Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Call for solidarity witch Zapatistas

ZAPATISTAS: Call to international solidarity


Chiapas: Solidarity!
Chiapas: Solidarity!

ZAPATISTAS: Call to international solidarity

we go, we go, we go!


In order to activate a reaction - coordinated and massive of protest, it denounces, pressure and vindication on the reality of Mexico, we went to all the groups, organizations and shared in common people of the European scope, stops between the set to actually send and to develop to a Campaign of solidarity and mutual support with the zapatistas communities in Chiapas and against the repression that come suffering from 1994, increased lately of alarming way, with clear signals definitively to reactivate, to break out again and to impose in that state of the Mexican Southeastern badly the call "war of low intensity" (GBI), that single tries the extermination and genocide against his indigenous towns and settlers, beginning by those who proclaim zapatistas and continue resisting with dignity by their individual and collective rights, constructing to its autonomy, exerting the direct democracy and inventing at every moment the other way to make policy, the other way to govern, to govern themselves and to construct in here and now the new world that we took in our hearts. In such campaign, without leaving outside its general missions the right reclamation to the fulfillment in the Agreements of San Andrés, the freedom of tod*s l*s pres*s polític*s, the respect to the human rights and against the diverse open conflicts that undergo the people and towns of all Mexico, mainly the natives, generated and harnessed with total impunity from the own government (federal and state), by means of their police forces, military and paramilitary, with the accomplice and generalized silence of national and international mass media, in connivencia with the interests of the great capital, their neoliberalism and the multinationals that represent it, within a climate and to come from constant tension, scorn, repression, despoliation, genocide and fascismo. And in the most specific still, aim of this Campaign he would be "yet what in addition he is decided to accompany by those who to her adds obtaining to form an European Caravan of Solidarity that in the summer and during 15 days crosses the different zones and zapatistas communities in conflict from Chiapas (Mexico).


... opened to the imagination and forces of those who add as a whole In each place and country, to carry out a series of acts and activities coincident in the time and that are followed one another uninterruptedly, in principle to be developed and to include all the 2008, occurring to its public beginning the eve of next the 16 of February and/or that same day, date of the twelfth anniversary of the company/signature in the Agreements of San Andrés between the EZLN and the Mexican government, but failed to fulfill by the this last and following governments who have happened to him since then. Between such possible initiatives, its concretion and calendar could be as it follows: 15 and 16-February: in each place (city and country) to make informative press conferences and acts to present the Campaign, its reasons and objectives, announcing from that moment its beginning and summoning to add itself to the different activities that are developed to the effect. 22-February to the?-April: SUPPORT in the European TOUR of CAPISE, beginning in the Spanish state, with all the informative acts, interviews, meetings and other activities that can be made specific to the effect. 22 to 29-February: acts of information on the VI-CCIODH (international civil commission of observation of human rights in Mexico), its conclusions and recommendations... in the places where every one understands and can make it.

10 to 19-March: campaign informative in Airports and Travel agencies main, directed whoever to go to Mexico and explaining true reality of that country... taking advantage of dates and vacations Easter (or in each place, when better it is understood that such activity could come, for example, being able to do later also facing the summer and in the dates of Christmas).

10-April: concerts y/u other cultural activities in support to the general Campaign... choosing this date to be the anniversary of the murder of Zapata.

4-May: beginning of campaign of solidarity with l*s pres*s polític*s zapatistas and of all Mexico... of 6 to 9 months of duration, by means of exhibition of paintings, photos and posters... being able to divide of a concrete country and city of the European territory, to continue later by the rest (according to to the possibilities of interest and precise covers occurred), in each place being able to be adding to more works and materials, finishing by example in the Spanish state, it stops in his end to arrive at Mexico (between October and December), to cross the long waits that there are in the jails and where it is possible more to be arrived, soliciing that of it could be ordered and be assumed by the Other Campaign and the FPDT and the APPO and...? With such initiative, the idea entails another way of in addition trying to imply to artists and intellectuals, especially being able to take advantage of the tour CAPISE to be promoting it and successfully obtaining works, that soon could end up auctioning itself and that the money was for the necessities of legal resources or others of the prisoners and prey of there... On the other hand, the date indicated for its possible beginning is not accidental, because it would be to agree with the sad anniversary of the happened thing in the Atenco-Texcoco. Like possible, to decide: ... before May, that the people reunan themselves by states and at the end of May, via Internet or also meeting at European level in the place that more good is considered, to design and to make specific that caravan of 15 days by Chiapas, next to all the others that she remembers and she comes, simultaneously that this became a mediatic phenomenon to inform, to spread and to sensitize to the rest of the planet....

June: campaign of massive mobilizations, preferredly manifestations, but also like alternative or parallelly with concentrations, long waits, occupations, etc... trying to make agree the dates in all the places that are made.

End-June to half-full-July (15 days, being to fix the dates between tod*s): permanent caravan of international observers, trying whom outside very remarkable in number of components (we say like ideal minimum - by example of 150 to 200 people), that visits the Snails, MAREZ and zapatistas communities (with greater problems and conflicts) in Chiapas...

During the same one, filming soon to publish and to spread â??Documental-Chiapas-2008.

Complementary documentation and informative Supports informative Dossier: as a booklet (dyne-4, in black and white), with distance and massive distribution, focused mainly to Chiapas and the zapatistas communities, the construction and its processes of autonomy, the earth problems, etc.... And, sure reserving some pages also to dedicate them to explain the cases, reasons, precedents, processes and the present time of the rest of the diverse opened conflicts in Mexico (Acteal, Atenco, Oaxaca...)

Public declaration and Call against the War in Chiapas-Mexico: as a public denunciation, declaration of intentions, reivindicativas exigencies (peace, justice, etc) and call of solidarity.

Collection of companies of support to the Manifesto or Declaration: Filmed interview (video) to Ernesto Ledesma-CAPISE: in order to happen later in the acts that are made. Page Web: of new creation and with the participation in its preparation and development of all those groups and/or people who así­ want it and they are committed. IMPORTANT: from the beginning to try the creation of a list of contacts, by which they can tod*s inquire and inform into direct form.... This list can be the first passage for such page Web. COMIC on zapatismo 1994- 2008... .con the chronology that has elaborated the people of Jovel recently as it bases informative, to request to Patxi Irurzun (writer) and Juan Kalvellido (sketcher) that tried to design it and to do it.


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