Saturday, October 12, 2024

I'm Always Good Enough To Be Loved!

Why do I have be good enough? I don't want to be loved just for bring good enough. I like to be loved for that I'm. Aho!

I do not have to work, perform or do anything else to be loved. I, like you and everyone else deserve to beloved unconditionally. 

I'm more than good enough. The feeling that I have to work, or do anything to be loved, I carry from my childhood and I reflect it in my relationship probably not only to my partner but to almost there is. 

I recognise it and I let go of this conditioning.

Now, when I know the truth, it will affect me less and less. 

Michal Kali Griks

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Creating a new future but still being affected by the past is a kind of spiritual bypassing and may not work in the long term. That's why healing the past is essential in creating a healthy future.

That's why "forced" affirmations and positive thinking may not work when the body needs to be healed. It goes hand in hand. When the body or another part of our being is healed, liberated, something new has to be created. Some change needs to happen. Otherwise, the system may catch us back into old conditionings.

Loving yourself, your partner, and all others is constant work, a spiritual practice - like all those practices require the discipline alternated with rest that gives integration to the process.

If our faith is strong, we may move mountains. But for our faith to be without doubts, we have to heal our wounds and liberate ourselves from the conditionings we didn't choose.

For further reading, I recommend you see the chapter: "What You Have to Do After a Tantra Retreat."

Michal Kali Griks

World Peace Singing Rainbow Gathering



Saturday, June 29, 2024

Tantra Berlin Agenda July

Hello Lovely People! During 1 JUL - 4 AUG Tantra Teacher Course, in Berlin,
We are giving you open for everyone: 
5 FREE events, 5 half days workshops, 5 three days retreats. 

Check whole program at our Tantra Movement facebook page events section:

MON, 1 JUL AT 17:00
FREE: Taste Of Tantra Connection Event

THURS, 4 JUL AT 16:30
Connection Event on Consent Boundaries, and  Awareness 

Introduction To Tantra. 3 Days Course 

MON, 8 JUL AT 17:00
Conscious Relationship FREE Demo. 

THURS, 11 JUL AT 16:30
Conscious Relating. Connection Event

FRI, 12 JUL-14 JUL
Supreme Lovers 3 Days Course.

MON, 15 JUL AT 17:00
FREE Demo on Consent, Boundaries, Awareness.

THURS, 18 JUL AT 16:30
Taste Of Tantra Connection Event

FRI, 19 JUL-21 JUL
Introduction to Tantra Massage 3 Days Course.

MON, 22 JUL AT 17:00
FREE: Taste Of Tantra Connection Event

THURS, 25 JUL AT 16:30
Taste Of Tantra Connection Event

FRI, 26 JUL-28 JUL
De-Armouring, Full Body Orgasm Without Touching Massage and Short Powerful Massages.

MON, 29 JUL AT 17:00
FREE Demo on Consent, Boundaries, and Awareness.

THURS, 1 AUG AT 16:30
Connection Event on Consent, Boundaries, Awareness

Neo Tantra Massage. Yoni and Lingam Massage.

Friday, March 22, 2024

Menstrual Pain Solution.

That's one of many reasons, why our Tantra Teachers Course in April is therapeutic:
The practices of sexual sublimation and Tantric techniques, such as the microcosmic orbit, non-ejaculatory mastery, and wave orgasm methods, all together brought in"Use It, Don't Lose It" method, can potentially influence menstruation and pain through their effects on overall sexual and emotional well-being.

1. Stress Reduction: Engaging in Tantric practices can promote relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional balance. Chronic stress has been linked to menstrual irregularities and exacerbation of menstrual pain. By reducing stress levels, these practices may indirectly alleviate menstrual discomfort.

2. Hormonal Balance: Tantric practices that involve the cultivation and circulation of sexual energy aim to balance hormonal fluctuations in the body. Hormonal imbalances can contribute to menstrual irregularities and pain. By promoting hormonal balance, these practices may help regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce associated symptoms.

3. Pain Management: Some Tantric techniques, such as wave orgasm methods, emphasize the cultivation of multiple, subtle waves of orgasmic energy throughout the body. This heightened state of arousal and pleasure may release endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving hormones. By promoting relaxation and pleasure, these practices may alleviate menstrual pain.

4. Mind-Body Connection: Tantric practices encourage a deep connection between the mind and body, fostering greater awareness of bodily sensations and energy flow. Developing mindfulness and body awareness can help individuals better understand and respond to their menstrual cycles and associated symptoms, potentially reducing pain perception.

5. Emotional Well-being: Tantric practices promote intimacy, connection, and emotional fulfillment in sexual relationships. Positive emotional experiences can have a beneficial impact on overall well-being and may mitigate the effects of menstrual pain.

Monday, February 26, 2024

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ A personal message

What if Putin paid the bill for rebuilding Ukraine?
Sign now
We Ukrainians are dying to defend democracy. I expect to be called to fight soon so I wanted to use this sad anniversary to tell you that our hope for the future is fading. We're tired and we're terrified. We can stand up to Putin's war machine, but he's on the verge of winning by utterly destroying our economy. So it's beyond game-changing that G7 leaders are discussing using $300 billion in frozen assets from Russia's central bank to fund Ukraine's future. They're meeting about this right now so sign to tell them Ukraine needs their help!
Sign now
Dear friends,
My name is Olexander*, from Ukraine. I expect to be drafted into the military soon. Today I'm writing to share both pain and hope.

We are exhausted. We fear we're losing international attention, that people are tired of news about our war. At the same time, we know that what started in Ukraine will continue in the rest of Europe.

And that includes economic warfare. The cost of rebuilding Ukraine is already close to half a trillion dollars and rising every day. Who will pay that? Ukraine can't, not ever. The people of Europe? US taxpayers? Putin's hoping the debt drags us all down.

But what if Vladimir Putin paid his own bill?

$300 billion in frozen Russian state funds are just sitting in banks in the West. The G7 is meeting right now, discussing using it to give Ukraine a future.

That money would change everything for us. But Germany, France and Italy are dragging their feet. So please, join with me to call on European leaders to do the right thing. Sign now!
We in Ukraine are dying because Putin decided that we cannot, should not exist as a separate nation. That's what he said in his speech on the eve of the invasion.

Nobody should be denied their right to exist. It is so profoundly wrong. Ukraine is fighting because we believe our freedom, our existence is worth dying for.

It's also worth paying for.

But while we give our lives, there's nobody to cover half a trillion dollars of recovery costs. That doesn't leave Ukraine many choices to avoid catastrophic economic ruin. Fall to Russia, or lean on taxpayers in Europe and the US. This frozen money is a third way.

But the plan only works if all the major powers are on board. So please join me and together we'll call on the leaders of Germany, France, and Italy to seize this chance to fund Ukraine's future!
We don't always know if our voices are heard, or whether they matter to anyone outside of Ukraine.  But Avaazers across the world have supported us since the first day of the invasion, donating to help those wounded, advocating for prosecuting Putin, and helping make it more difficult for Russia to earn money from its oil. Today you can stand with us again! Will you help us find our hope?

With unwavering determination,
Olexander, with the whole Avaaz team

*We changed Olexander's name to help protect his identity in the context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
You became a member of the Avaaz movement and started receiving these emails when you signed "Rome Summit: Stop the Food Crisis" on 2008-05-01 using the email address

To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, contact us, or simply go here to unsubscribe.
To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at .
27 Union Square West
Suite 500
New York, NY 10003

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Gaza's last hope

URGENT! South Africa is suing Israel before the International Court of Justice for alleged genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Within days, the judges could order an immediate ceasefire – but Israel is trying to prevent this. Let's increase pressure to stop the war by urging world leaders to support this push to end the bloodshed. Let's end this horror now! The South African government just urged the International Court of Justice to order an immediate ceasefire for Gaza, alleging Israel is committing genocide. But Netanyahu's government looks set to fight tooth and nail to delay a decision.As millions of innocent people trapped in Palestine hold their breath, hoping for a quick verdict, we have an urgent mission: persuade our governments to support South Africa's push to end the bloodshed.Wherever you are, whatever your political views, if in the next 24 hours, we, citizens of the world, unite to unleash a cascade of national support to halt the bombing over Gaza, we have a chance to help stop what an expert UN Panel warned could be a "a genocide in the making". It might be the last one.
Add your voice now!
URGENT! South Africa is suing Israel before the International Court of Justice for alleged genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Within days, the judges could order an immediate ceasefire – but Israel is trying to prevent this. Let's increase pressure to stop the war by urging world leaders to support this push to end the bloodshed. Let's end this horror now!
Add your voice now!
Dear friends,
The South African government just urged the International Court of Justice to order an immediate ceasefire for Gaza, alleging Israel is committing genocide. But Netanyahu's government looks set to fight tooth and nail to delay a decision.

As millions of innocent people trapped in Palestine hold their breath, hoping for a quick verdict, we have an urgent mission: persuade our governments to support South Africa's push to end the bloodshed.

Wherever you are, whatever your political views, if in the next 24 hours, we, citizens of the world, unite to unleash a cascade of national support to halt the bombing over Gaza, we have a chance to help stop what an expert UN Panel warned could be a "a genocide in the making". It might be the last one.
Israel denies atrocity crimes against the Palestinians, saying its actions are necessary to defeat Hamas after its ruthless attack on October 7th. But there is a rising global fear that Israel's brutal onslaught on Gaza constitutes major war crimes and even a risk of genocide. Over 23,000 Palestinians have already been killed, including reports of at least 10,000 children dead.

Now South Africa has brought a ground-breaking case to the ICJ arguing for the court to stop the war. The lawsuit, spanning 84 heartrending pages, accuses Israel of genocide, and cries out for immediate intervention. Every line screams with urgency: stop the killing, end the suffering of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

We can't let these words fall on deaf ears.

If our nations stand together, filing declarations of support for South Africa's request to bring an end to this war, we can face down Israel's attempt to discredit the case, and try to hasten the court's decision to order an end of the suffering. Every second counts.

Let's be the voice that Gaza desperately needs.
We've fought for human rights worldwide – from Sudan to Myanmar to Ukraine. Our united voices have overpowered military might before. Let's rally again for Gaza. Let humanity, peace, compassion, and justice prevail.

With unwavering determination,

Fadi, Ruth, Patri, John, Will, Abdelrahman, Bieta, Mo, and the Avaaz team

P.S. As a global campaigning organization and civic movement, Avaaz relies on expert determination on whether any given situation amounts to genocide. To date, that determination has not been made with respect to Israel's actions in Gaza. However, human rights organisations like Amnesty International have reported on "the staggering scale of the death and destruction" in Gaza, as well as "an appalling spike in dehumanizing and racist rhetoric against Palestinians by certain Israeli government and military officials." In November 2023 UN experts warned of a "grave risk of genocide" for the Palestinian people. Dozens of states have supported South Africa's detailed submission.

Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 17 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at .
27 Union Square West
Suite 500
New York, NY 10003

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Gratitude to Tantra Movement Teachers

πŸ’œ Before our Tantra Teachers Course in February and April, I would like to share: πŸ™ Infinite gratitude to my Tantra teachers who have shaped my journey and teachings. Each one, a guide in their unique way, has left positive mark on my soul.
Here I share also playlist of 15 interviews with some of them. Some made by the great Dr.Tara Long at Rasayana Tantra Academy where I used to study:

Gratitude from the most impacting my life:
Dr.Tara Long,
Edyta Baghira Weber,
Hari Kaur Entous van de Zwan,
Margot Anand,
Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita,
Anand Rudra,
David Brown,
Diana Diakova and Martin Heese,
Bruce and Sharon Lyon,
Marjanne Hurks,
Vincent and Roxana Hewett,
Nirav Beej en Mudra,
Advaita Maria Bach,
Kenneth Ray Stubbs,
Han Thorig & Marita,
Andrew Barnes,
Flaviu Pop,
Silja Rehfeldt,
Dirkje Veltman,
Deborah Sundahl,
Colin Willby,
John Hawken,
Sanjay Vishwakarma,
Maarten Ghysels, Rakesh, and Marcia.
Gemini Adams
...To my Ex Beloveds, students, clients, and every experience, you are all integral to this journey. With deepest appreciation. πŸ’œ
Michal Kali Griks