Police stormed the sound van and arrested everyone
in sight, again in a pre-emptive strike. Despite this fiasco, word got
around that the 24/7 harbour had actually stopped work for the
day....meaning that even without reaching their target, the protest had
succeeded in achieving it's stated aim.


Monday 14th was No Borders day. Again in a show of pre-emptive aggression,
police raiding Ragnhildgade a few days before had stolen many of the
banners and placards painted for the demonstration. Undeterred, over 1,500
protesters met at Israel Plads in the morning for a march to the Danish
Ministry of Defence.


Also on Monday 14th Tar Sands activists targeted the Canadian Embassy. The
protest was called by the Indigenous Environmental Network, the Rainforest
Action Network, the Council of Canadians, the Indigenous Peoples Power
Project, and UK Tar Sands Group to protest about the planet's most
destructive industrial project, which is destroying the habitat and
culture of Canadian First Nations peoples whilst tipping Canada's carbon
footprint completely over the edge.


Whilst this was all happening, news emerged from the climate summit that
the talks had broken down. Unsurprisingly, the BBC reported that the
"negotiations at the UN Climate Summit have been suspended after
developing countries withdrew their co-operation," ignoring the G77 chief
negotiator Lumumba Di-Aping who explained the latest development with the
following statement: "The president of the COP (Danish climate minister
Connie Hedegaard) is absolutely committed to violate any democratic


On the evening of Monday 14th the Reclaim Power Party turned into a
stand-off between protesters and police, resulting finally in a dramatic
police invasion and occupation and mass-tear-gassing of Free-town
Christiania and the arrest of 196 people. Seemingly the police were trying
to wear down street-level opposition through constant offensive action
against activists.


Tuesday 15th December was agriculture action day with Via Campesina, ASEED
and others organising a Resistance is Ripe! demo and info-evening to
highlight the energy and emissions intensive farming practices and in
support of peasant access to land, the abolishment of the agro-export
model of food production and the scaling down of industrial agriculture


Reclaim Power, the mass direct action organised by Climate Justice Action
began early in the morning of December 16th, with affinity groups joining
different blocs based on their choice of tactics. The blocs were decided
in big preparations assemblies that took place in Ragnhildgade every
evening running up to the action. The blue bloc met at a metro station
nearby the Bella Centre to carry the People's Assembly on a pre-arranged
route up to and over the fences which surrounded and excluded people from
the United Nations Summit. The green bloc was made up of autonomous
affinity groups who would try to get into the summit grounds from all
different directions across the fields that surrounded it. Unfortunately
this group made the minor error of also choosing to announce a starting
point for the morning of the action. The bike bloc, working out of the
Candy Factory all week, repaired all kinds of shapes and sizes of bikes,
to be used in any way possible to evade or distract police, pass messages
between groups and blocs, or defend moving targets from attack. The inside
bloc organised to disrupt the proceedings from the inside, gathering
people together for a mass-exodus from the Bella Centre to join the
People's Assembly outside.

In the end the action felt disappointing for most people involved. The
police had all blocs surrounded from the start, and they made plenty of
use of their pepper spray and batons to keep people away from the summit.
Communications and decision-making structures hadn't been thought through
very well, so when things didn't go according to plan, there wasn't an
agreed way to make changes and communicate them. One heroic affinity group
on the blue bloc had prepared a floating bridge to get across the small
river between the roadside and the Bella Centre! The inside-bloc were
threatened with arrest repeatedly on their way out of the Bella Centre and
towards the People's Assembly, and then beaten with batons and charged
from both sides by police who trapped them on a bridge near to the blue
bloc. The two blocs were close enough to shout at each other across the
river surrounding the conference centre, but police heavy lines would not
let them meet. Eventually with many arrests made, the blue bloc improvised
a People's Assembly where they were surrounded by police just outside the
fence surrounding the Bella Centre.


Exhausted and repressed, but not deterred, activists organised one final
demonstration on Friday 18th December. The 'Free Political Prisoners'
solidarity march began with sound trucks blaring tracks of resistance and
the now familiar array of Dutch, German, Swedish and Danish police
vehicles in tow. Many more people than anyone expected came out to
demonstrate against the escalated police repression of dissent around a
supposedly democratic United Nations meeting.


As well as all the street-level actions outside and against the summit, a
number of groups who had gained accreditation participated in actions
inside, creating something of a circus atmosphere in the public areas with
colourful and noisy demonstrations several times a day. Actions inside the
Bella Centre were done by Avaaz, Via Campesina, the Yes Men, and FOE
international (who were eventually banned for unauthorised clapping in a
noisy demonstration which involved lots of people dressed in blue
rain-macs clapping in chorus to symbolise the ticking of the climate


*4. Alternative Summit:

KlimaForum09 was an alternative civil-society summit to create space for
NGO and grassroots politics outside of the Bella Centre. Supported by a
range of small and medium NGOs, it put on a programme of 202 debates, 70
exhibitions, 43 films, 16 concerts and 11 plays from all over the world.
Throughout the fortnight of the official summit, the KlimaForum process
created an alternative Declaration to counter the corporate-biased one
that would inevitably be produced by the UN proceedings. See the
Declaration here:


*5. Official Summit Outcome:

On Friday, December 18, the final day of the conference (the conference
finished late, on Saturday, December 19), the Copenhagen Accord emerged.
The two-and-a-half-page text does not provide for any emission reduction
targets for developed countries after 2012 (when the current Kyoto
Protocol expires). Individual countries may volunteer reduction targets,
but there is nothing to bind them.

The Accord sets a goal for developed countries to contribute U.S.$100
billion annually by 2020 towards developing country climate funds. This
non-binding goal gives no guarantees... and everyone knows that developed
countries rarely, if ever, deliver promised funds. A proportion of the
money is already planned to come from carbon markets - see on why this is very bad. Developing
countries themselves will also be expected to contribute to the pot. On
top of this, the money comes based on the condition that developing
countries also start to reduce their emissions (erm..what emissions?!)

The Accord stabs in the back more than 100 countries which have demanded a
maximum temperature rise of 1.5°C by including only a reference, in the
very last sentence, to the possibility of discussing this sometime in the
future. The process through which the Copenhagen Accord emerged has been
compared to a WTO-style "super green room" process, in contrast to the
supposedly open, inclusive proceedings at the UN.

During the final session of the COP, at about 3 in the morning on Saturday
19th, the Danish prime minister introduced the Accord as a done deal. Four
hours earlier Obama had announced to the world that a deal had been made
and that "most of the text has been completely worked out." He then left
to go back to Washington to avoid a snow storm. The Bolivian ambassador,
noting that the Bolivian delegation had learned about the Accord through
the media, asked, "Why have we not discussed this document before and why
are we given 60 minutes to look at this document now, which will decide
the lives of our people... This document does not respect two years of
work and our people's rights are not respected, so we cannot endorse this
document which is by a small group that think they can take the
opportunity to impose on us."

The U.S. and the U.K. tried to hold back climate funding from developing
countries who do not accept the Accord, but in the end parties to the
UNFCCC agreed to merely "take note" of the text rather than to adopt
it...the conference neither accepted nor approved the Accord. Because a
small number of developing countries were able to stop the Accord from
being adopted by the COP, the U.S. and other big players complained about
the difficulties of staying within a consensus process, despite the fact
that they have been happy to use the same consensus process in the past to
block advancement of anything not in their own best (profitable)


*6. Trade &#8594; Climate Caravan:

From December 3-9 more than 60 activists from the Global South travelled
across Europe from the WTO Trade Summit in Geneva to the COP15 Climate
Summit in Copenhagen. Their intention was to highlight the close relation
between trade politics and the climate crisis. The purpose of the caravan
was it to enable voices from the South to have their say in the current
debates about trade and climate. With public events, workshops and actions
the representatives of movements from the South showed how climate change
and trade liberalisation affect their lives and how they struggle against
it. The caravan travelled on two routes, one through France and Belgium, a
second through Germany – crossing the border into Denmark together on the
9th December to a warm welcome party in Christiania.

Social and Justice Climate Caravan Begins -

Caravan from WTO to COP15 -

First Stop of the "Climate-Justice Caravan" (east) -

Fourth stop of the Climate Caravan (west) Brussels -


*7. Moving Forward:

At the end of the 10-day long protest in Copenhagen, exhausted activists
got together to evaluate the actions and the process, and discuss 'where
next from here?'. The next meetings of the Europe-based Climate Justice
movement will take place in Amsterdam from 27-28 February, and then during
the Bonn Climate Summit (COP15.5) from May 29-30, with Monday May 31st
dedicated to discussing what 'climate justice' means in a European

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**Published electronically by EYFA**
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