Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tantra Movement Tour in Europe

May be an image of 1 person
THU, JUN 16 - JUN 20
Michał Mysza - Jedna Energia Lechów

May be art
FRI, JUN 24 - JUN 28
Tantra Movement România

May be an image of text that says 'TANTRA RETREAT PAJAUTA WITH MICHAL KALI GRIKS 2022. 07. 01-08'
FRI, JUL 1 - JUL 8
Danguole Tantra Path - Pajautos Kaimas

May be an image of text
FRI, JUL 15 - JUL 17
Таntrа Моvemеnt Bulgaria.Taнтpa Бългapия - СОФИЯ

May be an image of 1 person and text
FRI, JUL 22 - JUL 24
Таntrа Моvemеnt Bulgaria.Taнтpa Бългapия - Aliento


THU, JUN 16 – JUN 20
Warsztaty masażu Tantrycznego z Michałem Kali Griksem
Michał Mysza – Jedna Energia Lechów

🖤💜 🖤💖
FRI, JUN 24 – JUN 28
5 days Summer Camp 22 – 26 June
Apuseni Mountains, Transylvania, Romania

Tantra Movement Summer Camp I
Tantra Movement România


🖤💜 + 🖤💖
1-8 Lithuania
Summer Camp

FRI, JUL 1 – JUL 8
Danguole Tantra Path – Pajautos Kaimas

15-17 Sofia Bulgaria
De-Armouring and Full Body Orgasm Without Touching Massage.TM3

Деарморинг и енергиен масаж без докосване(full body orgasm without touching massage)

22-24 Aliento near Haskovo. Bulgaria
Neo Tantra Movement Massage TM2

НЕО ТАНТРА МАСАЖ(йони /лингам масаж)

Almost everyday 7-8 hours of free teachings at
European Rainbow Gathering in Bulgaria from 28th of July till 27 August 2022.

5 days Summer Camp
Black Sea, Romania
31 August – 4 September


SAT, OCT 1 – OCT 31
Tantra Teacher Course

All events in Thailand are in Tantra Movement Coco Villa Center

For all updates and details check Tantra Movement FB events page:


…or click at the name, link of the event above. Use translation if needed

Michal Kali Griks

Saturday, May 21, 2022

10 best inspiring movies my Mum like us to watch. Tribute and Love

Hello Lovely People! (Po polsku nizej)
With watching inspiring movies, with this post, I'm tributing my Mum, Iwona Grygoruk who left her Body one year ago 20.05.2021. I know she would like us to watch those movies, and some of them are our favorite ones!

What choice could you add to this list? = Write in the comment!

What dream may come
Fried green tomatoes (1991)
The Color Purple (1985)
The Celestine Prophecy
Zorba the Greek
Pay It Forward
Eat, Pray, Love
Cinderella Man 2005
Spartacus 1960
Winter Story
Conversations with God

The music we also Love both. She like classical.
Ludovico Einaudi is our favorite mutual choice.

We used to watch every Thursday at 20.00 on channel 2 Polish TV family drama movie that told us about someone, sometimes real-life story. It always touched our hearts, developed compassion, and had a good influence on our rising up as kids.

Now we are living in a world where we have more choices. The mass media have strong power to push into us very often to make the wrong choice. We are often manipulated, but now and again, people create better choices in our lives. And that's the one that we are proposing to you with this list, with tantra with Love and liberation from the conditionings we didn't choose.

I'm very happy that my Mum had a chance to see, experience, and feel me, Tantra Movement, school, and the community growing, thriving, and flourishing. I'm pleased that she could join and feel the family of supporting volunteers and Koh Phangan itself and that she made some Friendships during her stay here.
I'm so proud and happy that she could even, to some extent, choose and participate in some tantric heart-sharing ritual. I'm so happy that with her Friend, they both say afterward:
"Now, I understand what tantra really means. We have to convince our grown up children and grandchildren to experience it and to use it."
There is peace in my heart that she could maybe, first time, not only fully understand and accept what I'm doing but even be proud of the school, community, Love we are sharing here.

It means a lot to me. It gives me such strong backup that so much I need on this sometimes not so easy path.

Thank you for supporting me, Dear Mum. We always are together.

Missing you so much, even feeling so much of your spirit. Love and support.


Let's watch the Movie together. Which one would you like this time?

Also, thank you so much for reading me ferry tails to sleep every evening when I was small. Grimm, Andersen... - they were so innocent, inspiring, and greatly influenced me, my imagination, life, and Love!

Love you!

Witajcie kochani! (In English niżej)
Oglądaniem inspirujących filmów, tym wpisem składam hołd mojej Mamie Iwonie Grygoruk, która opuściła swoje Ciało rok temu 20.05.2021. Wiem, że chciałaby, abyśmy oglądali te filmy. Niektóre z nich są naszymi ulubionymi!

Jakie marzenie może nadejść?
Smażone zielone pomidory (1991)
Kolor Purpury (1985)
Celestynskie Proroctwo
Grek Zorba
Przekaż dalej
Jedz. Módl się. Kochaj
Cynderella Man 2005
Spartakus 1960
Zimowa historia
Rozmowy z Bogiem

 Nie jestem pewny tlumaczenia I polskich tytulow, wiec sprawdzmy orginalne. Jakie wy filmy byscie dodali to tej listy?

Muzyka, którą również kochamy. Mama lubi klasykę.
Ludovico Einaudi to nasz ulubiony wspólny wybór.

Oglądaliśmy w każdy czwartek o 20.00 na kanale 2 polskiej telewizji familijny dramat, który opowiadał nam o kimś, czasem prawdziwą historię. To zawsze poruszało nasze serca, rozwijało współczucie i miało dobry wpływ na nasze dorastanie jako dzieci.

Teraz żyjemy w świecie, w którym mamy większy wybór. Środki masowego przekazu mają potężną moc, by bardzo często wpychać nas w zły wybór. Często jesteśmy manipulowani, ale od czasu do czasu ludzie dokonują lepszych wyborów w naszym życiu. I to właśnie proponujemy wam tą listą, tantrą, Miłością i wyzwoleniem z uwarunkowań, których sami nie wybraliśmy.

Bardzo się cieszę, że moja mama miała okazję zobaczyć, doświadczyć i poczuć mnie, Ruch Tantry, szkołę i społeczność rosnącą, prosperującą i kwitnącą. Cieszę się, że mogła dołączyć i poczuć komune, rodzinę wspierających wolontariuszy i calego Koh Phangan oraz że podczas pobytu tutaj nawiązała kilka przyjaźni.
Jestem tak dumny i szczęśliwy, że mogła nawet, do pewnego stopnia, wybrać i uczestniczyć w jakimś tantrycznym rytuale dzielenia sie z serca. Tak się cieszę, że wraz z Koleżanką oboje później stwierdzily:
„Teraz rozumiem, co naprawdę oznacza tantra. Musimy przekonać nasze dorosłe dzieci i wnuki, aby jej doświadczyli i wykorzystali".
W moim sercu jest spokój, że być może pierwszy raz nie tylko w pełni zrozumiala i zaakceptowala to, co robię, ale nawet byla dumna ze szkoły, społeczności, Miłości, którą tu dzielimy.

To wiele dla mnie znaczy. Daje mi tak mocne wsparcie, ktore tak bardzo potrzebuję na tej czasami niełatwej ścieżce.

Dziękuję za wsparcie, Droga Mamo. Zawsze jesteśmy razem.

Tak bardzo za tobą tęsknię, mimo, ze czuję tak bardzo Twojego ducha. Miłość i wsparcie.


Obejrzyjmy razem film. Który chciałabyś tym razem?

Poza tym bardzo dziękuję za czytanie mi bajek do spania każdego wieczoru, kiedy byłem mały. Grimm, Andersen... - byli tacy niewinni, inspirujący i bardzo wpłynęli na mnie, moją wyobraźnię, życie i Miłość!

Kocham cię!
Michał Kali Griks

Hello Lovely People! (Po polsku nizej)

With watching inspiring movies, with this post, I'm tributing my Mum, who left her Body one year ago. I know she would like us to watch those movies, that some of them are our fever ones!

Pay It Forward

Winter Story

What dream may come

Eat, Pel-A

Zorba the Greek

The Celestine Prophecy


Fried green tomatoes (1991)

The Color Purple (1985)

Cinderella Man 2005

Spartacus 1960

We used to watch every Thursday at 20.00 on channel 2 Polish TV family drama movie that told us about someone, sometimes real life story. It always touched our hearts, developed compassion, and had a good influence on our rising up as kids. 

Now we are living in a world where we have more choice. The mass media have strong power to push into us very often to make the wrong choice. We are often manipulated, but now and again, people create better choices in our lives. And that's the one that we are proposing to you with this list, with tantra with Love and liberation from the conditionings we didn't choose. 

I'm very happy that my Mum had a chance to see, experience, and feel me, Tantra Movement, school, and the community growing, thriving, and flourishing. I'm pleased that she could join and feel the family of supporting volunteers and Koh Phangan itself and that she made some Friendships during her stay here. 

I'm so proud and happy that she could even, to some extend, choose and participate in some tantric heart-sharing ritual. I'm so happy that with her Friend, they both say afterward:

"Now, I understand what tantra really means. We have to convince our grown up children and grandchildren to experience it and to use it."

There is peace in my heart that she could maybe, first time, not only fully understand and accept what I'm doing but even be proud of the school, community, Love we are sharing here. 

It means a lot to me. It gives me such strong backup that so much I need on this sometimes not so easy path. 

Thank you for supporting me, Dear Mum. We always are together. 

Missing you so much, even feeling so much of your spirit. Love and support. 


Let's watch the Movie together. Which one would you like this time
