Friday, September 9, 2011

15 september: square protest Tilburg

Hard voor Hart zet protest mee op poten
Hard voor Hart zet protest mee op poten

15 september: square protest Tilburg

Against austerity – for solidarity

The government imposes cuts, the government destroys just what we need in our existence. Therefore, those austerity policies themselves have to be destroyed. Therefore: action on 5 september.

The action is a protest against austerity: against cuts that bring hurt and suffering, often to people who are already vulnerable. Cuts in healthcare: people losing their pasonal helath budget PGB, or having to pay extra for mental health care. Cuts in education, which damages, for instance, special education for children needing some extra support. Cuts in art and culture, which will diminish choice in performances and concerts, makes visiting them more expensive, and costs people their jobs. Cuts in child care whcih will become more expensive for many people. Meanwhile, rich people keep their tax subsidies for buying a house, entrepreneurs keep their tax advantages – on our expense. Money that's unavalible for health and education, suddenly appears for an expensive JSF fighter plane. We want these harsh policies to be stopped.

We also want to raise some attention for other actions, outside of Tilburg. For instance, there will be a 'Wall of Shame Walk' in The Hague on 19 September assembling in at 11.58 at the Plein. More info at

The Netherlands are not alone. In Spain, Greece, Italy, Britain, harsh cuts are being imposed – and protests are being held against these cuts. The people in those countries give a good exemple with their resistance, they deserve solidarity.

Come to the nex protest:

Thursday 15 september, Heuvel, Tilburg, from 19.00 to 20.00 hour

Heart for a better world? Better do something about it! That is the goal of Hard voor Hart,. the young action initiative invoved in the square protests.

Website: Website:



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