Dear Friends,
Disney holds millions of children spellbound with its fabulous stories, but there's a dark side to this tale. Kids reading about Mowgli, Bambi and Snow White would be horrified to learn that the books they love are made from clear-cutting jungles for wood pulp. Let's get Disney to stop using rainforest wood fibre and give this story a happy ending.
Disney is the world's largest publisher of children's books. Yet while its rivals have committed to use sustainable sources for their paper, recent lab tests show Disney is using fibre from clear-cut Indonesian rain-forests. With its global brand and massive purchasing power, Disney stands at a fork in the road -- do the right thing by enforcing responsible sourcing, or be the villain and turn a blind eye.
Lets sign the global petition to Disney and forward it to all our friends! If hundreds of thousands of us sign, Avaaz will deliver it with hard-hitting ads and media stunts that show Disney the cost of supporting rainforest destruction.
Indonesia is the third largest greenhouse-gas emitter in the world, after the US and China -- all due to the clear-cutting of its vast rainforests. Priceless, ancient trees are turned into pulpwood for paper, and the cleared land is used for acacia tree plantations... which endangered tigers and orangutans can't live in.
The companies that produce most of Indonesia's pulp wood are part of family-owned cartels that do little for the Indonesian economy while doing irreversible damage to its natural resources. Indonesia's President has committed to reduce carbon emissions and slow forest destruction -- but with Disney paying top dollar for rainforest pulp, there is little incentive to change.
A year ago, 90% of children's book companies had rain-forest fibre in their children's books. Today, almost all have switched to responsible products. Let's call on Disney, the biggest of all, to save valuable rainforests and help ensure that a sustainable future isn't just a fairy tale. Sign the petition and forward to everyone:
The Avaaz community has pushed global companies to drastically improve their behavior, and we can do it again. After hundreds of thousands of us called on the Hilton CEO to sign a code of conduct on the rape trade or face hard-hitting ads in his hometown, Hilton signed the code. They now train 180,000 employees to help prevent sex slavery. Our voices, as citizens and parents and customers, matter. Now, Disney is poised to do the right thing. It's up to us to persuade them to be a force for good.
In hope and determination,
Alex, Ben, Morgan, Brianna, Maria Paz and the whole Avaaz team
'Micky, Minnie Mouse' Protest Against Disney's Role in Indonesia's Rainforest Destruction
Is the "Happiest Place on Earth" Driving Tigers and Orangutans into Extinction?
Rainforest-Safe Kids' Books buying guide

Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.
Disney makes children's books by chopping down Indonesian jungles. As the world's largest children's book publisher, Disney has a responsibility to lead the way on sustainable paper. Let's call on Disney to change the story on rainforest destruction! |
Disney is the world's largest publisher of children's books. Yet while its rivals have committed to use sustainable sources for their paper, recent lab tests show Disney is using fibre from clear-cut Indonesian rain-forests. With its global brand and massive purchasing power, Disney stands at a fork in the road -- do the right thing by enforcing responsible sourcing, or be the villain and turn a blind eye.
Lets sign the global petition to Disney and forward it to all our friends! If hundreds of thousands of us sign, Avaaz will deliver it with hard-hitting ads and media stunts that show Disney the cost of supporting rainforest destruction.
Indonesia is the third largest greenhouse-gas emitter in the world, after the US and China -- all due to the clear-cutting of its vast rainforests. Priceless, ancient trees are turned into pulpwood for paper, and the cleared land is used for acacia tree plantations... which endangered tigers and orangutans can't live in.
The companies that produce most of Indonesia's pulp wood are part of family-owned cartels that do little for the Indonesian economy while doing irreversible damage to its natural resources. Indonesia's President has committed to reduce carbon emissions and slow forest destruction -- but with Disney paying top dollar for rainforest pulp, there is little incentive to change.
A year ago, 90% of children's book companies had rain-forest fibre in their children's books. Today, almost all have switched to responsible products. Let's call on Disney, the biggest of all, to save valuable rainforests and help ensure that a sustainable future isn't just a fairy tale. Sign the petition and forward to everyone:
The Avaaz community has pushed global companies to drastically improve their behavior, and we can do it again. After hundreds of thousands of us called on the Hilton CEO to sign a code of conduct on the rape trade or face hard-hitting ads in his hometown, Hilton signed the code. They now train 180,000 employees to help prevent sex slavery. Our voices, as citizens and parents and customers, matter. Now, Disney is poised to do the right thing. It's up to us to persuade them to be a force for good.
In hope and determination,
Alex, Ben, Morgan, Brianna, Maria Paz and the whole Avaaz team
'Micky, Minnie Mouse' Protest Against Disney's Role in Indonesia's Rainforest Destruction
Is the "Happiest Place on Earth" Driving Tigers and Orangutans into Extinction?
Rainforest-Safe Kids' Books buying guide

Support the Avaaz community! We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.
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