Coming thursday the 8th of september the anarchist group of Zaandam (ZAG) organises a noisedemo at the Zaandam prisonboats.
Check the original call-out here under the picture
For everyone that wants to ride their bike from Amsterdam:
we meet up at 16.45 at the Domela Nieuwenhuis statue at the entrance of the Westerpark.
See you all there! Bring the noise!

On September 5th 2011 the prison boats at the Achtersluispolder should leave as agreed by the city council with the department of Justice. After 5 years of misery the council likes to add a scoop on top. They have done everything to twist their own laws and agreements so that the prison boats can stay longer. The illusion of democracy makes it possible for people to be excluded and imprisoned. The municipality of Zaanstad shits on human rights. Pvda politicians always choose their own career and never for the poor and excluded.
On Thursday, September 8th, we will support the prisoners at the prison boats with noise. Isolated from the other prisoners there are still two people trapped following the eviction of Schijnheilig. We demand the release of all prisoners.
September 8, 2011
5:30 p.m. we gather on the Plantsoen van het Verzet in Zaandam
(take a bike + bells and whistles)
See you there! -ZAG

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