"Even in my last day on earth I will still plant a tree", and that's what Tal did. Between treatments, in the organic garden she nurtured in the city, the Permaculture course and vegan cooking in the Rogatka Bar that we've built together, and also planted hope, compassion, love, truth, softness and revolution in all of us.
Tal who was always there
Tal who knew how to live the moment
Tal who have always struggled for a better world
Tal who was always busy with everything and always had time for all of us
Tal who loved every living creature
Tal who was strong in heart and spirit
We stand here today not as friends who have lost a friend, but as a family that have lost a sister. Tal was an important part of our lives and in the life of the anarchist community and the punk scene in Israel and in Amsterdam.
From a young age Tal has dedicated her time for animal rights and environmental activism, anti-occupation activity and was part of the squatting movement.
Tal dreamt of a different world, a world without pain and injustice. Like us, Tal tried to understand this world better and try to change it. But Tal had something we could only accept from her – the rare combination between earth and spirit, Yin and Yang, strong principles and an endless acceptance of the different, a rage on those who destroy the world on the one hand and a belief in the rise of a new world on the other. Always with a smile, honesty and a never ending optimism.
Even when she got sick Tal didn't give up and never stopped struggling. The illness has not succeeded to break her spirit even for a moment, and it won't break ours. The years we've been blessed to share with Tal will not be forgotten, her humour, love and strength will always stay within us and her spirit will be with us forever.
טל הקטנה, אחות וחברה. המאבק שלך יהיה לנצח המאבק שלנו לעולם טוב יותר לאחרים ולנו.
לעולם לא נשכחך.
Tiny Tal, sister and a friend. Your struggle will forever be our struggle for a better world for others and for us.
We will never forget you.
Hey all,
I hope you are all doing well. It's hard to write this email and I
hope it doesn't sound too weird. Just a few hours ago we laid Tals
body in the ground. I'm writing this as I know that all of you would
have wished to be here in Israel with us and share your memories and
feelings of Tal and just have some emotional support and share in the
grief. Though we knew that she was in a bad condition I think we all
hoped that her fighting spirit and positive energy would have won this
last battle.
I heard that some of you had a ceremony in her old room in Amsterdam
and we're all glad here to know that the impact was felt everywhere
and that we are all sharing this hard news together and alone.
I just wanted to write you a bit about the funeral here. She was
buried in the heart of Tel Aviv, not 5 minutes away from her parents
house. There were about a thousand people here. Friends, relatives and
colleges of the family (as her family is in the show business there
were many celebrities there). and of course many activists who knew
Tal for the last 15 years, it was the biggest reunion of activists and
ex activists, all sharing their last respects.
The speeches were all heartfelt and deeply moving, from the Rabi who
explained the meaning of Tals name, which in hebrew means dew, the
early rain drops you have each morning and which are considered a
blessing, and while he explained this it started to rain, So we felt
as if the words he was speaking were a mystical chant for the heavens
to open their doors.
Dana Punk spoke on behalf of all of us and gave a speech that
reflected Tals life as a friend and activist.
The last speech was hard to hear as it was a relative or friend (i
wasn't sure) who spoke to Tal before she left to Switzerland. She told
him that she thinks that she might not be coming back in a material
form from this trip but that her spirit will stay with us. that we
should always smile and not get angry, try to look things in a
positive way and try to find the way to be positive even if we
Love to all of you, wherever you might be,
ps Please send this to whoever I forgot to mention here or that I lack
their email.
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