This is a platform for our affinity group, our squat Positivenest, our projects like Program Awakening, and the videos and posters manufactured by Spirit of Squatters Collective and a few others. Our idea is to bring a lot of positive messages and constructive solutions to the alternative movement. We try to avoid pessimistic news, except when we are fighting for freedom of speech. Real life starts when we turn off our computer, our tv, etc. If you want to contact us, email
Noooo, it wasn't easy at all to join any demonstration in Arnhem, Saturday, January 30th... Our train was late, so we couldn't join an official walk organised by local socialdemocrats. The better alternative left was joining the neo-nazi's from the NVU. And that's what we did or at least that's what we tried to do as 'National Piggies Front'.
Nederlandse vertaling volgt / Dutch translation will follow
The neo-nazi's had some fake reasons to demonstrate, that's why we would like to add the real issue of our time: "Pigs rule - Stop the sheeps! - Stop the goats!". Because it's obvious Dutch national pigs should need protection against the real enemy - which are off course sheeps and goats. Too many of these beasties are taking over places who should be for pigs. That's why one of our lines we shouted was: "Pigs only - Sheeps out! Pigs only - Goats out!"
Around 14.00 we left to reach the ultimate goal; the neo-nazi route. The NVU (Nederlandse Volks Unie / Dutch Peoples Union) was served by loads of police in a large forbidden zone. For many people it was almost impossible to enter that area. Not for the National Piggies Front. 'Unfortunately' they shortened the route, that's why we had to adapt the way we were going. Now the plan was to enter from one of the sidestreets of the Zijpendaalseweg. Guess it was the Pallandtstraat or the Burgemeester Weerssstraat.
It was 14.30 and everything looked very well. We were really close by... With 2 minutes earlier we should have succeeded - but at the moment we were walking down in the direction of the nazi-demonstration riot police were leaving their busses to catch us. So we run - which didn't make sense because they alarmed another police van which came from the other side of the street. Now the National Piggies Front was completely surrounded bye tens of riot police (from Flevoland)... People in and outside the houses saw this wonderful game of police trying to catch pigs. They applauded and showed their sympathy for the pigs (don't mean the police!).
After they catched pigs who tried to run in different directions, the police brought us together at one spot. Off course with full cooperation of the National Piggies Front - cheerfully singing and marching:
"Right - left - right Piggies wanna rule! Piggies wanna fight!
We want pigs national power We can miss - everyone else!
Nooo - we're not born equal, don't you think?
Everyone's skin, Everyone's tail should be pink!
Yeahhh!!! National Piggies Front!!!"
What to do with these pigs? The police boss apologised he was not in charge and had to call the commander in chief: "We have surrounded 7 piggies and what should we do now?". Off course this was a very important question - so it took a while. More than 45 minutes.
In the mean time police and pigs killed time with ID checks, making jokes, eating chocolate and exchanging marching exercises. Finally the Boss of bosses answer came: in a joined operation pink and blue coloured pigs should march out of the forbidden zone together. And that's what we did. It felt really safe going north that way at the Zijpendaalseweg! We passed police vans where they kept activists (their greetings were nice!) and somewhere in Zijpendaal we were released with a serious warning not to re-enter the forbidden zone. As pigs we are lazy and took the shortest way through Sonsbeek (yeahhh, sorry it's in the forbidden zone) and around 17.00 we arrived at our guesthouse.
After the neo-nazi's had left Arnhem, the only thing we could do, is show our solidarity with the people who were kept in the policestation. So we made several rounds around that building and used our megaphone with lines like: "This is the National Piggies Front speaking - Restore the order in this country!: all arrested people immediately free!"
Zojuist heeft een diverse groep activisten, jongeren en kunstenaars een deel van de voormalige tramremise in de Bellamy/Kinkerbuurt bezet na langdurige, structurele leegstand.
Een paar hallen moet rode puntdaken zijn nu weer in gebruik
Met behulp van verschillende kraakgroepen en kraakspreekuren uit de hele stad is een deel van het immense terrein gekraakt. Al jaren worden de vele mogelijkheden van dit monument maar zeer spaarzaam benut, zo hebben op het terrein van +/- 15.000 m2 slechts enkele antikrakers een atelier en staat het grootste deel al tijden weg te rotten. Na het onlangs definitief stranden van de plannen voor een controversieel, megalomaan uitgaanscentrum ligt er nu een aanzet tot nieuw voorstel maar het lijkt er niet op dat er binnen afzienbare tijd al een nieuwe bestemming aan het terrein wordt gegeven. De plannen moeten immers nog uit gewerkt worden, het nieuwe fusie-stadsdeel West moet er nog over oordelen en daarna zal het nog zeker één jaar duren voordat het bouwvergunningen en bestemmingsplan traject is doorlopen.
De krakers zijn zich er terdege van bewust dat de stadsdeelpolitiek onlangs een brainstorm met de buurt heeft gehad. Zij willen benadrukken dat zij deze actie niet hebben ondernomen om buurt initiatieven te frustreren maar dat zij juist de buurt van harte wil uitnodigen om samen met de krakers alvast te beginnen met het terrein een wenselijke invulling te geven. De politiek is immers al jaren bezig met de ontwikkeling van het complex en in die tijd is er nooit geluisterd naar de wensen van de buurt. De kraakgroep heeft er weinig vertrouwen in dat dit ditmaal, zonder een gelijktijdige bezetting om druk te zetten, anders zal gaan. Ook nu weer blijkt immers in de coulissen al een nieuwe project ontwikkelaar klaar te staan om het terrein een grotendeels commerciële, grootschalige invulling te geven, waarin voor de door de buurt gewenste voorzieningen haast geen plaats is ingeruimd.
Buurtbewoners en overige geïnteresseerden zijn dan ook via een verspreid pamflet van harte uitgenodigd om langs te komen en boven een kop koffie of soep met de krakers van gedachten te wisselen.
De kraakgroep is i.i.g. van plan om op de korte termijn in het complex een scala aan kleinschalige culturele en sociale projecten te ontplooien. Gedacht wordt onder andere aan atelier en galerie ruimte, een dagcafé met koffie en internet, een z.g. volkskeuken restaurantje, een weggeefwinkel en een theater- en filmzaal.
Ook is deze bezetting uitgevoerd met het oog op de voortdurende verkrotting van het rijksmonument. Door de jarenlange leegstand en het gebrek aan goed onderhoud is het complex zwaar aan het vervallen. Zo zeer zelfs dat (gedeeltelijke) sloop onlangs door stadsdeelvoorzitter Olij niet bij voorbaat werd uit gesloten. De krakers hopen met deze actie een steentje bij te dragen aan het redden van dit karakteristiek erfgoed.
Tenslotte willen de krakers met de kraakactie de sociale, culturele en politieke noodzaak van het kraken zoals dat in Nederland plaatsvindt benadrukken. Zoals een aanwezige kraker opmerkte: "Deze actie mag [naast alle lokale aspecten] ook zeker gezien worden als een lange neus naar die tweede kamer leden die hoopten dat het kraken in Nederland per 1 januari geschiedenis zou zijn."
There is great World Economic Forum page in the style of New York Times made by Yes Man. Its fantastic. Spread the news!! (especially to people outside ;) Here is the link:
The UN Climate summit - is over. The utterly substanceless Copenhagen Accord showed once again the bankruptcy of elite decision-making and the opportunistic and dangerous rise of 'green'capitalism. The most hopeful thing to come from Copenhagen was the rise of an international climate movement willing to organize confrontational actions and demanding system change. Thousands of activists from all over the planet took action on the streets of Copenhagen.
In a time of increased movement-building around climate justice it is crucial to strenghten this movement based on open direct action and a demand for system change. To establish radical momentum to confront climate chaos caused by capitalism, and to further our everyday struggles on a local level
Therefore, we call for a meeting to discuss the issues and challenges of Netherlands-based climate movements; to share inspiration for action; and determine our position relating to the international grassroots networks that grew out of the Copenhagen summit mobilisation.
Open (and snacks) at 13.30u Program with brainstorm on actions and targets, movies and talks. Closes at 18.00 the date is Sunday the 31st !! De Wittenstraat 43-45 more info:
OPROEP! 4 februari protestdemonstratie bij het stadhuis in Hoofddorp, Raadhuisplein 1, Hoofddorp: 19.00 uur.
plan voor nieuw cellencomplex Schiphol West
Op donderdag 4 februari 2010 beslist de gemeenteraad van Haarlemmermeer over de wijziging van het bestemmingsplan waardoor een nieuw 'justitieel complex' op Schiphol kan worden gebouwd. Dit complex moet in 2012 het huidige vervangen.
Onderdeel van dit 'justitieel complex' zijn een detentiecentrum en een uitzetcentrum, om mensen die geen verblijfspapieren hebben voor onbepaalde tijd in op te sluiten, met als enig doel hen het land uit te gooien!
Om 19 uur is er een hoorzitting waarin indieners van zienswijzen in slechts vijf minuten hun standpunt moeten toelichten. Daarna is er tot ongeveer 21.30 een BESLOTEN vergadering van de gemeenteraad. Deze is besloten omdat "de gemeenteraad in alle vrijheid en zonder last in staat wil zijn om hierover van gedachten te wisselen". "Dat mag want het is de raad zelf die hierover mag beslissen".
Om 22.15 wordt de vergadering pas openbaar en kun je de besluitvorming bijwonen. Mosterd na de maaltijd! Wij roepen op tot luid protest tijdens deze hoorzitting en vergadering. Steun en verspreid deze oproep en kom ook meedoen om een oorverdovend geluid tegen dit besluit te laten horen!
Niet alleen is het schandalig dat deze vergadering besloten (dus geheim) is, maar daarnaast bedotten de 'democraten' van Haarlemmermeer de boel! Want hoewel er nog zienswijzen worden behandeld, is de hele zaak al voorgekookt:
1. De gemeente heeft al een 'anterieure overeenkomst' met Schiphol Real Estate gesloten over de grond waarop gebouwd gaat worden.
2. Vanaf 28 augustus 2008 loopt al een aanbestedingsprocedure waarin bedrijven meedingen naar de opdracht voor de bouw en exploitatie van het complex. Daar is een contract van 400 miljoen Euro mee gemoeid.
3. B&W stellen al bijvoorbaat, in een concept besluitenlijst van 12 januari, aan de raad voor om de zienswijzen ongegrond te verklaren en de wijziging aan te nemen!
Hoe kan dit besluit nog anders uitvallen dan ten gunste van de plannen van justitie om nóg een detentiecentrum en uitzetcentrum te bouwen? Nóg meer cellen, alsof er niet al teveel zijn bijgebouwd: De nieuwe grensgevangenissen in Alphen aan den Rijn en de nieuwe die wordt gebouwd op Rotterdam Airport, onder andere voor gezinnen met kinderen. Iedereen die geen geld in het laatje van de Europese kapitalistische economie brengt, moet weg. De gemeente Haarlemmermeer maakt de handen vuil door hieraan mee te werken!
De gemeenteraad wil "in alle vrijheid" en "zonder last" beslissen. Wat is die last waar ze het over hebben? Het horen van protest dat luider en langer klinkt dan vijf minuten? En waarom is de gemeente bang om hun vrijheid door openbaarheid te verliezen? Het is de wereld op zijn kop!
Elke cel om mensen het leven onmogelijk te maken en voor onbepaalde tijd op te sluiten is een cel te veel!
First main subject would be updates from the eviction wave what would(were) happen today. Second main subject would be relation from protests in Kopenhagen. The COP 15 has ended but our struggle must continue and it will. The COP 15 protests were a huge positive step forward in mobilizing the Climate Justice movement in good direction to save the planet. So today and for the next times in our radio show we will play audio from the COP 15 protests. With the voices recorded we will tell You why Climate Change is not just an environmental issue. We will play audio from demonstrations, speeches, events that happened during the COP 15. Further in the show we will continue with the "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) why we need alternative media. As always (if enough time left) we will read some ecological advice from a book "Make A Difference"...In the background as usual will be playing a collection of international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from go to: Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm To all positive organizations & To whom it may concern, If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome. Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
W "Polonii Aktywnej" głównie będziemy mówić o tym jak zmiany klimatyczne wpływają na zwiększenie ubóstwa na świecie i co dobrego możemy zrobić by temu przeciwdziałać. Drugim głównym tematem będzie antyfaszyzm w Rosji i odbywające się nie tylko tam demonstracje upamiętniające zabójstwa Stasa Markelowa i Anastasii Baburowej. Jako, że książka "Los Buntownika" jest już skończona zaczynamy czytać ją część po części w naszej audycji. Będzie to nowy cykl w Poloni Aktywnej. Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp. W Awakening głównym tematem będzie relacja z COP 15(część 5) Będziemy starali się dać głos tym co w tych konferencjach byli pominięci i wraz z nimi będziemy się starali wyjaśnić dlaczego zmiana klimatu to nie tylko problem ekologiczny.Ponadto z poradnika DIY "Jak Ulepszyć Świat" dlaczego potrzebujemy tworzyć alternatywne media? Po za tym jak starczy czasu, parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę" .
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Pipi w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, wydarzenie, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia.Tyczy sie to angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Main subject would be relation from protests in Kopenhagen. The COP 15 has ended but our struggle must continue and it will. The COP 15 protests were a huge positive step forward in mobilizing the Climate Justice movement in good direction to save the planet. So today and for the next times in our radio show we will play audio from the COP 15 protests. With the voices recorded we will tell You why Climate Change is not just an environmental issue. We will play audio from demonstrations, speeches, events that happened during the COP 15. Further in the show we will continue with the "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) this time about history of alternative media. As always (if enough time left) we will read some ecological advice from a book "Make A Difference"...In the background as usual will be playing a collection of international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm To all positive organizations & To whom it may concern, If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome. Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
W "Polonii Aktywnej" głównie będziemy mówić o tym jak bank światowy (WTO) poprzez swe pożyczki zwiększa biedę nie tylko krajów biednych ale ludzi na całym świecie. Po za tym zaczniemy nowy cykl, w którym krok po kroku, audycja po audycji będziemy starać się obalać bzdury o tym, że zmiany klimatyczne nie istnieją albo, że człowiek nie ma na nie wpływu, a także o tych fałszywych rozwiązaniach, które próbują nam sprzedać "zieloni" kapitaliści, które to tylko pogarszają sytuację, a zarazem mydlą nam oczy. Postaramy się też przedstawiać bardziej uczciwe rozwiązania. Na zakończenie jak zwykle następny już drugi, nie publikowany jeszcze fragment dopiero co skończonej książki "Los Buntownika". Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp. W Awakening głównym tematem będzie relacja z COP 15(część 6) Będziemy starali się dać głos tym co w tych konferencjach byli pominięci i wraz z nimi będziemy się starali wyjaśnić dlaczego zmiana klimatu to nie tylko problem ekologiczny.Ponadto z poradnika DIY "Jak Ulepszyć Świat" przeczytamy historię alternatywnych mediów? Po za tym jak starczy czasu, parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę" .
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Pipi w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, wydarzenie, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia.Tyczy sie to angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Aanstaande vrijdag 22 januari komt Food-not-Bombs-mede-oprichter Keith McHenry (USA) naar Nederland. In Wageningen zal hij een presentatie geven over de geschiedenis, doelstellingen en huidige acties van de Food-not-Bombs-beweging. Dit is een onderdeel van zijn wereldtournee ter gelegenheid van het dertigjarig bestaan van de Food-not-Bombs-beweging.
Keith McHenry (USA)
Aansluitend aan de presentatie organiseert HappyJMA Wageningen een Food-not-Bombs-actie. Daarvoor zal op vrijdagavond en zaterdagmorgen het eten bereid worden en op zaterdag 23 januari uitgedeeld worden op de plaatselijke markt (13:00 - 15:30). Heb je interesse om de presentatie bij te wonen of mee te helpen met het klaarmaken of uitdelen van het eten, kom dan op vrijdag 22 januari of zaterdag 23 januari naar Wageningen of stuur een mailtje naar!
Wat? Presentatie door Food-not-Bombs-oprichter Keith McHenry met aansluitend een Food-not-Bombs-actie Wanneer? Vrijdag 22 januari Waar? Arion, Niemeijerstraat 6, Wageningen (kaartje op Hoe laat? 20:00 uur (start van de presentatie)
UNITED E-NEWS 19/01/2010: 13-21 March 2010 European-wide Action Week Against Racism
Open your mind and ENJOY DIVERSITY! 13-21 March 2010 European-wide Action Week Against Racism
**************************************************** JOIN! - the campaign INFORM! - us about your activity (see questionnaire below) ORDER! - posters for free (see order form - rtf 5kb - and below) ****************************************************
Racism must not be tolerated nor ignored - Lets confront it UNITED! In 2009 numerous organisations in 48 European Countries joined the annual European-wide Action Week Against Racism. Thousands of people all over Europe were united in their fight for a Europe without discrimination, intolerance, racism and nationalism - promoting diversity, mutual respect and understanding. This year again UNITED calls for international participation during the European-wide Action Week Against Racism (13-21 March 2010)!
Become active in this years' campaign Don't worry, good activities don't have to be expensive. Much more important than money are creativity and engagement. You do not necessarily have to organise a big demonstration or event, awareness about the emerging issues of racism and discrimination is already created when you spread/hang the UNITED campaign material in universities, schools, your working place or in the streets. To get some inspiration have a look at the 2009 List for Activities
Give the campaign a European dimension Inform us about your actions to highlight the issue of racism on European level. Your activities will be published through the European List of Activities that creates visibility and attention all over Europe. In this way you also contribute to create a strong and diverse European-wide campaign. Don't forget: Even small things can change the world!
Order campaign material for free UNITED can send up to 2 kilos campaign material free of charge (only in Europe), please calculate how many copies you want. For more than 2 kilos we ask for contribution towards the mailing costs but if you need more free material for special purposes don't hesitate to contact us. order form
*** 21 MARCH *** The General assembly of the United Nations declared 21 March the International Day for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination. This day was implemented as a reaction to the murder of 69 anti-apartheid demonstrators in Sharpeville, South Africa, in 1960. Apartheid was a legal system of racial segregation enforced by the government of South Africa between 1948 and 1990.
This year, from 13-21 March, once again UNITED coordinates the European-wide Action Week Against Racism. Activists, NGO's, universities, schools, municipalities and a wide variety of different organisations carry out hundreds of activities all around Europe in order to make a change.
*** Racists neither have courage nor taste! Open your mind and ENJOY DIVERSITY *** Our thinking is reflected in our actions. Discrimination and exclusion of minorities has a significant impact on society. Biased media coverage, hate speech, political utilisation of topics such as immigration/integration or religious and cultural customs incites different groups of society against each other. Acts of ignorance, mistrust and hate shape the overall atmosphere and consequentially affects everybody's environment - no matter if you belong to the discriminated minority or not. We have to break through this circle and start to take steps towards each other.
Join forces with the European anti-racism movement! This is a European-wide call for action. Thousands of activists, from Portugal to Russia and from Iceland to Cyprus, united in the 18th annual European-wide Action Week Against Racism, mobilise to claim the streets of their neighborhood and beyond with creative actions. It is about bringing people together and enjoying diversity, about raising awareness on local problems, about solutions from a varied community and about getting to know the unknown.
*** European List of Activities *** To make sure your activity is included in the European List of Activities, documenting all the different activities during the campaign and the strength of the anti-racism movement, send any available information to UNITED, either by
or just call in the UNITED secretariat (+31-20-6834778).
The List is regularly updated
*** LET US CAMPAIGN TOGETHER *** UNITED for Intercultural Action is the European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees. Linked through UNITED, more than 560 organisations and youth organisations work together on a voluntary basis.
UNITED publicizes and supports initiatives of local groups and highlights the issues of racism on an European level.
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UNITED is the pan-European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees, supported by over 560 organisations in 46 European countries. How to join the network: see 'joining the network'
This event is supported by the Council of Europe (European Youth Foundation) and European Commission (Youth in Action Programme)
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UNITED E-NEWS is an irregular email service to over 10000 organisations and contact persons active in the working fields: anti-racism, refugee support, anti-fascism, against antisemitism, migration, minority issues, intercultural youth work, against nationalism etc.
Regular postal mailings, containing publications such as Addressbook Against Racism, Calendar of Internationalism, Campaign reports, Posters etc. are sent to over 2400 European organisations. If you also would like to receive this mailing: see 'joining the network'
You have received this E-news because your organisation or institution is listed in the UNITED online database and/or Addressbook Against Racism; you have attended a UNITED event; have participated in a UNITED campaign; are a partner in the working fields above; and/or have expressed an interest in UNITED network's issues.
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UNITED for Intercultural Action European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees Postbus 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam phone +31-20-6834778 - fax +31-20-6834582 -
First main subject would be updates from the eviction wave what would(were) happen today. Second main subject would be relation from protests in Kopenhagen. The COP 15 has ended but our struggle must continue and it will. The COP 15 protests were a huge positive step forward in mobilizing the Climate Justice movement in good direction to save the planet. So today and for the next times in our radio show we will play audio from the COP 15 protests. With the voices recorded we will tell You why Climate Change is not just an environmental issue. We will play audio from demonstrations, speeches, events that happened during the COP 15. Further in the show we will continue with the "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) why we need alternative media. As always (if enough time left) we will read some ecological advice from a book "Make A Difference"...In the background as usual will be playing a collection of international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from go to: Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm To all positive organizations & To whom it may concern, If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome. Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
W "Polonii Aktywnej" głównie będziemy mówić o tym jak zmiany klimatyczne wpływają na zwiększenie ubóstwa na świecie i co dobrego możemy zrobić by temu przeciwdziałać. Drugim głównym tematem będzie antyfaszyzm w Rosji i odbywające się nie tylko tam demonstracje upamiętniające zabójstwa Stasa Markelowa i Anastasii Baburowej. Jako, że książka "Los Buntownika" jest już skończona zaczynamy czytać ją część po części w naszej audycji. Będzie to nowy cykl w Poloni Aktywnej. Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp. W Awakening głównym tematem będzie relacja z COP 15(część 5) Będziemy starali się dać głos tym co w tych konferencjach byli pominięci i wraz z nimi będziemy się starali wyjaśnić dlaczego zmiana klimatu to nie tylko problem ekologiczny.Ponadto z poradnika DIY "Jak Ulepszyć Świat" dlaczego potrzebujemy tworzyć alternatywne media? Po za tym jak starczy czasu, parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę" .
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Pipi w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, wydarzenie, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia.Tyczy sie to angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Main subject would be relation from memorial for Gaza victims which had place last saturday in Amsterdam. The speeches and interviews would be played. The second main subject would be...The COP 15 has ended but our struggle must continue and it will. The COP 15 protests were a huge positive step forward in mobilizing the Climate Justice movement in good direction to save the planet. So today and for the next times in our radio show we will play audio from the COP 15 protests. With the voices recorded we will tell You why Climate Change is not just an environmental issue. We will play audio from demonstrations, speeches, events that happened during the COP 15. Further in the show we will continue with the "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) why we need direct actions and why this is important. As always (if enough time left) we will read some ecological advice from a book "Make A Difference"...In the background as usual will be playing a collection of international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening it's a program on radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three hours, mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural life in Amsterdam.First we start with the agenda for the squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We are playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to download the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from go to: Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm To all positive organizations & To whom it may concern, If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome. Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
W "Polonii Aktywnej" głównie będziemy obchodzić trzecie urodziny zzprzyjaźnionych stron positivenest. W związku z tym przeczytamy najbardziej popularne artykuły. Jakie tego dowiecie się w audycji. Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp.
W Awakening relacja z demonstracji upamiętniającej ofiary ataków na Gazę, która odbyła sie w Amsterrdamie ostatniej soboty. Drugim głównym tematem będzie relacja z COP 15(część 4) Będziemy starali się dać głos tym co w tych konferencjach byli pominięci i wraz z nimi będziemy się starali wyjaśnić dlaczego zmiana klimatu to nie tylko problem ekologiczny.Ponadto ciąg dalszy o akcji bezpośredniej z książki DIY, a po za tym jak starczy czasu, parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę" .
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Pipi w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, wydarzenie, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia.Tyczy sie to angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Help for Haitians Help is needed for Haitians. Haiti has been destroyed by an earthquake. A competant doctor is not healing only the symptoms but focuses rather on reasons. I guess this is something that we try to do as a "Spirit Of Squatters Collective". One of the best posters now is made as video and in that hopefully and efficient way, on the long therm would help for poor people all around the world. Main reasons for disasters are more often consequences of climate change. Main reason of hunger is not lack of food but lack of justice. In the movie we are showing the reason, consequences and SOLUTIONS for even more problems that those mentioned above. Charity start at home...Music: Janusz Reichel and La Aferra
Food Production and Climate Change: Industrial agriculture, factory farming and ecosystem collapse It is well documented that our modern methods of food production – industrial agriculture and intensive factory farmed meat – are heavily reliant on fossil fuels and create large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions. On the opposite side of the coin, our capacity to produce food will be severely reduced by the consequences of climate change. Around the world, small farmers and networks like Via Campesina are fighting for food sovereignty and small-scale sustainable agricultural production. Meanwhile, agribusinesses and agrochemicals companies such as Monsanto are sitting around the tables of the intergovernmental climate negotiations pushing for a further intensification of industrial agriculture as their 'solution' to climate change.
The modern system of food production uses vast amounts of toxic petrochemical pesticides and fertilisers and heavy, oil dependent machinery to plough, irrigate and harvest the land; it transports food thousands of miles across continents from production to consumption, refrigerating it for days or weeks while it is in transit, on the supermarket shelves and then at home before it is eaten.
Traditional farming relied on planting a diversity of crops that attracted a range of insects, some of which are natural enemies of insect pests. Industrial-scale agriculture prefers large monoculture plantations; this leaves fields without the usual range of insects, and crops became vulnerable to insect pests, requiring an increase in the use of pesticides. Much of the sprayed pesticide drains off into the groundwater and is a major source of water pollution in every agricultural region of the world. Pesticides also cause soil depletion and erosion by killing off millions of microscopic organisms and their habitats which maintain the fertility and structure of the soil. The depletion and erosion then requires ever-increasing amounts of petrochemical fertilizers to maintain the level of output. Despite the number of livestock we rear, industrial farmers use artificial fertiliser made from natural gas instead of using animal manure (poop) to bind nitrogen in the soil. This causes the release of even more nitrous oxide, which is a very strong greenhouse gas.
Aside from the high levels of petrochemicals used to maintain the system, industrial agriculture and intensive animal farming necessitate widespread deforestation and land-use change. Burning down forests and savannahs to create new fields for keeping livestock and producing grain (much of it for cattle feed) causes massive CO2 emissions, and the drying of swamps for similar purposes releases vast quantities of methane. These practices heavily contribute to climate change. As industrial methods of agriculture deplete the soil there is an ongoing need to burn down more and more forest to provide new land, and new soil, on which to grow crops. Furthermore, deforestation causes less water to evaporate in an area, which leads to less rainfall. The result is poorer harvests which force soy and cattle-farmers to use the remaining rainforest even more quickly, perpetuating a downward-spiral.
The industrial system has, over centuries and all across the world, "enclosed" farmland, forcing subsistence peasants and small farmers off their land so that it can be used by corporations for growing profitable export crops such as cocoa, sugarcane or soy. Millions of people lose their land and communities, and their independence and ability to grow their own food: they can then access food only through the market, forcing them into waged labour as their sole option for survival. Increasing agricultural output, using petrochemicals and new technologies, has little effect on global rates of hunger because it ignores the issues of access to land and purchasing power and diverts attention away from real solutions such as land redistribution and sustainable and affordable farming.
As for meat production, on top of the well-documented evils of factory farming – the inhumane conditions, the genetically modified animal feed, the hormones and antibiotics animals are pumped with and the practices used in slaughter – the intensive production of meat and dairy worldwide is responsible for about 18% of the greenhouse gases caused by humans. That is more than the percentage caused by global traffic and transport combined. Within the European Union alone huge numbers of animals (153 million pigs, 123 million cows, 99 million sheep, more than 500 million battery hens and almost 11 million tons of chicken meat) are produced for food consumption every year.
Animals produce greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4 - around 62 times stronger than CO2) during the digestion process, while other greenhouse gases such as nitrous oxide (N2O - around 275 times stronger than CO2) come mainly from decomposing manure.
Factory farming of animals is also more energy intensive than traditional ways of raising food animals, requiring large inputs of fossil fuel, industrial fertilizers, and other synthetic chemicals. The ratio of fossil fuel energy inputs to food energy produced—not including food processing and distribution—averages 3:1 for all US agricultural products combined, but for industrially produced beef the ratio is as high as 35:1.
In many parts of the world meat consumption is considered a luxury. Increasing prosperity in the global south leads to the adoption of Western patterns of meat consumption, adding pressure on the land to produce all the extra grain needed for cattle feed, meaning ever less land is available for actual food production. Overall one third of the world's arable land is used for animal feed production.
The irony of this is that climate change is currently responsible for an increasing and dramatic loss of natural homes and animal habitats, contributing to the extinction of millions of species that we haven't yet domesticated for our personal consumption. Many animal and plant species are unable to adapt fast enough to higher average temperatures and changing weather patterns that in turn affect the food chain and cause even more species to die out. Dr James Hansen, now ex-chief climate scientist at the NASA space institute, has said that “climate change will become the primary cause of species extinction...The tipping point for life on the planet will occur when so many interdependent species are lost that entire ecosystems collapse.” The iconic image of climate change is the desperate polar bear swimming until he dies amongst melting ice caps. This is a tragic image, but also one which does not do justice to the range of eco-systems that are collapsing because of climate change and the natural disasters it causes.
Warming temperatures, increased rainfall, floods and droughts resulting from global warming threaten to disrupt farming systems around the world, dramatically reducing the amount of arable land available for growing food. Countries in the Global South will be hit hardest simply because of their location – those that are closer to the equator naturally have higher temperatures, and those temperatures are closer to or already higher than the temperatures suitable for agriculture. Seasons and weather patterns are already becoming unpredictable and extreme. Climate change also disrupts and alters pest and disease patterns, posing risks to agriculture everywhere.
In a few places, such as northern Europe and North America, higher temperatures will initially encourage higher yields, but this will be far less than enough to replace the volume of land that will be lost from the other effects of climate change.
Until recently, agriculture has been neglected in UNFCCC negotiations. However, further intensification of industrial agriculture is now being proposed as part of the solution to the problems of climate change, to which it has contributed in the first place, and proposals are being made to include agriculture as a source of credits through the Clean Development Mechanism; for example, agrofuels and genetically modified plants are both being proposed and employed as 'solutions' to climate change.
Agrofuels are promoted as a 'green' alternative to fossil fuels, made from sugary or oily plants such as sugarcane, rapeseed, oil palm, soybean or jatropha, for use in cars, airplanes, and for electricity generation in power stations.
Large areas of land are needed to grow enough agrofuel to replace a small amount of fossil fuel. Agrofuels are becoming the main reason for rainforest destruction. They cause significantly greater greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuels because entire ecosystems are destroyed to make space to grow them. Agrofuels come from large-scale industrial agriculture; as industrial agriculture is one of the biggest single causes of climate change, expanding it to grow fuel is a dangerous idea.
A UN spokesperson has warned that 60 million people may soon become “agrofuel refugees” – people forced off their land to make way for huge areas of agrofuel crops. In Argentina alone, 200,000 families have been forced off their land for soya – many more will be displaced by the new agrofuel soya boom. Moreover, the rapid expansion of agrofuels was one of the main causes of the 2007-2008 food crisis, when many food prices rose by over 100%, triggering riots around the world as people could no longer afford to buy rice or corn. Using food crops to make fuel for cars and using land to grow agrofuels instead of food causes food prices to rise, meaning less people across the world can afford to feed themselves.
Genetically modified (GM) crops are already being promoted by corporations as a solution to the food insecurity that will result from the effects of climate change. We are told that GM crops will increase productivity and that GM technology will create plants that are resistant to droughts and other agricultural problems caused by climate change.
What we are not told is that GM contamination of the food system causes a loss of biodiversity and weakens agro-ecosystems, making them vulnerable to plagues, creating pesticide resistance in insect pests, and the loss of crop varieties reduces an ecosystem's potential to adapt to climate change. GM crops in fact themselves contribute to climate change as the expansion of GM crops is used to justify further deforestation. Most GM crops produced today are used to feed livestock and sustain an emissions-intensive animal farming industry (and therefore also covertly poisoning the food-chain). And conveniently for chemicals companies (like Monsanto, who already owns 95% of all the GM crops in the world as well as producing the attendant pesticides and fertilisers needed to grow them), GM crops necessitate a further increased use of chemical pesticides and fertilisers.
GM crops suit well the corporate desire to patent seeds so that they can be exclusively commercialised and highly profitable. Especially for rural communities, the largest in the world and the most affected by climate change, genetic modification of agriculture will prevent them from accessing seeds, causing more poverty, hunger, and therefore the further break-down of communities and environmental refugees. For northern consumers the lack of control and safety measures on GM products will weaken consumer choice and have health impacts such as increasing resistance to antibiotics, and increasing incidents of allergies and cancer. Ultimately, GM crops are yet another step further into a model of intensive monocrop agriculture for global exports basically based on intensive fossil fuel use, and only serve to weaken our capacity to face a major collapse – practically, politically and physically.
But really it doesn’t have to be this way. The international network for farmers’ organizations, Via Campesina, emphasise and demonstrate that small-scale agriculture actually reduces carbon emissions and climate change, as well as minimising the environmental impacts of farming on plants and animals, as well as the air, water, and soil. Organic and diversified farming practices increase bird and mammal populations on farmlands and ensure biological diversity for the planet. In terms of preserving and increasing soil productivity and biodiversity, small-scale sustainable agriculture is far more beneficial and efficient than industrial practices.
Industrial agriculture and intensive animal farming devastate our land, water, and air, and are now threatening the stability of our climate. Massive chemical and biological inputs cause widespread environmental damage as well as human disease and death, while vast monoculture plantations reduce the diversity of our plants and animals. Habitat destruction practices endanger wildlife, and factory farming practices cause untold animal suffering. Centralized corporate ownership of our food production system also destroys farm communities around the world, leading to mass poverty and hunger.
Climate change is already serious and likely to get worse, resulting in land loss, unpredictable changes of natural growing conditions and the extinction of millions of species. Meanwhile, those leading the destruction are sitting at the discussion tables of international negotiations, using climate change as an excuse to further expand this unsustainable and heavily polluting system, proposing solutions that only serve to expand and further centralise corporate control of food production. The problem cannot be solved by simply regulating the use of particular chemicals, or banning gm products in individual countries. The problem is systemic, and as such, requires a solution that dismantles and replaces the entire system.
Do flaming forests, famines, floods and other nasty scenarios brought forth by climate chaos worry you? Want to do something immediately?
The least you can do is leave ham, cheese and milk in the supermarket and make space on your plate for beans and oat milk. Going veg(etari)an is not only about standing up against animal cruelty, it's one of the most efficient lifestyle changes an individual can make to tackle climate change and poverty. (It's good for your body, too, but I'm not really interested in health issues – for this, go here)
Agriculture is seriously disturbing the climate, mostly due to the keeping of livestock, that is, cattle, pigs, and poultry. Animal industry is responsible for at least 18% of greenhouse gas emissions - more than all of the car, air and boat traffic combined!
The gases come from burning fossil fuels in the production of artificial fertilizers, methane emissions from both the animals themselves ("cow burps") and from dealing with manure, and the use of fossil fuels in producing animal fodder. Methane especially is a very powerful greenhouse gas, 21 times more harmful than CO2.
Beef in Europe = desert in Brazil
The European consumer doesn't see how their consumption damages the ecosystem, because most of it takes place in the Global South. Europe is so small and densely populated that you can earn more money from land by other business than agriculture.
Companies prefer to produce and buy animal fodder from where it's cheap, such as South-American countries. Europe imports 70% of its protein for cattle feed. And even if Europeans wanted it, they could probably not free enough land to feed all the meat industry animals living in our meat factories.
"A plant-based diet requires just 20% of the land of that required by an omnivore."
Eating away biodiversity
Animal production obviously also changes the landscape and affects the climate through that. Take trees for example. Trees are great. They help to regulate our climate and store carbon dioxide. But 13 million hectares a year are being clearcut and burned – a common reason is to provide grazing grounds and grow animal fodder.
The explosion of soy cultivation for the animal industry has caused the destruction of millions of hectares of forest and savannah with extremely high and valuable biodiversity. Burning down forests and the oxidation of carbon by soil loss causes massive emissions of CO2.
The loss of soil leads to local temperature rise and desertification. Not to mention the effects of transporting all the feed, manure, animals, and the end product – the meat, milk and eggs.
Save Planet Earth – it's the only place where you can buy chocolate
Veganism is increasingly popular, partly for health and environmental reasons, and also owing to the growing awareness of how the meat industry treats its raw material. Still, meat consumption has increased fourfold in the past 50 years. There are three times as much livestock as there are humans!
Tragically, countries such as India and China are copying the overconsuming western life-style. If meat-eating continues to increase, then by 2050 the world's livestock will be consuming as much grain as would feed four billion people. (1)
You can check some carbon footprint calculators. They are by no means accurate, and fail to calculate effects such as social damage caused by agri-industrial monocultures and water and mineral resource depletion, but they can help you to estimate.
Unfortunately, even if you and me and everyone we know moved to local organic vegetables, the problem is still far from solved. If your fridge is already free of animal parts, and you'd rather do something outside the consumer setting, take a look at some action ideas
(1) Colin Tudge, zoologist, author of 'So Shall We Reap', Penguin 2003, p.145-146
According to the report 'Livestock's long shadow' (2006) from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the livestock sector is responsible for the following worldwide human influenced production of:
CO (2.9%) methane (35-40%) nitrous oxides (65%) and ammonia (64%).
If you think it is important and worthwhile what we are doing, please donate some money. This can help us find more time and improve our activity. Thanks!
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