Thursday, June 30, 2011

Programma doordraaidagen 2-5 juli, Amsterdam

Programma doordraaidagen 2-5 juli, Amsterdam

Programma doordraaidagen.
Schijnheilig, Passeerdersgracht 23bg te Amsterdam.

Zaterdag 2 juli
11:00 Spelletjes, stoepkrijten en ander pret voor jong en oud
12:00 Infopunt doordraaidagen (hele dag)
13:00 Maak je eigen banner workshop
13:00/15:00 Arrestantengroep infopunt
14:00 Stichting 138a informatiebijeenkomst
18:00 Voku

Workshop 'filming actions' op aanvraag, mail naar: Ook zullen er films gedraaid worden, meer info op de dag zelf.

Zondag 3 juli
12:00 Banners afmaken
12:00 Infopunt doordraaidagen (hele dag)
13:00/16:30 Infomarkt door o.a. arrestantengroep, AGA, Dolle
mollies, Sjakie's vega lunchroom, workshop Stichting 138a, roze bivaks naaien en nog veel meer
19:00: Voku na afloop van demonstratie

Workshop 'filming actions' op aanvraag, mail naar: Ook zullen er films gedraaid worden, meer info op de dag zelf.

Maandag 4 juli
12:00 Infopunt doordraaidagen (hele dag)
13:00/15:00 arrestantengroep infopunt
18:00 Voku
20:00 Lezing 'Dutch nationalism for beginners', door E. v/d Hemel (in English)

Workshop 'filming actions' op aanvraag, mail naar: Ook zullen er films gedraaid worden, meer info op de dag zelf.

Dinsdag 5 juli
Dag van de ontruimingsgolf: Hou je oren en ogen open!

[a'dam] Arrestantengroep info Doordraaidagen

The actiondays are around the corner and the legal support group will be there to help out.

The following lawyers will be available during the actionweekend and the evictionday:

Criminal law: Willem Jebbink (Jebbink Soeteman Advocaten)
Immigration law: Corrien Ullersma (Advocatenkantoor Bohler)
Legal support group: 06 42 41 34 96

the will be at schijnheilig to ...
The legal support group will be at Schijnheilig the whole weekend with flyers, infostand and time to answer all your urgent questions.

Visit our website if you want to read about your rights (or lack off)


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Anonymous defending Food Not Bombs Activists

June 27, 2011
The City of Orlando has ignored our warnings, and our generous offer of a cease fire. On Wednesday last you not only arrested two more people for feeding but you arrested the worldwide President of Food Not Bombs Keith Mchenry. This is a declaration of war.
Henceforth there will be no more cease fires, no more attempts to get you to resolve this issue with human decency. We will now treat you like the human rights abusers that you are.
Anonymous will now begin a massive campaign against you and your city web assets. Everyday we will launch a new DDoS attack on a different Target. We will continue to E-Mail millions of people in 50 countries with the Boycott Orlando campiagn [sic] message.
In our experience a government that acts this way is also corrupt. We therefore call on any government or police employee who has evidence of any kind of wrongdoing to consider disclosing it to an organization that specializes in dealing with local disclosures.
We have said what we have to say. The media has many press releases and communiques from us. From now on we will DO not talk. Journalists should follow the Twitter for that days targeted take down or other un-planned assaults.
Tomorrow morning at exactly 10:00 AM ET Anonymous will remove from the world wide web and it shall remain down until 6:00 PM ET. We will also E-Mail Bomb and Black Fax the owners of this site, identified as one Utopia, Inc.
We Are Anonymous – We Are Everywhere – We Are Legion – We Never Forget – We Never Forgive
FREE Keith McHenry
EXPECT US — Anonymous

Compost Workshop

Buurtland Bilderdijkkade

Op het braakliggende terrein naast de Hallen gebeurt NIKS. Sinds de sloop van het oude stadsdeelkantoor is er van de plannen die het stadsdeel had, namelijk het bouwen van 400 appartementen, niets gekomen. In plaats van wat te doen met al die vierkante meters grond in het midden van de stad zijn er bouwhekken omheen geplaatst en lijkt het vooral een verzamelpunt voor straatafval.

Een aantal buurtbewoners wilden hier verandering in brengen. Zij zagen een openbare tuin voor de gehele buurt voor zich, en namen initiatief om dit te realiseren. Er werden flyers verspreid voor de feestelijke opening. Dit gebeurde niet in samenwerking met stadsdeel West, omdat de er geen officiële toestemming was voor de buurttuinen.

Na het verspreiden van de flyers kwam er bericht van stadsdeel West; de opening van de buurttuin en het gebruik van het braakliggende stuk land werden verboden. Ook werden de dag erna direct bordjes opgehangen met 'verboden toegang', en de dag daarna maakte het stadsdeel bekend dat zij ZELF een deel van het terrein wilden transformeren tot een recreatiegebied (lees dit bericht HIER).

Natuurlijk juichen wij als medebewoners van deze buurt dit aan, ook al twijfelen we eraan of de gemeente hun beloftes waarmaakt. Stadsdeel West is namelijk heel goed in het negeren van de wensen van buurtbewoners. Als reactie op deze actie van het stadsdeel is er nog een flyer gemaakt, die hieronder te zien is. Wij beschouwen deze evenementen als het bewijs dat het stadsdeel soms een schop onder hun reet nodig heeft, en uit zichzelf niks zal uitvoeren wat de buurt ten goede komt.

Persbericht Buurtland

Solidarity demo for Greece.TODAY 19.00 Leidse square

Statement by the People's Assembly of Syntagma Square on today's events: Their destiny is frustration, ours is victory!


Their destiny is frustration, ours is victory!

Thousands of protesters have responded and participated to the call of syndicates and the "indignados" movement of the squares, for a 48 hour general strike in order to succeed in the "cancellation" of the mid term agreement on the street.

With the air that distinguishes those who have the right on their side and with only defensive shield our bodies and determination, we have gathered in front of the bastion of shame (the Parliament) at Syntagma square. Our voices were united with the voices of the many and decided indignados from Kalamata and all Peloponnese, Corfu and Hania.. United with those from Thessaloniki and all northern Greece, with all these, and they are many, who do not withstand the ending of their lives succumbing to the false dilemmas of the government, the Troika and the bankers.

The police's attitude, in their role as the repressive branch of the memorandum and the mid term agreement politics – although totally expected- is totally outrageous: blistering shooting of teargas (even at the location of the first aid station of the square), protesters injuries (over 270), encirclement and threat of evacuation of our premises, gymnastic demonstrations of chemical and military fist.

In vain…

The people, all of us, bypassing and overcoming the repressive fallout and the political environmental destruction we have taken matters into our own hands!

It was about time! Playing football, dancing, playing music, creating human chains in the center of the square we took back our square forcing the police to retreat! Despite the drain of chemicals, the crowd of demonstrators insists: We will not leave unless they leave!

And a reminder!

Those who choke us with teargas, they will drown in our indignation! We continue our 48 hours on the road!

• Everyone at the concert at 19.30.

• The Memorandi fall!

• It is either US or THEM

And since the right is on our side to this particular dilemma the answer is: US!

Till the victory!

Peoples assembly of Syntagma square

Solidariteitsactie Griekenland vandaag 19:00 Leidseplein
[GIO] Griekenland is Overal - 29.06.2011 08:05

Solidariteitsactie actie voor de strijd in Griekenland. Vandaag 19:00 Leidseplein.

Een maand geleden.
Geleid door ons instinct, onvoorbereid en zonder elkaar te kennen kwamen we een maand geleden op de Dam bijeen, samen met Spanjaarden, Nederlanders en andere nationaliteiten om te demonstreren tegen het huidige politieke en economisch systeem.
Dankzij deze diversiteit aan nationaliteiten realiseerden wij ons dat we te maken hebben met een globaal fenomeen, dat niet binnen de nauwe grenzen van één land past. In de voorbije periode zijn mensen die elkaar niet kenden dichter bij elkaar gekomen. Ze maakten elkaar deelgenoot van hun visies, verschilden met elkaar van mening, waren het eens, sommigen verdwenen en anderen kwamen de gelederen versterken. De dynamiek die we hier, ver van ons vaderland, ontwikkeld hebben is natuurlijk niet te vergelijken met die van Athene of Madrid, maar wij zijn hier en voelen de verantwoordelijkheid om al het mogelijke te doen om behulpzaam te zijn.
Jullie staan in het centrum van de belangstelling van de hele wereld. Jullie handelen tot nu toe geeft de anderen de kracht om door te gaan. In Amsterdam uiten wij als collectief onze solidariteit met jullie gerechtvaardigde strijd. Wij houden vol, wij organiseren ons en leggen contacten met vergelijkbare groepen in andere Europese steden. Wanneer jullie morgen het parlementsgebouw omsingelen zullen wij aan jullie zijde staan. We roepen iedereen op om morgen om 19.30 als teken van steun te verzamelen bij het Leidseplein om zo naar het Grieks Verkeersbureau in Amsterdam te gaan en bijeen te komen.
Het is duidelijk dat alle pleinen van de wereld ons toebehoren. Wij hebben het gelijk aan onze kant.

Wij strijden voor wat vanzelfsprekend is: VRIJHEID – GERECHTIGHEID – WAARDIGHEID!
De strijd die nooit geleverd werd is de enige die verloren wordt!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Klimaatactiekamp 6-11 juli Antwerpen



Capitalism is a system in crisis. Emissions increase, the social inequality grows, banks and multinationals continue to invest in fossil fuels. Emissions trading would not solve this problem. But there is also reason for optimism: the global climate movement is growing and is increasingly active. "System change, not climate change" is a message that sounds ever louder.

Climate Justice Action in recent years was the basis for a series of direct actions and two climate action camps. This year we chose the theme of offsetting and emissions trading. On the opening day of climate talks in Cancún we occupied the premises of IETA, a lobbying group for emissions trading.

Together with groeNoord and other partners (Ademloos, Climaxi, Climat et Justice Sociale, Masereelfonds and others), a climate action camp will come to Antwerp again this year. There will be focus on emissions trading and on the impact of road infrastructure for the livability of Antwerp.

The climate action camp will be one week full of interesting workshops, meeting people, ecological living and direct action. It will also be a lot of fun! You can contact us at

Come and save the St. Annabos!


#MarsDerBeschaving Manifestatie.Videos+relation

verslag van zowel Malieveld als binnenstad-actie.

Live video stream #Marsderbeschaving Den Haag
liveislive - 27.06.2011 16:57

Protesten rechtstreeks via mobieltje!

live beeld en geluid uit Den Haag
live beeld en geluid uit Den Haag

Meanwhile, in the #Netherlands...


Inderdaad, de ME lokte gedonder uit met haar dreigende blokkade, gevolgd door het afvoeren van enkele mensen (ik konniet zien dat ze ook gearresteerd werden maar ja dus...:-( )en het langzaam dreigend terugdringen van de mensen die "Wij willen kunst" riepen, maar ook "Rutte bedankt" en "Politiestaat"... En het betrof hier géén geroutineerde actievoerders, gewoon een heel breed maar tevens heel boos gezelschap betogers. Wrang, maar ook leerzaam.


Spirit Of Squatters CollectiveSpirit Of Squatters Collective
Spirit Of Squatters Collective

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!
Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying at least one time a day show You some news. We waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media.

and that's few words from our pages:
With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!!
If You think its important and good what we are doing You can donate what can help us to find more time to improve our activity. Click here:


Monday, June 27, 2011

Revolution Support the Cultur at Roots Festival Video

We spread 2000 leaflets and we had also fun :)
Spirit Of Squatters CollectiveSpirit Of Squatters Collective
Spirit Of Squatters Collective

Spirit Of Squatters Collective : This is solidarity action (like most of our videos). The solidarity is stronger when it is seen by as many people as possible.So...Please use it ! Pass this info to everybody who could be interested !!!
Feel free to embed,link it,send it,screen it etc. Use it=don't loose it. Reclaim the media with us !

... So get inspired. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER !!!
Spirit Of Squatters Collective is always trying to report and support good things what are happening around us. We trying at least one time a day show You some news.  We waiting for You to help us support good things with our video channel and with creating independent media.

and that's few words from our pages:
With our activities we want to make this world a better place.Reclaim the media with us.Feel free to use our videos.Now all up to you !!!Real life is beginning when you turn off the tv, computer. See you on the streets in actions !!!
If You think its important and good what we are doing You can donate what can help us to find more time to improve our activity. Click here:


Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's time to take a stand together

On 26 and 27 June we March for Civilisation. We will march to The Hague to show we stand for our civilisation. We ask all Dutch citizens who share our concerns to join.

We are taking action out of concern for the whole of our society. This government's thoughtless policies affect many. With its empty politics of symbolism it destroys what civilisation needs: beauty, innovation, care, trust, openness and tolerance.

With this government in power we are heading for a society with no room for curiosity, in which everything is expressed in numbers. A society in which identity becomes an oppressive straitjacket, instead of the multicoloured collection of opinions, beliefs and forms of expression that characterise us and make the Netherlands special. This government is aiming for a society in which the right of the strongest prevails, nuance is considered a weakness, money and power outrank beauty and care. In our opinion, this is an uncivilised society.

That's why we demand the government to stop using the economic crisis as a justification for indecent governance, to put aside its contempt for facts, to show statesmanship and take true responsibility for future generations.

We want to live in a country that invests in its future. We want to live in a country that doesn't just harvest, but also sows. Civilisation without future is a future without civilisation.

This is what we will march for, from Rotterdam to The Hague and beyond. The Binnenhof will not be the end of our protest. It will only be the beginning.

The March of Civilisation is an initiative led by artists and art lovers.

The March of Civilization is an initiative led by artists and art lovers.


June 26th museum Boijmans van Beuningen will be taken over. June 27th there will be demonstrations regarding the debate on culture in the Tweede Kamer. As a connection between those two we will walk a march to The Hague; the March of Civilization. We envision our march as a sober and grave walk, that will extend into a big protest near the Binnenhof. We call out to everyone who is affected by this cabinet's visionless policy; everyone who believes in a different future, everyone who is envisioning another country, to walk along. We do not walk for ourselves, but for each other. It is time to draw a line together. Stop this government.
The march:
  • June 26. 8 pm, March leaves from Boijmans van Beuningen in Rotterdam and will arrive in The Hague around 3 am.
  • June 27. 3 am - 9 am. Overnight possibilities in The Hague.
  • June 27. 1 am - 16:30 am. massive protest at the Malieveld.
For those who's spirit is stronger than their body: join in later on!  

What can I do?

  • Spread the word! Forward the action in emails! Invite everyone on Facebook!
  • Care to walk along? Organizations and groups who want to join the March, can send an e-mail to, include your name and contact information. Your name will be on our website. Attention: subscribing means joining and recruiting! Individuals can subscribe on Facebook and/or join in on the day itself!
  • Donate!

The march is in full preparation. Keep an eye on this website for more information.