This is a platform for our affinity group, our squat Positivenest, our projects like Program Awakening, and the videos and posters manufactured by Spirit of Squatters Collective and a few others. Our idea is to bring a lot of positive messages and constructive solutions to the alternative movement. We try to avoid pessimistic news, except when we are fighting for freedom of speech. Real life starts when we turn off our computer, our tv, etc. If you want to contact us, email
Nu is goede tijd om te sturen naar gezinnen, politici, CU, CDA,SGP, etc. Hier is ook link naar filmpje: Second part of "Stop het Kraakverbood" - relation from the demonstration in Utrecht against baning the squatting. Movie it's remaining the dutch"christian" politicians that "Jesus was born in stable because there was no place in the inn". So this is asking them nicely to not to continue being hypocrite's and to change their minds and in the name of their religion be like us against baning the squatting.I think it's good to let this video circulate as wider as possible that would affect CDA,CU etc. in that way that they would change their minds, or the other way: their voters would see their hypocrisy.
General news category – winner A woman tries to resist police eviction of squatters on private land near the city of Manaus, in the state of Amazonas in Brazil. Eviction notices had been served on families living on the land some days earlier. The squatters, who were protesting against lack of housing in Manaus, were evicted after a clash lasting two hours
Awakening mobilize for COP 15,relation from clown action "Climate Change. Who cares?" and Anti fur day.
Patapoe is temporarily offair due to technical maintenance. In the meanwhile you can tune in through the stream.
polish below
Today's show, as usual agenda first, then...
Main subject mobilization for COP 15 - so realtion from very funny, sarcastic clown action last sunday "Climate change. Who cares?" when they got pushed away from the shopping center and one reporter was arrested on the way back. The audio from action and interviews would be played. Beside of that in our show we will celebrate international anti fur day by informing You about business and cruelty connected to it.
Further we will continue from "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) why we need direct actions and why is this so important.
As always, we would read some ecologic advices from book "Make A Difference"...In the background like usual some fresh in our collection international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to dawnload the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from go to: Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,
If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype
Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
W "Polonii Aktywnej" głównym tematem będzie obchodzony na całym świecie Dzień Bez Futra. Po za tym będziemy mobilizowali do wyjazdu na szczyt klimatyczny COP 15, gdzie ci co najbardziej odpowiedzialni są za zmiany klimatyczne będą obradować jak zrobić na tym jeszcze większy interes i jakie jeszcze większe fałszywe rozwiązania wcisnąć ludziom, by się nie czepiali, a przede wszystkim nie sięgali po prawdziwe rozwiązania, nie zmniejszali konsumpcji, kontynuowali jedzenie mięsa i jeżdżenie samochodem na "ekologicznym bio" paliwie itp. Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp.
W Awakening także mobilizacja na COP 15, a w związku z tym relacja z sarkastycznej i śmiesznej akcji armii klaunów w ostatnią niedzielę.Podczas akcji ochraniarze z centrum handlowego wypchnęli brutalnie klaunów, a w drodze powrotnej policja zaaresztowała jednego z reporterów. Zagrane będzie audio z całego zdarzenia. Po za tym także będziemy obchodzili dzień bez futra. Po nad to ciąg dalszy o akcji bezpośredniej z książki DIY, a po za tym parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę"
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia. Do usłyszenia
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Pipi w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
Zapraszamy też każdego kto ma coś do powiedzenia do naszego programu. Zarówno do angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Patapoe is temporarily offair due to technical maintenance. In the meanwhile you can tune in through the stream.
polish below
Today's show, as usual agenda first, then...
Main subject Freedom for Palestinians - someone from Middle East will tell about situation there, ,Anarchists Against The Wall and their actions for freedom,equality and peace (like breaking the illegal wall etc). The other important subject would be relation from manifestation last Friday for cultural center ship Stubnitz, for freedom and tolerance in Amsterdam. . Next important thing would be relation from Squatting in Bijlmer last Sunday. The speeches and interviews would be played Further we will read from "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) why we need direct actions and why is this so important. As always, we would read some ecologic advices from book "Make A Difference"...In the background like usual some fresh in our collection international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to dawnload the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from go to: Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm To all positive organizations & To whom it may concern, If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome. Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
Polonia Aktywna relacjonuje antyfaszystowską demonstrację w Warszawie
English above
W "Polonii Aktywnej" głównym tematem będzie relacja,ściemy policji i podsumowanie demontsracji antyfaszystowskiej w Warszawie, która jak co roku odbyła się 11 listopada w Warszawie. Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp.
W Awakening wywiad o Anarchistach Przeciwko Murowi(AATW), którzy na terenach okupowanych walczą o wolność,równość i pokój dla Palestyńczyków. Następnie relacja z piątkowej manifestacji w obronie statku, cantrum kulturalnego Stubnitz i o wolność i tolerancję dla Amsterdamu.Ponadto sprawozdanie z akcji skłoterskiej na Bijlmer.Zagramy wywiady i przemowy z tych wydarzeń. Poza tym o akcji bezpośredniej z książki DIY, a po za tym parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę"
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia. Do usłyszenia
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Pipi w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
Zapraszamy też każdego kto ma coś do powiedzenia do naszego programu. Zarówno do angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Beginning December 1st, Sri Lanka's government will respond to the calls for action that 50,000 of you made over the past few months – they will finally unlock the camps!
This past weekend, government officials announced that all restrictions placed on innocent civilians trapped unlawfully behind barbed wire fences will be lifted.
In just one week, internally displaced Sri Lankans will be free to come and go as they please. We are relieved that this nightmare will finally be coming to an end for some 130,000 people, who remain in the camps today. Thanks to all of your emails, postcards and the thunderous international outcry, Sri Lanka's government could not hide this crime in the shadows any longer.
While we are heartened by this recent turn of events, we are still sobered by a few unrelenting facts:
Lack of information: Many of the displaced have not received any information about the choices available to them once they are freed. How can they be expected to decide whether to return to their home villages or resettle in another part of the country if they don't know what resources will be available to them once they arrive?
Humanitarian access: It is extremely important that the government facilitate assistance by humanitarian organizations and allow the displaced to gain access to necessary government services and infrastructure, including education, medical and social welfare facilities. It is imperative that the displaced receive food, water and shelter as they re-establish their homes.
Incommunicado detentions: Around 12,000 persons (including children) suspected of links to the Tamil Tigers are being held by the government without charge in incommunicado detention, separately from the internally displaced. They should be promptly charged with a recognizable criminal offense and given fair trials in civilian courts, or else released.
Rest assured that we will not stop fighting until each of these points have been met. We will keep you posted until human rights are fully restored throughout Sri Lanka. Thank you for your action and commitment. Together, we've unlocked the camps of Sri Lanka.
Jim, Christoph and the Sri Lanka Crisis Response team
Rebelact Within a few weeks COP15, the conference about climate change will start in Copenhagen, Denmark. A moment thousands of people will go there and protest because of the lack of effective measures. In Amsterdam we couldn't wait and already started to demonstrate. Rebel Clowns marched on the streets with a clear message: Climate Change - Who Cares? Nederlandse tekst volgt / Dutch text will follow Sunday, November 22nd in Amsterdam: what a wonderful day - quite warm... And that's what we like! Should be nice to live in a more tropical Netherlands! A few degrees more, some extra sun, no more winters: should be great! That's why we started our demonstration with our industrial pollution machine: it smells, it makes noises, it moves and it's part of our economic system of offering us consumption sooooo much, that when the whole world should reach that level of western consumption, we should need a few extra planets in the next decades. But climate change - Who cares? As Rebel Clowns we've another opinion. At the Rembrandt square and Reguliersbreestraat we shouted loud and clear: "What do we want? - Planes!", "What do we want? - Cars!", etc. As clowns we love these glitter thingies! For example Porsches, wowww! they are so beautiful! Why should you take a bike when there are also these great cars? That's why we were also yelling: "No More Bikes! - No More Bikes!". After passing by the Regulierbreestraat we entered the Kalverstraat near the Munt tower and that's really consumption paradise! What else could you do than shopping on a that free day of the week? By buying many things you could show people who you are! It's not about you, but about the amount of products you could collect in your life. That's the real meaning of life: being part of that wonderful consumption machinery! Symbol of consumption is the shopping mall. Kalvertoren is one of them. Off course it was nice to visit that grate place and to admire all these fantastic and expensive products. But our way of admiring (shouting "Shop till you drop!") was not admired by the security. It didn't take long before several showed up. We even saw an undercover security or maybe it's better to explain: he was one of the guys pushing us out and especially some people who made pictures. Maybe it was their intention to touch the cameras that hard, the photographers should buy a brand new one... Another way of stimulating consumption and maybe a small contribution for the economic recovery! It's clear also the climate in Amsterdam is changing. Tolerance about having another opinion or acting a bit differently is dissapearing - especially in circles of uniformed people. Next to security we also met the police. It happened later in the Amstelstraat where off course our ID's were checked and registered. The controle state likes to know every individual clown! The police was also looking for a 'leader' of the group: "Who's in charge?" A question we couldn't answer because all of us are or non of us. After a while we were allowed to leave. Unfortunally without 1 photographer because the blue boys and girl also would like to know ID's from all photographers and filmers! One was kept by the police and got a fine for 'disturbing the order'(???). After a few hours he was released. Anyway: nice the police found a new great task by checking photographers and arrest them if 'needed'. In the city centre there were many more people photographing us spontaneously... so hope a next time it will also be their turn! Who cares? Website:
As we are getting closer to the Climate Summit in Copenhagen this December, the mobilization group in The Netherlands together with the Target Cafe have organized an info-session to discuss the politics of the climate issue this Wednesday 25th at 8pm in the Target Café (Overtoom 301).
From the 7th to 18th of December 2009, the largest 'climate summit' ever to be held will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark. This summit has been billed as our 'last, best hope' to do something about climate change. But the UN talks will not solve the climate crisis. We are no closer to reducing greenhouse gas emissions than we were when negotiations began fifteen years ago: emissions continue to rise at ever faster rates, while carbon trading allows climate criminals to pollute and profit. At present, the talks are essentially legitimising a new colonialism that carves up of the world's remaining resources.
At the info-session we will discuss the key decisions that are on the table inside the negotiations; the main impacts and implications on several issues such as agriculture and food, immigration and security, trade, forests, among others. Also, we will discuss the climate justice movement and the mobilizations for Copenhagen.
Practical information on networks and actions planned for the Climate Summit will be discussed as well.
The Lappersfort forest has been okupied again, and is now under eviction threat. -
Aktion & Eviktion Practice Weekend 4-6 December
spread the word!
In the dark chilly woods, a new wind is stirring; winter is moving in, and with the cold nights come a new band of pirates and elves tiptoeing their way between the trees.
After 14 months of okupation, and a pointless pact with the devil signed by 3 previous okupants stating that the forest should be voluntarily packed up by November the 30th, it seemed that the struggle to save the Lappersfort was coming to an end…
But all ends are new beginnings in disguise, and a new seed of mutiny has been sewn in the fertile soil of the forest.As long as it stands threatened, the Lappersfort will be okupied by humans to defend it.
Grown over the ruins of an old ammunitions factory, the Lappersfort forest stands as a symbol for the re-growth and re-wilding of nature and for the healing of the wounds left by industrial and suburban civilisation.
The action camp is as of now under direct EVICTION THREAT, and we are now busy with barrikading, digging in, and getting ready every way we can, while still trying to reach out for more humans to come and help protect this beautiful piece of forest from falling victim to another pointless project of the kapitalist death machine.
For a freespace in the woods and for the woods, for life and wilderness everywhere, Lappersfort stays until the bitter or better end……
On the weekend of the 4-6th of december (hoping that the camp still exists by then), there will be workshops on eviktion and aktion related stuff, including climbing, tunneling, lockons, freeclimbing etc. There will obviously be food and music, and we are still looking for individuals or bands to come and play, and other people with ideas for workshops are also wished for.
All the practical information you will need when you arrive in Copenhagen.
This is an update on the logistics concerning COP15, regarding what we know so far and what is being prepared. Some things still haven't been sorted out yet as bureaucracy in Denmark works very slow.
This is an update on the current situation. There will be another update just before the summit. Don't panic if you arrive in CPH during COP15 not knowing how everything works. Just go to an info-point, all of which are currently being figured out; some will be centrally located around the Klimaforum09 and Central Station, some in Christiania and some in the convergence center in Nørrebro. See map below for details.
If you have any questions concerning logistics, inputs, requests or anything else that we haven't thought of, please don't hesitate to contact us at
As it looks right now there are 3 different possibilities concerning accommodation.
1. Communal accommodation:
The situation is that we are (still) negotiating with the local municipality of Copenhagen in order to get access to big sports halls and schools in the area of Copenhagen to use for accommodation. We are doing it on a non-registration base. Accommodation will be free, but of course always happy about donations, as there will be some expenses for e.g. heating and electricity.
The sites will feature the basics; heat and proper sanitary conditions. Not all sites may have access to showers, but in that case shower locations will be made available elsewhere in the city, although this might include a small user payment.
Currently, we have several sites on our hands:
1. Two vacant schools, Frederikssundsvejen and Voldparken schools, both with showers, toilets and heating and Frederikssundsvejen will host a kitchen.
- At the moment it looks like there'll be some additional funding, earmarked for us, from the municipality for renting additional sites.
- We're also mapping and working on vacant buildings in Copenhagen and establishing contact with Copenhagen Project House, already working with this.
2. Rooms at unions, some with showers.
- Among others, we have confirmed space at the union of the children's social workers.
- We're still collecting support and building relations with unions, so hopefully more to come.
3. Flydende By, Floating City, has finally been granted a number of large industrial halls and buildings in Copenhagen's South Harbour and we will be turning these into accommodation and social sites.
4. Rooms in community centers, both in Nørrebro and the South Harbor.
In the nearest future, we will compile the different sites, get an overview and distribute more specific information.
During the summit, you can always just go to an info point (see below), when you arrive to Copenhagen to know where accommodation is available. The info points will also be reachable by phone, again details will come out in a later update.
We expect the halls to open for accommodation from when the summit starts, but we'll also be able to accommodate people in the run up – so you're more the welcome to come early and help out. Contact us by mail if you need accommodation before the COP starts.
2. Private accommodation with (random) locals:
If you want to sleep privately, send an email to: (the deadline for sign up is the 8th of November)
It's an art project, in order to get people together. Everyone within an hour of transportation from Copenhagen can sign up as a host. The host and guest are put together randomly, so you can't choose your host. Go to the website to check out details. This option involves some registration and centralized, bureaucratic distribution.
3. Private accommodation with Danish activists:
If you have particular reasons for not wanting to use the communal accommodation, which we advise you to as much as possible, you can stay with local Danish activists and avoid to go through the general public sign-up (New Life Copenhagen, see above), you are asked to use the following email-address.
Please send us an e-mail, containing name, how many you will like to stay together (if you don't mind staying individually, please state so in the mail), if possible the duration of your stay and contact information. You will then receive a mail with contact info of your host a few weeks before the COP15, so you can do the actual arranging yourself. We cannot guarantee people a spot though.
Please note, that the Danish scene can only provide sleeping opportunity for a limited number of guests.
People's kitchens will be set up on central spots in Copenhagen, such as info points, accommodation spaces, when possible, and in areas of activist activities. The biggest kitchen will be placed close to KlimaForum, and the Central station, at an infopoint. Other big kitchens will be at Folkets in Nørrebro and at Nemoland in Christiania. All kitchens will need volunteers during the whole period. Food will be brought out to the larger demos and actions. We will have to ask for donations, around 20 DKK (2-3 Euros) per meal.
Also we are sending a call out to all vegetarian restaurants, cafe's and walk by shops, to have special low cost offers.
If you're part of a people's kitchen planning to come for the COP15 and have not been in contact with us yet, please contact the logistics-group at: for coordination.
Info points:
Info points will be set up several places in Copenhagen and we are trying to mobilize Danish organizations and groups to help out, but international volunteers will be needed, especially as groups taking on organizing the management of a specific site.
Sites: (see map below for exact location)
- On the Central Station, primarily as an information and "redirection" stand
- In Råhuset next to one of the communal kitchens by KlimaForum09 nearby the Central Station
- In the convergence center Støberiet on Nørrebro
- In Christiania, near the communal kitchen
- On the social center Bolsjefabrikken, The Candy Factory in Copenhagen North-West area
So far we're thinking that the info points would be places with:
- Information on various practical matters and contacts, furthermore info on the following: - Food and accommodation space - Geography of Copenhagen (maps) - Legal rights, trauma and medics - Free internet services, with some computers available - Hot drinks for freezing temperatures - Free shop (with warm clothes, etc.)
We are working with a few convergence centers spread around the central parts of Copenhagen. To clarify, when speaking of a convergence center we talk of both a social space to relax, discuss and research, a space for practical and other preparations and containing facilities like medics and trauma.
Sites: (see map for exact locations)
- The "main" convergence, Støberiet on Blågårds Plads on Nørrebro, which will feature medics, trauma support, legal aid, meeting and social spaces and info point.
- Bolsjefabrikken, The Candy Factory, which is a social center in Copenhagen NW (next to Nørrebro). This will be a more practical center featuring workshop areas with tools and accessories, kitchen, social and meeting spaces and an info point.
- A smaller convergence, Råhuset by KlimaForum09 on Vesterbro. This will primarily feature a social space and info point, also some KlimaForum09 activities and more. It is located next to the main communal kitchen.
- The House of Solidarity on Nørrebro will feature a be-the-media activist centre open for everyone. It's located very close to the "main" convergence, Støberiet.
Legal rights:
A legal team of law-students has been set up in Copenhagen. They have worked out a paper on basic rights in Denmark for Danes and foreigners, see attached file. They are in contact with lawyers and will work from their office during the whole period of the COP.
Meanwhile we are setting up a prison solidarity support group, that will do the overall coordination of legal aid and prison support. They will be based in Støberiet, the main infopoint at Nørrebro. So if you have any legal issue or question, go to Støberiet. Then they can redirect you to the office of the legal team if it's needed (which is very close to Støberiet).
If you or your group wants to work on legal aid during the COP, please contact, for coordination.
Border control:
We strongly recommend you to bring your passport even though you are travelling from a country member of Schengen. People going to the G8-summit in Rostock in 2008 were checked at the Danish/German border and people not possessing a passport were immediately sent back. We expect the same to happen during the COP15.
Border support teams are being set up at the German/Danish border and the Swedish/Danish border, together with lawyer support from Copenhagen. There will be organized pick up spots for people being denied entrance. We will have more specific information on this in the final newsletter, such as phone number, etc.
PLEASE BE AWARE: It can take up to 8 weeks to get a visa, and costs around 60 Euros. If you need a visa then you need to start the process immediately.
If you have any questions or concerns, please write us at To get a more detailed guide on how to apply for a visa, please write the email address above.
We need your volunteer help to make our convergence on Copenhagen successful. Sign up both as an individual and even better as a group that is prepared to take on coordinating the logistics of a specific site for a specific period of time:
- Keeping an eye on accommodation areas, media centers, etc.: Look after an area, give out basic infos and make sure everything runs smoothly (both day and night shifts will be needed)
- Cooking food: chop veggies in one of the many communal kitchens and save the starving activists!
- Working in an Info point: Give out info of all kinds about town and COP15. You will be given all the info you might need, but it might help if you know Copenhagen, COP15 or the alternative activities a bit beforehand.
- Working as IT and technical support (media center): help solving any kind of IT crisis we might face
- Coordinating volunteers: You will be in charge of coordinating one group of volunteers connected to one specific place/role. Coordinate and smoothen up shifts, time tables and so forth.
- Driving/being a runner: Drive food around, go buying stuff or materials, etc
- Making Propaganda, hand out flyers, put up posters
- Translation: help us translating from and to different languages, both spoken and written (press releases etc.)
For both the medics and trauma support, there are Danish groups coordinating affinity groups from a series of countries. Both groups will have a central area in the convergence center Støberiet, as well as other locations.
Are you an affinity group or individual doing trauma support, please write
There will so far be one medium sized space for kids to hang out. This space will be organized in collaboration with The Bottom meeting in Christania, and will need some parents to help out, take turns etc. We don't really have an overview of what is needed in relation to kids, so if you're interested - send an email to We hope to make another space for kids if it's needed.
We are planning to reserve some accommodation places/room for families, see more on accommodation above.
What to bring:
- Warm clothes, average temperature in DK in December is between 5 and 0 degrees Celsius, and at night below zero.
- Rain clothes, as it can be raining a lot, but usually snow will not come until January.
- Money for donations for food and to cover other needs.
- Sleeping bag and sleeping mat (if sleeping privately, ask your host what's necessary)
Transport to Copenhagen:
People are coming from all directions to the COP, try to hook up with someone already planning to come. The website is gathering all information on how people come here if they have place for others. So if you have place for others, (for instance) with a bus, download the form here fill it out, and send it to Then people have the possibility to find you.
If you want to hook up with other to come, check out the practical info section in a few days or click on the "Converge on CPH" button on the webpage. Information will be updated constantly, so keep your eyes open and let us know how you are coming as soon as you decide.
(COP15 Mobilisatie NL is organising buses to go to Copenhagen. If you would like to book a seat please email
Transport within Denmark:
Danish Railways: . Right corner to switch to English. It's easiest to use the "journey planner".
In order to go to KlimaForum09, get off at "Hovedbanegården", which is the main station. In order to go to Nørrebro with convergence centers, info points etc. get off at "Nørreport st." (but be aware that all trains don't stop there). See map for details.
Go to this website to see overview of locations of interests during COP15. The map will be updated continuously.
In order to set up this infrastructure in Copenhagen and plan the different CJA actions it requires quite a lot of money. Contribution is always needed, you can of course make a contribution when coming to COP15, but it's actually a bigger help for us if we have it beforehand.
Organizations/groups/network/individuals can transfer money using this information:
IBAN: DK2484010001125014 SWIFT-code: VEHODK22 for international currency except Euros MEKUDK21 for Euros
To book a place on the bus from the Netherlands - leaving evening Thursday 10th, arriving home evening Sunday 20th - email
From 7th - 20th is the COP15, climate conference in Copenhagen. The world leaders will decide how they will NOT save our planet. Clowns like to play and swim, and like to reclaim this world. To bring the world back to the people.
By now more than 10.000 protest emails have been sent to the Dutch government by you and our allies from The Netherlands and abroad. Youhou!. The action will continue untill the end of November. All signatures will be offered to Minister Verburg of Agriculture at the Conference on social economic aspects of GMOs helt by the ministry on November 25 and 26.
What this petition action is all about we have all been able to read on But if you want to see it more lively illustrated with some video letters from Soy Hell Central aka Paraguay and hear the latest updates, come ....... ....on December 1 to the monthly Earth First! Amsterdam info night in Cafe Molli Chaoot (8.30pm, van Ostadestraat 55hs - Amsterdam) , or to filmic Wednesday of Joe's Garage on November 25, also with the documentaries Mother Earth and Killing Fields (see ) (8pm, Pretoriusstraat 43 - Amsterdam).
You can also watch some of the videos on the website of LaSojaMata or order a DVD at A SEED (Dutch, German or Spanish versions available only momentarily).
The economic crisis has poverty and hunger skyrocketing in poor countries. World leaders meeting in Rome next week are in danger of backing out on a $20 billion pledge to fund life-saving food production -- sign the petition calling on them to keep their promise:
1 in 6 people worldwide go hungry everyday. With the recent financial crisis, poverty is skyrocketing, but our governments are failing to take significant action.
In a few days, leaders meet at the World Food Summit in Rome to tackle this growing crisis. The best solution is funding to boost sustainable agriculture in poorer countries, but France, Germany, UK, Italy and Japan are backing out on a $20 billion promise made earlier this year.
Millions of lives are on the line and this is our chance to hold them to their word. Sign the petition below and it will be delivered directly to world leaders and through a spectacular stunt at the Roman Colosseum on the eve of the Summit:
The world produces enough food to feed everyone. Yet the number of people suffering from chronic hunger across the planet has reached the record-high figure of 1 billion this year.
Hundreds of billions are spent by wealthy governments to bail out banks and financial institutions, but the G8 countries are trying to cut a promised $20 billion agriculture fund for the poorest countries to only $3 billion in new money. With literally millions facing life-threatening hunger, this is a scandal.
The Rome summit is our best opportunity to push governments to promote small holder food production -- growing evidence shows that intensive farming models are not effectively countering hunger and have a highly damaging impact on our environment.
We are teaming up with anti-poverty organisation ActionAid and global farmers networks to show our governments that we refuse to accept a world where people die every minute from hunger. Sign the petition to the Rome Summit -- every signature will be represented at a stunning delivery event at Rome's Colloseum:
The economic crisis and climate change are hitting the poorest hardest and pushing millions to the very brink of survival. It´s at times like these when we must stick closer together and show that we care for those whose most basic rights are denied. Sign the petition below:
Want to support Avaaz? We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated online team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.
ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva. Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages! You can also follow Avaaz on Twitter!
To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us via the webform at You can also call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US) or +55 21 2509 0368 (Brazil).
Wooow! Low level, IQ,culture and "savoir vivre" of the people who are against squatting movement, who are commenting is below even "geen sitijl" ... so any education is recommended. If You would like to live the comment it can teach them something what squatting is really about. At least the other people can see other/our point of view. I would not go to the discussion, because you can not argue with the chimpanzee. It's good that they watch it maybe after X time something will sink to their brains
Wow! Een laag intelligentieniweau, kultuurbesef en, "savoir vivre" van de "geen stijl" commentatoren. Dus enige opvoeding is anbevelingswaardig! Als je je kommentaar wilt achterlaten dan kunnen wij ze duidelijker maken waar kraken echt over gaat. De anderen kunnen in ieder geval ons standpunt aanschauwen. Ik ga hier niet in discussie want er valt toch niet te praten met een chimpansee. Misschien zal na x tijd de boodschap in hun hersens indalen.
Patapoe is temporarily offair due to technical maintenance. In the meanwhile you can tune in through the stream.
polish below
Today's show, as usual agenda first, then...
Main subject Amsterdam Rebel Clowns - someone from Rebelact will tell about the coming training (RABBIT weekend: Rebel Act Big Basic Intervention Training) and rebel clowning and 'theatrical' interventions as a strategy for activists Further we will read from "Do It Yourself"(A handbook for changing our world) why we need cultural activism and why is this so important. As always, we would read some ecologic advices from book "Make A Difference"...In the background like usual some fresh in our collection international/political songs(mainly punk)
radio awakening every tue from 16.00~19.30 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)
Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.It's talkactive. It means we talk for more than three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing our self,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every Tuesday from 4pm till ~ 7.30pm. In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and everywhere else on If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to: if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to: to dawnload the last show mainly about ecology and solutions for climate change You can go to download program (about DIY culture and tips)from go to: Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm To all positive organizations & To whom it may concern, If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome. Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews through phone or skype Pass this information further. Let the media to be free.
Polonia Aktywna mobilizuje na antyfaszystowską demonstrację w Warszawie
English above
W "Polonii Aktywnej" głównym tematem będzie mobilizacja na demontsrację antyfaszystowską w Warszawie, która jak co roku odbędzie się 11 listopada w Warszawie. Po za tym jak zwykle selekcja ważnych i pozytywnych wiadomości głównie z, oraz itp.
W Awakening wywiad z jednym z członków armii klaunów o ich działalności i o nadchodzącym treningu. Poza tym o aktywiźmie kulturalnym z książki DIY, a po za tym parę rad ekologicznych z książki "Zrób Różnicę"
Jeśli chcesz przedstawić nam to co robisz(organizację,swój skłot, działalność, w którą się angażujesz, wszystko inne co Ci leży na sercu itp. )skontaktuj się, przyślij nam materiał(najlepiej audio)lub jeszcze lepiej umów się na skypa lub zadzwoń do studia. Do usłyszenia
Radio patapoe jest zarówno internetowe jak i w eterze. Normalne fale mają zasięg lokalny, a przez internet można nas słuchać na całym świecie. Jesteśmy radiem pirackim. Słuchają je głównie skłotersi, studenci, lecz także starsi ludzie , po których raczej bym się nie spodziewał. Ogólnie staramy się by było jak najbardziej zróżnicowane.
Z jedynych ograniczeń jakie mogę zauważyć to, to że nie puszczamy żadnej komercyjnej papki. Staramy się tworzyć alternatywę, a nie powielać stacje nastawione na zysk. Dlatego nie ma u nas żadnych reklam. Głównie przeważa muzyka eksperymentalna i elektroniczna, dużo jest reggae, dub, techno i punk. Po za tym audycje jakie miałyby małe szanse zaistnieć w komercyjnym radiu. Ja z Pipi w każdy wtorek od około 16.00 do 19.30 gramy program "awakening" (patrz plakat po prawej stronie , pod linkami na stronach) w skład, którego wchodzi też "Polonia Aktywna"(od~18.30 do 19.30). Gadamy non stop przez ponad trzy godziny o ważnych dla nas sprawach : skłoterskich , politycznych, wolnościowych, ekologicznych, duchowych, prawach ludzi , prawach zwierząt itp. Czasem zapraszamy gości z różnych społecznych organizacji, by udzielili nam wywiadu o tym co robią. W tle przeważnie leci jakiś anarcho punk z inteligentnym przekazem w innym języku niż rozmawiamy, by słowa się nie mieszały. Posłuchaj sam...
Zapraszamy też każdego kto ma coś do powiedzenia do naszego programu. Zarówno do angielsko holenderskiej części jak i polskiej. Skype rozwiązuje problem dużych odległości i rachunków za telefon.Wystarczy się umówić...
Relation from the squatting action on one of many empty office buildings in Bijlmer-Zuid East part of Amsterdam. leegstaand pand in am*dam kantorenpark zuidoost in gebruik gister middag 15november is door ons, een groep kunstenaars, knutselaars, studenten, alternatieve projectontwikkelaars, moeders & vaders een leegstaand kantoorpand op de paasheuvelweg6 in amsterdam zuidoost (kantorenpark) in gebruik genomen.
de uitgenodigde politie, helemaal stil geworden van de alles overheersende leegte in het gebouw, moest constateren waarvoor ze waren gekomen, namelijk: LEEGSTAND. en zijn weer vertrokken. op de vroege avond kwamen nog 2 jeugdige vertegenwoordigers van de eigenaar langs. er is een afspraak gemaakt om vandaag, maandag verder erover uit te wisselen hoe we de boel gaan organiseren. vervolg volgt... EN van harten DANK to everybuddy who was there and made it possible! THANX!!! KR@KEN GAAT DOOR!
Tolerant Amsterdam is ontstaan naar aanleiding van de dramatische sluiting van de kunst- en cultuurtempel de Stubnitz, de boot der 100 subculturen. Een aantal Amsterdamse initiatieven zijn bij elkaar gekomen en hebben dit voorval aangegrepen om Amsterdam opnieuw een spiegel voor te houden. Daartoe is een manifest geschreven met als titel "Amsterdam wil haar vrijheid terug !". Dit manifest is inmiddels door vele bekende kunst- en cultuurinstellingen, dance organisaties, politici, theatermaker- en groepen, muzikanten, beeldend kunstenaars en andere creatievelingen onderschreven. Stubnitz: Vrij Amsterdam?
For centuries Amsterdam was proud of being a tolerant city. Its recent “vertrutting” undermines this.
MS Stubnitz, ‘the ship of 100 subcultures’, is a representative of the diverse and tolerant cultural spirit of Amsterdam. For unjust reasons the ship has been shut down by the City of Amsterdam, leaving this independent cultural hotspot and its crew in limbo: unable to operate the ship and unable to leave Amsterdam.
The very survival of the project is in imminent danger.
Please join our protest in support of the Stubnitz, its crew, and Amsterdam’s “onttrutting”.
Save the Stubnitz from capsizing!
What is this Stubnitz?
The MS Stubnitz is a former East German fishtrawler that in 1992 was rescued from being scrapped by a group of artists that turned it into a exhibition space.
Over the years the spaces were further developed and the ship was now turned into a mobile cultural platform, traveling to harbors as diverse as St. Petersburg, Stockholm, Malmø, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Szczecin, Riga, Bruges, Newcastle, Dunkerque, Copenhagen and Amsterdam. In every city collaborations with the local cultural scene resulted in uniquely diverse programs of local and international bands and performers from the progressive end of the cultural spectrum.
Since the last ten years all performances were structurally documented in video and audio, creating an archive that is unique and relevant.
The crew consists mainly of volunteers from the home harbor of Rostock, but has also attracted enthusiasts from literally all corners of the world. They man the many different tasks, inculding schipbuilding and maintenance, gastronomy, office duties, video and audio production and editing, archiving, graphic design, event booking and organization, cooking, and sailing. Some students have their training on board as part of their education.
For 17 years now, the stubnitz has been a safe haven for sub cultures of all kinds, a cultural meetingplace, meltingpot and laboratory. A place where creative people from diverse cultural backgrounds and nationalities work towards new forms of expression and communication.
The urgency for such projects can not be stressed enough in a political environment where subcultures are seen as unmarketable and unprofitable.
What went wrong?
The Stubnitz came to Amsterdam for the first time in 2002 and moored at the NDSM in Amsterdam Noord. Since 2005 she has been coming to Amsterdam every year with increasing succes and no incidents to speak of and with no financial support from the city.
This year the Stubnitz was closed down on arrival. Only after she arrived accusations were made that in the beginning of the year the police had observed drug use on some of the events. However, neither the Stubnitz nor Amsterdam Noord were notified back then, and still to this date no documents have been shown.
Then after a lot of effort by the Stadsdeel Noord, the Stubnitz could open for one weekend as a test. After one night she was closed again. On an audience of 300 there were 12 undercover agents to see if drugs were being used. Even though no drugs were confiscated and nobody was arrested and despite highly diverse and contradictory police statements, the license was taken away. The next day the same event was continued on a second ship, by the same organisation, with the same security, but only the Stubnitz had to be closed.
Since then no discussion has been allowed. There is a clear case of unequal treatment. Further reading of the legal material also makes clear the closing of the Stubnitz was illegitimate.
Having been closed since arrival in September the Stubnitz has lost massive amounts of money and is now unable to retain its status as a ship and leave for Copenhagen where the program is due to start in December. The stubnitz will not be able to survive this. Amsterdam will be the end of this registered cultural monument and 17 years worth of world culture, all in the name of regulation gone haywire.
The Stubnitz is in dire need of help.
Without your support the Stubnitz will not survive the hostile waters of Amsterdam.
We ask for you to sign the petition that can be found via a link on the Stubnitz website.
Also, even though the stubnitz has always taken pride in being self sufficient, we ask you to consider making a donation to your liking. This link can also be found on the Stubnitz site.
It’s all hands on deck now and all efforts help and are appreciated and much needed.
Another way of supporting is to visit and join in on the public debate about the increasing suppression of cultural and personal freedoms in Amsterdam in de Balie this Saturday 14 November starting 20:00.
The Stubnitz also invites you to visit the ship on the NDSM in Amsterdam Noord to have a look yourself what the big deal is about. On Saturday you will be treated to a musical program with dance performances and workshops organized by Power vs Power, and videos from the Stubnitz archive. For more info, check the site.
As it happens the NDSM will also have an open day so there is much reason to take the trip up north. The ferry behind the Central Station will bring you there every half hour.
For more back story information, the petition, donating, visit:
That's video made by kids on workshop what ivitation for You can read below: Video activism workshop for kids VIDEO ACTIVISM WORKSHOP Introduction In our workshop together with you children it may be possible to help change for the better the way in which people live in this world.Together we will discuss serious issues that not only affect us but affect animals and affect our beautiful Planet called Mother Earth. Main aim and purpose of giving this workshop is for children to have an understanding of issues such as- Video Activism Fair Trade Organic Food Vegetarianism The workshop is spread over 4 weeks. We will meet once a week on a Wednesday for 2 hours. Here is a list of the topics that we will cover: What is Video Activism? Why is Video Activism important during these times? How do I use a video camera? Watch video or film clips Role-playing Read-arounds Creating Scenarios Creating projects Question and Answer sessions At the end of the workshop children should have basic knowledge about video activism, fair trade, organic food and vegetarianism. The children will work together in small groups to solve or demonstrate a problem. And together we will make a film which will help to change the world for better ( Hoply)
As you know Friday night, Nov 20th till Sunday, Nov. 22nd we'll organise the RABBIT weekend (Rebel Act Big Basic Intervention Training). This rebel clown training is a once in a year opportunity to get the basic skills to join the Amsterdam Rebel Clowns.
We got some qestions - to be clear: it's completely free of obligations at both sides. It means we don't expect you'll join the clowns on a regular basis afterwards - it could be, but feel free! And also the other way around: you only get an invitation to join us after the training if we feel you'll fit into the energy of the group.
Wanna join: let us know the sooner - the better. Usually in the last days before the weekend many people try to sign up, but then you'll might be tooooo late (the training hall isn't very big - 20 is the maximum nr. of participants).
Mail with your name,, place, have a wig - or will borrow a wig from Rebelact? and just a few lines why you like to join the training.
After signing up you'll receive a confirmation + all practical information you'll need for the training next week.
Off course you could forward this mail to other people who might be interesed.
Friday, Nov, 13th and 14th our dearest friends of Power VS Power will celebrate 5 years of independent culture with a manifestation at the Dam square (Friday, 3 - 6 pm) and several other activities in OT301, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam:
When we saw this great song, we though that would be good to support this girl. She also is willing to make special song for our pages. So soon we will see more things from our new member ! For now if You would like to see more songs from Maggie Wings go to:
Amsterdam would like to be seen as a creative metropolis: a tolerant city, a vibrant, energetic and innovative city that counts in the top ten of the world's most inspiring cities. A city that acts as a magnet for artists, tourists and entrepreneurs in the cultural sector and creative industries.
Despite this well-intentioned effort Amsterdam hasn't had the international appeal it so dreams of for quite some time and it is also no longer the tolerant metropole the marketing machine of our municipality wishes to present itself with.
One reason is that Amsterdam lacks a clear vision of the conditions for a truly creative city, making patronisation (vertrutting), and a tendency for excessive control and interference at all levels, to take over, and in doing so putting the cultural and creative space under heavy pressure. Meanwhile political parties from the whole spectrum are calling out that they are against the patronisation (vertrutting). At the same patronisation is a growing trend that causes Amsterdam to lose its creative, free and tolerant nature relating to the use of public space.
We wonder where the naughty edge of Amsterdam has gone? Can the 24-hour economy really not be achieved? What about the hole in the night? For both new and known initiatives, more barriers are raised than space provided.
Is it necessary for the vitality and the vibrant nature of the street and the city by unilateral definition should give way to urban development? Examples of confininement of the public space for culture and social gethering are abound. The most recent low point is the closing of the sailing culture temple, the MS Stubnitz, the ship of the 100 subcultures. Then there are the pubs that are fined because their customers are standing on the terrace with a beer in their hands, or the festivals which execution is made impossible by increasingly strict interpretations of the regulations, and the cultural free havens (eg ADM) which are being closed one by one.
And what about the djembee players in the park, the game of late night football on the square and the spontaneous free outdoor cinema on blank walls? Or having a drink on a street bench, in front of your own door, or on a park bench?
People get fines and are even arrested for "useless lingering" at the Dam! The world renowned festival Robodock seems to have no place in Amsterdam anymore, Awakenings was almost banned, cafe de Diepte was closed and the Sleaze festival had to move to Wijk aan Zee.
We need to be proud of the risky and exciting cultural activities that could and should happen in our city. There needs to be more room to breathe, more room for the cultural diversity and creative flavors our city houses. The center, but also the outskirts and fringe areas should be seen as part of the public space, a vibrant space that belongs to us all and that is part of a metropolis of international standing.
Let us call a halt to regulatory madness and excessive control in all areas. Let us seek a renewed and more tolerant balance between work and living and entertainment. Let us act against the patronisation (vertrutting), against the cramped attitude of the municipality, against reduction and restiction of our public space. We want our everyday freedom back!
We want to change Amsterdam back into a tolerant, diverse and freedom-loving city. A city where people are free to develope themselves without interference and stifling regulations, a city where residents can linger uselessly and above all a city where exciting and innovative cultural entrepreneurship is nurtured!
We want:
o Depatrinasation (Onttrutting) o To nurture existing and new (sub) cultural initiatives o Change of mindset of relevant decision makers o More room for experimentation, spontaneity, culture and subculture o More flexible event policies o More use of temporary spaces for the Day and the Night o Broader interpretation of relulation (finding flexibility within the limits) o 24-hour economy and the closing of the Hole in the Night o A drugpolicy that is less focused on repression of private use o Founding a nieuw Platform for Advice and Cooperation o Broader possibilities for Queensday and -night
Wij roepen op tot een manifestatie tegen de vertrutting van Amsterdam en vóór een vrijheidslievend Amsterdam op vrijdag 13 november 2009.
We call for a manifestation against the discourses of patrinisation (vertrutting) of Amsterdam and for a freedom-loving Amsterdam on Friday, November 13, 2009.
Location: de Dam Time: from 15.00 until 18.00
On 14 November an urban debate will take place about thepatronisation (vertrutting) of Amsterdam.
Protest and events for independent culture in Adam Power VS Power
The following events in Amsterdam below:
13.11. MS Stubnitz manifestation @ DAM 3 o'clock 13.11. Power VS Power 5 years promoting independent culture @ OT301 22 o'clock
14.11. Open day at MS Stubitz
13.11.09 Protest at the Dam
We are protesting the cultural and personal repression of people in Amsterdam. With the increasing regulations and series of restrictions our freedom has been limited. We want our creativity and freedom back!
Break the Future DJs/VJs/ Live Acts Drum N Base/ Dubstep/ Tekno/ Hard Core/ Hip- Hop Decorations/ visual art/ performance
At Overtoom 301, Amsterdam 22:00- 3:00 Damage 6 Euro (4 Eruo by 11 pm)
14.11.09 Open Day Stubnitz Music performace, video and info, workshops/ performances open to all In lord 4 program by power vs power crew Films/ music exchage Workshops: Trapeze/dj/musik making/ breakdance/ street art/ beat box Te in! 2gether we are stronger! 88.3 FM/ Radio Patapoe
If you think it is important and worthwhile what we are doing, please donate some money. This can help us find more time and improve our activity. Thanks!
NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethical bank