Thursday, October 30, 2008
Schinveld: Victorie! (5)
Defensie krijgt niet de vrije hand om te kappen in Schinveld, dat oordeelde de Raad van State afgelopen woensdagochtend. Op een informatiebijeenkomst van VROM die avond, liepen veel bewoners boos weg toen kolonel Van Happen van de AWACS-basis het woord had. Zij voelden zich niet serieus genomen en gaven aan geen enkel vertrouwen te hebben in de overheid en de basis wat betreft het vinden van een goede oplossing.
Afgelopen woensdagochtend oordeelde de Raad van State (RvS) dat de gemeente Onderbanken het bestemmingsplan voor de Schinveldse Bossen niet hoeft aan te passen. Na de vernietigende uitspraak van de RvS over het gebruik van de NIMBY-maatregel door de Overheid, probeerden de ministeries van VROM en Defensie om alsnog via een omweg een nieuwe bomenkap voor elkaar te krijgen.
Met de NIMBY-maatregel zetten VROM en Defensie de gemeente buitenspel. Hierdoor was het uiteindelijk mogelijk om in januari 2006 6ha bos te kappen. In juli 2007 oordeelde de Raad van State dat de NIMBY-maatregel nooit gebruikt had mogen worden. Defensie en de NAVO willen nog 14 ha bos extra kappen. Door het vernietigen van de NIMBY-maatregel was de nieuw kap niet meer mogelijk. De juristen van VROM en Defensie kwamen met een nieuw trucje: Het bestemmingsplan. De Gemeente Onderbanken heeft in juli 2006 een nieuw bestemmingsplan opgesteld voor het buitengebied, hier vallen de Schinveldse Bossen ook onder. Omdat ten tijden van het opstellen van het bestemmingsplan, de NIMBY-maatregel nog wel gold, eisten Defensie en VROM dat dit dus opgenomen moest worden. Het bos moest aangeduid worden als hakhoutbos. Een hakhoutbos is een bos waar de eigenaar de vrije hand heeft om te kappen. Defensie is de eigenaar van dit stuk bos.
Het leek er volgens vele op dat Defensie juridisch sterk stond in haar beargumentering. Toch heeft de Raad van State - gelukkig ? anders geoordeeld. Kort gezegd heeft de Raad van State geoordeeld dat het bestemmingsplan niet aangepast hoefde te worden, omdat er nog een procedure liep tegen het NIMBY-besluit.
[Lees gehele uitspraak] [Lees persbericht Raad van State]
Boze burgers lopen weg tijdens praatje Kolonel Van Happen
Op dezelfde dag als de RvS-uitspraak, was er ?s avond een informatieavond belegd door VROM. Hier zou uitleg gegeven worden over de stank- en geluidsoverlast en de veiligheid voor inwoners en piloten, stond in de uitnodiging. Het winnen van de RvS-zaak ?s ochtends was alvast een goede opmaat voor de bijeenkomst ?s avonds. Meer dan 100 mensen waren aanwezig in de overvolle zaal in Schinveld. Toen de hoogste Nederlandse militair van de AWACS-basis, kolonel Van Happen, vertelde dat de geluidsoverlast ?met maar liefst 3 dB? kon afnemen, stonden ongeveer 60 van de 100 aanwezigen op en verlieten demonstratief de zaal. Zij voelden zich niet serieus genomen en gaven aan geen enkel vertrouwen te hebben in de overheid en de basis wat betreft het vinden van een goede oplossing
Helemaal absurd is dat de AWACS-basis deze geluidsreductie wil realiseren door op een andere manier te vliegen. ?Als dat mogelijk, waarom is dat 25 jaar geleden dan niet al gedaan?? reageerde een inwoner van Schinveld gevat. Technisch blijven de vliegtuigen namelijk exact hetzelfde.
Kans op nieuwe bomenkap erg klein!
Na deze nieuwe RvS-overwinning is de kans op een nieuwe bomenkap erg klein. Juridisch zijn bijna alle mogelijkheden uitgeput voor de landelijke overheid. Alleen de nieuwe Wet op de Ruimtelijke Ordening (WRO) bevat nog een mogelijkheid voor een nieuwe bomenkap. In verschillende brieven heeft minister Cramer (VROM) ook al gedreigd met het gebruiken van deze nieuwe wet. Eigenlijk is de oude NIMBY-wet opgenomen in deze nieuwe WRO. Alleen zijn de bezwaarprocedures verslechtert ten opzichten van de oude NIMBY-wet. Tegelijk heeft Cramer gezegd niet meer te willen kappen met dwang en wil ze er samen met de gemeente uit komen. De Gemeente Onderbanken is echter mordicus tegen iedere nieuwe bomenkap en wil de AWACS-basis helemaal weg hebben.
Ondertussen ligt er nog steeds een motie van de Kamer waarin gedreigd wordt met een vliegverbod voor AWACS-vliegtuigen. Deze motie was al aangenomen, maar de PvdA heeft de steun aan deze motie opgeschort. Zij willen eerst nog eens weten van Defensie Staatssecretaris Jack de Vries of er niet een reductie van vluchten mogelijk. Afhankelijk van of dit mogelijk is, zal de PvdA besluiten of ze de motie wel of niet wederom steunen.
Eind augustus hielden Stop Awacs en GroenFront! een grootschalige oefening voor een mogelijk nieuwe bosbezetting. Tijdens de persconferentie op zaterdag kondigden GroenFront! aan om zelf een vliegverbod in te stellen, als de Tweede Kamer te zwakken knieën blijkt te hebben.
Dinsdag 16 december (19:00-21:00) is er een nieuw Algemeen Overleg in de Tweede Kamer over de AWACS-problematiek. Hier zal gesproken gaan worden over de NAVO-invliegregeling, de mogelijke vluchtenreductie, het nieuwe NIMBY-besluit van Cramer en de laatste paar RvS-uitspraken.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Awakening7 about Do It Yourself (DIY) culture - nieuwsartikelen oktober 2008
28.10.2008 - In een partij maïsmeel, geïmporteerd in ons land vanuit
Groot-Brittannië, is vorige week de gentech-maïssoort MIR604
aangetroffen. Deze maïssoort van Syngenta is in de EU niet toegelaten.
Dit meldt het Systeem voor snelle waarschuwingen over voedsel en
veevoer van de EU vandaag. lees verder:
Brede coalitie demonsteert tegen patenten op planten en dieren
23.10.2008 - Boeren-, milieu- en ontwikkelingsorganisaties hebben
vandaag in München gedemonstreerd tegen patenten op het veredelen van
dieren, planten en voedsel. Enkele honderden mensen, vergezeld van
koeien en tractors, liepen naar het Europees Patent Bureau, waar een
petitie getekend door 40.000 mensen (zie onze petitiepagina)
overhandigd werd. lees verder:
Duitse Campina-melk gentechvrij, Nederlandse niet
15.10.2008 - Sinds 1 oktober 2008 gebruikt Campina in Duitsland voor
hun bekende "Landliebe"-melk geen genetisch gemanipuleerd veevoer
meer. Vreemd genoeg geldt dit voor de Nederlandse Campina-melk niet.
In Nederland is Campina geen tegenstander van gentechnologie, maar in
Duitsland is de "Landliebe"-melk van Campina wel gentechvrij. lees
verder :
*** biedt nieuws en achtergrondinformatie over genetische
manipulatie van landbouwgewassen en voedsel. De gevolgen voor mens,
milieu, dieren, ontwikkelingslanden en consumenten wereldwijd staan
hierbij centraal. Deze site is een initiatief van Hivos samen met Both
Ends, Dierenbescherming, Goede Waar&Co, Icco, Kerkinactie,
Milieudefensie, Novib, Nederlands Platform Gentechnologie, Wemos en
XminY in samenwerking met OneWorld.
*** is een mailinglijst voor nieuws en acties
op het gebied van voedsel, genetische manipulatie, duurzaamheid en
kritische opinievorming. A SEED beheert de lijst en verspreidt enkele
malen per maand informatie via de lijst, maar alle abonnees kunnen
zelf ook berichten posten. Voor het aan- en afmelden voor deze lijst,
mail de lijstbeheerder (zie hieronder)
Linda Coenen
A SEED Europe
Plantage Doklaan 12a
1018 CM Amsterdam
tel. +31-(0)20-6682236
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
meetings and convergence happening around Europe and beyond. Info is
forwarded to our network e-list and to network partners and contacts.
Please send us info <> if you have news to be spread.
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. on Antifascism
With queer festivals in Belgrade and Sarajevo getting attacked by
fascist hooligans, nazi scum murdering people in the streets of
Russia, and the Italian government forcing Roma kids to give their
fingerprints while the new mayor of Rome gets a Sieg Heil salute from
a full square of people... it is time for a newsletter on
1. Fascist murders in Russia
2. Queer festivals under attack (but fight back)
3. Antifa conference Berlin
4. Persecution Roma and Sinti in cryptofascist Italy
5. International day against Fascism and Antisemitism
6. more links
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1. Fascist murders in Russia
October 8th, 2008, 16 year-old Olga Rukosyla was kicked to death by
three well-known nazi skin-heads in Irkutsk. Olga was not a member of
any political movement but she dressed like a punk. The red laces in
her boots, a symbol of the antifa subculture, might have provoked the
aggression on the part of the nazis.
October 10th, 2008, 27 year-old Filatov «Fedjay» Feodor Vasilevich
died in a Moscow hospital from plural knife wounds. Fedjay was one of
the people that stood at the foundation of the Moscow Trojan
Skinheads, a community of anti-racist skinheads. He was attacked by
four unknown people on his doorstep. There is no doubt that he was
murdered for his conviction.
Over the last two years the antifascist movement in Russia has been
growing. A response was needed to the daily violence by neo-nazis in
the streets against migrants, foreign students, gays & lesbians, and
'alternative' looking youth. Antifascists are taking the streets back
but in this struggle many get injured, imprisoned or even killed.
Groups like Anarchist Black Cross Moscow provide legal and material
support such as medical aid and food parcels for prisoners. ABC Moscow
is always in need of money and could use the international support. &
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2. Queer festivals under attack (but fight back)
Two queer festivals in Serbia and Bosnia got attacked last month by
fascists. The theme of the 5th Queerbeograd festival in Belgrade was
"Direct-action & Antifascism". The topic antifascism lies at the roots
of the festival, as it came into being as a response to the attack by
homophobic hooligans on the Belgrade Pride parade in 2001. The
importance of explicitly focusing on this issue became clear again
when on the 2nd day of the festival a small group leaving the venue
got attacked by fascists. Several people were seriously injured before
the police arrived. One member of clerical fascist organization
'Obraz' (responsible also for the Pride attack in 2001) was arrested.
Five days later the Queer Sarajevo festival had its opening with 300
people attending. Outside the venue gathered a group of 150 religious
extremists holding stones, carrying knives, and even some guns. In the
attack that followed seven activists and participants of the festival
were injured. The police had failed to see this festival as a high
risk and were not prepared for the attack.
During the Queerbeograd-festival people expressed their need to take
action themselves. More than just a re- sponse in the media they also
wanted to take the streets. On October the 11th they did. Together
with fellow anarchists and antiauthoritarians they marched through
Belgrade holding a banner "Antifascism – A fight for freedom. Against
racism, sexism, capitalism and power."
A second banner was taken on the march. The year before in an antifa
demo in Novi Sad, two female participants were asked by antifa
football supporters to take down their rainbow flag. This second
banner therefore stated: "You don't talk about homophobia? Then shut
up about anti- fascism!"
For reports on both attacks and the October 11th march see:
Belgrade Pride attack 2001:
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3. Antifa conference Berlin, November 11-15
Counterstrategies will be discussed by antifascists from Germany,
Russia, Spain, Tsjech, Italy and Poland at the international
Antifa-Konferenz on November 14. In the days before and after the
conference there will be a festival with bands, a demonstration, plus
a day of action in commemoration of those who have died due to fascist
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4. Persecution Roma and Sinti in cryptofascist Italy
Activists in need of a break are leaving the country to settle
elsewhere. A coaltion of nationalist and neo-fascist parties are
ruling the country and the army is patrolling the streets of Rome.
After his election Rome's new mayor Alemanno, former youth leader of
the Italian fascist social movement, was saluted by a square of
supporters raising their right arm while shouting "Duce! Duce!" (after
Mussolini). This was followed by prime minister Berlusconi declaring
"We are the new falange!," in reference to the original Falange, being
the Spanish fascist party. Founded in the 1930s, the Falange's
doctrine was adopted by General Franco.
This is Italy 2008 but the same old scapegoats are still subject to
persecution. Alemanno promised his followers to raze (destroy or wipe
out) Rome's gypsy camps. Since the end of 2006 the Roma and Sinti
communities in Italy have been under severe pressure. Under the eye of
local authorities their settlements have been attacked by local
citizens and in a couple of cases burned down. Just recently the
European Commission gave the green light to fingerprint Roma and Sinti
of all ages in Italy – a procedure to be applied exclusively to this
More background articles on the current situation of Roma in Italy at
Report Roma solidarity demo Manchester, September 19:
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5. International day against Fascism and Antisemitism
On 9 November each year the UNITED for Intercultural Action network
organises a European-wide campaign to commemorate the past and to
protest against contemporary forms of fascism and antisemitism. They
call upon all organisations to take part in the campaign. Your group
can organise concerts or conferences, send protest letters to
policy-makers or find other ways of voicing your opinion.
If you want to start up something in your locality and you need
materials go to
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6. More links
Not always accurate but still a good source to a whole lot of information:
International Antifascist network for research and action:
Searchlight magazine (UK):
Nigdy Wiecej (Poland):
Demos (Denmark):
Antifa info blatt (Germany):
Enough is Enough (Germany):
Antifaschistisches Pressearchiv (Germany):
Alert (Netherlands):
Antifascist researchgroup Kafka:
(their link to English articles is pretty outdated)
Reflex (France):
Antifascist Motive (Russia):
* * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * * * *
Published electronically by EYFA
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Block the Vichy European Summit on Immigration, November 3-4 2008!
On the next November 3rd and 4th , the French presidency of the
European Union will gather, upon the initiative of Brice Hortefeux,
French minister of immigration, integration and national identity, the
whole 27 European ministers of Interior and Justice. They will all meet
in Vichy, the historic capital of the pro-Nazi regime in France during
the Second World War, where deportation of the Jews, along with other
"undesirable" people, was orchestrated by the government. Today, the
European ministers will attempt to firmly discuss on the control on the
fluxes of immigrant workers and the application of the (in)famous
« return directive », that facilitates the deportation of migrants at
European level.
We cannot let this provocation happen without an answer. In a time where
people without a status are answering to government chases by burning
retention centers at many places in Europe, it's a minimal task for
those who support them to disrupt this gathering of ministers.
What's needed is to physically keep this congress from happening, by
taking over the city, block access to it, seize public space, disrupt
everyday life in Vichy until these occupying forces leave.
In France, various collectives and political organisations have started
a mobilisation. A demonstration will happen on moday the 3rd , 18h00 in
Vichy. For logistical information (travelling plans, accomodation...),
please contact vichy2008 at Keep in touch
The migratory politics are now european, so must be our answer to it !
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Awakening7 21.01.08
Bankierzy z Wall Street dostaną 70 miliardów
z amerykańskiego budżetu kwotą 700 miliardów dolarów zamierzają wydac
na uposażenia, premie i odprawy dla członków swoich zarządów ponad 70
miliardów USD.
Choć jednym z warunków rządowej zapomogi dla banków inwestycyjnych
było ograniczenie niebotycznych uposażeń ich szefów i zarządów,
pracownicy 6 banków, w tym Goldman Sachs i Citigroup zgarną w ramach
wypłat i nagród prawie 1/10 kwoty wyłożonej na ich ratunek przez rząd.
Najbardziej kontrowersyje wydaje sie to, że premie i dodatki
przyznawane sa także osobom bezpośrednio odpowiedzialnym za załamanie
się kondycji banków i globalny finansowy kryzys.
Wartośc akcji Citigroup i Goldman Sachs spadła od początku roku o
ponad 45%, a Merrill Lynch i Morgan Stanley o ponad 60%. Bank Lehman
Brothers zbankrutował.
Nie przeszkodziło to np. ekipie z Morgan Stanley przeznaczyć na
wypłaty 10,7 miliarda dolarów - to więcej niż tegoroczna wartośc
giełdowa tej firmy. Wydatki na wynagrodzenia w innych bankach
wyniosły: 11.4 miliardy w Goldman Sachs, 6,35 milirada w JP Morgan i
11,7 miliarda $ w Merrill Lynch.
Kilka dni przed upadkiem szefostwo Lehman Brothers, ogłosiło
przeznaczenie na pensje i nagrody 6.12 miliarda dolarów.
Żadna ze wspomnianych instytucji nie zechciała wydać prasie komentarza
w tej sprawie.
Wise anti-kernenergie infoavond in de Molli
kolencentrales in Nederland Dit in het kader van de Krimp of verzuip
campagne van Groenfront!
Maar hoe zit het met Kerncentrales?
Tijdens deze info-avond komen mensen van Wise vertellen over de
Kernenergie, Hoe deze industrie werkt en wat de bezwaren zijn van
Groenfront! Is al een poosje bezig met acties tegen de bouw van
kolencentrales in Nederland Dit in het kader van de Krimp of verzuip
campagne van Groenfront!
Maar hoe zit het met Kerncentrales?
Aangezien in de maatschappelijke discussie het lijkt alsof
kerncentrales steeds meer populairder worden, wilden we daarover in
oktober een info-avond organiseren. Wat voor vieze industrie er achter
kernenergie schuilt, en wat de problemen met kernenergie zijn.
Dat meer kerncentrales natuurlijk niet een oplossing biedt voor het
klimaaatprobleem etc. Men voert zo niet niet de discussie voert dat men moet
krimpen, consuminderen om de natuur, de wereld nog te kunnen redden.
Tijdens deze info-avond komen mensen van Wise vertellen over de
Kernenergie, Hoe deze industrie werkt en wat de bezwaren zijn van
Voor meer info: zie de website
- E-Mail: amsterdam(ad) Website:
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Big brother tactics in dutch police
After I was released on tuesday, I found a handwritten note in the bag with my belongings: Nokia black confisc. 14/10/08, by 11646. The cop told me to come back in two or three days to collect it.
Today I spent half an hour at Marnixstraat policestation, while the deskcop patched me through to several other policestations.
To spare others the waste of time, here's the result:
Officer 11646 appears to work for the milieupolitie (?) and my phone has moved to the detectives at Van Leijenberghlaan, where I should try again on monday. The cop I should ask for is called Hulst.
I plan to go there on monday at 1 pm. Come along! Gezellig!
Kristallnachtherdenking, zondag 9 november in Amsterdam
Belangrijkste spreker is Ed van Thijn (oud-burgemeester van Amsterdam).
Centraal bij de herdenking dit jaar staat de link tussen verleden en heden. Met als belangrijke les om niet weg te kijken, maar stelling te nemen. De Raad van Europa waarschuwt dat Nederland aan de top staat in Europa wat betreft de groeiende islamofobie. En ook is er nog steeds sprake van antisemitsme in ons land. Nederland is de laatste tijd gedegradeerd van ambassadeur van tolerantie, tot land van intolerantie.
Download de poster op
Download de poster op
De Kristallnacht was een georganiseerde gewelddadige aanval tegen Duitse joden in de nacht van 9 november 1938. Op massale schaal werden synagogen in brand gestoken, winkels en bedrijven verwoest, huizen, scholen en begraafplaatsen beklad, en bijna honderd Joden vermoord. De door de Nazi’s bedachte term Kristallnacht verwijst naar het vele glaswerk dat werd vernield.
Het is belangrijk om te begrijpen dat het niet om een spontaan ontstane situatie van xenofobie ging maar om van bovenaf georganiseerde treiterijen met als doel Joden te bewegen het land te verlaten. Het was een georganiseerde explosie van geweld gevoed door toenemende spanningen, pesterijen en verbodsbepalingen tegen Joden. Joden werden eerder al stelselmatig uit het Duitse openbare leven geweerd door ze uit te sluiten van onderwijs en arbeid.
Uiteindelijk werd na de Kristallnacht besloten tot gedwongen
‘verhuizing’, deze verdrijving bracht grote vluchtelingenstromen op gang, ondermeer naar Nederland, waar de Joden werden opgevangen in het daarvoor gebouwde vluchtelingenkamp Westerbork. In 1942, slechts negen jaar nadat ze aan de macht zijn gekomen, besluiten de nazi´s definitief tot algemene uitroeiing van minderheden. Miljoenen doden zijn het gevolg, naast Joden ook honderdduizenden homoseksuelen, zwarten, Roma en Sinti (zigeuners), communisten en religieuze minderheden.
Kristallnacht "in het licht van vandaag".
Centraal in de herdenking staat de link tussen verleden en heden. Met als belangrijke les om niet weg te kijken, maar stelling te nemen. Het belang hiervan is sinds 11 september 2001 en met de opkomst van nieuwe rechtspopulistische partijen in de Tweede Kamer nog groter geworden. Helaas juist in ons land: Nederland is gedegradeerd van ambassadeur van tolerantie, tot land van intolerantie. Volgens Amnesty International en de Monitor Racisme is er een duidelijke toename van verbaal en fysiek geweld tegen ‘migranten’.
De Raad van Europa waarschuwt dat Nederland aan de top staat in Europa wat betreft de groeiende islamofobie, ook de stelselmatige bagatellisering hiervan baart de rapporteurs grote zorgen. Ook komen nog steeds mensen naar Nederland die vluchten voor oorlog, armoede en geweld, maar uit internationaal onderzoek blijkt dat Nederland een zeer restrictief vluchtelingenbeleid heeft en de behandeling van vluchtelingen steeds vaker in strijd met de mensenrechten is.
Na 70 jaar is er nog steeds behoefte om de Kristallnacht te herdenken Juist nu we in het dagelijks nieuws steeds meer horen over inhumane vluchtelingenopvang; openlijke stigmatisering van minderheden (‘Achterlijke Moslims’, ‘Marokkaanse Kolonisten’), de roep om Moslims ‘het land uit te zetten’; en de recente plannen om Antilianen en Marokkanen te onderwerpen aan “racial profiling” (criminaliteit aan etniciteit koppelen). We moeten ons dus niet alleen in algemene zin uitspreken tegen racisme, maar lessen trekken uit het verleden.
9 november is een uitgesproken moment om het verleden te herinneren en gezamenlijk te protesteren tegen iedere vorm van racisme. Juist in een tijd van economische crises en onzekerheid zijn mensen vatbaar voor tweedeling en zondebokvorming. We roepen daarom juist nu op voor solidariteit en verdraagzaamheid. Ongeacht afkomst; zwart, wit, Moslim, Jood, vluchteling: in Nederland is iedereen welkom!
- E-Mail: Website:
Promises in Darfur are not enough
helicopters, and other critical resources to help end the mass
killings in Darfur, governments have failed to deliver.
UN-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) peacekeeping troops are
still ill-equipped and well below authorized deployment levels. And
innocent Darfuri civilians are still being violently murdered, raped,
and driven from their villages.
Help support our life-saving effort to protect the people of Darfur by
making a gift to our Keep the Promise! Campaign today.
Your donation will support vital Amnesty efforts to bring genuine
protection to the still-vulnerable Darfuri people, by ending the flow
of arms to Sudan's regime and pressuring delinquent nations to make
good on their promises to fund the UNAMID force.
Millions of New Yorkers are already seeing our hard-hitting new
campaign to turn up the pressure.
Support Our Keep the Promise! Campaign Today
Amnesty International activists photo
Donate Now!
Amnesty International activists protest outside the UN General
Assembly meeting in New York on September 25th.
Amnesty's demonstration at the opening of the UN General Assembly last
month, co-sponsored with 15 other organizations, brought out hundreds
of impassioned activists and Darfuri nationals. It was observed by UN
staff, government officials, and members of the press. In addition,
our dramatic mobile billboards have been touring Manhattan and Harlem
neighborhoods, complemented by 100 radio ads, tens of thousands of
handbills and postcards across the city, and print ads in The New York
Times, Hoy, and El Diario.
But we can't keep this up without your support. Will you help to bring
about an end to the killings in Darfur by making a gift to Amnesty
International? Your gift will be deployed immediately to:
* Fund new investigations and stage more public demonstrations
* Pressure UN Security Council and UN member states to fulfill
their unmet pledges to UNAMID
* Step up our efforts on Capitol Hill to pressure the UN Security
Council to widen the arms embargo from Darfur to all of Sudan
Promises are not enough. We won't rest until UN member states make
good on their commitments to actually protect Darfur. Every gift –$50,
$100, $500, or $1,000–helps apply more pressure to stop the killings.
If there's one thing I've learned from three decades in the human
rights movement, it's the resilience of the human spirit and the
heroic potential of everyday citizens, who bravely stand up to power
to make a difference.
I hope you'll join us.
Larry Cox
Executive Director
Amnesty International USA
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Witboek Kraken - 16.10.2008 13:56
Sinds enige maanden is een groep vrijwilligers uit verschillende delen van
Nederland bezig een Witboek Kraken te maken. Het Witboek Kraken is een
initiatief van een aantal krakers en ex-krakers dat zich zorgen maakt over
de manier waarop kraken momenteel in de publieke belangstelling staat.
kraken gaat door!
kraken gaat door!
Krakers worden gelijk gesteld met criminelen en terroristen, het
idealistische aspect zou zijn verdwenen en de kraakbeweging zou gekenmerkt
worden door toenemend geweld.
Het Witboek Kraken probeert een ander geluid te laten horen over kraken.
Het Witboek zal een hoop recente verhalen over kraken behandelen. Ook zal
context en soms weerwoord geboden worden bij kraakpanden die negatief in
de belangstelling hebben gestaan.
Het witboek zal zo'n 50 recente voorbeelden van positieve kraakacties
bevatten in verschillende Nederlandse gemeenten. Met de vele voorbeelden
van hoe krakers betekenisvol zijn geweest voor hun directe omgeving, hopen
wij een genuanceerder beeld te creëren van kraken in de praktijk.
Het witboek is opgedeeld in vijf hoofdstukken. De eerste drie hoofdstukken
bevatten voorbeelden van kraakacties die zijn geordend in “speculatie”,
“woonstrijd” en “cultuur”. Ieder hoofdstuk wordt voorzien van een
inleiding om de casussen begrijpelijker te maken.
Tenslotte volgt nog een hoofdstuk met opiniestukken en laatste hoofdstuk
met beeldmateriaal van panden met de banners “met dank aan de
kraakbeweging” om te laten zien hoeveel de kraakbeweging heeft opgeleverd.
Het witboek zal gedrukt worden en in een oplage van 600 exemplaren. Het
witboek telt 150 pagina’s en is deels in zwart/wit en deels in full colour
met foto’s. Het zal worden verspreid onder alle wethouders van
volkshuisvesting, relevante politici in de tweede kamer en gemeenteraden,
en journalisten. Het boek wordt gepromoot via een boekpresentatie, bij
voorkeur in Pakhuis de Zwijger met enkele prominente sprekers, waarbij
politici en pers zullen worden uitgenodigd. Ook zijn er plannen voor een
grote actiekraak ten tijde van de presentatie om de maatschappelijke
relevantie te benadrukken.
Het Witboek Kraken heeft beperkte inkomsten. Er wordt een benefiet
georganiseerd in het ACU in Utrecht en we zullen proberen het boekje tegen
een redelijke prijs aan te bieden in boekhandels als het Fort van Sjakoo,
de Rooie Rat en Rosa. Een groot deel van de oplage zal echter weggeven
worden aan journalisten en politici.
De kosten en baten van dit initiatief zijn als volgt opgedeeld:
Vormgeven: 800,-
Drukken en binden: 5.500,-
Verspreiden: 100,-
Presentatie: 200,-
Subtotaal: 6.600,-
Onvoorzien 10%: 660,-
Totaal: 7.260,-
Benefiet: 250,-
Verkoop van exemplaren 200,- à 12,50 p/s: 2.500,-
Totaal: 2.750,-
Verschil Kosten/Baten: - 4.510,-
Uit dit overzicht blijkt dat Het Witboek Kraken is in grote mate
afhankelijk is van fondsen. Wij hopen daarom dat jullie ons project
financieel zou willen ondersteunen. Eventuele bijdragen kunnen worden
overgemaakt naar:
Giro rek. nr. 1696980 t.n.v. Schijnheilig Amsterdam,
o.v.v. "Witboek Kraken"
Daarnaast hopen we ook met groepen in contact te komen die wellicht een
stapeltje boeken willen opkopen om zelf verder te verspreiden, danwel
onder vrienden, dan wel onder politici van hun gemeente. Neem in dat geval
vooral contact met ons op op onderstaand email adres.
Alvast Bedankt namens alle vrijwilligers betrokken bij het Witboek Kraken.
- Redactie Witboekkraken -
- E-Mail: Website:
Lappersfort (Brugge) - Update 16-10-08
Terwijl GroenFront rustig door bouwt, laat eigenaar Fabricom ook eindelijk iets van zich horen. Eerst spreken ze over een grondruil en trekken dit de volgende dag al weer in en beginnen direct met chantage over de ontruimingskosten uit 2002.
Verder in deze update: levende bomen en verfbommen, meerderheid Belgen tegen de boskap en regen, regen en meer regen.
Foto: michel vanneuville
Foto: michel vanneuville
Eigenaar Fabricom neemt belofte terug
Fabricom is de eigenaar van het Lappersfortbos. Zij willen 3,5 ha bos kappen om industrieterreinen te realiseren. Het Groene Gordel Front (GGF) voert actie voor het Lappersfortbos via politieke en diplomatiek weg. Het GGF hadden begin oktober telefonisch contact met Philippe Casier, voormalige CEO van Fabricom en woordvoerder in het Lappersfort-dossier. Telefonisch vertelde Casier dat Fabricom bereid is om grond te ruilen om op die manier de kap van het bos te voorkomen. Zodra dit bericht echter in de media verscheen, nam Casier de volgende dag al zijn woorden terug. Ook begon hij te dreigen met het verhalen van de ontruimingskosten uit 2002 als de huidige bezetters niet vertrekken.
Chantage en dreigementen
Tijdens de eerdere bosbezetting heeft Fabricom - via inlichtingenwerk - de namen van verschillende activisten achterhaalt. Na de ontruiming van het actiekamp in 2002, zijn de kosten van ? 50.000,- verhaalt op 13 activisten. Deze beschikking is echter nog nooit bekrachtigd. Fabricom heeft dit altijd al als chantage-middel gebruikt. Als een van die 13 activisten ooit nog het bos zou betreden, zouden ze alsnog direct de kosten verhalen. Nu dreigt Fabricom, bij monde van Casier, dat ze de kosten ook gaan verhalen op de vorige bezetters, als de huidige niet vertrekken. Dit is natuurlijk regelrechte chantage en een poging de onderlinge solidariteit te breken. De 13 activisten die bij naam bekend zijn, houden zich geheel buiten de huidige bezetting.
Gisteren reageerde Pjotr, een van de oud-bezetters, in Het Nieuwsblad op de dreigementen van Fabricom. 'Eerst verklaarden ze nochtans dat we niets te vrezen hadden zolang we hun eigendom niet meer betraden', zegt Pjotr, die in 2002 een klein jaar in het bos leefde. 'Maar nu het gebied bezet is door anderen, komen ze weer aandraven met die som. Velen van ons hebben ondertussen een gezin. Het wordt tijd dat Fabricom duidelijkheid brengt, want die intimidaties zijn we beu.'
[Lees gehele artikel]
Fabricom's papieren werkelijkheid
Daarnaast gebruikt Philippe Casier het standaard trucje om activisten af te schilderen als idioten zonder dossierkennis. Casier zegt namelijk dat dit bos als jaren ingekleurd is als industrieterrein (KMO-zone). Hierom telt het volgens hem niet als bos. Terwijl er toch veel bomen staan, er bosdieren leven en het de ecologie van een bos heeft. Voor Fabricom telt blijkbaar de papieren werkelijkheid, terwijl GroenFront! zich laat leiden door de werkelijkheid op de grond en in de bomen. En dan blijkt het industrieterrein toch een echt bos te zijn.
Levende bomen en verfbommen
Naast GroenFront! en het Groene Gordel Front! komt er ook steun vanuit andere hoeken. Hierbij voert iedereen de acties op hun eigen manier.
Het laatste weekend van september voerde de Jeugdbond voor Natuur en Milieu actie voor behoud van het Lappersfortbos op de markt in Brugge. Verkleed als bomen deelden ze flyers uit aan het winkelende publiek. En op 29 september heeft actiegroep De Boskabouters de voorgevel van Suez GTI in Bunnik (NL) beklad met de teksten: "Red het bos, Lappersfort leeft!" Tevens zijn er enkele verfbommen tegen de gevel geworpen. [Lees de claimbrief]
Meerderheid Belgen tegen boskap
Het Nieuwsblad heeft een online opiniepeiling gehouden. Hieruit blijkt dat 58,64% van mening is dat alles in het Lappersfort bos moet blijven.
Sluit je aan bij de bosbezetting
De beste manier waarop je de bezetting kunt helpen, is door naar het bos te gaan en je aan te sluiten bij de bezetting. Hoe meer mensen, hoe beter de bezetting. Sluit je dus aan bij de bosbezetting! Kennis of ervaring van bosbezettingen is hierbij niet per se vereist. Een positieve instelling is voldoende! En aldoende leert men. Lees wel even deze volgende tips en opmerkingen door.
Cyberactie: Stuur een protestmail
Website is een cyberactie begonnen. Via deze site kun je een protestmail sturen naar burgemeester Moenaert en naar Fabricom GTI. Als je warm en droog thuis blijft zitten, is dit toch wel het minste wat je kunt doen! Mailen dus!
Benefieten en donaties
Het draaien van een actiekamp brengt altijd kosten met zich mee. Veel spullen worden gedoneerd door buurtbewoners, activisten en sympathisanten, maar nog steeds is er af en toe geld nodig. Hierom worden er deze week twee benefieten gegeven. Gisteren was er een benefiet in Leuven voor het Lappersfortbos en morgen zal er een benefiet in Gent plaats vinden. Als je de bezetting wilt steunen, zou het erg fijn zijn als je bij jou in de buurt ook een benefiet organiseert voor het Lappersfort.
Nieuws uit het Kamp
Gisteren (woensdag 15 oktober) was er een Open Dag en persconferentie in het actiekamp. Hier waren, naast GroenFront!, ook het Groene Gordel Front, de Jeugdbond voor Natuur en Milieu en de Vereniging voor Bos in Vlaanderen aanwezig. Op de website van het Groene Gordel Front kun je alle teksten nalezen.
Naast alle publicitaire en politieke ontwikkelingen, gaat het kampleven natuurlijk ook iedere dag gewoon door. Opstaan en koffie zetten, overleggen en ontbijten, het bouwen van nieuwe boomhutten en het winterklaar maken van fort 'Villa Fabricom' en de keuken. En natuurlijk het zorgen voor avondeten. Op dit moment is de keuken regendicht. Dit is een flinke vooruitgang, want hiervoor stond werken in de keuken gelijk aan het nemen van een koude douche....
Ook het bouwen van boomhutten schiet aardig op. Er is ook flink wat bouwmateriaal gedoneerd door buurtbewoners en sympathisanten. Dank hiervoor! En verder regent het veel. Heel veel. Het valt echt met bakken tegelijk uit de lucht. We proberen (opnieuw) om regelmatiger met nieuwe updates te komen.
Groetjes vanuit het bos,
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Apel Anti-nuclear action alliance
Dear friends, comrades and anti-nuclear activists
As an “Anti-nuclear action alliance”, we want to organize a legal demonstration in Zurich on a Saturday between 29.11.08 and 20.12.08 (concrete date is going to be fixed soon).
Main topic of the demo: against the building of two new nuclear power stations in Switzerland and abandoning nuclear energy worldwide. Nuclear energy means war!
A wide action alliance is organizing the demo, which shall be a chance to call people’s attention to this topic. Also, the day of the demo shall be an international action day against nuclear energy and power stations. We’re sending a call to many other countries, so that there will take place a lot of different activities worldwide.
We invite you, to join the action alliance and prepare a wide protest together. You can contact us at anti.akw w .
With solidary regards,
Anti-nuclear action alliance
Climate is changing – War is staying
More than a hundred years, we’re living in a nuclear age with all its horrors. The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 are only the tip of the iceberg; nuclear incidents like 1979 the almost-MCA (maximum credible accident) in a nuclear power station in Harrisburg (USA) or the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 (Ukraine) are only the most known incidents. Such fatal disasters brought and still bring death and illness for people and an incredible destruction of nature, caused by radioactive radiation, which takes thousands of years to degrade. The mighty of the world, foremost the Nuclear Mafia, is still adhering to this killing development and gets rich at it. Nuclear energy was also developed as a martial weapon in the arms race of the superpowers.
It’s high time we break with this dangerous technology definitely, back out of the nuclear energy programme (in its civil as well as in its military use) and close all nuclear power stations all over the world - there are enough, already highly-developed alternatives. The Nuclear Mafia goes as far as to affirm, that nuclear power is environmentally friendly, ethical and economical worthwile. We all know that these are lies, preached by those, who turn the earth into a dump for their capitalist, profit-driven interests. To stop all these mentioned examples, there’s the need for an orientation of society as a whole. Everyone is talking about climate change; it’s obvious that the combustion of fossil fuels induced the climate change and that we have to act now!
Evicion issue 19.02.08
No time for climate delay
Put your name to the urgent letter calling on Europe's heads of state
to support the European Parliament's bold action plan to tackle
climate change.
Tell Them Now!
Last week, we flooded the European Parliament with tens of thousands
of emails and phone calls in the hours before the crucial vote on the
EU climate and energy package -- and it worked! Congratulations! We
successfully beat back the industry lobbyists and won a package better
than many had hoped for.[1]
But incredibly this victory could be short lived -- sign off by the
heads of Europe's governments is required at this Wednesday's EU
summit. And with the financial crisis topping the agenda, there are
worrying signs that Europe's leaders will step back from both the
Parliament's vote and their own earlier commitments.[2]
Europe's national leaders need to hear from us over the next 48 hours,
before they make their final decision. So let's send them a flood of
emails and phone-calls. Click here to find your own leader's email
address -- and phone numbers if you feel like ringing as well -- and
suggestions about what to say. We know it works:
Far from being an excuse to water down our shift to a cleaner, greener
economy, the financial crisis gives us good reason to accelerate this
change. Massive investment in the transport, power infrastructure and
industries of the future will help to revive our economies, cut our
energy bills and prepare us better for the challenges ahead. Delays
will cost us more down the track, whereas ambitious action now will
fuel Europe's economy.
But we are also up against another mighty force -- lobbyists are at
work, demanding massive free permits to pollute and delays which will
threaten the global deal to stop climate catastrophe. They are using
the financial crisis to put fear into governments, predicting economic
catastrophe if energy intensive industries are not protected and if
governments proceed with plans to mandate investment in renewable
We have only a limited time before the heads of nations meet to
determine Europe's climate and energy package. If watered down now,
our chances of success in securing a bold global deal next year will
be severely undermined. We've shown we can change minds before, now's
time to strongly advocate for the positive impact a bold package will
have on both our planet and our climate.
With hope and determination,
Brett, Paul, Pascal, Veronique, Graziela, Ricken, Ben, Iain, Milena
and the whole Avaaz team
[1] Main points of the plan approved by Parliament: faster pricing of
emissions allowances to encourage cleaner, greener industry -- all
power stations will have to buy their pollution allowances from 2013
instead of getting anything for free, and heavy industry permits will
be phased out from 2013. Offsets were cut significantly, and bold new
longer-term targets of 50% emissions reductions by 2035 and 60-80% by
2050 were set. For the first time, an emissions ceiling was set to
stop dirty coal-fired power – though it will need to be strengthened
-- and significant funds were allocated for helping developing
countries go green, as well as research into carbon capture. There's
much more to do, but this package is a real advance. See setback for
industry on green "Super Tuesday":
[2] On the concerns about Wednesday's summit:
[3] E3G -- Ten Reasons Why Giving Free ETS Allowances will Not Protect
EU Jobs or Competitiveness:
ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning
organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the
world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in
many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or
corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London,
Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Sydney and Geneva.
Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns.
The Avaaz Canada team ( is located 1 Nicholas St., Suite
1502, Ottawa.
Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
World Bank toasts to climate change...
In two boats and by foot the people of A SEED took the street and canals of Amsterdam to let the public hear about this.
The boats (of course the best way to secure yourself against the rising level of the sea) were filled with 'representatives' of the World Bank arguing the people on the side not to worry or think, go back to bed and leave it to the World Bank to take care of things. This line of arguing was met with fierce verbal attacks from people on the street demanding a more appropriate explanation of the World Bank.
With the music of Chopin in the background and the representatives toasting their proseco it looked much like the World Bank would first and foremost take care of their own interests. And so it is.
This action was part of the Week of Global Action Against Debt and International Financial Institutions.
Arguments against the climate policy of the World Bank:
1. The World Bank has established two climate funds in order to help poor countries adapt to and mitigate climate change. Global warming however is mainly a result of rich countries’ CO2 emissions. The money for climate change adaptation will be granted as loans to developing countries. This is in disgraceful contradiction with the 'polluter pay' principle of the Kyoto Protocol stating that the rich countries have to pay for the damage they have been inflicting on the climate.
2. The loans for adaptation to climate change come with economic conditionalities. These are economic policy measures like liberalization, that are pushed onto countries. This is regardless of the high social costs often paid by the poor, for example as a result of the privatization of public utilities.
3. The World Bank claims that its funds will reduce greenhouse gases. Yet, the institution continues providing funds for fossil fuel projects. As the new climate funds focus on 'low-carbon' energy, rather than on 'no-carbon' energy, CO2 emissions will not be brought to an acceptable level.
These climate funds of the World Bank will increase the already high level of indebtedness of developing countries and their economic dependence on international donors and won’t help cut CO2 emissions sufficiently.
You can find:
* more background information about this issue in the article 'World Bank's new Climate Investment Funds will neither help the poor nor reduce CO2 emissions'. ( )
* a short video "De Wereldbank verandert je klimaat" (by Edith) at YouTube ( )
* and fotos on the website:
- E-Mail: Website:
Police in amsterdam during Freedom Not Fear
What a wonderful day, Saturday Oct. 11th: in the Hague, Berlin and other European cities there were big manifestations against the police state, increasing repression and more and more control. By coincidence the Amsterdam police 'joined' this international day of action. In the afternoon they organised a big recruitment event on the Dam square. With full support of Amsterdam rebel clowns...
Around 12.00 pm a bunch of Pink Cheerleaders arrived shouting: "More police! - more control! - More police! - more control!" and other lines like "Check my body! - check my papers!". In Dutch: "Toezicht!" ("Supervision!), etc.
The public who was clearly bored by the police manifestation got their first opportunity to laugh. Most of the blue boys and girls didn't. Few were nice: got some blue balloons! - we gave them our pink ones!
After some enthousiastic rounds in the blue area it was time to leave.
Around 14.00 pm it was time to return with the Clown Police. Nice table with forms for anyone who would like to join the one and only police corps which is fun: the Clown Police!
Lots of people showed interest. It didn't take long before jealous 'colleagues' tried to ruin the Clown Police recruitment session: "there was no permission to put a table on the Dam square..."
However: the Clown Police continued and demonstrated her newest weapons: the mega hammer. Works perfectly to eleminate people. Also the mega rope: useful when you have to arrest civilians.
Many more exercises and games followed. Supported by public who clearly liked it.
After a while it was time to leave.
Around 16.00 pm it was time to return with the Piggy Riot Police. Arrived during the last hour of the recruitment event. Because almost nobody showed interest in the boring and repressive jobs - it was time to demonstrate how attractive (and dull) it is joining the special duty police (in Dutch "Mobiele Eenheid"). Marching and then... doing nothing; standing in line - yeahhhh... standing in line very very long... There are important moments the Piggy Riot Police is doing this job - for example during an eviction round (when the police gives politicians and speculators the hands they need to throw people out of their houses).
You know - it's hard work - doing 'nothing'...
After this final round it was really time to leave.
Pictures will follow.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Poznan (Poland): Alarm at Rozbrat again!

Rozbrat Collective needs support from any groups, movements and people who feel Rozbrat Squat is close to them. We already announce that on the day of the auction there will be a demonstration and we invite you all to come. On our website you can check latest news on the legal situation of Rozbrat and on the initiatives connected with "Rozbrat stays!" action. We count on your support and help. If you want to support our squat which is threatned with eviction, you can donate some money to this bank account: BZWBK SA PL50 1090 1447 0000 0001 0910 8536, Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Społecznych Ulica, ul. Pułaskiego 21a, Poznań, POLAND, SWIFT:WBK PPL PP /Write: Rozbrat stays/
September 2008
The lawyer of Rozbrat squat has obtained an information that the bailiff/debt collector has just sent the records and complete documentation to the court in order to set the date of the auction. This date may appear soon. The ground where Rozbrat is situated may be sold. The campaign "Rozbrat stays!" was not very loud in the last months but it does not mean that the situation of Rozbrat has stabilized. We ask you to keep your eyes open and support us when necessary. Our stand is unchanged: we won't give up without fight!
Rozbrat - a free space in an unfree world
(Article written for the ESF in Malmo - September 2008)
Rozbrat squat is situated in Western city of Poland - Poznan. The city is one of the richest ones in Poland, it's close to the German borders, the unemployment rate is much lower than in the other parts of Poland, there is an International Trade Center plus a lot of hotels for its guests, there's a football stadium that will be one of the stadiums for Euro 2012, there's one the best awarded shopping malls owned by one of the richest people in Poland. And yeah, the richest guy in Poland is from Poznan, him and his wife were given a ground for their shopping mall by the neoliberal president of Poznan on very doubtful grounds, now he's legally sentenced for this. He's also sentenced for banning several demonstrations in the city, at one of them - the infamous gay pride in 2005, 60 people were illegally arrested, finally, no one - apart from the president - was charged. Poznan is also a city where F-16 aircrafts have their base, it's located within the borders of the city, being very dangerous and burdensome for its neighbors and all inhabitants of the city. Poznan is an expensive city, what is troublesome for masses of working class people and for around 100 thousand students living there. In the last years, the costs of living rise rapidly, from the prices of food, rent, tram tickets, almost everything gets more and more expensive every year.
The existence of Rozbrat squat in Poznan is therefore even more surprising. In this purely capitalist surrounding, we've been there for 14 years now. From a housing project, our squat grew to a social-political-cultural center, organizing dozens of different events every year: gigs, parties, exhibitions, lectures, picnics, debates, sports competitions and what is the most important: loads of demonstrations and protests throughout the years. Having the autonomy behind the fence of our squat, we've always tried to be as open as it's possible and not to stay closed within our autonomy - we'd rather call our space a free space - free to new ideas to live in a better reality, without exploitation, oppression, capitalism, social control, fascism, sexism. We take part in local protests, from workers strikes, to local communities' struggles with the authorities, through taking part in wider protests of other oppressed groups, people discriminated against sexually, racially or economically. For all those years, the eviction threats were rather minor and didn't cause much mobilization considering eviction.
Peaceful times ended last January, when a debt collector, together with cops, came to our squat with a warrant from the court, drilled the locks and came in to estimate the price of the ground of one of the parts where the squat is. Rozbrat is situated on three parts of ground owned by three different owners. The biggest one was owned by a company which disappeared roughly 15 years ago after taking a big loan from a bank. So, after years, bank came to a moment when they can auction the ground to get their money back - the space has been occupied for 14 years though. We raised red alarm, all our friends, supporters, comrades were informed that the auction can happen any day now. It's been over seven months now and nothing has happened. Probably there are some legal problems in the court but we're not giving up. After the visit of the debt collector in January, we decided to make as much publicity about Rozbrat as possible. We're happy to see hundreds of people coming to our events, dozens of guests visiting us every now and again, getting a lot of support from other cities and countries. We renovated our bar, small concert hall and we're planning more. We're waiting for the hour zero but it's not waiting for the end. We know that we will not disappear. With this place or another - we will always be here.
Recently, thanks to the international squatting days of action, there's been a wide international debate on the future of squatting in Europe. We also took part in it. The Western squatting movement focused much of its power to create autonomy within the borders of capitalist reality. Did it work out well? Many squatting communities became scene ghettos, they don't have much to offer to the world outside. That's what we were always aware of and tried to fight with the ghettoisation of squatting. More and more free spaces are being repressed and evicted, but on the other hand more spaces are falling into the process of gentrification, people from poorer communities have to pay higher rents, not mentioning other costs of surviving, the working law is being changed by the neoliberal government so that it would make us work more and for less money. Our surrounding is becoming an environment for rich people only. For money, not for free thought. We, as squatters and anarchists, are under severe attack of the authorities that want to take our free spaces away from us. If we want to keep them, we have to change tactics. We have to show our social face. Because squatting is a purely social issue and it is an alternative for living in this world - an alternative which is dangerous and inconvenient for this system. As people that still have free spaces we should use them as much as possible to be open for everyone who rebels against this reality of wealth and power. Together we're stronger. Let's build a big free space around our squats - a space of free thinking minds that will also be a support for each other at all times.
We, at Rozbrat, are trying hard to get outside, to get people from outside to visit us, to work with us, to have fun with us. Sometimes it works better, sometimes worse, but we don't feel alone. On the final day, we will not be alone. For sure.
Be ready for the news from us, visit us anytime you can, it's less than 300 km from Berlin. We couldn't come to ESF because we're just celebrating our 14th birthday party but we'll surely see you in the streets!
Rozbrat video:
English subtitles:
Mo./ Rozbrat Collective + Anarchist Federation Poznan
Eyfa newsletter about ecotopia
.on Ecotopia 2008
It has been a month since Ecotopia ended and things are finally starting
to settle down and get back to 'normal' in the office. With this
slightly delayed September newsletter, we thought it would be a good
idea to give a bit of an update on exactly what went down in Turkey.
After quick press releases about evictions and arrests, the Ecotopia
newswire went a bit silent. This newsletter will fill in those blanks
and also talk about what's next for EYFA and Ecotopia.
1. Introduction to Ecotopia Turkey, 2008
2. Vigil and Arrests
3. Eviction
4. Die-in and More Arrests
5. Press Heyday
6. Follow-up Action
7. The Future of Ecotopia
1. Introduction to Ecotopia Turkey, 2008
Ecotopia Turkey was scheduled from August 9-23, close to the city of
Sinop on the Black Sea. This year the program focused on the issue of
nuclear power, as Sinop is one of the locations in Turkey being
considered to host a 'Nuclear Technology Centre.' Local activists in
Sinop have been opposing these plans for years, but resistance to the
proposed plans had been decreasing. It seemed that many people in the
area had resigned themselves to the plants being built and believed the
government when it said many jobs would be created if only the nuclear
plant went ahead.
The camp started slowly, with only a few workshops taking place and lots
of last minute work getting done. However, regular visits from the
forestry commission and jandarma (military police) soon became a regular
part of camp life. Hardly a day passed without our uniformed friends
stopping by to ask for more lists of participants or to demand that an
anti-nuclear banner be taken down (from inside the kitchen!).
2. Vigil and Arrests
Ecotopia life had developed into a steady rhythm when a number of
participants joined together with SINYAD, a local anti-nuclear group, to
start a vigil outside the Turkish Atomic Energy Agency in Sinop. Turkish
law states that press conferences must take place in designated areas
and must also have prior permission from the authorities, so the
activists decided on a silent vigil that would not be against any law
but would still allow them to exercise their democratic right to freedom
of speech.
The first group of five people, including two foreigners and two local
Sinop activists, lasted only ten minutes. As they held a banner and
distributed leaflets outside the agency, the demonstrators were
approached by plainclothes police and forcefully removed without
warning. About half an hour later another group of five people started a
second vigil. They were also removed after about ten minutes.
Both groups were taken to a local police station where they were fined
125 Turkish lira for “not obeying orders,” article 42 in Turkish law.
But article 42 talks about “hanging a banner on a place where you
cannot; state governmental buildings, private places, company buildings,
etc.” Neither of these things fits with what happened, as demonstrators
were given no orders, nor did they hang their banner off of any
building. They were also informed they had not been arrested and were
not in custody, thus meaning they could not see a lawyer because they
were “not at that stage yet.”
3. Eviction
Having learned from our mistake, on the afternoon of August 22nd a
representative of Ecotopia went to the jandarma to inform them about
plans for a demonstration the next day. They were told that the
demonstration would not be allowed. Shortly afterwards the same
organiser received a phonecall saying that permission to hold the camp
was revoked. We would be required to leave the site by 6pm that evening
– only a few hours away.
After refusing to accept the eviction on the grounds that insufficient
notice had be given, the deadline for leaving camp was extended until
the next morning. At this point, a media team got to work informing
local, national and international press about the situation, while those
of us at camp started planning what to do next...
4. Die-in and More Arrests
We decided to peacefully resist any attempt to remove us from the site
before we finished the camp and cleaned up after ourselves. We also
decided that we wouldn't let a little police intimidation get in the way
of our protest plans. As uniformed and plainclothes jandarma officers
began arriving on site Saturday morning, we continued with meetings and
By early afternoon many people were packed up and began travelling to
Sinop. Police presence in the city was heavy, with several people from
the camp being stopped and questioned on the street, and more of us
stopped and questioned upon leaving the campsite.
Just before 6pm people began to gather outside the office of Sinop's
(pro-nuclear) governor. After about five minutes of staging a peaceful
'die-in,' police arrived in a bus and physically removed protestors
without warning. This included several people who had not participated
in the action but were seen nearby, as well as the group's media contact
person and several people doing legal support. In all, thirty foreigners
from twenty countries and three people from Turkey were hauled away by
police to a nearby police station.
Whilst the demonstrators were held at the police station, requests for
lawyers, translation and phonecalls to embassies were repeatedly
ignored. Again, police said we were not under arrest and not in custody,
which meant that they could ignore requests to speak to a lawyer. The
lawyer came to the station and was not let in, and police told him that
the people inside did not want to see him. When police realised the
people in the station were communicating with the outside, they took
away their mobile phones.
Some groups were told they could only have food and water if they paid
for it themselves. After several hours small groups started to be
transported to the hospital, apparently to document that no one had been
mistreated by police. By 2am everyone was released and again informed
that we had never been officially arrested.
As we gathered together back at the SINYAD office we soon found
ourselves surrounded by more police. Seemingly worried about further
demonstrations, the police tried to convince us to take a bus back to
the campsite (the same site they evicted us from the day earlier!). When
we refused, they blocked us in the narrow street, pushing back at least
one person who tried to leave the area. Eventually they let up, allowing
some people to leave and sleep in a union office nearby.
5. Press Heyday
By the next morning it was clear that word had gotten out about our
actions. Articles appeared in a number of Turkish newspapers, several
television channels covered the story and press releases were posted on
Indymedia sites internationally. As we continued negotiations with
police, who were desperate for us to leave town, calls for interviews
started to come in.
In the next days press interest in the story stayed high. This was in no
small part due to the Turkish Prime Minister, Erdoğan, commenting on our
actions. Claiming that he and his party were the real, best
environmentalists, he critiqued those arrested for being no more than
“idle environmentalists.” Claudia Roth, a prominent Green Party member
in Germany, also commented on the actions, further helping the media
buzz. The action was the lead story on several news stations, the front
page of newspapers, and full page interviews too.
Activists from Turkey were particularly surprised when media outlets
owned by a company bidding for the nuclear tender started running the
story. The freedom of speech/freedom of assembly issue, highlighted by
the arrests of so many Europeans, made the story impossible for them to
ignore – especially with Turkish entry into the EU being high on the
media agenda. The media team worked hard to try and bring questions and
interviews back to the nuclear issue, instead of just talking about how
many toilet breaks we received or how we would have been treated in our
own countries.
On August 26th EYFA and SINYAD held a joint press conference at the
Greenpeace Mediterranean office in Istanbul. Sitting in front of a
banner reading “Nuclear Free Turkey Nuclear Free World,” group
representatives read a statement and answered questions from the many
reporters in attendance. Here are a couple of good quotes from the press
conference that featured in an english language Turkish daily:
“If it seems like we have nothing else to do it only shows our
commitment to the cause and that we are giving up our free time for it.”
(In response to Erdoğan's criticisms.)
“Nuclear energy is not a green solution, not a carbon safe solution, and
it will not make Turkey energy secure...Turkey should instead invest in
alternative energy.”
Articles in newspapers the next morning made it the fifth straight day
of mainstream media coverage of the story. The action had exploded into
something none of us could have expected when it was hastily planned!
6. Follow-up Action
Since the camp, the momentum in Turkey has continued. With results of
the tender for a facility in Mersin to be released on the 24th of
September, many groups have continued to make their voices heard. Here
is a short list of actions and events that have taken place since the
end of August:
** Nine people fined for their participation in the vigil/banner action
are appealing. Work is also being started to bring a case against the
police for their improper conduct during the first and second arrest.
Please get in touch if you involved and have not yet documented your
experiences during the action and arrest.
** Barisapeadal (Pedalling for Peace), a national environmentalist
cycling group expressed their thanks for our actions at a meeting in
Istanbul shortly after the camp. On August 31st they organised another
action with many other groups including the Farmers Union Confederation,
Ecological Utopias Association, the Social Democracy Foundation and
Street Children Association. From their press release:
“After the Prime Minister attacked environmentalists in his declarations
on the news saying that he is the best environmentalist in Turkey and
the other environmentalists are fooling around and doing nothing, a
group of environmentalists replied. They put a red carpet on the ground
with a chair to symbolise the authority and power of the Prime Minister.
During the press conference they said that they invited the Prime
Minister by email and fax to this demonstration to talk about the
environmental issues of Turkey but he didn't come nor did he reply to
the invitation.”
From one of their banners:
“Nuclear is safe, the earth is flat, Tayyip [the Prime Minister] is an
environmentalist, and donkeys can fly.”
** The Green Party held an action on Istiklal Street on the 7th of
September, displaying banners that read “Nuclear Free Turkey, Nuclear
Free World.” This was part of an ongoing campaign leading up to the
tender deadline of September 24th.
** Barispedal and KEG (Global Action Group) held an action on September
17th. This action was in front of Enka Construction & Industry Co. Inc.,
which was supposed to bid on the tender. They put windmills in front of
the building and banners read “Wind and Sun is Enough For Us” and “No
Nuclear, Yes Alternative Energy.”
** On September 23rd Greenpeace and other environmental groups did a
die-in action in front of the Ministry of Energy in Ankara.
Simultaneously, climbers reached the top of a crane in front of the
building and dropped a banner staying 'STOP' to support the protest
happening below. Police arrested all 37 activists involved.
** On September 24th another action took place in front of the Ministry
of Energy in Ankara. NKP (Platform Against Nuclear) stood out front with
gas masks and anti-nuclear slogans, protesting the nuclear tender.
During the announcement of the tender they were engaged in a sit-in
action. When they got news that only 6 out of 13 interested companies
filed for the tender, and only one submitted a proposal, they celebrated
the news in front of the ministry with live music and dance.
This most recent news from Turkey gives new hope that Turkey will remain
nuclear free. On Monday September 22nd, requests from companies to
postpone the tender due to the recent economic crisis were rejected by
Erdoğan. This is the fourth tender held for Turkey's first nuclear power
plant, after the failure of the first three tenders.
7. Future of Ecotopia
After 20 years of organising Ecotopia, EYFA has decided it's time to try
something a bit different. Whilst we plan to continue organising a camp
on environmental issues each summer, the name Ecotopia will be retired.
Instead, the name of the camp will change each year, stemming from ideas
and collaborations between EYFA and local organisers.
Plans for a camp in 2009 are still being formulated. All ideas and
offers of collaboration are very welcome, so please get in touch if you
would like to be involved. EYFA is particularly interested in working in
countries where there is a lack of activist infrastructure, thus giving
a boost to the local activist community and local environmental issues.
We would also like the camp to work as a hub for networking, especially
in building links between eastern and western European activists. As
always, the camp should be DIY, horizontally run, self-managed event.
To find out more or to get involved in the organising process, email