Saturday, August 31, 2013

Basic School Of Tantra. New Year, New Season begins 28.09.2013 !!!

Let beautiful energy of love stream through us to You:

28.09.13 - Open night tantra party
30.09 - 11.10 - 10 days crash course
4.10 - 6.12 - 10 fridays course
Every last weekend of the month
- advanced course (for everyone)
(Private workshops possible also at Your home)

In at Meerhuizenplein 11 and Spaarndammerstraat 43

If love is the biggest power in the universe
If love-making is the most intimate and the most connecting expression of love
If we need the power of Love so much right now, like never before
It's time to bring love back to human education

That's what we are doing by establishing Basic School of Tantra and by teaching there.

We are tantric couple, who's destiny become to share tantra. We are not any gurus but just "normal" people like You. Through tantra, we recognised that our sexual powers are most efficient (for us) ways to improve our self esteem, physical and mental health, intimate relationship, love (also to Yourself), our energy and all other aspects of life... So this what we would like to share with You

Let Love energy overflow Your problems...
...and the problems of the world

Edyta Weber - therapist, body worker,tantrica...
and Michal Marek Griks - tantrik, Kundalini Yoga teacher...

Guest teachers are:
Marcia Sanders from Art Of Loving and Tantric Dance, yoga and tantra teacher,danser, tantrica
Colin Willby (UK) sexual Tao expert, publisher, author of books: "The Way of Good Sex' and 'The Peace Mandala'
Sanjay Vishwakarma - vedic scientist, astrologer, expert of classical tantra

Open Night Tantra party €10/single person €15/couple
The 10 workshops on basic tantra techniques will cost € 250
Single workshop € 40
9 advanced weekends € 800
Single weekend € 120
"The more you give, the more you get" So You are very welcome to pay more if You can afford that.
However, if the price is too much for You,contact us, and we will find a solution to make it affordable for you too.
Don't hesitate to ask the questions 0684955749 - Michal
More info, updates and details:

Taste of Tantra. Introduction workshop at Magneet festival

Taste of Tantra. Introduction workshop this Sunday at 20.00 and Friday at 20.00 in green area in Mobiaton.
Like last year this time again Basic School of Tantra would give workshops at the festival. Everyone is welcome.
At this workshop beside to tell You about tantra, we give small examples of simple, save exercises, what You can continue later with Your partner or alone. Everyone who would follow instructions from this introduction may already diametrically improve her/his life.
We are not only going to teach You
how to improve Your love making,
Moreover, we teach you in simple steps
how to improve Your physical and mental health,
intimate relationship and all other aspects of life.
See Ya there !
More info You may find at

For one month, Magneet Festival is the place for creative free spirits in Amsterdam. Everybody with a creative initiative is welcome to pitch their idea to the internet platform. If this idea is popular and possible, Magneet Festival co-creates and facilitates. This makes Magneet Festival the first crowdsourced festival of its kind in Europe.
The town district East-Amsterdam is offering a unique piece of land during the length of the festival. On an artificial sand valley at the Zeeburger Island (Zeeburgereiland) in the East of Amsterdam visitors can enjoy music, theatre, experimental constructions, fine arts, children's activities and more.
 "No spectators, only participators" has always been the "Magneet philosophy". To create something special you need to work together, on which this co-creational festival is also based. With "Leave no Trace" as motto, it's clear that durability plays an important part during the festival: participators are expected to keep durability in mind when building and breaking down whatever they have in mind. It's a special place and we're giving it back in its original state, if not cleaner.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Anonymous hacked New Zeeland government :)

Official Twitter:

Skip to message: 2:55

Press Release:



Greetings citizens of New Zealand,

Over the past several months leaders of countries all over the world have been discussing inexcusable spy networks & communication interception laws. Eight months ago New Zealand was rated number one in the world for its freedom. Freedom which was fought for by Prime Minister David Lange in 1984 when the US was pressuring New Zealand into allowing nuclear-powered ships to enter New Zealand waters. As a result of your countries bravery to refuse United States demands, the US government suspended the ANZUS treaty which froze United States and New Zealand economic relations. It was this brave stand that has given your country true independence and moral high-ground. Why should your government give in to such a power like the united states now, what has changed? The Leaders of your country are being manipulated and corrupted. Do you really want your leaders to take after a country which is carrying out illegal and immoral practices, a government which tortures and orders drone strikes upon innocent civilians. A country which is carrying out mass surveillance on every single person in the world, including their allies.

We as Anonymous are disappointed with the actions of your government. The passing of the controversial GCSB Amendment Act was a clear indication to us that we needed to intervene. On Thursday 22nd, Operation Fuck GCSB was initiated and on Friday we disabled the GCSB's website for most of the day. This was downplayed by the media due to more deception from a GCSB employee.

Following the pass of the GCSB Amendment Act, it was made public, the US Military had an interest to build a new undersea cable from New Zealand to the United States that would allow greater amounts of data to be transferred between the NSA & GCSB as well as other paramilitary regimes. To what end remains secret. In the wake of recent privacy violations, one can only assume it is to continue such operations more efficiently and more effectively.

Police affidavits related to the raid on Kim Dotcom's mansion appear to show that New Zealand police and spy agencies are able to tap directly in to United States surveillance systems such as PRISM to capture email and other traffic. PRISM, a tool used by the NSA to collect private electronic data of users from services like Gmail, Facebook, Outlook, and others, gained international significance this year after classified presentation slides detailing aspects of the program were leaked by a former NSA contractor. The US government has insisted that the NSA is only permitted to collect intelligence on non-US citizens overseas, but critics of the program say that the government's broad classified collection efforts capture too much incidental data belonging to innocent Americans. At the top of every page in the top secret XKeyscore documents, 5 countries are listed; USA, Australia, Canada, Great Britain and New Zealand. The scope of the data mining operations is far reaching and ever growing and it is clear that New Zealand is more involved with mass surveillance than anyone thought.

To the government of New Zealand: you have our full attention and we are watching your every move. Consider yourself warned.

To the citizens of New Zealand: Due to the inevitable corruption of your government we have decided to broaden the scope of our NZ operations. During the next week operation kiwi freedom will come in to full affect.

Your right to freedom and privacy shall not be suppressed because of pressure from the United States government. You live in a democratic country and we as Anonymous will do everything in our power to remind your government that they do not control their citizens. That they are not in charge of our rights to freedom as human beings. That the people should not be afraid of their government; the government should be afraid of its people.

We must stand together and unite against these violations. This struggle is not yours alone, but for the whole of mankind. It is time for the citizens of the world to unite in one voice. Stand up to the oppressors and defend your rights any way you can. As long as there is one of us standing, we are legion. Do not give up your rights. Do not turn away from the fight. They will try to vilify us in our quest for justice. Do not believe the propaganda. Research for yourself. Seek the truth.

Operation Kiwi Freedom initiated.


Ingrid's amazing win + make petition on issues what You care!

Dear friends,

Ingrid, an Avaaz member, helped save a Norwegian woman from being jailed for being raped in Dubai -- she started a petition on Avaaz and the social media storm it created kept pressure up on governments to act. Now the woman is free! And it all started with one simple step: click below to start a campaign on an issue you care about, it's incredibly quick and easy!
Ingrid, an Avaaz member, has used our site to help save a Norwegian woman from being sent to jail for being raped!

Marte Dalelv was sexually assaulted while visiting Dubai, but when she reported it to the police, she was sentenced to 16 months in prison for "extra-marital sex"! When Ingrid read about Marte's case, she started a petition on Avaaz calling on the Dubai and Norwegian governments to ensure Marte's release. The petition and the Facebook page she created exploded on social media and people from all over the world signed the petition and flooded the two governments with messages at addresses that Ingrid posted on her Avaaz petition page.

Within days, Marte was released, and the Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide posted a Twitter message saying: "Marte is released! Thanks to everyone who signed up to help."

Ingrid's campaign was covered by major media outlets and clearly ramped up the diplomatic pressure to free Marte and bring her home to her family. And it all started with a simple step of starting a petition on the Avaaz community website. Think of an issue you care about and click here to get started -- it's incredibly quick and easy to start a campaign:

The Prime Minister of Norway said,"There is no doubt that attention from around the world, and the tenacity of the foreign ministry ... led to this decision." In just a few minutes, Ingrid started an amazing campaign that helped win over decision makers in Dubai and Norway.

Starting a campaign only takes a few minutes, but the impact of success can last for years. Plus, if the petition gets enough support on its own, the staff at Avaaz could pick up the campaign, add strategic advice, media help, and even send it to a wider list of members. We've got tonnes of tips and advice to help you along the way -- all it takes is to get started, share your passion and you can be on your way to winning on any issue - local, national or global.

Ingrid wasn't convinced that starting an online petition would save Marte - but when she and her organisation Partnership for Change saw the impact of their victory, they realised how powerful this easy model can be to get change. Send this email to the people you know who have great ideas about how to make the world a better place or click on the link to be a part of it:

Many Avaaz campaigns have been started by Avaaz members, from bringing hundreds of workers in Bahrain safely home to India, to allowing partners stay in touch with imprisoned love ones in New Mexico. All these took just a few minutes to get started. Let's become world-changers together and multiply our impact by the thousands.

With hope and excitement for all we can achieve together,

Alice, Emma, Oli, Carol, Ricken, Luca, Laura and the whole Avaaz team

More Information:

Original campaign: Marte Deborah Dalelv Released (Avaaz Community Petitions)

Marte Deborah Dalelv Released (Partnership for Change)

Norwegian Woman, Sentenced After Reporting Rape in Dubai, Is 'Pardoned' (New York Times)

Marte Deborah Dalelv, Alleged Norwegian Rape Victim, Pardoned After Being Sentenced To Jail For Sex Outside Marriage (Huffington Post)

What A Wonderful World! Get Raped In Dubai And You'll Serve 16 Months In Prison (Forbes)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Arrestatie bij vluchtelingenprotest Vredespaleis - Donderdag weer actie!

Vandaag (28-08-2013) hebben wij, de uitgeprocedeerden vluchtelingen die in het Vluchthuis aan de sportlaan verblijven, actie gevoerd bij de viering van het 100 jarig bestaan van het Vredespaleis. Terwijl er tijdens deze viering werd gesproken over mensenrechten en vrede staan wij nog steeds rechteloos op straat.

Morgen opnieuw: 09:00 t/m 11:00, Sophialaan 21, Den Haag
En demonstratie Gerechtigheid voor vluchtelingen!: 12:30, Plein voor Centraal Station, Den Haag

Met zo´n 30 vluchtelingen hebben wij geprotesteerd tijdens de aankomst van de hoogwaardigheidsbekleders bij het Vredespaleis. Er werd onder andere een doodskist meegedragen met daarop de tekst ´The Hague City of Peace and Justice´. Want terwijl er tijdens de viering in het Vredespaleis toespraken werden gehouden over vrede en de rechten van de mens (door onder andere Koning Willem Alexander, Ban Ki-moon en Minister President Mark Rutte) worden wij, de slachtoffers van oorlogen rechteloos op straat gezet. ¨Er worden hier grote woorden gesproken over vrede en de rechten van de mens. Maar wij zijn naar Nederland gevlucht en krijgen hier ons mensenrecht ook niet¨, aldus een van de vluchtelingen.

Een van de vluchtelingen is tijdens de demonstratie uit protest voor de auto´s van de arriverende deelnemers op de grond gaan liggen. Hij is daarna gearresteerd en door de politie meegenomen naar het bureau. Een filmpje van de arrestatie volgt spoedig.

Wij, vluchtelingen uit voornamelijk Afghanistan en Irak, kunnen niet terug naar het land waar wij vandaan komen omdat daar nog steeds oorlog heerst. Bijna elke dag zijn er bomaanslagen en vallen er honderden doden per maand. Toch wijst Nederland onze asielaanvraag af en worden we op straat gezet. Terug kunnen wij dus niet, en door Europese regelgeving kunnen wij ook niet naar een andere Europees land om daar een asielaanvraag te doen. Wij vallen tussen wal en schip en leven een totaal uitzichtloos leven. Al sinds 2011 voeren wij actie tegen deze onmenselijke situatie maar tot op heden is er nog steeds geen oplossing.

Morgen, donderdag 29 augustus, zullen wij weer twee keer actie voeren tijdens de conferentie van het The Hague Institute of Global Justice aan de Sophialaan 21 in Den Haag. De conferentie zal gaan over de interventies van de VN in landen als Afghanistan en Irak.

's Ochtends zullen wij voor de deur actievoeren om de deelnemers aan de conferentie duidelijk te maken dat wij de slachtoffers van de oorlogen zijn en dat wij niet geholpen worden en voor ons de gerechtigheid niet opgaat.

's Middags zullen wij een demonstratie lopen vanaf het Centraal Station naar het Institute of Global Justice aan de Sophialaan. Daar zal wederom voor de deur actie worden gevoerd. De demonstratie zal om 12:30 beginnen en rond 13:30 aankomen op de Sophialaan.

Tijd: 09:00 t/m 11:00
Locatie: Sophialaan 21, Den Haag

Demonstratie: Gerechtigheid voor vluchtelingen!
Tijd: 12:30
Locatie: Plein voor Centraal Station, Den Haag

Kom ook en laat je horen tegen het inhumane vluchtelingenbeleid!

Wij willen verblijfsrecht, en onderdak!

Een link naar het Facebook even van morgent:

Heden en verleden van het anarchisme in Servië

Op donderdag 29 augustus vindt er in de Anarchistische Bibliotheek / infocafé De Bollox een infoavond plaats over anarchisme in Servië.

Het zal gaan over de geschiedenis van de anarchistische beweging in Servië, van haar ontstaan eind negentiende eeuw, haar marginale rol in de beide wereldoorlogen en het socialistische Joegoslavië, en haar heropleving in de jaren negentig, met name door de hardcore punk scene, van de twintigste eeuw. Bijzondere aandacht zal uitgaan naar de rol van Bakunin en de link tussen Gavrilo Princip en het anarchisme. Ook zal er ruim aandacht wezen voor het giftige nationalisme in deze regio en de rol van extreem rechtse en fascistische groepen.

Voertaal: Engels

On Thursday 29 august the Anarchist Group Amsterdam is organizing an info afternoon in the Anarchist Library / Info Café The Bollox on the history of anarchism in Serbia. After the presentation there's room for discussion and questions afterwards.


The history of the workers movement in Serbia started in the late 19th century. After Serbia became independent after the Berlin Congress (1878) socialist ideas started to spread among the working class which started to organize themselves. Besides socialist and communist ideas, anarchist ideas also had a big influence, especially the ideas of Bakunin. Although some anarchist groups were formed in the beginning of 20th century, anarchism lost the battle against state socialism and communism. But in the 90′s of 20th century some things changed. New anarchist groups appeared, the punk movement brought in some new ideas and some interesting activities started. This continues up and until today.

What was the real influence of anarchism in Serbian society? Who were first anarchists? What was their main activity? What is the link between Bakunin and Serbian anarchism? What is the link between Gavrilo Princip and anarchism? Where were the anarchists during the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Second World War, and Socialist Yugoslavia? When did anarchism start to become appealing again? What about anarchism and the punk movement? What are current anarchist groups and collectives up to?

All these questions will be answered during this presentation/discussion.

Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative (ASI-MUR, Beograd, IWA-AIT)
Direktna akcija (Beograd)


Komuna X

Demonstratie 21 september Stop Bezuinigingen

Demonstratie 21 september in Amsterdam

De bevolking van Europa verkeert in een crisis die z´n weerga niet kent.
Ook in ons land heeft de crisis toegeslagen. Uit de geschiedenis kunnen
we leren dat racisme welig kan tieren daar waar de armoede toeneemt. In
Griekenland bijvoorbeeld is dit al duidelijk zichtbaar. We mogen onze
ogen niet sluiten voor dit gevaar. De PVV heeft een protest in Den Haag
op 21 september aangekondigd tegen de bezuinigingen. Pure
volksmisleiding. Immers, Geert Wilders zelf zegt dat "niet de
economische crisis, maar de islam, het grootste probleem van ons land

Samen met andere organisaties heeft Platform Stop Racisme en Uitsluiting
het initiatief genomen om een werkelijk progressief geluid te laten
horen tegen de nieuwe bezuinigingsronde. Op zaterdag 21 september
organiseert het Comité Stop Bezuinigingen een demonstratie in Amsterdam
die om 13 uur start op het Beursplein en eindigt bij de Dokwerker.

Alle informatie over de demonstratie in Amsterdam vind je in de
nieuwsbrief van het comité: <>

Platform Stop Racisme en Uitsluiting

Colin Willby in Basic School of Tantra

And this is sponanious interview made at Rainbow Gathering
Colin Willby is the proprietor of Peace Mandalas Publishing. His book, "The Way of Good Sex'(2011) is a manual for exploring the potential for natural contraception through muscular control, similar to Taoist ideas and yet based upon the precept that Yin is light and Yang is dark.

He also cracked the code of the megaliths, based on Pi at 3.1418282, after devoting 10,000 hours to researching John Michell's idea that the distance across Jerusalem's Old City can be measured in British Feet. His book 'The Peace Mandala' (2011) reviews that research. He is currently working on a version of the 'I Ching' with hexagram lines related to the days of the year and with new commentaries, varying from the standard ones found in other 'I Ching' editions. This will be available as a 2014 diary in September, 2013.
For more info about him and his books see

If anyone (of You know someone) would like to organize the lecture about sacred geometry just contact us...

Here You can read and download whole pdf of the summary ( fragment below )

Summary of the 'The Way of Good Sex', including upward orgasm and love muscles training
techniques by Colin and Leechan Willby.
Males and Female Love Muscles Training:
Begin by stopping your urinating in mid-flow to contact the love
muscle. At other times and without urination then hold this love muscle contracted for as long as you
can and then
relax it. Practice these contractions of the love muscle and also begin to contract surrounding muscle
s (buttock, groin,
anal, pelvic and especially abdominals as far as the navel) in sets of exercises. Relax all these love
muscles as you
breathe out and tighten them as you breathe in. The
re will be slight ballooning outwards of the area between the navel
and lower ribs as you breathe in. Make reminders to
do the exercises for at least 20 days. Aim at extending the time
that you can hold all of these love muscles locked
and the in-breath for up to 10 or 15 seconds.
Upward Orgasm for Males:
After 20 days of love muscles training then introduce masturbation. Use non-sexual
visualization and reduce any sexual imagery around
you. As you approach near to orgasm, take a sharp intake of
breath as you apply love muscles contraction locking. Also include continuous thumb and finger pressure
to the area
just below the head of the penis. Keep your mouth open and your tongue forward and down.
The key is not to go too close to orgasm when learning this new regime. Keep
still and hold your breath, along with this love muscles lock and
the finger and thumb pressure. At the same time mentally redirect sexual energy up the spine to the
back of the neck on the in breath. Once the orgasmic sensations have
faded (and with your mouth still open and tongue forward and down) then release all locks
and pressures and direct that pooled sexual energy from the neck to the storage place at
the top of head (when the chin is down and back). Imagine that energy now stored
between that cranium and the skin. If the sensations of approaching orgasm reoccur then
resume love muscles locking, hand pressure and the redirection of sexual energy.
... continue at the link above

Manifestation Freedom Flotilla to west Papua

Bus to Manifestation Freedom Flotilla to west Papua. 11:30 Amsterdam-Sloterdijk.

Safe passage for the freedom Flotilla to west Papua! Recognize (ab)original Independence and west Papua right to self determination.
Freedom and justice for the west Papua people. 13:00 Tobias Asserlaan 8, Den Haag.
A bus is going from Amsterdam/Sloterdijk to Den Haag (Depart: 11:30) Come and bring your banners/flag to give support to the Freedom Flotilla.
Demand safe passage for the Freedom Flotilla to west Papua!

Zie ook:

'Safe passage for Freedom Flotilla West papua NOW!', .

'Bus to Manifestation Freedom Flotilla to west Papua. 11:30 Amsterdam-Sloterdijk', .

Zie ook 'Melbourne to Manokwari, Den Hague to Port Moresby – Freedom Flotilla Gathers Global Support', .

269Live bevrijd 28 konijnen!

Ergens in Nederland zijn er tussen 20 en 26 augustus 28 konijnen gered van de slacht. Deze konijnen werden gehouden voor hun vlees en zouden de rest van hun leven op draadgaas spenderen, met als enige (onwetende) hoop op leven een stel activisten die niet meer wilden toekijken. Met deze actie bewijzen zij dat dieren redden nog steeds prima kan.


''Somewhere between 20 and 26 august an unknown amount of 269lifeNL activists liberated 28 rabbits from a horrible death in the rabbit (meat) industry.

Much respect and love for the activists involved

Let the industry know you do not support animal cruelty and Take action, Expose, Liberate, and most of all, Go Vegan and Free269''


Een mooi filmpje van de bevrijding:

En een filmpje van een eerdere (kippen) bevrijding vanuit 269NL


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Rochdale kantoorpand in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost gekraakt

Karspeldreef 2 in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost gekraakt

Amsterdam – Een groep krakende ondernemers heeft zaterdag een kantoorpand van de woningcorporatie stichting Rochdale aan de Karspeldreef gelegen binnen het bedrijventerrein Amstel III gekraakt.

24/08/2013 - Persbericht

Creatieven nemen heft in eigen handen
Amsterdam – Een groep krakende ondernemers heeft zaterdag een kantoorpand van de woningcorporatie stichting Rochdale aan de Karspeldreef gelegen binnen het bedrijventerrein Amstel III gekraakt. Hiermee hebben ze het initiatief genomen een invulling te geven aan een pand gelegen in een gebied waar grootschalige leegstand heerst in combinatie met een gebrek aan toekomstperspectief. Rochdale geeft in mei 2011 in een artikel in de Nul20 bijvoorbeeld aan "niet meer op de snelle komst van een nieuwe gebruiker [te rekenen]," waaraan ze toevoegen opzoek te zijn naar een nieuwe functie voor het pand. Echter, herbestemming lijkt te stuiten tegen de wensen van de gemeente Zuid-Oost en een tekort aan investeerders. Door het pand als woon- en werkruimte in te richten en ruimte te bieden voor sociale activiteiten beogen de krakers de invulling van dergelijke leegstand in een stroomversnelling te brengen.