Info evening about land-expropriation, repression and growing resistance in Colombia.
What's happening in Colombia?
In Colombia every day people are being pushed of their lands. Small farmer villages are being demolished by the state to make space for multinationals. These want to use the land to extract raw materials of build hotels. Often people are raped and killed for their land. Inhabitants that defend their lands are systematically murdered or 'disappeared' by the army, that works together with paramilitary structures. We're talking about many thousands of people. At the same time, the Colombian state locked up many thousands because of their struggle for their land and for a economic and political alternative against the neoliberal model that changed Colombia so much the past twenty years.
Besides that, it's becoming more and more impossible for indigenous groups to maintain their culture. Colombia, where 0,3% of the people own more than 50% of the land, is no exception in South America.
Red de Hermandad y Solidaridad comes to talk about the expropriations, state repression and the growing resistance in the form of the campaign Campaña Contra el Despojo, por la Soberanía, la Autodeterminación y la Permanencia en el Territorio ( Campain against the robbery, for sovereignty, autonomy and permanence on the land). They are doing a tour through Europe.
Interested? Come Sunday the 27th of June to the MKZ (Eerste Schinkelstraat 14-16, behind Vondelpark, Amsterdam). Info @ 20.00, and from 19.00 onwards our famous soup kitchen will be opened, where you can enjoy soup and nice sandwiches with a juice or a beer.
Info evening in English! This info-evening will take place in Utrecht monday the 28th and in Nijmegen tuesday the 29th. Info about time and location will be published below

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