Sunday, June 24, 2018

[Doorbraak Info] Anti-fascisten winnen van Grijze Wolven

Nieuwe artikelen

Anti-fascisten winnen: Grijze Wolven zeggen haatzanger Ozan Manas af

Doorbraak heeft de druk op het driedaagse Grijze Wolven-festival, dat
dit weekeinde in Arnhem plaatsvindt, de afgelopen weken steeds verder
opgevoerd. Tijdens het langdurige raadsdebat van afgelopen woensdag
voelde de organisatie van het festival zich gedwongen om te beloven alle
extreem-rechtse en racistische uitingen tegen te gaan. En vandaag zegt
minister Wouter Koolmees in antwoord op Kamervragen van SP-er Jasper van
Dijk dat "de organisatie van het festival heeft verklaard dat de Turkse
zanger Ozan Manas niet zal komen". Lees meer:

Mailtje aan komediant Rob Scheepers die deportaties grappig vindt

Maandag organiseren anti-racisten, waaronder ook leden van Doorbraak,
een protest tegen Dijkhoffs "gezellige avond" met "humor" over het
vluchtelingenbeleid. We roepen iedereen ook op om cabaretier Rob
Scheepers, die samen met de VVD-er optreedt, te laten weten wat je ervan
vindt. Joke Kaviaar stuurde hem onderstaande mail. Lees meer:

Grijze Wolven verder in het nauw na langdurig raadsdebat in Arnhem

Gisteren sprak de voltallige Arnhemse gemeenteraad in totaal maar liefst
twee uur en vier minuten over de fascistische Grijze Wolven. Die houden
vanaf vrijdag in de stad een driedaags festival met een afsluitende
optocht. Aanleiding voor het raadsdebat was de informatie die Doorbraak
de afgelopen weken aandroeg over het ware karakter van het festival en
de organisatoren ervan. Die doen zich graag voor als politiek neutrale
brengers van vrede en verbondenheid. Maar daar komen ze voortaan niet
meer mee weg: ze zijn ontmaskerd als de fascisten en leugenaars die ze
zijn. De twee door het festival aangekondigde Nederlandse muziekgroepen
hebben afgezegd en de Grijze Wolven zullen voortaan minder openlijk hun
propaganda kunnen maken. Een overwinning voor het anti-fascisme, en
speciaal voor alle linkse en feministische Turken en voor minderheden
die hier en in Turkije onderdrukt worden. Lees meer:

Het ergst denkbare wordt ineens weer een heel reƫle mogelijkheid

We hebben deze foto allemaal voorbij zien komen, de afgelopen dagen.
Iemand wees me op het feit dat dit meisje geen veters meer in haar
schoenen heeft. Die hebben ze haar afgenomen: standaardprocedure ter
voorkoming van zelfmoord. Maar dit meisje is ongeveer twee jaar oud.
Lees eer:

Vraag ook cabaretier Rob Scheepers om niet samen met Dijkhoff grappen te
gaan maken ten koste van vluchtelingen

Op maandag 25 juni houdt de VVD in Veldhoven een avond met aanvoerder
Klaas Dijkhoff en cabaretier Rob Scheepers. Onderwerp: vluchtelingen.
Dat wordt dus lollig doen over een hoogst ongrappig onderwerp: de steeds
verdere uitsluiting van kwetsbare mensen. Lees meer:


30 juni, Leiden: keti koti-festival met vrijheidsmuziek

Op 30 juni organiseert stichting Songs of Freedom in Leiden een
muziekfestival in het kader van de slavernijherdenking. Met als zangers
Berima Amo, Denise Jannah, Jeangu Macrooy, Jhelisa Anderson, Nancy
Zeefuik, Ronald Snijders en het Songs of Freedom-projectkoor.
Muziekfestival. Zaterdag 30 juni. Van 13:00 tot 19:00 uur. Hooglandse
Kerk, Nieuwstraat 20, Leiden. Lees meer:

1 juli, Amsterdam: slavernijherdenking en Keti koti-festival

In 2018 is het 155 jaar geleden dat Nederland de slavernij afschafte en
de ketenen van de tot slaaf gemaakten werden verbroken ("keti koti").
Daarbij wordt er zeker door veel witten aan voorbijgegaan dat de
vrijverklaarden nog tien jaar, tot 1873, op de plantagewerkkampen
dwangarbeid moesten blijven verrichten om de slavenhouders "schadeloos"
te stellen voor het verlies van hun "eigendom". Net als voorgaande jaren
wordt de afschaffing op 1 juli herdacht bij het slavernijmonument in het
Amsterdamse Oosterpark. Voorafgaand aan de herdenking vindt de bigi
spikri-optocht plaats, en na afloop barst het Keti koti-festival los.
Bigi spikri-optocht. Zondag 1 juli, vanaf 11:00 uur. Van Waterlooplein
naar Oosterpark, Amsterdam. Nationale herdenking. Zondag 1 juli, vanaf
13:00 uur. Bij slavernijmonument in Oosterpark, Amsterdam. Keti
koti-festival. Zondag 1 juli, vanaf 15:00 uur, Oosterpark, Amsterdam.
Lees meer:

Nieuws elders

Actievoerders bezetten Belgische deportatiegevangenis en eisen open

Hamburg forces Germany to confront colonial legacy with forgotten
genocide exhibition

Middelstegracht 36a, 2312TX Leiden

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Wednesday, June 20, 2018

UNITED Media Release 20-06-2018: UNITED List of 34,361 Refugee Deaths published in The Guardian

The Guardian publishes the full UNITED List of 34,361 Refugee Deaths on 20 June International Refugee Day

In recognition of World Refugee day, The Guardian, in collaboration with artist Banu Cennetoglu, Chisenhale Gallery and Liverpool Biennial is distributing the full UNITED 'List of Deaths' in its print and online edition.

Since 1993, UNITED for Intercultural Action has recorded the reported names, origins and causes of death for more than 34,000 refugees and migrants who have died whilst trying to get into Europe due to the restrictive policies of "Fortress Europe". The List, which currently contains 56 pages of names, will be included in full in print and available to download on The Guardian's as well as the UNITED website.

In a 64-page print supplement, The List is accompanied by thought pieces covering how the shape of the refugee crisis has changed over the years. There are also case studies taking a deeper look behind some of the names of those listed and an interview with artist Banu Cennetoglu, who since 2007, facilitates distribution of the List around the world.

Free of charge copies of the newspaper with the 64-page supplement will be available at Chisenhale Gallery (28 June-26 August 2018) and Liverpool Biennial (14 July-28 October 2018).

UNITED Campaign "Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe": No More Deaths - Time for Change!
Fortress Europe is nearly impenetrable. Several deals made over the last years, such as the EU-Turkey deal or the more recent Italy-Libya deal, as well as the continued construction of walls and fences increasingly close routes to a life in safety. As a last chance, many are forced to choose a journey of life and death crossing the Mediterranean. However, most Lifeseekers don't get to the other side of the Mediterranean. Refugees die suffocated in trucks, crossing rivers and mountains or are shot by guards. They die due to the inhumane conditions of detention centers or lack of medical assistance, commit suicide out of despair, or are killed after being deported to their country. They are denied both protection of our authorities and recourse to justice. Rescue boats are stranded on the Mediterranean for weeks while their passengers try to survive under inhumane conditions until an EU member state agrees to accept them at their port, such as in the recent case of the Aquarius. As diverse as they may seem, all of these deaths are direct results of EU border militarization, asylum laws, detention policies and deportations.

Many national governments throughout Europe have shifted to the right and changes in asylum legislation follow suit. Afghanistan today is categorised as a safe country of origin to deport people to, whereas European citizens are not advised to travel there claiming the country is one of the most dangerous in the world. Such explicit double standards are persistent and established in migration legislation throughout the European Union. Italy's recent deal with Libya has resulted in severe human rights violations by the Libyan coast guards and increased the risk of [refugees to be subject to] human trafficking.

Every human has the right to look for a safe place to live, and the EU needs to establish secure access and humane treatment for those seeking refuge in Europe. We demand that death by policy ends and all member states provide safety and dignity for all as a minimum standard of human rights.

Mark Rice-Oxley, special projects editor, Guardian News & Media, said:
"This List of Deaths is a startling and heroic piece of work by UNITED for Intercultural Action. It exposes a terrifying truth of mounting human misery, of utterly preventable death stretching back more than 25 years - and of a failure of imagination by the world's biggest bloc of liberal democracies. That is why The Guardian is publishing it in full on 20 June."

Banu Cennetoglu, artist, said:
"I believe the power of printed material and its possible impact especially in the case of this List. I hope the dissemination and the contextualisation through The Guardian and its editors will remind people of the capacity they do have in order to interfere with those fatal policies and their makers."

Geert Ates, UNITED, said:
"Since 1993, we have recorded the names and incidents of refugee deaths to draw public attention to the deadly consequences of the building of a Fortress Europe. The dissemination of our full list by the world's leading newspaper, The Guardian, on World Refugee Day, will help UNITED enormously to find wider support for the necessary change of policies: No More Deaths! Time for Change!"

For more information, please contact:
Geert Ates (UNITED)

The content of the 'List of Deaths' is the full responsibility of UNITED. This 20 June 2018 edition of The List is commissioned and produced by Chisenhale Gallery, London and Liverpool Biennial, and printed and distributed by The Guardian. The Guardian did not produce, design or have any influence over The List.

The UNITED 'List of Deaths' can be freely re-used, translated and redistributed, provided the source ( is mentioned and a copy is sent to UNITED.

Notes to editors

About UNITED for Intercultural Action
UNITED for Intercultural Action is the pan-European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants, refugees and minorities. Together with over 550 supporter organisations all around Europe, ranging from local grassroots associations to national and international NGOs, UNITED coordinates campaigns, organises conferences, takes part in projects, produces publications and undertakes advocacy work to protest against discrimination and promote our shared vision for a diverse and inclusive society.

About the UNITED List of Refugee Deaths
Since 1993 UNITED has been monitoring the deadly results of the building of 'Fortress Europe' by making a list of the refugees and migrants, who have died in their attempt of entering the 'Fortress' or as a result of Europe's immigration policies. In the period 1993-2018 at least 34.361 refugee deaths can be attributed to the 'Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe'. Most probably 1000s more are never found.
The 'List of Deaths' summarises information on where, when and under which circumstances they died. On all death cases further documentation is kept in archive. The data are collected through own research, information received from the network organisations in 48 countries and from local experts, journa's and researchers in the field of migration. Compiled in the 'List of Deaths' they add up to an impressive listing and a strong campaign statement: No More Deaths - Time For Change!
The UNITED 'List of Deaths' has become a key tool for activists, artists, researchers, and journalists dealing with the rights of asylum seekers and refugees.

About 20th June - International Refugee Day
On the 50th anniversary of the Geneva Convention in 2001, the United Nations General Assembly declared 20 June as the World Refugee Day.
UNITED stimulates an annual campaign around this date, aiming to highlight refugee issues from an NGO perspective at all levels: local, national and European. We call on civil society to protest against the fatal policies of Fortress Europe that lead to too many deaths of desperate people looking for safe refuge.
We call upon all organisations to take part in this campaign. Visit the Facebook page for regular updates, news, tips and see 'join the campaign' for ideas how to get involved.

About Guardian News & Media
Guardian News & Media (GNM) publishes, one of the world's leading English-language newspaper websites. Traffic from outside of the UK now represents around two-thirds of the Guardian's total digital audience. In the UK, GNM publishes the Guardian newspaper six days a week, first published in 1821, and the world's oldest Sunday newspaper, The Observer. The Observer is renowned for agenda-setting journalism including, most recently, its series of global exclusives on Cambridge Analytica and Facebook. More info:

About artist Banu Cennetoglu
Thanks to an ongoing cooperation with Istanbul-based artist Banu Cennetoglu (b. 1970, Ankara, Turkey), the List has been published many times in multiple forms, including posters, billboards, newspaper supplements and public screens. See:

About Chisenhale Gallery
Chisenhale Gallery commissions and produces contemporary art, supporting international and UK-based artists to pursue new directions and make their most ambitious work to date. For audiences, the gallery provides opportunities to experience this process of art production through participation and critical reflection. Chisenhale Gallery has an award winning, 35-year history as one of London's most innovative forums for contemporary art. Chisenhale Gallery is located on Chisenhale Road, a residential street in the heart of London's East End.

About Liverpool Biennial
Liverpool Biennial is the UK biennial of contemporary art. Taking place every two years across the city in public spaces, galleries, museums and online, the Biennial commissions international artists to make and present work in the context of Liverpool. Liverpool Biennial is underpinned by a programme of research, education, residencies and commissions. Founded in 1998, the Biennial has commissioned over 300 new artworks and presented work by more than 450 artists from around the world.


Stay up-to-date with all our news - follow UNITED on social media!



International Refugee Day 2018 Join this campaign on Facebook!
Twitter @UNITED__Network #AgainstRefugeeDeaths
Campaign Media contact: Geert Ates +31-6-48808808

UNITED is the pan-European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees, supported by more than 550 organisations from 48 European countries.
How to join the network: see


UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees
Postbus 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam
phone +31-20-6834778

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Mirroring each other crowds

This is "Relationship book with Goddess and God within me and outside of me." Part 2
From my Inner Goddess to my outer woman

First of all I would like to thank you for being such a reflection of me and for teaching my being so many lessons. Now is the time for Re-loving to me. 
I forgave you already and deeply there, I love you soooooo much I see, there are some words limitations, what we may face especially, when we would go out of rational dimension.

Please feel it. Feel what I, we, are sharing with you. I'm not going to be focused on the past. Both our beings made mistakes but in the end, when we learned from it or even, it made us going through some even heavy process... 
remember " Love will conquer all" - are you still singing with me ? What will not kill us will make us stronger.

Love it is energy, what want's to flow, circulate and not to stagnate. That's why I would like to move on. I would love to create with you sisterhood. We love the same energies. We have to learn from each other how, in harmony, we may love not only inner man of our own being but also inner man of outer being.

Basically your own inner man and my inner man are both shared between of us. Not even triangle but square. Polyamory in the monogamous relationship. :) A bit complicated. Si ?

Amiel said that is good to first learn relation with one person... then when you master it you may go for open relationship.

Conscious relationship it is not only between two people but between all their parts and energies. 
Not only inner man and inner woman but also on other dimensions: between body, heart, mind and spirit, between inner father, inner mother and inner child, between inner optimists and inner critisizer... whole universe is in each of us.

One of the purpose in life and tantra is to create there in us connection, friendship, inner dialogue, harmony and love in place of separateness, inner fight and dominance.

Relationship with another being may seem even more complicated but with awareness of this our inner crowd and all processes connecting with another being, it may give us wonderful tool what we call " mirror " in tantra. Seeing you, may help me to reflect on me. Thank you mirror. 
Michal Kali Griks 
10.06.2018 Badulina community, Orgiva, Spain

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Relationship book with Goddess and God within me and outside of me. Part 1

This is one of the best piece what i ever wrote. It is interesting that it happen in very challenging time for me. I just let the divine inspiration flow through me. 

Inspired by book "Conversations with Good" Book 3 " An uncommon dialogue. 

Dedicated to my beloved, who is challenging me like never before :)

This is Relationship book with Goddess and God within me and outside of me. 

I love you as much as possible. When I would influence to love yourself more there, would more love be circulating between us in Yoniverse. The same when I would learn how to love my self more I would be able to love you more. That's why the highest purpose of life is to learn how to love and just love. On all possible levels: Sexual, Relationship, Intellectual and Spiritual. That's why is so important to share that love, that wisdom to the others. When they know, when they use it than more of that energy circulate not only for them but also for us, for all universe. That's why, when we make love in the  tantric way, without losing energy but making it circulate, we don't only make love to ourselves, to our partners. We make love to whole universe. We create abundance of love , what is just natural to share. You're my mirror, reflection of my inner Goddess within me. Thank you for teaching me all those lessons, for communicating to me. Thankful that, I may know my other half, what was suppressed through generations. thankful you, I may learn about her. Thankful you I may heal her as well. Thankful you I may liberated her. I may give you a space and in the same time I give her space.... that's what she needs right now I guess. I may trust you, her myself and your, my and our process. I want to love you more, to love her more. When more love may circulate between us, than this may reflect inside of us. When we love our masculine and feminine, than, we create more harmonious couple inside of us. What inside may reflect outside. And vice versa. What outside may reflect what is inside. We may learn so much from it, so much from each other energies. Just we have to be aware about this. Now You are :)
My inner man may learn all this as well. He may teach your inner man, who like my inner woman was suppressed through generations. Now they may learn from each other. They may be like a brothers or rather best friends. Is it not beautiful ? 
Love is beautiful. We just have to allow it to flow as much as possible. 
Commit to remove the barriers, heal the limitations, build up the trust, liberate into more and more life with passion. 
Create more and more heaven on Earth. Here and now
For ourselves = for others
Thank you all my mirrors. 
I love you as I love my self

Michal Kali Griks

Monday, June 4, 2018

Essence of Tantra Retreat in Spain

Spanish translation will appear here soon:


Friday 29.06.18:
18.00 - 21.30 Taste of Tantra open evening in some spiritual centre in Orgiva ( details soon )
For the people, who do not join whole retreat suggested donation 10 Euro 

Saturday 30.06.18:
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Kriya Yoga
10.00 – 11.00 Breakfast break
11.00 – 14.30 Connecion
14.30 – 15.30 Lunch break
15.30 – 19.00 Love Communication
20.00 Sharing of the day

Sunday 01.07.18
8.30 – 10.00 Chakra Breathing Osho Meditation
10.00 – 11.00 Breakfast break
11.00 – 14.30 Introduction to Tantra Massage
14.30 – 15.30 Lunch break
15.30 – 19.00 Tantra Tool Box
20.00 - Sharing and closing ritual

In beautiful community in the nature near very spiritual small town in Alpujaras - Orgiva, Spain

29.06.18 - 01.07.18

200 Euro per person 350 per couple
Early bird before 17 June: 170 per person 320 per couple
Whole profit would go for building up, improving our retreat, cultural and spiritual centre in our community.
When you feel that price is too high for some reason and you feel to be on the event just contact us as soon as possible to find best solution. 

Price include vegan healthy food. We may advice you with accommodation in the neighbourhood

Ad 1: "Taste of Tantra" – Introduction to practise

In this introductory workshop we give small examples of simple safe exercises which you can continue practising later with your partner or on your own. Anyone following the instructions from this introduction may rapidly and dramatically improve her/his life. We let you have a taste of what tantra is, and what we teach as a whole course at the School of Tantra Movement.  A little bit of everything like for example:

– Theory; what tantra means to us and our practical use of it
– recognizing and training the PC muscle
– open communication
– Melting hugs
– Awakening the senses meditation
– Eye gazing


Ad 2: Connection

Nowadays, in modern times thankful technology we could contact each other even when we are thousands kilometres away. In the cities we are living so close to each other. Communication was never so fast. But still we are alienated like never before in human history. We never felt so lonely like now. Did we lost something on the way ?
This workshop is
to connect beyond capacity of mobile phones,
to build Friendship with big "F", deeper than making hundreds friends on facebook,
to feel Love with big "L" deeper than sending <3 through internet
to connect with real
nature beyond the discovery channel
To found what we lost, to find our deep nature, to connect with ourselves and other participants maybe deeper that you ever did even with your friends, with your family.
Tantra gives us tools to connect with all parts of you, connect with yourself, then connect with your partner, group, family, other people, animals, nature and whole universe. Beautiful slogan "We are one!" tantra is transforming from believe in to real experience. If you allow yourself to feel it, you would never be the same. You would never love in the same way.
That's why we choose this workshop in the beginning.

Communication of Love.


Do you know the tantric way of communicating? Do you know your and your partner's 'love language'? Do you know that when bodies are talking to each other they can easier find solutions, even in the areas of our life where there weren't any? Do you know body intelligence? Do you use it ? Do you know that we often 'talk' via emotions? Do you know that we often do not understand each other because we talk in different love languages and we're not even aware of it ?
Can you imagine how much you could improve your life and your relationship if you knew the answers to these questions?
In this workshop we will explore the answers to those and other questions. We will do exercises in tantric and body communication. We will do things to find out what your and your partner's love languages are, and then exercise using them.
Your life could become more understandable than ever before!

As always, just a few things that everyone should learn but unfortunately very few do :/

"Magic of Tantric Massage" Introduction to tantric massage
This workshop is composed in such a way that you can learn and feel what sacred touch is, so that you can allow healing energy of love into your body and life.

Mastering the art of giving and receiving tantric massage is opening us on many levels:
– It helps to recover energy
– Teaches us sacred touch
– Raise awareness of the body
– Is an Introduction to tantric sex
– Develops our potential for love.

It is not possible to mention all the benefits of tantric massage but first of all it is an experience of deep inner joy, bliss, cleansing, peace and ecstasy. It is the experience of being whole. We will mainly focus on the feelings in the body and not only on the techniques . First of all, we want to ensure that participants will experience touch, that they open up for receiving and giving on the body level, that they open up for feeling the pleasure of being a giver and receiver of a massage.

We want to go deep into the levels of feeling pleasure, bliss, and flow of the love energy. We want to free all the tension from our bodies, let them go away to make more space in the body, to make in the place of the blockages space for the flow of life energy.

Tantra Tool Box

At this workshop, we give the most efficient, most powerful, most beautiful and most lovely exercises, what may support you in your growth on all levels, in your relationship with yourself, with your partner and further on with whole universe. The idea is to empower your life in the best possible way. Especially when you take it home, your life would never be the same ;)  


Michal Kali Griks