Thursday, May 17, 2007

Positive strategy


One of examples, how mass media influence people and as a consequence cause things to occur on Earth, is the language they use for describing the Iraq-US relations. Probably you've noticed, that article titles, written with big, bold letters, and also talked texts, scream with expressions creating in the mind a picture of the war. Those written and spoken titles are in big part consisting a strong suggestion, which strengthen so called “black forces” (darkness) and weaken “good might” (light).

When the man hear for instance: “Iraq-US war”, “danger of war”, “will there be a war?”, “war is a matter of a few days”, “fully ready for war”, which all include the word “war”, such sentences bring up unequivocal association, a picture in the imagination, of exactly the thing, which we don't want, which we want to avoid. Actually, do we want war or peace?

An observant and suspicious person would even think, that we are under-Earth wide manipulation by mass media, which has the purpose of strengthening the “black forces”. Maybe he/she is right, after all it is easy to manipulate people using emotional expressions, which causes pictures intended by the manipulators.

Imagine, what picture predominates on Earth when billions of people hear, see or read such expressions. In how many minds a picture of pace and love will appear?
At the same time you can imagine, that all above expressions can be changed in a way, that give the same meaning but the picture appearing in the mind is about peace. According to the above examples we could have: “end of Iraq-US pace”, “danger of peace end”, “will peace still prevail?”, “break of peace is a matter of a few days”, “fully ready to stop the peace”.
Now, fill the difference between the those and these expressions? Can you feel it? A big difference in the feeling and in the imagination between hearing / reading the word “war” and the word “peace”. Can you now imagine, what global picture will predominate when we change those titles with these ones? Will the “black forces” be still so dominating?

Everyone of us can ask him/herself: What can I, meaningless individual, do in all this matter? Nothing.
You know what? You can strengthen the “good might” by having build and by constant keeping a picture of Peace between the Iraqies and Americans.

Even the smallest thought has an influence on the universe. Maybe the influence is not as visible as a blow of a wind, but there is an influence (acting starts with a thought). Every picture in your imagination is a part of your visualization. We have such life conditions in our surrounding (family, quarter, town, country, planet, galaxy), because such is the summary picture of all beings living in the surrounding. If only one being on Earth will change his/her picture, the whole picture is changed. Too small detail; isn't it? Yes, small, but there is a change and this proves, that the more individuals change the imagination, the more sensible the changes are. Everyone influences everyone of us, thus if you have a picture of peace in you, it will influence others and in this way a chain reaction of peace (not war) starts in the global picture of Iraq-US relations.

As always, the decision is up to you: I either allow myself to be manipulated being like a ship in a herd or I think for myself and don't allow anybody to create in my imagination pictures serving their purposes.

And one more thing, the most important here.
Do you want to do much more? You can use the most efficient power existing in the universe, power creating Life. Love is this power. Among all inhabitants of our global family, now especially the Iraqies and the Americans need our Love, because of a fear they've moved a little away from It. You always have a choice, so you can allow Love, which is you in your essence, to manifests itself through you. You can find a moment, concentrate in silence and calm place (not really necessary, because you can do it even in a bus, office, parliament, bathroom) on yourself. Just feel, that you are Love in your essence and It manifests itself through your mind and body. This Love is the fountain of all Life, thus you can give It your picture of peace and Love will make it living. The biggest existing in the universe power will strengthen your picture. Then if you share you picture with your family, friends, and they will do the same, there will be no force to stop the chain reaction resulting in global Peace.

This is how much you can do for the peace — you can initiate it, co-build it and realize it, thanks to Love. You will be the one mostly profiting on it.
Regardless of the fact, whether there is pace or not between the Iraqies and Americans, the same constantly kept visualization of pace has a power to realize itself, so let us keep it.

You can share this information with others — it is your contribution to peace on Earth.

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