How everyone got locked up in Stock Exchange
Friday, October 31st... People are talking about Halloween. Reason to party!!! Especially this moment - now we might experience the last days of kaputalism. As zombie-bankers we celebrated the downfall of the exchange of stocks. The casino is finally closing down! It's time for a better economic system which cares about the needs of all people in this world. It's about time!
With plackards like "Aaaah - my stocks!", "Apokaputalism - Your turn to jump!" and "Mummy - where's my Money?" about 40 - 50 zombies entered around 4.45 pm the Kalverstraat. At the corner with the Spuistraat the zombies tried to get some of the last money from the pin machine. But in these dark days... unfortunately no money...
And Yeahhh... it's always fun in the Kalverstraat! There are a lot of consumption zombies there... Every day - seven days a week! So we felt at home in the nr. 1 shopping street of Amsterdam. As zombies! (Aaarghhhhh!!!!)

And thank's (Kaputalist) God there's a lot of secerity in the Kalverstraat. Especially if you don't buy anything! For sure if you're not a consumption-zombie - but a zombie-banker... Shouting and crying for money: "Where are my stocks?", "Money - we need money!", "It's My Money! - No - it's My Money!", "I worked for Fortis!", etc.
Reason for the security to warn more security and for the extra security to warn the police and for the police to warn more police. So some of the shops protected their entrances with security, others - like the RABO bank - closed their doors.
If you can't enter banks - what are the remaining opportunities for zombies? For example visit the McDonalds! Always good to see the McDonalds clown! McDonalds is a really great symbol of the exploiters system and the outrageous waste of the environment! We love McDonalds!
At the Dam square we got more police company. A policeman was calling in panic: he didn't know about the coming of zombies... Terrible for blue boys if things are happening outside the predictable grey reality... What to do... Call for more police! 2 blue motor drivers arrived. Also extra blue bikers.
With this company we continued our walk in the Nieuwendijk - also a great place to be - with the same boring shops - like McDonalds!
After a while (5.30 pm) we turned to the right: the C&A passage and then... happened what the cops where afraid for... the zombies crossed the Rokin into the direction of... the Stock Exchange!

The police was really great: in solidarity they blocked the main entrance with their motors. The police bikers did the same. And the Stock Exchange even closed their doors an locked everyone in the building up.
Great! A blockade!
Now we didn't have to organise a blockade. All work was already done... No reason for the zombies to continue their zombie life...
Time to say goodbye to Apukaputalism... and die!!!
Dead zombies bodies laid down on the ground in front of the Stock Exchange...
Waiting to wake up in a new world which is really free!
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