10 augustus afsluitende demonstratie No Border Camp: Geen mens is illegaal! No One Is Illegal! Kein Mensch ist illegal! Personne n'est illégal!
Aankondiging, gepost door: ketellinkie op 07/08/2013 08:07:41Waar: Plein 1940, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Wanneer: 10/08/2013 - 14:00
Op 10 augustus 2013 zal er een demonstratie plaatsvinden in Rotterdam onder het motto: Geen Mens is Illegaal! Met deze demonstratie willen wij met zoveel mogelijk mensen een stem laten horen tegen het keiharde Nederlandse vluchtelingenbeleid. Tevens is deze demonstratie de afsluiter van het No Border Camp, wat van 2 t/m 10 augustus plaatsvindt in Rotterdam.

http://nobordercamp.nl/news/2013/07/23/10-augustus-afsluitende-demonstra... :
On the 10th of August there will be a demonstration in Rotterdam with the theme: No One Is Illegal! With this demonstration we want to make our voices heard against the harsh Dutch asylum policy. Next to that, this demo also marks the end of the No Border Camp, which will take place from 2 to 10 August in Rotterdam.
The No Border Camp is an action camp full of workshops, discussions and actions for the freedom of movement. The No Border Camp connects to the migrant struggle and the growing resistance against the current migration policy. A lot of refugees in the Netherlands have started protesting since the Fall of 2011, in a way the Netherlands has never seen before. People with different nationalities and backgrounds are collectively and openly fighting against the migration regime.
People who do not have papers and therefore are not allowed to stay in the Netherlands, do no longer accept that their fight for a decent, humane life stays invisible for the rest of the Dutch society. By now, migrants and activists in support have put up several tent camps and many demonstrations. Many of the protesting migrants live in the Vluchthuis in The Hague (a squatted church) or in the Vluchtflat in Amsterdam (a squatted flat), from where they organise their actions.
In the past period of time, it has become blatantly clear that the government is only interested in playing political games. Exchanging the policy of criminalization of illegality against a weak pardon/grace for refugee kids shows what the Dutch politicians are up to: maintaining their power is many times more important than the lives of the undocumented people who have been thrown out on the streets.
We call for you to come and join the demonstration! Let your voice be heard! No Borders, No Nations! Freedom of Movement for All!
Location: Plein 1940, Rotterdam. Time: 2.00 pm. Join the Facebook event! https://www.facebook.com/events/572070639502903/ .
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