Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Awakening7 White Book of Squatters - presentation

Thats invitation to the program that means more less how it was
Tomorrow issue thats like usual agenda,then continuation of speeches, interviews from presetation of white book of squatters(MAIN SUBJECT again)in den Haag. Beside of that raport about smashing the wapon factory in England other news and continuation of our solidarity with Greece and Palestine and more...
After polish part (~40 min) continuation of discusion on presentation and more interviews about white book in english
here You can download the program but i don't know why this time You can not download it. We would try to sort this problem...

Welkom op de Website van het Witboek Kraken


Krakend Nederland presenteert: 132 bladzijden met meer dan 80 kraakpanden in 20 steden

Amsterdam, 16 januari 2009

De kraakbeweging heeft donderdag 15 januari het Witboek Kraken gepresenteerd. Het Witboek heeft als doel het publiek en de politiek te informeren over de actuele kraakpraktijk en de huidige generatie krakers. Dit was hard nodig, onder andere in antwoord op het wetsvoorstel van Ten Hoopen, Van der Burg en Slob om kraken te verbieden. Het boek bevat - naast beschouwingen van deskundigen en opiniemakers - een groot scala aan voorbeelden van de vele kraakpanden die Nederland momenteel rijk is. Deze voorbeelden tonen aan dat kraken nog steeds een belangrijke maatschappelijke functie heeft. Kraken draagt bij aan het behoud van sociale huisvesting, het bestrijden van speculatie, het stimuleren van nieuwe culturele initiatieven en het beschermen van monumentale panden.

Het Witboek Kraken is een initiatief van een aantal krakers, ex-krakers en sympathisanten. Zij willen hiermee tegenwicht bieden aan de negatieve berichtgeving over kraken in de media. "Het Witboek Kraken laat een ander geluid horen over kraken," aldus David van der Bree, redactielid van het Witboek. "Krakers zijn doorgaans juist betekenisvol voor hun directe omgeving. Het witboek schetst met 80 voorbeelden een beter beeld van de huidige kraakpraktijk."

    De makers van het witboek vinden het de hoogste tijd om de stem te laten horen van de kraakgeneratie die nu actief is. Het laatste overzicht van de Nederlandse kraakbeweging, dat geschreven is door socioloog Eric Duivenvoorden, houdt op in 1999. Het Witboek geeft daarom vooral inzicht in de kraakacties die de afgelopen tien jaar hebben plaats gevonden. Het boek bevat beschrijvingen van recente kraakacties in verschillende Nederlandse gemeenten, waarvan er ongeveer 35 cases worden uitgebreid beschreven, in totaal komen 80 verhalen aan bod. Ook wordt context en weerwoord geboden bij incidenten rondom kraken die de afgelopen jaren negatief in de belangstelling hebben gestaan. Daarnaast zijn er wetenschappelijke artikelen en opiniestukken opgenomen die het fenomeen in een breder perspectief plaatsen en die de aanzet moeten zijn om het debat over kraken open te breken.

Het Witboek Kraken ligt vanaf half januari in de boekhandel bij u in de buurt! (15 euro, Uitgeverij de Papieren Tijger) Het boek is ook te bestellen via deze pagina.

Zimbabwe: no food for a day

Dear friends,
Southern African citizens have launched a hunger strike to press for justice and democracy in Zimbabwe. Click below to see the video appeal for global solidarity and pledge to fast this Sunday -- they will present the world's call to leaders at an Africa-wide summit:


Israel and Hamas have agreed to a brief cessation of violence and international negotiations have begun -- more than half a million Avaaz members signed petitions, made phone calls, and donated funds to press for a comprehensive ceasefire and a just peace. Obama has sent the more even-handed George Mitchell to talks, and a member-funded Avaaz campaign is underway to help lift pro-peace voices in US media. Suffering continues in the region, but hope is rising.

When Africa's heads of state meet this Sunday, they will be greeted by a crowd of hunger strikers, calling for justice and democracy in Zimbabwe.

Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela's wife Graça Machel, and hundreds of others have joined the campaign and pledged solidarity with the Zimbabwean people—most of whom are now struggling to survive on a meal a day or less. Their powerful demonstration of commitment has seized the media's attention, pressuring leaders to refuse Mugabe in his attempts to cling to power.

The world's support is needed now. Kumi Naidoo, a South African activist in his eighth day of a 21-day hunger strike, has recorded a video appeal for Avaaz members worldwide to join the protest by pledging to fast this Sunday, when he will speak to the African Union summit about Zimbabwe's crisis. If thousands of us fast, our actions will give power to his words. Click here to see the video and join the fast:

Zimbabwe's crisis—cholera, hyperinflation, hunger, and Mugabe's brutality—keeps worsening. But as the stakes rise, the movement for change is growing stronger and bolder. The European Union just tightened sanctions targeting Mugabe's regime. Hunger strikers in Southern Africa, trying to deliver a petition to leaders Monday, were blasted by riot police shooting rubber bullets. And after all-night talks earlier this week the opposition stated that it would join a "unity" government only if there was real power sharing, political prisoners were out of jail, and Zimbabweans' urgent needs met.

The next five days are critical: as Africa's leaders choose their next moves, we must demonstrate that the world stands strong with Zimbabwe's fairly-elected Movement for Democratic Change, and that Mugabe's reign must end. When the African Union leaders sit down this Sunday in Ethiopia, their decisions will be shaped by the political conditions that we help create.

Time and again, we have rallied. More than 400,000 of us have signed petitions, sending virtual "red cards" to Mugabe that were waved by labor activists in a march this fall. We flew an airplane over the United Nations headquarters to urge Mbeki to support democracy in Zimbabwe. And this Christmas, we sent radio ads to tell the people of Zimbabwe they were not forgotten.

Now, through a concrete act of self-sacrifice, we can take our efforts a level higher. Our solidarity fast will strengthen the moral force of Zimbabwean and South African activists who are demanding change. Click here to join the fast:

One day, democracy will be restored to Zimbabwe--the refugees will return home, the fields will burst with food, the hospitals and clinics will be full of medicine and healing. And all of us will know that in answering the call of a suffering but defiant people, we played a part in their victory.

With hope,

Ben, Alice, Ricken, Iain, Graziela, Luis, Paula, Paul, Milena, Brett, Pascal, Veronique, and the entire team


The Save Zimbabwe Now campaign is coordinating the hunger strike:

"Save Zimbabwe activists begin hunger strike" - The Times, 1/25/09

"A Growing Chorus In S. Africa Urges Action on Mugabe" - Washington Post, 1/25/09
"Police fire rubber bullets to break protest at SADC meeting" - ZimOnline, 1/26/09

"Special Report: Crisis in Zimbabwe" - The Times, last update 27 Jan 2009

MDC denies Zimbabwe deal claims - BBC - Jan 27, 2009


ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva. Call us at: +1 888 922 8229 or +55 21 2509 0368 Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Delete the elite (speech)

The part of the reportage from black block demonstration against millionaire fare in Amsterdam

Pretty good words. I would use it as intro for the record if i would do one

Monday, January 26, 2009

Awakening7 for tomorrow+issue fromweek ago+general info

radio awakening every tue from 16.00-19.00 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)

Tomorrow issue thats like usual agenda,then continuation of speeches, interviews from presetation of white book of squatters(MAIN SUBJECT again)in den Haag. Beside of that raport about smashing the wapon factory in England other news and continuation of our solidarity with Greece and Palestine and more...

That was program from last week wchich we managed to put on the next day after while was still was actual. Hopefully this would become rutine...
We getting organized !

This issue was like usual: agenda,then speeches, interviews from presetation of white book of squatters(MAIN SUBJECT)in den Haag and from manifestation last saturday on the Dam for Palestina.Beside off that celebrating and info about stoping the conflict in meadle east and continuation of our solidarity with Greece and more...
to listen:
to embed or download

Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.Itś talkactive. It means we talk for almost three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last half ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing ourself,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every tuesday from 4pm till 7pm.In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and ewerywhere else on
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:

Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,

If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
The show is streamed through radio patapoe 88.33FM every Tuesday from 16:00-18:30. Please write first telling us what you would like to talk about and the time that you would like to to start. Give us at least one week in advance.

Kind regards,
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews throught phone or skype

hey from shell to sea campaign

Hey up, hope this finds you well...

Thanks to actions against the ship in Mayo and loads of solidarity protests around the world,
last September we halted the the world’s biggest pipelaying ship.
In a real David and Goliath battle, with only rubber dinghies and wetsuits, we blocked the Solitaire. Local fisherman also tried to keep the Solitaire out of their fishing waters & a local woman went on hunger strike until the Solitaire left Irish Waters.
Luckily the Solitaire left after 11 days.

However the Solitaire is due back soon, probably April-May 2009.

Hey up, hope this finds you well...

Thanks to actions against the ship in Mayo and loads of solidarity protests around the world, last September we halted the the world’s biggest pipelaying ship.
In a real David and Goliath battle, with only rubber dinghies and wetsuits, we blocked the Solitaire. Local fisherman also tried to keep the Solitaire out of their fishing waters & a local woman went on hunger strike until the Solitaire left Irish Waters.
Luckily the Solitaire left after 11 days.

However the Solitaire is due back soon, probably April-May 2009.


The Solitaire is owned by Allseas, who are doing stalls in a few places in Belgium & the Netherlands over the next few months. Any protests against these would be great: the Solitaire is not welcome in Ireland.

We know we can win this and it would be fantastic to see even more
people helping to block the Solitaire!

Everyone will receive safety training and there's accommodation + meals available.
If you are interested in getting involved, coming to visit this amazing place or doing solidarity actions wherever you are, please do get in touch.
Check out ,

Many thanks

Please post on lists & indymedia but use as contact email

17 February 2009 Wervingsdagen TU Eindhoven Eindhoven, the Netherlands

18 February 2009 Jobfair Vlaams Technische Kring Universiteit Gent
Gent, Belgium

26 February 2009 Jobfair Vlaams Technische Kring K.U. Leuven
Leuven, Belgium

20 March 2009 Bedrijvendag Maritiem Instituut Willem Barentsz
Terschelling, the Netherlands

8 April 2009 Maritime & Offshore Career Event Rotterdam, the Netherlands

23 April 2009 Company Day Dispuut Offshore Technologie TU Delft, the Netherlands

May 2009 Civielechnische Bedrijvendag Gezelschap Praktische Studie
TU Delft, the Netherlands

- E-Mail: Website:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We pledge to make a garden out of some Amsterdam wasteland


What's your pledge? On President Obama's first day in office I went for a walk and took some pictures of some Christmas trees.
Some people have started a guerrilla garden on a piece of Amsterdam wasteland. They have rescued some Christmas trees from the trash and planted them. Later on in the spring they plan to plant some herbs and food plants. It's a great idea, and becoming more popular all over the world. There is so much wasted land in cities that could be used to make our environment greener, more pleasant and more useful.

A guy called Richard has been doing this in London, and has a webpage called Guerrilla Gardening Homepage, and David Tracey in Canada has written a book on the subject. There are so many bits of waste ground where food could be grown. After all we are a species of hunters and gatherers. Is it perhaps not time to learn some of our old skills again? As times get tougher becoming more self-sufficient is a sensible option. It also makes a positive contribution to the balance of nature. Every tree we plant takes up a bit of CO2, and helps to tackle global warming. Think big, start small should be our new motto.

I pledge to support a greener city and support guerrilla gardeners everywhere. What's your pledge?

TT-Tea* + moviemeet Sunday 25/1/2009, 14:00–20:00


January 19, 2009 at 3:22 pm (activiteiten / workshops)

What: get acquainted with the idea of Transition Towns and with people who are trying to make this concept a working reality in Amsterdam.

Where:  Rustenburgerstraat 438/440. SWOMP is a squatted piece of land where we experiment with ways of sustainable living.

Who: anyone who wants to know more. Free! Dont be shy: bring grand ideas or homemade biscuits! Hands-on gardening if weather allows!

News & links:  

16.00 Movie and discussion at Molli,
van Ostadestraat 55 hs

We're going to show the documentary
'The future of food' about the genetical
modification of our food, and a short
movie about a US family who diceded to
start growing there own food in a
reaction to this.


*)Transition Town tea in the Pijp
introducing Movie Mingle Meet
A transition town starts off when a small
group of motivated individuals within a
community comes together with a shared
concern: how can our community respond to
the challenges and opportunities of peak
oil and climate change?

Cos We Can collective in this sunday

every last sunday of the month
- afternoon chill, noon-5pm

platform for
and diy-practivism and a forum for local initiatives

*Program 25 January*

*13:00 FILM*
Power of Community, "How Cuba survived peak oil", on urban agriculture.

*14:00 workshop*
Plant your own. Learn how to prepare for city gardening.
Bringing boxes for planting, seeds for exchange is welcome but not

... Cos We Can


Awakening7 White book presentation, Manifestation pro Palestina, solidarity for the rebels in Greece and more

Wow!!! We getting organized more and more.The yesterday issue is ready to listen while is still actual. Great lets hope this would became rutine.
This issue thats like usual agenda,then speeches, interviews from presetation of white book of squatters(MAIN SUBJECT)in den Haag and from manifestation last saturday on the Dam for Palestina.Beside off that celebrating and info about stoping the conflict in meadle east and continuation of our solidarity Greece and more...

If You would like to download or embed this program go to:

Boomklimmen tegen plannen Ringweg Utrecht

- aktievoerders van GroenFront! oefenen alvast in bomen Amelisweerd -

Zondag 25 januari 2009 zullen aktievoerders van GroenFront! met een ludieke aktie bezoekers van Amelisweerd en Rhijnauwen informeren over de zorgwekkende plannen van Rijkswaterstaat voor Ring Utrecht. Ze zullen vanaf 12.00u klimtouwen in een boom hangen, nabij het theehuis Rhijnauwen, en belangstellenden laten proeven aan de technieken die GroenFront! gebruikt bij aktiekampen en bosbezettingen. Onder begeleiding mogen zowel volwassenen als kinderen via een klimtouw in een boom klimmen. Ook zullen toeschouwers worden ingelicht over de bezwaren tegen de plannen vermeld in de startnotitie Ring Utrecht.

GroenFront! is, net als vele andere milieugroepen en belangenorganisaties, tegen de voorgenomen plannen van Rijkswaterstaat om de wegen rond Utrecht uit te breiden. De milieuaktivisten zijn van mening dat er al meer dan genoeg natuur is vernietigd voor asfalt, terwijl het slechts op korte termijn oplossingen heeft geboden voor het doorstromen van verkeer. GroenFront! is daarom tegen alle plannen die in de Startnotitie Ring Utrecht van Rijkswaterstaat worden vermeld, op het Alternatief Niet Verbreden na (geen verdere asfaltering, wel verbetering van fietsvoorzieningen en OV), dat bij Rijkswaterstaat helaas niet de voorkeur lijkt te hebben.

GroenFront! is voorstander van oplossingen op de lange termijn, met behoud van natuur. Zoals gewoon minder gaan auto rijden. Dat lost niet alleen de files op, maar het scheelt ook aan uitstoot van fijnstof en CO2, lawaai, ruimte én aan verspilling van steeds schaarser wordende brandstoffen en is veel beter voor de natuur en gezondheid in algemeen. De radicale milieubeweging ziet een totale gedragsverandering van mensen als bittere noodzaak om zaken zoals klimaatsverandering en het uitputten en leeg roven van de aarde nog te stoppen.

De aktievoerders realiseren zich dat de plannen rond Ring Utrecht nog in een heel vroeg stadium zitten. Echter, juist nu, nog voordat besluiten zijn gevallen, is het van belang dat zo veel mogelijk mensen, groepen en
organisaties van zich laten horen en de initiatiefnemers en politiek duidelijk maken dat de plannen zeer ongewenst zijn. Een groot aantal initiatieven zijn al ondernomen door onder andere de Natuur- en Milieufederatie, Vrienden van Amelisweerd en bewoners uit Bunnik en Leidsche Rijn. GroenFront! zal zich, op geheel eigen wijze, bij dit rijtje aansluiten.

Niet voor publicatie:

De klimworkshop start om 12.00u. Vanaf het theehuis zullen borden aangeven waar de workshop precies is (ongeveer 100 meter er vandaan). Afhankelijk van weersomstandigheden en de toeloop van publiek, zullen de aktievoerders er een paar uur tot uiterlijk zonsondergang blijven.


Kinderen voeren actie tegen komst snelweg

Vijf jonge actievoerders voeren protest tegen een aan te leggen snelweg, langs hun boomhut. Ze zamelen handtekeningen in en willen deze volgende week aanbieden aan Minister Eurlings.
Terug te zien op de website van Hart van Nederland.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Awakening7(relations from presentation of white book&demo for Palestina in last saturday)

Program for tomorrow + general info
radio awakening every tue from 16.00-19.00 in radio patapoe 88.3 fm (links below)

Tomorrow issue thats like usual agenda,then speeches, interviews from presentation of white book of squatters(MAIN SUBJECT)in den Haag and from manifestation last saturday on the Dam for Palestina.Beside off that celebrating stoping the conflict in meadle east and continuation of our solidarity Greece and more...

That was program from last week wchich we managed to put on the next day after while was still was actual. Hopefully this would become rutine...
We getting organized !
thats was invitation thats means also what was in it:
Tomorrow issue thats like usual agenda,then continuation of our solidarity with Palestina, Greece and more about good sides off squatting movement and "White book of squatters".Thats all with the political music of freedom in the bacground.

Awakening its a program in radio patapoe.Itś talkactive. It means we talk for almost three ha.Mainly about politics,squatting,activism,ecology,tolerance,human and animal rights,punk,spirituality,freedom,love,cultural live in Amsterdam.First we start witch agenda for squatting scene in Amsterdam( not only),then we have some main subject,sometimes guests.The last half ha we do as polish part in this language.The music what we are playing that mainly punk,but this is just as background(package) and in the breaks when we are preparing ourself,equipment,material,etc.Patapoe is a pirate, underground,squatters radio. We playing our program every tuesday from 4pm till 7pm.In Amsterdam You can listen us in the ether 88.3 FM and ewerywhere else on
If You would like to listen some from our old programs and read description for them go to:
if You would like listen,download or embed some of our old issues go to:

Invitation to our program Awakening in radio patapoe 88.3fm
To all positive organizations &
To whom it may concern,

If you would like to come to on our show called awakening to talk about, ecology, squatting, local politics, food, animal rights you are more than welcome.
The show is streamed through radio patapoe 88.33FM every Tuesday from 16:00-18:30. Please write first telling us what you would like to talk about and the time that you would like to to start. Give us at least one week in advance.

Kind regards,
Ps: There are also possibilities to make interviews throught phone or skype

Stop the war in Palestina.Demonstration in Amsterdam 17.01.09(better quality)

Now You can watch it in higher quality

more moviesa from Spirit Of Squatters You can see on the right or (all of them) when You will choose tag "Spirit Of Squatters"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Stop the war in Palestina-video from manifestation in Amsterdam 17.01.09

This is relation from demonstration yesterday on the Dam.Thats invitation from indymedia:
Zaterdag 17 januari: 13.00 uur, Amsterdam, de Dam: Protestmanifestatie Stop de aanvallen op Gaza - Kom schoenen gooien naar Olmert, Bush, Balkenende en Mubarak! Als je dus nog oude schoenen hebt, neem die dan mee en laat je schoen spreken! Ook zullen er verschillende toespraken zijn van vertegenwoordigers van verschillende organisaties die zich in de afgelopen weken hebben ingezet voor een veroordeling van de Nederlandse regering van het Israëlische geweld.

Wow! We gating organized. Besides off many other activities what we are involved we mannaged just day after to publish video from the yasterday manifestation on the Dam. The quality is not best, but we are lerning by doing.Soon will the same video appear in better quality.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Acties tegen de oorlog in Gaza

Dagelijks van 12.00 tot 20.00 uur staat de Gaza-tent op Het Plein in Den Haag. Kom langs, deel je informatie, zoek steun bij elkaar en kom samen in actie tegen de oorlog in Gaza. Het idee van de Gaza-tent komt uit Nablus en inmiddels staan er al Gaza-tenten in Parijs, Athene en verschillende plekken in de Verenigde Staten. Vanaf vrijdag 16 januari staat er van 19.00 tot 20.00 uur ook een tent op het Museumplein in Amsterdam.

Dagelijks van 16.00 tot 17.00 uur is er een stille wake voor de Israelische ambassade in Den Haag op het Buitenhof.

Vrijdag 16 januari: 19.00-21.00 uur, Rotterdam, Binnenweg: Iedere derde vrijdagavond van de maand (koopavond) is er een manifestatie van het Anti-Imperialisme Platform op het Binnenwegplein, vlakbij boekhandel Donner. Daar bediscussiëren we met voorbijgangers, waarom de Nederlandse troepen weg moeten uit Afghanistan. Vandaag staan de aanvallen op Gaza ook centraal en staan wij daar met het spandoek : Stop de aanvallen op het Palestijnse volk!

Zaterdag 17 januari: 13.00 uur, Amsterdam, de Dam: Protestmanifestatie Stop de aanvallen op Gaza - Kom schoenen gooien naar Olmert, Bush, Balkenende en Mubarak! Als je dus nog oude schoenen hebt, neem die dan mee en laat je schoen spreken! Ook zullen er verschillende toespraken zijn van vertegenwoordigers van verschillende organisaties die zich in de afgelopen weken hebben ingezet voor een veroordeling van de Nederlandse regering van het Israëlische geweld.
13.00-15.00 uur, Alkmaar, voor het stadhuis: wake van het Alkmaars Vredesplatform
13.00 uur, Enschede, oorlogsmonument in het Volkspark: stille tocht georganiseerd door lokale Antifa en Turkse moslims
13:00 uur, Groningen, Grote Markt: demonstratie
13.15-14.30 uur, Haarlem, ingang Philharmonie: Het CDA houdt een landelijke nieuwjaarsreceptie in de Philharmonie. De dames en heren gaan gezellig aan de bitterballen terwijl in Gaza, met hun zegen, de bommen vallen. Wij willen de CDA-aanhang confronteren met onze mening over de steun die de CDA-politici Balkeneinde en Verhagen aan deze vuile oorlog geven. Door Israël te blijven steunen, maken zij zich medeplichtig aan oorlogsmisdaden! (Breed Platform Palestina)
14.00 uur, Nijmegen, start bij station: demonstratie georganiseerd door de koepelorganisatie van Marokkaanse organisaties in Nijmegen een demonstratie tegen het geweld in Gaza.
15.00, Venlo, Stadhuisplein: demonstratie
Veendam, Osman Gazi moskee naar centrum: Demonstratie tegen de aanval op Gaza en het buitensporige geweld van het Israelische leger tegen de bevolking van Gaza.
14.00-16.00 uur, Den Haag, Gazatent: Sinds november oefent een groepje jongeren elke zaterdag in Utrecht de traditionele Palestijnse dans dabka. Aankomende zaterdag verplaatsen wij voor een keer de les naar Den Haag. We verzamelen bij de Gazatent en gaan dan naar een nabijgelegen locatie waar we je de basispassen van dabka zullen bijbrengen en laten zien wat wij tot nu toe geleerd hebben!

Zondag 18 januari:
12.00-17.00 uur, Den Haag, Buurthuis Boerenplein, Mandelaplein 1: Benefiet voor Gaza met lezingen, fotopresentatie over de situatie, verkoop van zelfgemaakte hapjes en verkoop van artikelen. De opbrengst gaat naar Gaza!
14.00-16.00 uur, Den Haag, Malieveld: demonstratie georganiseerd door Milli Görus, World Islamic Mission, Nederlands Islamitische Federatie, Unie van Marokkaanse Moskeeën en een beraad van Marokkaanse moskeeën in den Haag. Hoofdleus: "Stop het geweld in Gaza". Doel: protest tegen het geweld van de staat Israel jegens de Palestijnse burgers in GAza. Belangrijkste spreker imam Bakkali.
Vlaardingen: Ook kinderen willen niet toekijken en niets doen. Op hun eigen manier willen zij de kinderen van Gaza helpen. Daarom organiseren Palestijnse en niet-Palestijnse kinderen een rommelmarkt waarvan de opbrengst bestemd zal zijn voor de kinderen van Gaza.
16:00-21:00 uur, Utrecht, SJU Jazzpodium: Music for Gaza

Maandag 19 januari:
16:00-19:00 uur, Den Haag, Amerikaanse ambassade: Na acht jaar een president die sterk oorlogsgericht was, willen wij hem graag uitzwaaien met de inmiddels wereldberoemde schoenenactie. De actie is tevens een solidariteitsactie met de Irakese journalist al-Zeidi, die als eerste een schoen naar Bush gooide, en een verzoek om zijn vrijlating.

Dinsdag 27 januari:
20:00-23:00 uur, Tilburg, 013: Music for Gaza

Blogs uit Gaza: Sharon, Fida, Eva
Actiegroepen in Gaza: Free Gaza boten, ISM
On-line actie: Verhef je stem
Nieuws: Indymedia Israel, Ramattan, IMEMC
Achtergronden: Electronic Intifada, Mythes ontkrachten, Oorlog gevoerd met Nederlands wapentuig, Fosforbommen gebruikt I, II
Veroordelingen van Israelisch geweld: IWW Lees verder...

A call from Greece:january 24th global day of resistance

As a group of people who came from many countries and who took part in the
struggles in Greece over the past weeks, it is now clear to us that there
is no such thing as a "Greek problem", that the situation that sparked the
intense riots here is the same that the people are facing everywhere

for a global day of solidarity actions on January 24th 2009

As a group of people who came from many countries and who took part in the
struggles in Greece over the past weeks, it is now clear to us that there
is no such thing as a "Greek problem", that the situation that sparked the
intense riots here is the same that the people are facing everywhere
abroad. The murder of Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6th was not the
source of this conflict, it only opened and made more clear a conflict
that was already ongoing not only here but everywhere around the planet.

In these unstable times, fearing the threat of a deeper, more global
movement of insurrection, the authorities have shown their weaknesses in
their protection of the dominant capitalist order. Through the enforcement
of anti-terrorist measures, tightening of social control, crackdown of
different areas of resistance, mass arrests, targeted assassinations, the
illusion of democracy is falling and the veil of social peace is starting
to burn.

The more the State is taking a defensive stance, the more it is time for
us to stop fearing its retaliation and to go on the offensive. It is not
the time to withdraw into fear, which would lead us further into a
dangerous social peace, but the right time for multiplying the offensives
and intensifying the struggle against capitalism and its State,
coordinated with the revolt that is happening here.

The core of these events being that we are in a state of war, the only way
to get through it is to assume it and to take the offensive even further.
That is why we are calling for a global day of actions on January 24th for
you to carry out and perpetuate the revolt, to increase the instability.
It is NOT a call for you to support the Greek people, but for you to take
action where you are.

The 24th of January will be a day of demonstrations and actions all around
greece in support of the prisoners fell in the hands of the system during
this struggle. Wherever you are, let's attack this system that is
oppressing us all !

Lets use our windows to show our solidarity again !!!

Squat Positivenest is showing our solidarity in the windows. We trying to keep the old good tradition of Amsterdam still alive. I think our solidarity banner with all immigrants when 11 people burned on Shiphol was one of the best action off squatting movement. Why not to do it now too ?
Who if not We ?
When if not now ?

Freedom for Tibet !
Free Palestina !
Freedom for other nations !
Stop their ocupation's !

Awakening7 about Palestina,Greece and White book of squatters

If You like to download or embed this program go to:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Acties tegen de oorlog in Gaza

Dagelijks van 12.00 tot 20.00 uur staat de Gaza-tent op Het Plein in Den Haag. Kom langs, deel je informatie, zoek steun bij elkaar en kom samen in actie tegen de oorlog in Gaza. Het idee van de Gaza-tent komt uit Nablus en inmiddels staan er al Gaza-tenten in Parijs, Athene en verschillende plekken in de Verenigde Staten. Vanaf vrijdag 16 januari staat er van 19.00 tot 20.00 uur ook een tent op het Museumplein in Amsterdam.

Dagelijks van 16.00 tot 17.00 uur is er een stille wake voor de Israelische ambassade in Den Haag op het Buitenhof.

Woensdag 14 januari:
14.00-16.00 uur, Den Haag, International Criminal Court: Aanklacht tegen Israel bij International Criminal Court. In samenwerking met een aantal topadvocaten uit de hele wereld dient PPMS een aanklacht in bij het International Criminal Court in Den Haag. Kom voorafgaand aan deze manifestatie naar de Tent op Het Plein. We kunnen hiervandaan gezamenlijk vertrekken (uiterlijk 13.30 uur). Na afloop kan ook bij de Tent nagepraat worden.
18.00-20.00 uur, Den Haag, Tweede Kamer: Plenair debat in de Tweede Kamer. Veel publiek gewenst. Het debat is ook te volgen via de video-stream van de Tweede Kamer.

Donderdag 15 januari:
17.00-19.00 uur, Den Haag, vanaf Gazatent op Het Plein: Boycot acties vanuit GAZA tent (na afloop van de wake bij de Israelische ambassade). Vanuit de Gazatent wordt actie ondernomen richting winkels en supermarkten die Israelische producten verkopen. Deze actie wordt mede georganiseerd door studenten van ISS (Institute of Social Studies). Wij willen dat Israël daadwerkelijk onder druk wordt gezet om de VN-resoluties uit te voeren, de mensenrechten te respecteren en gelijke rechten te geven aan al haar inwoners. Aangezien onze politici alleen gratuite verklaringen afleggen, willen we als bezorgde burgers zelf het heft in handen nemen. We kopen geen Israëlische producten meer en doen dat zolang het onrecht voortduurt. Zie http//
20.15 uur, Wageningen, bibliotheek: Maarten van Rossem en de debatgroep Pantarijn gaan met elkaar in discussie over de Midden-Oosten politiek in het tijdperk Barack Obama en de betekenis hiervan voor Europa. De avond wordt geleid door Frénk van der Linden. Toegangskaarten à 5,00 euro zijn verkrijgbaar bij boekhandel Kniphorst en de bibliotheek.

Vrijdag 16 januari: 19.00-21.00 uur, Rotterdam, Binnenweg: Iedere derde vrijdagavond van de maand (koopavond) is er een manifestatie van het Anti-Imperialisme Platform op het Binnenwegplein in Rotterdam, vlakbij boekhandel Donner. Daar bediscussiëren we met voorbijgangers, waarom de Nederlandse troepen weg moeten uit Afghanistan. Vandaag staan de aanvallen op Gaza ook centraal en staan wij daar met het spandoek : Stop de aanvallen op het Palestijnse volk!

Zaterdag 17 januari: 13.15-14.30 uur, Haarlem, ingang Philharmonie: Het CDA houdt een landelijke nieuwjaarsreceptie in de Philharmonie. De dames en heren gaan gezellig aan de bitterballen terwijl in Gaza, met hun zegen, de bommen vallen. Wij willen de CDA-aanhang confronteren met onze mening over de steun die de CDA-politici Balkeneinde en Verhagen aan deze vuile oorlog geven. Door Israël te blijven steunen, maken zij zich medeplichtig aan oorlogsmisdaden! (Breed Platform Palestina)
14.00-16.00 uur, Den Haag, Gazatent: Sinds november oefent een groepje jongeren elke zaterdag in Utrecht de traditionele Palestijnse dans dabka. Aankomende zaterdag verplaatsen wij voor een keer de les naar Den Haag. We verzamelen bij de Gazatent en gaan dan naar een nabijgelegen locatie waar we je de basispassen van dabka zullen bijbrengen en laten zien wat wij tot nu toe geleerd hebben!
15.00 uur, Venlo: Demonstratie.
Veendam, Osman Gazi moskee naar centrum: Demonstratie tegen de aanval op Gaza en het buitensporige geweld van het Israelische leger tegen de bevolking van Gaza.

Zondag 18 januari:
Vlaardingen: Ook kinderen willen niet toekijken en niets doen. Op hun eigen manier willen zij de kinderen van Gaza helpen. Daarom organiseren Palestijnse en niet-Palestijnse kinderen een rommelmarkt waarvan de opbrengst bestemd zal zijn voor de kinderen van Gaza.
16:00-21:00 uur, Utrecht, SJU Jazzpodium: Music for Gaza

Maandag 19 januari:
16:00-19:00 uur, Den Haag, Amerikaanse ambassade: Na acht jaar een president die sterk oorlogsgericht was, willen wij hem graag uitzwaaien met de inmiddels wereldberoemde schoenenactie. De actie is tevens een solidariteitsactie met de Irakese journalist al-Zeidi, die als eerste een schoen naar Bush gooide, en een verzoek om zijn vrijlating.

Dinsdag 27 januari:
20:00-23:00 uur, Tilburg, 013: Music for Gaza

Blogs uit Gaza: Sharon, Fida, Eva
Actiegroepen in Gaza: Free Gaza boten, ISM
On-line actie: Verhef je stem
Nieuws: Indymedia Israel, Ramattan, IMEMC
Achtergronden: Electronic Intifada, Mythes ontkrachten, Oorlog gevoerd met Nederlands wapentuig, Fosforbommen gebruikt I, II
Lees verder...

Introducing: Target Café Amsterdam

Join us at "Target Cafe" every last Wednesday of the month, starting on Wednesday 28 January in
De Peper, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam. Doors open at 19.30, cafe starts at 20.00.

Come to Target Cafe to get information about the upcoming actions against NATO's 60th anniversary celebrations. This 'celebration' will take palce at the beginning of April [geen specifieke data?] in and around Strasbourg. Broad coalitions of anti-military activists are already plotting to use this 'celebration' to launch the beginning of the end for 60 years of ongoing war and imperialism.

Each cafe will take on a different topic and will bring together information, analysis, history, fun, inspiration and time and space for local initiatives and networks. The format will be:
- Update on the anti-NATO mobilization so far
- Announcements about local actions/initiatives
- History of resistacne to NATO/anti-military movement
- An exciting and suspenseful pub-quiz!

28 January: general introduction to the history and role of NATO in global politics, with emphasis on foreign interventions and the role of NATO in the Netherlands.

25 Febuary: The "European border security[control?]" Frontex en migration control.

25 March: The international security infrastructure and NATO's role in constructing and maintianing it.

Target Cafe will also discuss other major upcoming mobilizations, including actions against the G20 summits and the restructuring of the global economy. The monthly Target Cafe will continue after the april anti-NATO mobilization to focus on these and othe mobilizations if there is enough energy and interest.

Tell everyone and come in droves.[?]
[Zegt het voort en komt massaal.]

more info:


A systemic crisis in Greece

A systemic crisis in Greece
The Inclusive Democracy Network


The cold blooded murder of a 15 year old student ―part of a long sequence of murders and police brutalities that characterized the entire post-civil war period in Greece, including the post-junta period― acted as a catalyst for a social explosion and, at the same time, made abundantly clear the continuous worsening of the multidimensional crisis to which we have referred many times in the past[1].

Why a systemic crisis?

The crisis in Greece, as in every other country which has been integrated into the internationalised market economy, is, at the outset, an economic one, as a result of the opening up and deregulation of its markets that this integration implies. In the Greek case, this followed its entry into the EU.[2] The effects of the country’s integration into the internationalised market economy have been, as everywhere, a huge and continuously growing gap between, on the one hand, the elites and the privileged social strata which benefit from capitalist neoliberal globalisation and, on the other, the rest of the population which suffers the effects of unemployment, job insecurity, and poverty to which more than 20% of the population is presently condemned. Given that most young Greeks in the past used to be employed in the significant nationalised sector, the privatisation of large segments of it, combined with the effective destruction of the agricultural and manufacturing sectors, as a result of the opening of markets, has led to massive unemployment among the young people, with Greece having one of the highest youth unemployment rates in the Eurozone. At the same time, the adopted model of “export-led” growth has led to a huge current account deficit in the Balance of Payments of about $53bn ―or 15% of GDP― which is easily the highest in the Eurozone. No wonder the present financial crisis is expected to hit Greece particularly hard, not only because of the effects of world recession on tourism, but also because its public debt is presently almost equal to its national output ―one of the legacies of the 2004 Athens Olympics, which, at a cost of a record £9.4 bn to stage,[3] was an economic disaster. Not surprisingly, the present government is currently borrowing at excessive rates in the world markets, while the bill, i.e. the huge expenses to “service” this debt, will be paid later by the lower social strata (which traditionally carry the lion's share of the tax burden in Greece), in the form of more taxes and less social spending.

However, the crisis does not only refer to the economic institutions, i.e. the capitalist market economy in its current phase of neoliberal globalization, but also, to what passes as “democracy” and “politics” today, i.e. representative “democracy” and “politics”, as carried out by the professional politicians of all parliamentary parties. This crisis is expressed by the popular disdain for the two main parties (and the corresponding family dynasties which have run Greece for the last half a century or so, i.e. the Karamanlis clan of the New Democracy party and the Papandreou clan of the PASOK party) which are distinguished for their corruption and fostering relations of citizens’ dependence on them. In fact, it is exactly this dependence, vastly enhanced by the corrupt bureaucratic state mechanism created by the same professional politicians, which ensures their re-election, given that the lower social strata cannot secure a job, or even a proper medical care for that matter, unless they have the necessary “connections” with the highly corrupt political class. No wonder, that probably the main characteristic of the recent social eruption in Greece is the confirmation of the fact that a large part of the population, particularly young people who have not yet been integrated into the political and economic system ―and the chances of doing do in the future are slim!― are uncontrollable by the political elites. And this refers not just to the professional politicians of the two governing parties, but also to those of the traditional Left which presently are engaged in a dog fight to restore some control on the electorate, with the Alliance of the Left party (SYRIZA) a reformist Left party integrated into the European Union and the party of the “European Left”, attempting to attract votes from the revolting youth by praising their militancy, while the Communist Party (KKE) attempts to attract votes from the older generation of its supporters (who are now mostly law-abiding citizens voting for PASOK) by attacking SYRIZA for supporting lawless elements within the youth movement!

Furthermore, the crisis is also a deeply social one, as the past eruptions of the student movement have shown with respect to the attempts by neoliberals and social-liberals to implement the EU instructions to privatize education[4]. Finally, it is an ecological crisis, as it was tragically shown in the summer of 2007, when the effect of the combination of climatic change and the criminal elite’s corruption was scores of poor peasants burned to death.[5]

Last, but not least, the crisis is not only institutional, referring to the main economic and political institutions of Greece, but also ―and mainly― a crisis of values, i.e. a crisis which questions the very values which support these institutions, or better, what we may call the dominant social paradigm, namely, the system of beliefs, ideas and the corresponding values which are dominant in a particular society at a particular moment of its history[6]. Thus, the youth movement which developed during the present crisis, implicitly or explicitly, questioned the individualistic values of competition and greed, as well as those of selfishness and consumerism ―in short, the values of heteronomy, which are either founded on the political, economic and, in general, social institutions, or on spiritual heteronomy resulting from religious irrationalism.
This is, therefore, a systemic crisis.

The spectre of insurrections today

Of course, this crisis is not just a Greek phenomenon. Instead, at this very moment, a spectre is haunting the world which has adopted the capitalist market economy system: the spectre of massive insurrections which the transnational and local elites fear are about to explode as a result of the accumulation of anger among the non-privileged social strata. This is the rage caused by the realisation of the magnitude of their deception all these years that hard work (and in some cases exhausting work, as for example, in “miracle” countries like China, India, etc.) and the accumulation of degrees would lead to a constant improvement of their standard of life, that is, their level of consumption. A deception, which becomes now clear when they discover that this agonizing effort, though leading to an expansion of the middle classes especially in the North, has led the vast majority of the world’s population to live in insecurity, if not in abject poverty. At the same time, they witness the constant deterioration of their quality of life and, sometimes their life itself being threatened for the sake of economic growth and “development”, which distributes the largest portion of social wealth to the elites, the privileged social classes and their descendants, while the leftovers are distributed to the rest to buy off their tolerance[7].

It is, therefore, clear that, as long as this multidimensional crisis deepens, the social eruptions in the North and South will multiply. So, it is not at all surprising that the elites in all these countries are reinforcing their terrorist weaponry which they call “anti-terror” legislation, and which, in effect, aims at controlling their own populations.[8] And, of course, nothing will change if the present system adopts a “human” face by introducing some reforms of itself, (as requested by the reformist Left), which will leave the fundamental political, economic and social structures reproducing the system intact.

A new May ‘68?

Today’s social explosions, either those in the suburbs of Paris a few years ago[9], or the present one in Greece, do not have the familiar characteristics of the past “politicised” insurrections, which culminated in May ‘68. This is what clearly differentiates the former from the latter and, particularly what the elites and the ideologiues of the system within the academia and the mass media call “blind violence”, namely, the popular counter-violence against property. This violence never turns against life ―in contrast to systemic violence that has no problem in readily sacrificing it, despite their hypocritical protestations of human life as the “ultimate good”. Instead, it turns only against either the symbols of economic and political power (banks, transnational corporations, Government and police departments, etc.) or against the symbols of consumerism. However, these aims are not determined collectively through a conscious democratic (or not) process ―as was the case in May ‘68 when the aims of protest were determined through the student assemblies or the various political organizations― but, on principle, individually and on the basis of a usually subconscious repulsion for the institutions and values of the system. Of course, as in any uprising, not all participants are driven by similar motives. For instance, survival considerations usually motivate impoverished immigrants or drug addicts, both of whom are the main victims of social oppression ―not to mention the cases of secret services’ agents and provocateurs who simply aim at discrediting the popular counter-violence.

However, the “blind” character of present popular counter-violence gives it a positive as well as a negative character. A positive character, which expresses the popular spontaneity that is based on ―at least― a subconscious perception of the systemic causes of the crisis and which turns the rage of the participants against the symbols of the system. And, a negative character, because this very spontaneity, when not driven by a universal political project (that is, an elementary analysis of the causes of the crisis, a rudimentary vision of the form the alternative society should take, and a strategy leading to it) inevitably leads to a dead end and to the brutal suppression of all these spontaneous uprisings, through the use of even more raw violence, while the “silent majority” remains sitting on their sofas, under the full control of professional politicians. The need, therefore, for the development of a mass movement on the basis of a new antisystemic project, which could lead to an alternative, worthy of its name, democracy, that is an inclusive democracy, is more imperative than ever.

Zaterdag 17.01.09: acties tegen aanval op Gaza

De Israëlische aanval op Gaza duurt nu al bijna drie weken. Er zijn al meer dan 1000 Palestijnen omgekomen, waaronder 335 kinderen en 100 vrouwen. Meer dan 5000 mensen zijn gewond, en liggen in ziekenhuizen waar nauwelijks electriciteit of medicijnen zijn. Hoewel zelfs de vluchtelingenorganisatie van de VN spreekt over oorlogsmisdaden en het Rode Kruis ongekend hard over Israël oordeelt, weigert de Nederlandse regering het Israëlische geweld uberhaupt 'buitensporig' te noemen. Balkenende spreekt zelfs van een 'legitieme reactie'.

De afgelopen weken hebben we over de hele wereld massale protesten gezien. We moeten de druk op Israël en haar bondgenoten blijven opvoeren. Aanstaande zaterdag zijn er in diverse steden acties en demonstraties. Doe mee en neem zoveel mogelijk mensen mee. Stop de aanval op Gaza! Vrijheid voor Palestina!

Zaterdag 17 Januari:

Amsterdam - protestactie
Aanvang: 13:00
Locatie: De Dam
Meer informatie: 06-41502091 (Karwan)

Enschede - stille tocht
Aanvang: 13:00
Verzamelen: oorlogsmonument in het Volkspark
Meer informatie: 06-18688702 (Dave)

Groningen - demonstratie
Aanvang: 13:00
Verzamelen: Grote Markt
Meer informatie: 06-19764062 (Joe)

Haarlem - protest bij nieuwjaarsreceptie CDA
Aanvang: 13:15
Verzamelen: Ingang van de Philharmonie, Lange Begijnstraat 11

Venlo - vredesdemonstratie
Aanvang: 15:00
Locatie: Stadhuisplein
Meer informatie: 06-25507318 (Erik)


Amsterdam - protestactie
Elke dag van 19:00 - 20:00
Locatie: voor het Amerikaanse Consulaat

Den Haag - Palestina Tent
Elke dag van 12:00 - 20:00
Locatie: Plein in Den Haag
Meer informatie: 06-23693786

Sign petition for Gaza !!!

 Dear friends,

As the awful Gaza death toll approaches 1000, our Ceasefire Now petition is being delivered worldwide through ads, phone calls, and meetings with world leaders. We urgently need to reach 1 million signatures this week, act now:

Gaza is dying -- the battle is moving into its cities, jam-packed with 1.5 million civilians lacking food, medicine or water. President Bush undermined Thursday's United Nations ceasefire resolution, and almost 1000 people are now dead. The borders remain closed -- journalists can't get in, and desperate civilians can't get out.

But the global movement to end this war is building -- our petition is at 430,000 signatures and rising, it has been delivered to top leaders at the EU, UN and Arab League, our US members are flooding their representatives with phone calls, and Avaaz members worldwide have donated over $120,000 to an ad campaign in key newspapers.

The pressure is working -- so we're ratcheting it up with hard-hitting US ads pressing Barack Obama personally for an immediate change of tack, face-to-face petition deliveries to European leaders this week to get them to act, and working with Palestinians and Israelis to plan bold actions on the ground. But every one of these actions becomes stronger as more of us join the campaign. We need to reach 1 million signatures this week -- sign the petition now and let's forward this email to all our friends and family:

Voices for a ceasefire are finally being heard in the Israeli cabinet and media, Hamas is signalling it could accept a deal including Turkish forces and EU monitors, but the sides are too far apart to end this themselves.[3] That's why action by world powers is critical to break the deadlock -- and global citizens' voices can make all the difference if we raise an unstoppable voice calling on incoming President Obama, the EU and Arab and Muslim states to guarantee a fair and lasting ceasefire.

This week we are lobbying European and Muslim states for a more effective international initiative to end the violence, protect civilians on all sides and make normal life possible again in Gaza, while reaching out to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon who is in the Middle East working for a deal (we met him last year to deliver our food crisis campaign). Meanwhile we're challenging contacts on both sides to think creatively and accept a fair, internationally-overseen agreement.

We've already run member-funded ads in the influential Washington Post and Roll Call, the US Congress newspaper -- on the day of his inauguration this coming Tuesday, we will press Barack Obama to abandon Bush's failed policies and act immediately to end this war, using his own words alongside hard facts to make the case in ads, US media debates and directly lobbying his team.

It's amazing what we can do when hundreds of thousands of us come together arond the world -- and if we raise our efforts to another level this week, we could help to finally end the Gaza horror. Follow the link below to take the first step by signing the petition, then spread the word so others can do the same:

With hope and determination,

Paul, Graziela, Alice, Ricken, Luis, Brett, Ben, Iain, Paula, Veronique, Milena and the whole Avaaz team

P.S. For a report on some of Avaaz's other campaigns so far, see:


1. "White House behind US volte-face on ceasefire call":

"Israeli PM Ehud Olmert claims to be able to order Bush around":

2. Washington Post: Israelis Push to Edge of Gaza City:

3. Haaretz, "Olmert ignoring calls from Barak, Livni for immediate Gaza truce":

Other Voice - Sderot and Gaza residents calling for a ceasefire:

On Hamas acceptance of a Turkish force, first reported in the Arabic Al-Hayat newspaper, see:

"Gaza bloodshed continues despite UN calls for ceasefire", 9 January 2009:

"Reigniting Violence: How Do Ceasefires End?" (6 January 2009) is a statistical analysis by an MIT professor, based on Israel's own data for rocket fire (which it shows stopped for four months) and on which side struck first. It provides useful factual background for how the Israel-Hamas truce effectively collapsed in November well before it expired (facts poorly reflected in some news reporting):

International Crisis Group's Ending the War in Gaza report (5 January 2009):

This Rasmussen Reports poll from the US is of interest: Only 31% of Democrats support offensive, most prefer a diplomatic solution:

"Gaza: outlines of an endgame", Ghassan Khatib (6 January 2009)

Jerusalem Post: "Israel must get out of Gaza now", 8 January 2009:

Reuters: "Hamas seeks truce but says lifting siege a must" (5 January 2009)

The US Army War College has just released a substantial report supporting the view that Hamas can and must be brought into negotiations and is capable of sustaining a long-term truce, or even peace with Israel. Linked via:

The inside story of the civil strife between Fatah and Hamas and the Bush administration's involvement in this debacle is best-told in The Gaza Bombshell, an investigative article published in the leading US magazine Vanity Fair in April 2008:


ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva. Call us at: +1 888 922 8229 or +55 21 2509 0368 Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Awakening7 about Palestina

Thats what was in invitation:
Today in our program the main subject would be solidarity with Palestina o.a. interviews speeches from demonstration in saturday. We will cotinue raports whats going on in Greece, talk about Guerilla Gardening(for this was not enough time in the end), good sites of squatting movement etc, Thats all with the political music of freedom in the bacground.
If you would like embed or download this program go to:

STOP DE OORLOG TEGEN GAZA! Manifestatie op het Plein in Den Haag Dinsdag 13 januari

13.00 - 14.00 uur

Voor het eerst sinds het begin van de Israëlische aanval op Gaza komt de Tweede Kamer op dinsdag 13 januari plenair bijeen. Tijdens het wekelijkse vragenuurtje zal er ook over de crisis in Gaza gedebatteerd worden, met de mogelijkheid van het indienen van moties. Tot nu toe heeft de Nederlandse regering zich vierkant achter Israël gesteld en ze weigert de aanval op Gaza te veroordelen. Terwijl de VN inmiddels Israël van oorlogsmisdaden beschuldigt en tienduizenden mensen over de hele wereld de straat opgaan tegen deze bloedige oorlog, maakt de Nederlandse regering zich medeplichtig aan de dood van honderden Palestijnen.

Roep de Nederlandse regering op om zich tegen de aanval op Gaza uit te spreken! Kom dinsdag, tussen 13.00 en 14.00 uur, ook naar het protest voor de Tweede Kamer in Den Haag. Het is ook mogelijk om vanaf 14.00 uur het vragenuurtje in de Tweede Kamer bij te wonen (legitimatiebewijs niet vergeten!).

Op het Plein staat tevens de permanente tent van het platform 'Stop de Aanval op Gaza', waar actuele informatie over de oorlog en geplande acties te verkrijgen is.

Sluit je ook aan bij platform 'Stop de Aanval op Gaza' Meer informatie:

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Presentatie Witboek Kraken 15 januari 16:00 - 19:00

Donderdag 15 januari van 16:00 - 19:00 is de presentatie van het Witboek Kraken in De Illusie in Den Haag, met prominente sprekers en debat.
Het boek bevat - naast beschouwingen van deskundigen en opiniemakers - een groot scala aan voorbeelden van de vele kraakpanden die Nederland momenteel rijk is.


Krakend Nederland presenteert: 132 bladzijden met meer dan 80 kraakpanden in 20 steden

Amsterdam, 8 januari 2009

De kraakbeweging presenteert donderdag 15 januari het Witboek Kraken. Het Witboek heeft als doel het publiek en de politiek te informeren over de actuele kraakpraktijk en de huidige generatie krakers. Dit was hard nodig, onder andere in antwoord op het wetsvoorstel van Ten Hoopen, Van der Burg en Slob om kraken te verbieden. Het boek bevat - naast beschouwingen van deskundigen en opiniemakers - een groot scala aan voorbeelden van de vele kraakpanden die Nederland momenteel rijk is. Deze voorbeelden tonen aan dat kraken nog steeds een belangrijke maatschappelijke functie heeft. Kraken draagt bij aan het behoud van sociale huisvesting, het bestrijden van speculatie, het stimuleren van nieuwe culturele initiatieven en het beschermen van monumentale panden.

Het Witboek Kraken wordt gepresenteerd op 15 januari 2009 tussen 16.00 en 19.00 in 'De Illusie', Schouwburgstraat 2 in Den Haag, met prominente sprekers en debat. De presentatie is vrij toegankelijk voor iedereen en alle aanwezigen kunnen een gratis exemplaar bemachtigen!
Sprekers zijn o.a. Tjeerd Herrema (Wethouder voor Volkshuisvesting in Amsterdam), Terts Brinkhoff (Directeur van de Parade) en Hans Pruijt (socioloog; auteur van "Squatting in Europe"). Bas van 't Wout (maker Zwartboek Kraken - VVD Amsterdam) heeft onlangs bij de presentatie van zijn Zwartboek laten weten graag met de krakers in debat te gaan. Uiteraard zijn ook de indieners van het wetsvoorstel om kraken te verbieden van harte uitgenodigd een exemplaar van het witboek in ontvangst te nemen en hun reactie te geven in het debat.
Er zijn twee discussiepanels georganiseerd rondom de onderwerpen: 'de kraakbeweging' en 'het kraakverbod'. De discussies worden geleid door Chris Keulemans (journalist en voormalig directeur van De Balie) en zullen worden geprikkeld door stellingen, beeld en geluidmateriaal uit de kraakwereld. Er zal ruimschoots ruimte zijn voor vragen en discussie met de zaal. De presentatie zal besloten worden met een muzikaal optreden van de Bucket Boyz en een borrel. Het volledige programma staat op

Het Witboek Kraken is een initiatief van een aantal krakers, ex-krakers en sympathisanten. Zij willen hiermee tegenwicht bieden aan de negatieve berichtgeving over kraken in de media. "Het Witboek Kraken laat een ander geluid horen over kraken," aldus David van der Bree, redactielid van het Witboek. "Krakers zijn doorgaans juist betekenisvol voor hun directe omgeving. Het witboek schetst met 80 voorbeelden een beter beeld van de huidige kraakpraktijk."
De makers van het witboek vinden het de hoogste tijd om de stem te laten horen van de kraakgeneratie die nu actief is. Het laatste overzicht van de Nederlandse kraakbeweging, dat geschreven is door socioloog Eric Duivenvoorden, houdt op in 1999. Het Witboek geeft daarom vooral inzicht in de kraakacties die de afgelopen tien jaar hebben plaats gevonden. Het boek bevat beschrijvingen van recente kraakacties in verschillende Nederlandse gemeenten, waarvan er ongeveer 35 cases worden uitgebreid beschreven, in totaal komen 80 verhalen aan bod. Ook wordt context en weerwoord geboden bij incidenten rondom kraken die de afgelopen jaren negatief in de belangstelling hebben gestaan. Daarnaast zijn er wetenschappelijke artikelen en opiniestukken opgenomen die het fenomeen in een breder perspectief plaatsen en die de aanzet moeten zijn om het debat over kraken open te breken.

Het Witboek Kraken ligt vanaf half januari in de boekhandel bij u in de buurt! (15 euro, Uitgeverij de Papieren Tijger) Het boek is binnenkort ook te bestellen via de website

noot voor journalisten:
U bent allen van harte uitgenodigd op de presentatie van het Witboek Kraken. Aldaar zal gelegenheid zijn voor vragen aan de redactie en andere aanwezige krakers, evenals aan de uitgenodigde sprekers. |

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The Gaza slaughter: Europe's hand is bloodied to

International anarchist communist statement

featured image
Demonstration in Jaffa. 27/12/2008. Pictures by ActiveStills

Joint international anarchist communist statement on the situation in Israel/Palestine, signed by the Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (Italy), Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (South Africa), Common Cause (Ontario, Canada), members of Anarchists Against the Wall (Israel) and Alternative Libertaire (France).

"Hundreds of dead and thousands of injured, sacrificed on the altar of Zionist expansionism and fundamentalism. In Europe, the foreign ministers of every EU country talk about an "exaggerated", though "legitimate", reaction on the part of Israel, reversing the true situation with an operation that would make the most cynical illusionist feel proud by making the aggressor, the State of Israel, appear to be the victim. "

[Italiano][Français] [Ελληνικά][Castellano] [Nederlands]

The Gaza slaughter: Europe's hand is bloodied too

Hundreds of dead and thousands of injured, sacrificed on the altar of Zionist expansionism and fundamentalism. In Europe, the foreign ministers of every EU country talk about an "exaggerated", though "legitimate", reaction on the part of Israel, reversing the true situation with an operation that would make the most cynical illusionist feel proud by making the aggressor, the State of Israel, appear to be the victim.

They continue to pretend that they do not remember that Gaza - one of the most densely-populated regions with around one and a half million inhabitants, about half of whom are children - has been the object of a total embargo for years, an embargo which includes medicines and basic necessities and which is supported by the entire "civilized" western world, imposed by Israel and the West as a result of the Hamas election victory, thanks to the mixed electoral system of majority and proportional representation. Just as they pretend to forget that Hamas was once financed by Israel as a way of countering the PLO.

Despite a 6-month truce, the embargo was not even slightly relaxed and not one of the Western powers even timidly suggested relaxing it. The State of Israel has returned to its strategy of military control over Gaza and the West Bank. All Europe's useless, hypocritical proclamations of a desire for peace systematically forget to mention that for 60 years Israel has been blithely violating countless UN resolutions and continues to occupy the territory militarily, with Israeli colonies spreading throughout Palestinian land day by day, building walls that segregate entire villages and prevent millions of refugees from returning to their land, uprooting olive groves and killing livestock, day after day humiliating anyone who tries to cross the segregation walls in order to go to work, to hospital or to school.

And not only that: they hide the fact that the truce was broken by the Israeli State on 4th November 2008 when its army killed a 22-year-old Hamas militant.

But aside from the false, hypocritical proclamations of pacifism, what is the reason for this unconditional support for such an aggressive, warmongering State by practically every major Western power?

As far as the USA is concerned, there is no doubt. Apart from the important strategic and territorial alliance that Israel represents for American imperialism in the Middle East, it also has to deal with the powerful US pro-Israel lobby, which is strong enough to bring about a strong influence on US foreign policy. And what is happening today comes across as a clear warning to the president-elect, Obama.

Europe has partially regained its unity on foreign policy and is probably playing the card of active diplomacy in order to strengthen its role in the Mediterranean and to warn the USA that it cannot act alone in the Mare Nostrum[1] area. But one must not forget arms sales, an area where States are always ready to hide the truth under the blanket of "State secrets" and support the orders of those companies who produce arms and support systems. And these businesses are never biased. They are quite happy to sell arms to opposing parties, as long as they can pay for them. Italy, for example, is one of the biggest arms suppliers to Iran and Lebanon, but has also supplied the Israeli army for years with arms technology through companies like Oto-Melara, Beretta, Borletti and Selenia. And the other countries in Europe do likewise.

Palestine is cynically used as an experimentation ground for deadly new technologies which are increasingly specialising in "urban warfare" and in which every arms company is interested: from US and Israeli companies to English, French, German, Italian, and so on.

So, in this tortured land where men, women and children, crushed by the wargames of the powerful, seem to have no future, new arms are tested, from cluster bombs to impoverished uranium bullets, the effectiveness of UAVs (pilotless aircraft) - able to launch remote controlled missiles - is studied, Achzarit tanks able to withstand landmines are experimented, Namer armoured vehicles with Continental Motors (US) or MTU (German) engines are tested, as is the efficacy of avant-garde systems such as Italian added protection and remote-controlled turrets mounted on Puma armoured vehicles, and Alenia's futuristic robotic war systems such as Sky-X, the first system in the world able to refuel pilotless aircraft in flight.

All this on the shoulders of a people who have always been used in clashes between States and others, cynically used even in the political clashes between the internal factions of one State, as in the case of Israeli political machinations connected with the electoral struggle both within the governing coalition between the hawkish Kadima, responsible for some of the most extreme acts - like the evacuation of the Strip proposed by the MK Yisrael Hasson - on the one hand and the Labour doves, in favour of a more measured approach, on the other, and between Kadima and the Likud super-hawks, increasingly moving towards ultra hardline positions.

We certainly do not expect the Arab and/or Islamic States to do anything, divided as they are or intent on strengthening their prestige and their influence in the area, even if it comes at the cost of the Palestinian people. Like the case of Iran, that uses the Palestinian tragedy to publicise itself as the only bulwark against the hated American imperialism and set itself up as the emerging power in the region.

But beyond all the international political conjecturing, the situation of the Palestinian population today seems bleak, with few prospects for reaching a solution that can give them a chance for a life with even a minimum of dignity, both from the point of view of social security and from that of guaranteeing respect of the minimum rights of survival.

Today perhaps the only guarantee that the Palestinian people may, as quickly as possible, find even a little respite and peace is that the marauders of all shapes and sizes - physically or ideologically thronging at their borders, or engaging in political speculation inside - reach a new, precarious balance.

The only real prospect for emancipation that we can glimpse in the near future is a growth and spread of the sort of self-organisation that many Palestinian villages practise, encouraged by the solidarity between Palestinian popular committees and initiatives such as Anarchists Against the Wall, involving internationalists from all over the world and anti-Zionist Israelis, who fight the arrogance of the Israeli settler colonists and the army that supports them using prevalently peaceful resistance. And it is not by chance that in these villages another road has been chosen and not the militarism of Hamas.

As class-struggle anarchists and libertarians we will continue to denounce Zionist settler colonialismm as we denounce all forms of imperialism and fundamentalism that oppress the liberty and dignity of every people. We will go on denouncing the fact that huge swathes of the world's proletariat suffer under the oppression and misery that results from inter-imperialist clashes and the cynical political games of powerful local oligarchs who are in turn used, knowingly or unknowingly, as pawns in the international chessboard of imperialist disputes, marked with the blood of the proletariat.

We will continue to support the struggles and act of solidarity with the Palestinian people, supporting all those embryonic manifestations of self-determination that typify the struggles of whole villages in Palestine, convinced that only if they can free themselves of the malicious influences of all State or para-State oligarchies can the working men and women begin to hope for a more dignified life.

2 January 2009

Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (Italy)
Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front (South Africa)
Common Cause (Ontario, Canada)
Members of Anarchists Against the Wall (Israel)
Alternative Libertaire (France)

1. Literally "our sea", used by the imperial Romans with reference to the Mediterranean. The suggestion is that the modern European powers want to control the Med as the Romans did 2,000 years ago.

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