Squat Positivenest (Uiterwaardenstraat 289,near the RAI station) invite You in Thursday 31.12.09 for:
Meeting and workshop for video activists.Start 16.00
The idea is to come together, make group, present some of the projects, make new and see how we can help each other. Together We are stronger and We can do more.For example we can teach each other how to do things better , easier and more independent. Everyone could present what things he/she is busy with and what he/she can offer to the group and tell us what help he/she need.
1. Basics about uploading movies.(1/2 ha)
2. Evaluation of the video activists work from Amsterdam during COP 15 in Copenhagen. (sharing experiences, success etc.)(1/2ha)
3. Any plans for next meetings and next year ? Ideas, projects, plans, cooperation's etc.(1/2 ha)
4. Why we need media activism (according one not video activist).(1/2 ha)
For everyone Start 18.30
5. Screening of the movies what we made last year. Looking back...(open for public...) (1.5ha)
6. Organic vegan food on reservations.(write email till thu 12.00)
We would show Spirit Of Squatters(hopefully not only) movies from pro Palestinians demos, from Lappersfort occupation, from squatting actions,from evictions, from clown actions, from geveltuinendag, from action against mega stable, and green wash of WWF, from Climate action camp, blocking the nuclear power plant, meat stand and coal terminal do to the changing climate for better,from big pro squatting demo in Utrecht and squatting palace,from solidarity demo with struggling Greece, from COP 15 protests and campaign movie for the osdorpse farmers etc...
Between the short movies we can talk with people involved in the actions (we invite You all right now!)could explain more about it, what went good what went wrong etc.
All happened last year
Spirit Of Squatters Collective + Vidiots + Video Activists
Those are the proposals for screening. Bring Your own too. Make Your choice what would you like to see. The videos would be played in better than You Tube quality...

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