Sunday, February 16, 2025

Unspeakable. Sign for peace in Congo

Hundreds of women were raped in their prison cells then burned alive in an escalating war in eastern Congo. Local faith leaders have had enough! They've launched a grassroots call for peace, and and they're asking for our help to get international backing. Sign now and local leaders from Goma will deliver the call for peace directly to top officials in key countries! Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the last weeks as a vicious rebel militia captured Goma – a city of a million people in eastern Congo. Militia members allowed a prison break, and escaped inmates raped hundreds of women in their cells then burned the prison down with them still inside. This may be the most horrific atrocity yet in Congo's brutal conflict – and local faith leaders are risking their lives to speak out against the violence and launch a grassroots call for peace. But they can't do it alone. They've asked for our help in pressuring key countries like the UK and France in Europe, along with regional players like Kenya and Angola, to back urgent talks. Local leaders from Goma will personally deliver our call to top officials starting this week -- so let's sign now!
Sign Now
Hundreds of women were raped in their prison cells then burned alive in an escalating war in eastern Congo. Local faith leaders have had enough! They've launched a grassroots call for peace, and and they're asking for our help to get international backing. Sign now and local leaders from Goma will deliver the call for peace directly to top officials in key countries!
Sign Now
Dear friends,
Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the last weeks as a vicious rebel militia captured Goma – a city of a million people in eastern Congo.

Militia members allowed a prison break, and escaped inmates raped hundreds of women in their cells then burned the prison down with them still inside.

This may be the most horrific atrocity yet in Congo's brutal conflict  and local faith leaders are risking their lives to speak out against the violence and launch a grassroots call for peace.

But they can't do it alone. They've asked for our help in pressuring key countries like the UK and France in Europe, along with regional players like Kenya and Angola, to back urgent talks. Local leaders from Goma will personally deliver our call to top officials starting this week -- so let's sign now!
For years, the M23 militia has waged a campaign of murder, rape, kidnapping, and looting. Even before the latest atrocity its soldiers had raped scores of women and girls. In 2022, they massacred 300 innocent villagers.

Experts say M23 is backed by Rwanda as part of a plan to annex parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Rwanda has denied it. But the governments of DRC, France, and the United States, as well as the UN, have publicly called on Rwandan leaders to stop supporting the rebels.

But neither the UN nor most Western governments have done anything more than ask politely.

Now the people of eastern Congo are taking it upon themselves to end the killing. Doing this is beyond dangerous – without international backing the negotiations could fail and the region could be plunged once again into senseless bloodshed.

Join the local leaders' call to governments in Europe and Africa to back their plan, support a ceasefire, and demand immediate access for humanitarian responders.
The Avaaz movement has helped victims of war from Gaza, Ukraine, and Syria, to Myanmar, Sudan, and Yemen.  All humans everywhere deserve to live in peace and we will not stop working for the day that they do.

With hope and determination,
Nate, John, Mo, and the rest of the Avaaz team

Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 22 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, X, or Instagram.

To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at .
27 Union Square West
Suite 500
New York, NY 10003

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Fwd: Tibet's last generation?

China is forcing 1 million Tibetan children to forget about their language and culture in indoctrination boarding schools where they face abuse, anxiety and depression. They're trying to cover it up but a UN investigation could force the truth out into broad daylight. Sign and share our call to the UN rights chief. Three out of four. That's how many children China is forcing into boarding schools in Tibet, where they face abuse and are indoctrinated until they no longer speak the same language as their parents. Many of these children often spend weeks or even months without seeing their parents, who say they're simply not allowed to visit. Cut off from home, Tibetan children are only taught Mandarin and the love of the Chinese Communist Party, until their culture and religion is erased. Now China is trying to cover it up while rooting out Tibetan culture for 1 million children. That's where we come in. Reporters just exposed the scandal thanks to brave Tibetan experts and teachers – and a UN investigation could force the truth of China's indoctrination schools into broad daylight. Tibetan activists want to bring this call to the UN rights chief in days, before he addresses the Human Rights Council – and a big petition will get his attention! Sign and share now.
Sign Now
China is forcing 1 million Tibetan children to forget about their language and culture in indoctrination boarding schools where they face abuse, anxiety and depression. They're trying to cover it up but a UN investigation could force the truth out into broad daylight. Sign and share our call to the UN rights chief.
Sign Now
Dear friends,
Three out of four.

That's how many children China is forcing into boarding schools in Tibet, where they face abuse and are indoctrinated until they no longer speak the same language as their parents.

Many of these children often spend weeks or even months without seeing their parents, who say they're simply not allowed to visit. Cut off from home, Tibetan children are only taught Mandarin and the love of the Chinese Communist Party, until their culture and religion is erased.

Now China is trying to cover it up while rooting out Tibetan culture for 1 million children. That's where we come in.

Reporters just exposed the scandal thanks to brave Tibetan experts and teachers – and a UN investigation could force the truth of China's indoctrination schools into broad daylight. Tibetan activists want to bring this call to the UN rights chief in days, before he addresses the Human Rights Council – and a big petition will get his attention! Sign and share now.
Chinese authorities claim these schools prepare children for the modern economy and that parents send them voluntarily. But parents have little to no choice when their children are taken away from them, and any protests could land them in jail.

From the U.S. to Australia and Canada, the world has seen the horrors and trauma that these indoctrination schools cause for Indigenous children. Tibetan children face routine beatings, anxiety, and depression, while being forced to celebrate China's 1959 military takeover as liberation.

But China doesn't want the world to know, and its powerful censorship takes down any evidence of abuse from the Internet - like when a teacher was filmed beating a child with a chair inside his classroom. That's why we need the UN rights chief to launch an investigation before China's erasure of Tibetan culture is complete. Add your name and share this petition now.
A centuries-old culture is under threat of being erased by one of the world's biggest powers. And our movement cannot stay silent. Over a million of us stood with the Uyghurs as they also faced China's persecution and cultural annihilation. And when Russia stole Ukrainian children to indoctrinate them, our campaign ramped up pressure so Putin would face criminal charges. Let's be the lifeline Tibetan children today so the world doesn't forget about them.

With hope and determination,

John, Antonia, Nate, Mo, and the whole Avaaz team

Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 22 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, X, or Instagram.

To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, contact us, or simply go here to unsubscribe.
To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us at .

Monday, January 20, 2025

Free Palestine! Sign Petition

Finally – after 15 months of devastation, a ceasefire has been declared for Gaza! But the suffering, the occupation, and the fight for freedom continue. This moment is our chance to push key countries to recognise Palestine as a State – bringing the possibility of justice, dignity, and lasting peace. Sign now to make it happen. Sign now to free Palestine! The ceasefire in Gaza gives us something we've longed for: hope. But it doesn't erase the devastation. It doesn't end the occupation. It doesn't bring the freedom millions of Palestinians desperately need. This moment, when the sky over Gaza finally turns quiet, is our chance to push for a lasting solution: the UK, France, and Japan could recognise Palestine as a State – a vital step toward peace and justice. But they're hesitating under huge pressure from Israel. Let's urge them to stand on the right side of history and speak up for real peace. More than ever, your voice can make the difference.
Sign now
Finally – after 15 months of devastation, a ceasefire has been declared for Gaza! But the suffering, the occupation, and the fight for freedom continue. This moment is our chance to push key countries to recognise Palestine as a State – bringing the possibility of justice, dignity, and lasting peace. Sign now to make it happen. Sign now to free Palestine!
Sign now
Dear friends,
The ceasefire in Gaza gives us something we've longed for: hope. But it doesn't erase the devastation. It doesn't end the occupation. It doesn't bring the freedom millions of Palestinians desperately need.

This moment, when the sky over Gaza finally turns quiet, is our chance to push for a lasting solution: the UK, France, and Japan could recognise Palestine as a State – a vital step toward peace and justice. But they're hesitating under huge pressure from Israel.

Let's urge them to stand on the right side of history and speak up for real peace. More than ever, your voice can make the difference.
Recognising Palestine means standing against decades of displacement, oppression, and violence. It's a step toward dismantling illegal settlements, ending the occupation, and giving Palestinians the dignity and security they deserve.

Sign now to join the world's largest campaign for Palestinian recognition. Let's push world leaders to take action for lasting peace.
Recognition alone won't erase the pain or fix the conflict overnight, but it changes the game. It brings the possibility of justice, a fair peace process, and hope for a future where Palestinians can live in freedom – something generations have never known.

We're 1.7 million strong. Together, we can make this a turning point in history.

With hope and determination,

Marie, Julian, John, Chris, Mo, Ruth, Liliana and the entire Avaaz team

Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 22 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, X, or Instagram.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Syria emergency

I just returned to my home in Syria -- for the first time in 14 years.People were dancing in the streets, celebrating the fall of a tyrant. But amidst the relief, is a realisation that our horror is not over yet.Syrians are facing a severe humanitarian crisis of hunger, sanitation, and displacement.13 million people are going hungry, and 7 million are living in camps or informal settlements. Many hospitals are just a pile of rubble -- and emergency teams are still uncovering new horrors in parts of Syria that were unreachable before.They are overwhelmed by the levels of suffering. Families need food, medical care, and shelter for an icy winter. And as thousands of displaced Syrians try to get home, local groups are racing to clear landmines and unexploded weapons. This is an urgent appeal to get life-saving aid and humanitarian support into Syria.International government aid is slow and often not enough -- but by pooling our donations from across the planet, Avaaz can get funding to trusted partners on the ground within days. And the more we raise, the more we can expand our campaigns and community-building projects across the region.Please help to rebuild lives in Syria -- donate what you can now:
Take Action Now!
Dear friends,
I just returned to my home in Syria -- for the first time in 14 years.

People were dancing in the streets, celebrating the fall of a tyrant. But amidst the relief, is a realisation that our horror is not over yet.

Syrians are facing a severe humanitarian crisis of hunger, sanitation, and displacement.

13 million people are going hungry, and 7 million are living in camps or informal settlements. Many hospitals are just a pile of rubble -- and emergency teams are still uncovering new horrors in parts of Syria that were unreachable before.

They are overwhelmed by the levels of suffering. Families need food, medical care, and shelter for an icy winter. And as thousands of displaced Syrians try to get home, local groups are racing to clear landmines and unexploded weapons.

This is an urgent appeal to get life-saving aid and humanitarian support into Syria.

International government aid is slow and often not enough -- but by pooling our donations from across the planet, Avaaz can get funding to trusted partners on the ground within days. And the more we raise, the more we can expand our campaigns and community-building projects across the region.

Please help to rebuild lives in Syria -- donate what you can now:
Over a decade of conflict has claimed the lives of at least 30,000 children across Syria. An additional seven million are now in urgent need of emergency aid, including medical care, food, clean drinking water, and safe shelter to endure the coming winter.

For decades, Syria has only known destruction and terror. Assad's regime used bombs and chemical weapons against us, killing half a million people. Countless families were forced to flee, leaving everything behind.

The humanitarian needs today have never been greater. Nearly 70% of the population requires aid, and our refugee crisis is the largest in the world.

Local groups urgently need funding to expand their reach, and they've come to Avaaz because they know our community can mobilise funds at lightning speed. If we raise enough, we could:
  • Deliver emergency medical aid, food supplies, fuel, blankets, and shelter to thousands of displaced and critically injured;
  • Fund a local and trusted team of civil defenders to scale up their operations across Syria -- removing rubble, clearing roads, de-mining and deactivating explosive devices to ensure the safe return of families and children;
  • Provide shelter, livelihood and psycho-social support to former detainees who suffered torture and sexual violence at the hands of Assad regime;
  • Support local truth and reconciliation groups as they document previous abuses, and mobilise communities to advocate for an inclusive Syria -- where rights of minorities and women are protected and enshrined into legislation; and,
  • Continue to campaign on freedom, peace and security while helping grassroots efforts in Syria, Palestine, and Sudan to end the wars and guarantee rights and dignity for all.

Syria is free of its dictator, but rebuilding the country will take massive efforts. The world turned its back on us before -- we can't let it happen again. Donate what you can now:
Avaaz members have stood with Syrians throughout 13 years of civil war and two devastating earthquakes. Your generous contributions provided lifesaving aid that pulled people out of the rubble -- thank you. Today, we need your support more than ever before, this time to start rebuilding after years of chaos and crisis. 

In gratitude and hope,

Wissam and the whole team at Avaaz 

PS. This might be your first donation to our movement ever. But what a first donation! Did you know that Avaaz relies entirely on small donations from members like you? That's why we're fully independent, nimble and effective. Join the over 1 million people who've donated to make Avaaz a real force for good in the world.

Note: The photos featured in this fundraiser are from different points in time in the recent Syrian civil war. While they are not from the present, they are representative of the deep scars that the brutal Assad regime has left on the most vulnerable over the course of almost 14 years.

Avaaz is a 70-million-person global campaign network that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people shape global decision-making. ("Avaaz" means "voice" or "song" in many languages.) Avaaz members live in every nation of the world; our team is spread across 18 countries on 6 continents and operates in 22 languages. Learn about some of Avaaz's biggest campaigns here, or follow us on Facebook, X, or Instagram.
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