Sunday, December 24, 2017

[Doorbraak Info] Soedanese vluchtelingen tegen dreigende deportatie

Nieuwe artikelen

Libië als grenswacht van de EU

Afgelopen maandag vond er in Den Haag bij het EU-propagandacentrum Huis van Europa een actie plaats tegen de samenwerking tussen de EU en Libië op het gebied van migratiebeheersing. De actie was georganiseerd door In-EUmanity Amsterdam en het No Border Network. Zo'n twintig activisten, onder wie ook leden van de Darfur Union, deden mee aan het protest. Hieronder de tekst van het praatje van Mark Akkerman, werkzaam bij Stop Wapenhandel. Lees meer:

Gemeenten plakken daklozen etiket "zelfredzaam" op en weigeren hen opvang

Volgens het onlangs verschenen rapport "Wachten op opvang" van de Rekenkamer Metropool Amsterdam (RMA) krijgen Amsterdamse daklozen te weinig hulp. Zo is de maatschappelijke opvang voor hen moeilijk bereikbaar. De Bijstandsbond kan de conclusies van de RMA alleen maar bevestigen. Lees meer:

We zullen het bloedbad van Maraş niet vergeten

Maraş, 19-26 december 1978. Een week lang vloeide het bloed van alevieten door de straten van de Turkse stad Maraş. De zoveelste pogrom tegen alevieten door fundamentalisten en Grijze Wolven. De staat keek als vanouds toe. Honderdtwintig doden en een exodus van alevieten en linksen naar de metropolen en Europa… De strijd tegen de politieke islam blijft urgent en is een kwestie van overleven voor minderheden. Met de pijn van onze doden en onze hoop en vreugde over de toekomst in onze harten zal onze strijd deze haatideologie verpletteren. Lees meer:

Het Nationaal Archief organiseert een bijeenkomst voor kritiek op zijn VOC-expositie. Wij beginnen hier alvast

Op 19 december organiseert het Nationaal Archief in Den Haag een bijeenkomst voor mensen die kritiek hebben op de tentoonstelling "De wereld van de VOC". Die expositie is nog te zien tot en met 24 juni volgend jaar. "Het doel van deze bijeenkomst is om externe feedback te ontvangen, om zo de blik te verbreden en te bewegen naar een inclusief archief, waarin iedereen zichzelf herkent", aldus het Nationaal Archief. Op zich is het prettig dat men anti-koloniale critici een stem zegt te willen geven. Maar het bevreemdt wel dat men de gelegenheid daartoe pas biedt nadat de voorbereiding en inrichting van de expositie al helemaal is afgerond en ook pas tien maanden na de opening ervan. Lees meer:

SP-rapport legt de keiharde realiteit bloot van dwangarbeid in Zoetermeer

Vorige maand bracht de SP Zoetermeer een rapport uit over "Werken zonder loon en gesubsidieerde arbeid", gebaseerd op de ervaringen van 32 baanlozen die allemaal op de een of andere manier gedwongen worden te werken zonder loon. Er blijkt in Zoetermeer een enorme wildgroei aan verschillende vormen van dwangarbeid te zijn ontstaan. Een korte bespreking van een rapport vol ervaringen met uitbuiting en intimidatie, en met helaas tekortschietende aanbevelingen. Lees meer:

Strijdbare Soedanese demonstranten klagen Nederlandse overheid aan wegens collaboratie met dictator Al-Bashir (beeldverslag)

Vanmiddag demonstreerden in Den Haag zo'n vijftig mensen, voornamelijk Soedanese vluchtelingen en ook enkele witte Nederlanders, tegen de dreigende deportatie van vluchtelingen naar Soedan. De actie vond buiten in de sneeuwstorm plaats, voor de ingang van het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, en was georganiseerd door We Are Here, Darfur Union, Democratic Member, Umma Partij, Sudanese Democratic Forum en Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad.  Lees meer:


21 januari, Leiden: nieuwjaarsreceptie en feestje vanwege nieuw Doorbraak-kantoor

Op 21 januari 2018 houdt Doorbraak in de Leidse Vrijplaats een nieuwjaarsreceptie van onderop, met gezelligheid, hapjes en drankjes, en een terugblik op 2017. Volop gelegenheid dus om kennis te maken, bij te praten, contacten aan te knopen en inspiratie op te doen. Met de receptie willen we bovendien het nieuwe Doorbraak-kantoor op de tweede verdieping van de Vrijplaats feestelijk inwijden. Kom ook langs! Nieuwjaarsreceptie van onderop. Zondag 21 januari 2018. Van 14:00 tot 17:00 uur (vrije inloop). Vrijplaats, Middelstegracht 36, Leiden. Leesmeer:

Nieuws elders

Vluchtelingen in het Brusselse Maximiliaanpark: Francken krijgt de solidariteit niet klein

Belgische premier laat deporteren van Soedanezen tijdelijk staken

Door België gedeporteerde vluchtelingen in Soedan mishandeld en bedreigd

Verschil negeren creëert geen eenheid

Kameraad vrijgelaten met gebiedsverbod

Kameraad gearresteerd op verdenking opruiing in de Schilderswijk

Lilian Marijnissen en de onderbuik van de SP-top

België: N-VA wil dwangarbeiders inzetten op sneeuw te ruimen

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tantra Movement New Year Play party

New Year - New Way of Celebrating our Lives Together
Our intention is:
-to celebrate
-to create beautiful atmosphere of adventure, friendship, love, openness, safety, trust and surrender...
-to have a beautiful experiences supported by our nature,
-to start with delicious, heart warming and healthy habits for the New Year.

How we going to achieve this? What's the program ?

Cacao Ceremony ( to open our hearts )

Dance with Tantra workshop ( 1 hour at the beginning )

We going to play whole night nice, sensual music, where you could practice and enjoy all the tricks what you learnt at previous workshop.

Three magical temples will wait for you ( we will guide you to use them in tantric way ) :
Awakening the senses temple,
Massage temple
Communication temple
Around 12.00 we would have for you surprise act and ritual of leaving old and inviting new.

All night we like to be in conscious, respectful but still sensual and tantric, friendly atmosphere. Just notice that this party is not about to get drunk but more rather to deep in to awareness of conscious love, intimacy and connection.

~ from Sunday 31.12.2017 19.30.00 till Monday 01.01.2016 03.00

You may continue good start into new year with our Tantra Massage New Year retreat here:

20/13 Moo 8 Srithanu
Ko Phangan, Thailand 84280

Price and booking:
2000 BHT per person 3800 BHT per couple. Amount of the places is limited, so book quickly to secure your space
You could transfer the amount to Michal Grygoruk NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethical bank

Don't hesitate to ask the questions
+66829433423 (also what's up)

* if you have real financial difficulties but you really would like to participate you may contact us to find solution

Michal Kali Griks (fb)

We moved to

Welcome on our more updated website, where we share less but everything is more clear :

Sunday, December 10, 2017

[Doorbraak Info] Verzet je tegen deportaties van vluchtelingen

Nieuwe artikelen



10 december, Nijmegen: bijeenkomst "Hoe bevechten we het erdoğanisme in Nederland?"

Op zondag 10 december organiseren Doorbraak en de Beweging voor Vrijheid en Solidariteit (ÖDH) een openbare bijeenkomst over hoe we het erdoğanisme in Nederland het beste kunnen bevechten. Bijeenkomst. Zondag 10 december. Van 13:30 uur tot 15:45 uur (Inloop vanaf 13:00 uur). De Klinker, Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, Nijmegen. Lees meer:

11 december, Den Haag: actie tegen dreigende deportatie van Soedanese vluchtelingen

Op 11 december organiseert het Sudanese Democratic Forum bij het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie in Den Haag een demonstratie tegen de dreigende deportatie van drie Soedanese vluchtelingen. Een demonstratie op 15 mei tegen de dreigende uitzetting van een andere vluchteling had succes: de deportatie van de Soedanees werd niet alleen verhinderd, maar hij kreeg daarna zelfs verblijfsrecht. Doe mee aan de actie op 11 december om opnieuw te voorkomen dat Soedanezen worden gedeporteerd! Demonstratie. Maandag 11 december. Van 14:00 tot 15:00 uur. Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie, Turfmarkt, Den Haag. Lees meer:

16 december, Den Haag: demonstratie tegen politiegeweld

Op 16 december organiseert Movement X in Den Haag een demonstratie tegen politiegeweld. "Op 21 december staat de officiële uitspraak tegen twee van de vijf agenten die Mitch Henriquez hebben vermoord gepland. Het OM oordeelde dat deze agenten al genoeg waren 'gestraft'. Het OM eist dus geen straf. De onrechtvaardigheid van deze uitspraak, die gebaseerd is op corrupte ideeën, is onacceptabel. Ook zij zien dit in; ze hebben 'uit angst voor maatschappelijk onbegrip' drie officieren aangewezen om na 21 december iedereen over hun 'onderbouwing' te informeren. Dit is uiteraard al te laat! Dit onrecht mag niet zo doorgaan! We eisen dat de betrokken agenten gestraft worden voor hun daden. Zij die zich schuldig maken aan politiegeweld mogen niet vrijuit gaan", aldus de oproep die ook door Doorbraak wordt onderschreven. Demonstratie. Zaterdag 16 december. Van 13:00 tot 17:00 uur. Koekamp, Den Haag (Naast Centraal Station). Lees meer:

8 januari, Amsterdam: steun gezin bij rechtszaak tegen dreigende huisuitzetting!

In augustus begon Busra Simsirel in samenwerking met de Bond Precaire Woonvormen (BPW), Doorbraak, Niet Te Koop en anderen een campagne tegen huisuitzetting. Zij, haar man en hun baby dreigden door woningcorporatie De Key op straat te worden gezet, omdat hun flexhuurcontract was beëindigd. Ondanks grote inspanningen en moedige actiebereidheid slaagde Busra er niet in om andere woonruimte te vinden. In oktober werd ze door de woningcorporatie gedagvaard. De rechtszitting over de zaak werd een paar keer uitgesteld, waardoor het gezin gelukkig nog in de woning kon blijven. Uiteindelijk gaat de zitting bij de Amsterdamse rechtbank op 8 januari plaatsvinden. Kom ook en steun Busra in haar strijd tegen de flexhuurpolitiek van De Key! Rechtszitting. Maandag 8 januari. Vanaf 10:00 uur. Rechtbank, Parnassusweg 220, Amsterdam. Lees meer:

Nieuws elders

De situatie van schoonmakers aan de UvA is echt schrijnend

Rellen in Brussel en Gent: hoe media en politiek er op een totaal verschillende manier mee omgaan

Over twintig jaar zal Nederland ons dankbaar zijn

Meer en meer Duitse piloten weigeren mee te werken aan deportaties

Middelstegracht 36a, 2312TX Leiden

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Thursday, December 7, 2017

[Doorbraak Info] Zondag in Nijmegen: Hoe bevechten we het erdoğanisme in Nederland?

10 december, Nijmegen: bijeenkomst "Hoe bevechten we het erdoğanisme in Nederland?"

Op zondag 10 december organiseren Doorbraak en de Beweging voor Vrijheid en Solidariteit (ÖDH) een openbare bijeenkomst over hoe we het erdoğanisme in Nederland het beste kunnen bevechten.

Zondag 10 december
Van 13:30 uur tot 15:45 uur
(Inloop vanaf 13:00 uur)
De Klinker
Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46

De autoritaire en conservatieve Turkse president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is mateloos populair bij een meerderheid van de Turkse Nederlanders. Onder hen is hij nog geliefder dan onder de inwoners van Turkije. Dit kwam onder meer tot uiting tijdens het referendum over een uitbreiding van de macht van het Turkse staatshoofd in april 2017, maar ook tijdens de Turkse parlementsverkiezingen in 2015. Ook DENK profiteerde bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van het wijdverbreide erdoğanisme en andere vormen van nationalisme binnen de Turkse gemeenschap. Nu wil DENK dit succes herhalen tijdens de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in maart 2018.

Wat is de voedingsbodem van het erdoğanisme in Nederland? Waarom is Edoğans populariteit in de polder eigenlijk zorgelijk? Hoe kunnen progressieven een effectieve en authentieke strijd tegen de lange arm van Erdoğan voeren en tegelijkertijd vechten tegen de racistische gal die over de Turkse gemeenschap wordt uitgespuwd door rechts? Hoe smeden we daartoe bondgenootschappen tussen progressieve Nederlanders afkomstig uit Turkije en andere linksen? Deze vragen hopen we samen op een interactieve manier te beantwoorden.

We beginnen de bijeenkomst met de Tegenlicht-documentaire "Erdoğans aanhang". Daarna geven Bektaş en Mahmut een inleiding. Beiden waren actief in lokale "Nee"-campagnes onder Turkse kiesgerechtigden in Nederland tijdens het dit jaar gehouden referendum over onder meer de machtspositie van de Turkse president.

Zie ook onze website:

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tantra Movement regular Practice

Usually at our retreats and not only we share the morning practices. Those are good for grounding, connecting people and also, in the same time for uplifting energy of the group. Those morning activities are almost everyday and they're open for everyone, even for people who are not attending whole retreats

Tantra Kriya Yoga.
Wednesdays and Sundays: 8.30   – 10.00
It is a practice of Indu origin and was one of the first practices originally born out of the Kaula Tantra school over four thousand years ago. The aim of this type of Yoga is to reconnect your body to your three types of energy, sexual, physical and mental. For this session not like for the others it's good that you eat some fruity breakfast.

Kundalini Yoga.
Tuesdays: 8.30   – 10.00
An uplifting blend of spiritual and physical practices, Kundalini Yoga incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras, such as Sat Nam, meaning "truth is my identity." The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness

Tantra Yoga.
Mondays and Fridays 8.30   – 10.00
Most efficient exercises of Yoga, what support you enormously not only on the tantra path. Warming up and Sun Salutation good for all chakras and Uddiyana Bandha very good to uplift your sexual energy.

Osho Dynamic Active Meditations
Thursdays: 8.30   – 10.00
One of the great, not only tantric Mystic Osho figured out that for most of the people from the west, who are overloaded with stress, worries, to much information etc. is to difficult to stay focus in meditation position for hours. For them ( us ?) he developed active meditations when you move your body, emotions, feelings usually very intense, then when you"re "empty" and tired your focus is much better. Depends from the purpose there are many active Osho meditations

Regular weekly program: (mostly open also for people who do not participate in whole retreats)

8.30   – 10.00 Tantra Yoga
18.00 – 21.30 Introduction evenings

8.30   – 10.00 Kundalini Yoga

8.30   – 10.00 Tantra Kriya Yoga
20.00 -  22.00 Satsang

8.30   – 10.00 Different active Osho meditations

8.30   – 10.00 Tantra Yoga
19.00 – 21.00 Conscious inspiring movie

Day off ( or space for guest teachers)

8.30   – 10.00 Tantra Kriya Yoga
Every second one, during our courses, excursion to spiritual, natural, energetic places with some practice and rituals on the way

From now, 5.12.2017 up till 10.12.2018

Tantra Temple
Sri Thanu, Koh Phangan, Thailand
GPS locations: 9.7545209,99.9715411
Look for materials with the Dolphins and the Horses near Veera Pong House

In sunny weather we may be near Zen Beach

300 BHT per session or 2500 BHT for 10 times card

do not hesitate to ask questions +66829433423
Michal Kali Griks (fb)

Sunday, December 3, 2017

[Doorbraak Info] Aanpak onderzoek naar dekolonisatie onder vuur

Nieuwe artikelen

Protest in Dokkum laat zien dat de anti-Zwarte Piet beweging niet meer te stoppen is (beeldverslag)

Gisteren vond in Dokkum alsnog een protest tegen Zwarte Piet plaats, nadat een vorige poging geblokkeerd werd door extreem-rechtse wegpiraten, de politie en autoritaire bestuurders. Met deze tweede poging richtten we ons niet alleen tegen de racistische blackface-traditie, maar tegen al het institutionele racisme en vóór het demonstratierecht en de vrijheid van meningsuiting. De manifestatie werd in slechts zes dagen uit de grond gestampt en trok meer dan 200 deelnemers uit het hele land, inclusief Friesland zelf. Lees meer:

Open brief over koloniale oorlog in Indonesië naar regering gestuurd

Vandaag ontvangen het ministerie van Algemene Zaken, het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken en het ministerie van Defensie een uitgebreide open brief met bezwaren tegen de aanpak van het grootschalige onderzoek "Dekolonisatie, geweld en oorlog in Indonesië, 1945-1950". Voor het vierjarige onderzoeksproject, dat in september van start ging, heeft de Nederlandse overheid meer dan 4,1 miljoen euro beschikbaar gesteld. De open brief wordt breed ondersteund, ook door Doorbraak. Lees meer:


10 december, Nijmegen: bijeenkomst "Hoe bevechten we het erdoğanisme in Nederland?"

Op zondag 10 december organiseren Doorbraak en de Beweging voor Vrijheid en Solidariteit (ÖDH) een openbare bijeenkomst over hoe we het erdoğanisme in Nederland het beste kunnen bevechten. Bijeenkomst. Zondag 10 december. Van 13:30 uur tot 15:45 uur. (Inloop vanaf 13:00 uur). De Klinker, Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, Nijmegen. Lees meer:

Nieuws elders

We vragen ons nooit af wat racisme eigenlijk kost

The Class System is Static (video)

The museum will not be decolonised

Intern racisme bij de politie: niets nieuws onder de zon (uit de oude doos)

De Snotwin: je kind als drogreden

Mehmet Ülger overleden: 20 jaar geleden publiceerde hij het belangrijkste boek over de Grijze Wolven in Nederland

Western philosophy is racist

Racistische uitlatingen en haatzaaiende reacties bewijzen ons punt


The Golden Coach and Dutch Cultural Relativism

Last year Doorbraak activist Jennifer van Leijen initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children's television. More than 10.000 people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here is number 12 (also read numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/7, 8, 9, 10 and 11). Read more:


Monday, November 27, 2017

[Doorbraak Info] Zwarte Piet Niet: op straat en in de raad

Nieuwe artikelen

Twee spandoeken tegen blackface bij een Leidse intocht met Zwarte Pieten en nazi-Pieten (beeldverslag)

Sympathisanten van de actiegroep No More Blackface Leiden, waarin ook Doorbraak deelneemt, hebben vandaag bij de intocht van Sinterklaas in Leiden geprotesteerd tegen Zwarte Piet via twee grote spandoeken met "Zwarte Piet niet!". Er was ontzettend veel politie te been en te water, en iedereen die op de een of andere manier niet voldoende enthousiast leek over de blackface-parade werd ondervraagd. Als Zwarte Piet verklede demonstranten van het extreem-rechtse groepje Identitair Verzet kregen daarentegen alle ruimte om hun gif te verspreiden. Wethouder Strijk ontving Sinterklaas bijzonder hartelijk, ondanks dat die dit jaar niet alleen tientallen blackface-Pieten bij zich had, maar zelfs een blackface-beer. Lees meer:

Witte terreur gaat blackface

Geweld en intimidatie zijn de middelen waarmee Zwarte Piet-verdedigers het verzet tegen de racistische karikatuur die Zwarte Piet is, trachten te breken. Die intimidatie hult zich tegenwoordig in blackface. Twee maal in korte tijd deden als Zwarte Piet vermomde figuren zich op agressieve wijze gelden. Lees meer:

Klaag bij Laco over het Zwarte Piet-racisme in hun zwembaden!

In een van de zwemaccomodaties van Laco Nederland trof een vader die zijn zevenjarige zoon naar zwemles bracht, onlangs een Zwarte Piet-masker en andere Zwarte Piet-versieringen aan. Uit verontwaardiging over deze racistische karikatuur roept hij iedereen op om protestbrieven naar het hoofdkantoor van de Laco-zwembaden te sturen. Lees meer:

Groot spandoek over de A4: "Zwarte Piet snel weg!"

Vanochtend hebben sympathisanten van No More Blackface Leiden aan het viaduct van de N206 over de A4 een tien meter breed spandoek bevestigd met daarop de tekst: "Zwarte Piet snel weg!". Nadat de actie bij ons bekend werd, gingen enkele mensen kijken, vooral om foto's van het spandoek te nemen. Dat bleek helaas niet goed mogelijk vanaf hun positie. Daarom geen foto ervan bij dit artikel. Veel automobilisten beneden op de A4 toeterden, maar of dat bij de meesten nu beamend of juist negatief bedoeld was, blijft vooralsnog onduidelijk. Lees meer:

Sint spreekt in Leidse raad tegen Zwarte Piet, extreem-rechts jongenskoor weerhoudt hem niet

Vanavond heeft een activist van de groep No More Blackface Leiden, waarin Doorbraak meedoet, in de Leidse gemeenteraad betoogt dat Zwarte Piet ook in Leiden moet worden afgeschaft. Na afloop gaf hij Sinterklaas zelf ook nog even het woord. De Sint vertelde de raad, precies als gisteren bij het academiegebouw aan wethouder Robert Strijk, dat hij af wil van het blackface-racisme. Kort voor de inspraakbeurt had extreem-rechts nog via Facebook opgeroepen om de actiegroep tegen te houden, naar het voorbeeld van Friesland zaterdag. Tevergeefs, zo bleek. Lees meer:

Sinterklaas voert actie tegen Zwarte Piet en rapt tegen Leidse wethouder (video's)

Vandaag werd wethouder Robert Strijk van de gemeente Leiden geconfronteerd met een bezoek van Sinterklaas. Die D66-er onthaalt, als vervanger van burgemeester Henri Lenferink, komende zaterdag Sinterklaas met Zwarte Pieten bij de Leidse intocht. Onlangs vroeg No More Blackface Leiden, waar Doorbraak in deelneemt, per brief aan het college van B&W om te stoppen met die promotie van het Zwarte Piet-racisme. "We roepen burgemeester Henri Lenferink hierin op om niet meer deel te nemen aan de Leidse intocht (zolang daar Zwarte Pieten in meelopen), en om geen blackface te subsidiëren in Leiden", aldus de actiegroep. Lees meer:


30 november, Amsterdam: bijeenkomst over het gedeelde verleden van Amsterdam en New York

"Wat is het verband tussen urban planning, kapitalisme, globalisatie, de Nederlandse identiteit en slavernij?" Die vraag staat centraal tijdens de bijeenkomst "Rethink Nieuw Amsterdam" op 30 november in Pakhuis De Zwijger in Amsterdam. Het programma van de bijeenkomst is ontwikkeld door Rethink-projectleider Umayya Abu Hanna. Sprekers zijn onder meer Dineke Stam, Dienke Hondius, Nancy Jouwe en Jennifer Tosch, die hun boek "Dutch New York histories" gaan presenteren. Bijeenkomst. Donderdag 30 november. Vanaf 19:30 uur. Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179, Amsterdam. Lees meer:

10 december, Nijmegen: bijeenkomst "Hoe bevechten we het erdoğanisme in Nederland?"

Op zondag 10 december organiseren Doorbraak en de Beweging voor Vrijheid en Solidariteit (ÖDH) een openbare bijeenkomst over hoe we het erdoğanisme in Nederland het beste kunnen bevechten. Bijeenkomst. Zondag 10 december. Van 13:30 uur tot 15:45 uur. Inloop vanaf 13:00 uur. De Klinker, Van Broeckhuysenstraat 46, Nijmegen. Lees meer:

Nieuws elders

Almelo wil dwangarbeiders onkruid laten wieden (om het budget van "groenonderhoud" niet te hoeven verhogen)

Buurt jaagt circus mét Zwarte Piet de stad uit

Deur Sinterklaashuis in Dordrecht dichtgelijmd en met "Zwarte Piet is racisme"-stickers beplakt

De eensgezinde afstraffing van anti-racisme

In English

Dutch police apologise for proud photo in blackface

Last year Doorbraak activist Jennifer van Leijen initiated a campaign to stop the Dutch government from subsidizing blackface (Zwarte Piet or Black Pete) on children's television. More than 10.000 people already signed. Van Leijen regularly writes updates. Here is number 11 (also read numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/7, 8, 9 and 10). Read more:

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tantra Massage New Year TMS Retreat Thailand

This Tantric Massage cursus is for couples or people who are willing to work together, so if you´re single you may still join.

Tantra Massage generates a deep flow of energy, promoting connection on many levels, between sexuality, love and spirituality as well as between the giver and receiver.
The Tantric Massage course in the School Of Tantra Movement has 13 chapters:
1 The Mystery of Tantric Magic. Introduction to Tantric Massage course
2 Kashmiri Dance Massage workshop
3 Tantric Massage within a relationship
Breathing in Shiva Shakti position
5 De-armouring, De-blocking Massage
6 Neo Tantric Massage - Introduction
7 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshipping the Yoni
8 Neo Tantric Massage - Worshipping the Lingam

9 Tantra Movement Fusion Massage - Introduction

10 Tantra Movement Fusion Massage - Worshipping the Yoni 
11 Tantra Movement Fusion Massage - Worshipping the Lingam
12 Full Body Orgasm Massage without touching

13 Closing Ritual

... but be aware - Tantra is like never ending story :)

More detailed description of these workshops you may read below
This course is designed for either couples and singles (who are willing to work together) either for beginners and advanced. You do not need to have any previous experience in massage or tantra, to take part in the activities.
We expect and teach respect of the limits of the participants, but at the same time, we want to make you aware, that the progress is happening outside of the comfort zone. Just as we are flexible and open to spontaneous change, in the same way we welcome any willingness and openness for taking a step into the unknown.

Bring your costume to the practice, a sheet or a large towel and organic massage oil – for example coconut, almond, olive, sesame, or other.
...Most important is connection. Bringing you and partner in to the state of energetic merging. If you are able to achieve that, everything will flow how it suppose to...
Deep healing may appear. Healing of your past, your presence, your future, healing of your body, your heart and your spirit, healing of your femininity and masculinity, healing of all other aspect of your life.
Deep sexual pleasure may occur too. In tantra we welcome sexual energy. Yes, we transform it in to sacred and creative power, by keeping it in, instead of releasing and loosing it. We bring that energy, called ecstasy in to the higher levels of our beings like to:
the heart, that you will become more loving...
or to the throat that your communication will improve...
or to the head that you will become more creative or more spiritual...
... Its all up to us and energy flow.
Thankful that, you may experience ecstasy not only in your genitals but also in all other parts of your body. Your life may never be the same ;)
Tantra Massage is a tool for :
1 Deepening love to each other and to ourselves
2 Increasing intimacy
3 Building up the energy
4 Deblocking, de-armouring
5 Balancing energy in each chakra
6 Spreading the energy
7 Foreplay and after play
8 Healing
9 Growing spiritually
10 Developing awareness
11 Opening to trust
12 Entering the bliss and ecstasy
13 Learning to feel the ecstasy without the energy release (ejaculation, peak orgasm)
14 To have fun without necessity for intercourse
15 Experiencing full body orgasms
16 Relaxing while being fully aware
17 Enhancing pleasure

18 Many more... the sky is the limit :)

AD 1:
"Magic of Tantric Massage" Introduction to tantric massage

This workshop is composed in such a way that you can learn and feel what sacred touch is, so that you can allow healing energy of love into your body and life.

Mastering the art of giving and receiving tantric massage is opening us on many levels:
- It helps to recover energy
- Teaches us sacred touch
- Raise awareness of the body
- Is an Introduction to tantric sex
- Develops our potential for love.

It is not possible to mention all the benefits of tantric massage but first of all it is an experience of deep inner joy, bliss, cleansing, peace and ecstasy. It is the experience of being whole. We will mainly focus on the feelings in the body and not only on the techniques . First of all, we want to ensure that participants will experience touch, that they open up for receiving and giving on the body level, that they open up for feeling the pleasure of being a giver and receiver of a massage.

We want to go deep into the levels of feeling pleasure, bliss, and flow of the love energy. We want to free all the tension from our bodies, let them go away to make more space in the body, to make in the place of the blockages space for the flow of life energy.

AD 2:
Kashmiric Dance Massage workshop

Like from all my invitations, especially from this one you may already learn something very useful.
Breath in and out. In and out. Become aware of your breath. How it passes through nostrils, how is filling up your lungs, chest, belly, even ho it reaches your toes and top of your head. Notice how with awareness to your breath you become very calm but energised and more alive at the same time .
Notice how by observing your breath, you entered the bridge to here and now. By being focus on your breath you created the inner space of awareness what is leaving behind all your thoughts, all your worries, fears...
Now become aware of the movement created by your breath. Your chest, your belly is expanding. Observe that movement for a while then begin to follow the breath with your body. Extend that movement. Let your spine bend following the belly. Let your pelvic tilt. Then slowly gradually involve the rest of your body: the neck, shoulders, knees, elbows...
Now you begin the dance of your breath. There could be music in the background but this time you dance to your breath. Let your body follow the breath. Do all the movements what would come without thinking. Breath in. Breath out.
Then after that preparation we would go for Kashmiric dance massage what would also follow your breath with deep, floating, intuitive movement. Long, energetic and fluent strokes coming from the breath would bring us in very meditative but dynamic atmosphere, where receiver would surrender in to the moment and to the love itself.

It will make you feel safe in the ultimate dimension. It will bring you closer to yourself in deep connection.

AD 3:
Tantric Massage within a relationship

Even i was the same, now is hard for me to imagine that i could live the way that the massage wouldn't be part of our sexual life and love making. Unfortunately most of the couples life doesn't include massage in it. Even when they use the massage, usually is completely separated from beautiful love making and there is hardly any intimacy in it. It doesn't have to be that way. Massage could be great for play, after play, middle play to love making. Even better, it could be love making itself. Tantric massage may bring you to much higher ecstasy than avarage 5 minute intercourse ended with loosing energy and to often frustration....
Many couples are saying that they're ok they don't need tantra. In our School Of Tantra Movement we don't wanna that your relationship would be just ok. We would like that you would become supreme lovers and your passion to each other would grow constantly :)
At this workshop I would also introduce you new language, how you may communicate with each other. Its ¨5 minut tantra¨ - method from Diana Diakova and Martin Heese from TantraZone (C.H.A.I) from Copenhagen. This body language may bring you deep understanding to each other , what would help you to connect better and sort out many problems in your relationship and in your life in general.

AD 4:
Breathing in Shiva Shakti position

In this workshop we will share with you the magic essence of Tantra. We will demonstrate different ways of breathing together, including the way we breathe in Tantra Kriya Yoga, Kashmiric Massage and the Maithuna ritual.

We will do these breathing techniques in the most tantric position: Shiva Shakti, (also called Open Lotus or Yab Yum), in which the partners' bodies are fully connected on all levels (chakras).

This close connection harmonizes our energies and it will become even more wonderful through breathing together. By doing so, we will awake in us the energy of different elements and different chakras: earth, water, fire, air, ether… and again earth, water...

Instead of losing sexual energy downwards we will bring it to higher parts of ourselves: to the heart, we become more loving; to the throat, we become more communicative, while raising the energy as far as the head will enable us to become more creative and spiritual.

Through this exercise we will also balance our male and female energies, not only in ourselves but also in our relationship. We will create great union between partners and also with nature and the whole universe.

Join us to transform those words into the real experience! This is wisdom you can use not just in your massage or love making but in your entire life.


AD 5:
De-armouring workshop

What we are going to experience during this workshop is a massage, where by your partner pressing particular points you are brought to your limits of pain and then stay there. In this way we are getting rid of our emotional pain, our energetic pain, what we have been carrying sometimes all our life.
From our upbringing, society, parents, teachers, religion, through life we created protection - Armour - which was supposed to save us from the things that may hurt us. There's nothing bad in having that armour, but unfortunately we have it all the time.
For example, some of us are still ashamed to be naked during lovemaking, or to express our passion or even our voice. We are holding back our behaviours, our emotions in the areas of life where it would be most appropriate to use them.
The process of 'de-armouring' can give us back the freedom of using or not using our armour, to use our protection when we when we want to. As with all tantric healings, it may heal us from emotional pain, liberate us from conditioning, and from bad past memories mainly connected to our sexuality, etc.

"I felt so light after, like on some LSD or ayahuasca trip, only this time I had everything under control because I felt being here and now like never before. I could feel much stronger all my senses but also energies around me, what before I was not even aware that they exist. It was painful to my limits, but it gave me sense of liberation and expanding my consciousness. I feel much more myself and free now. Amazing. - Salin ¨

AD 6,7 & 8
Neo Tantric Massage

Neo Tantric Massage was the first massage introduced to the West with inherent tantric principles. It was in the 1960s that Kenneth Ray Stubbs first started to add massage of intimate parts of the body in his massage practice.

My other great inspirations have been Margo Anand and Marjanne Hurks.

Other important principles included in Neo Tantric Massage are:
- no goal
- awareness; being here and now
- using sexual energy and moving it upwards, transforming it instead of releasing it (and losing it, as would be the goal in erotic massage)
- the presence of love

The Neo Tantric Massage workshop is conducted in two parts, where the second part is differs according to gender.

1. First sunday: Intro - full body massage when we prepare the energy for the things to come...
2. Second sunday: Yoni massage
Third sunday: Lingam massage

Yoni and lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massage.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Thankful yoni and lingam massage you may explore much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university :)

Beside being a great source of pleasure, yoni massage can be a great source of healing for woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, angers, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.

Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today's world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).

It's not common known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexologically active zones in the human body. By stimulating its different parts we are bringing health to all
parts of the body.

This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Neo Tantric Massage is to do it from the heart.

AD 9,10,11 :
Tantra Movement Massage
...Most important is connection. Bringing myself and you in to the state of energetic merging. If we are able to achieve that, everything will flow how it suppose to.
Deep healing may appear. Healing of your past, your presence, your future, healing of your body, your heart and your spirit, healing of your femininity and masculinity, healing of all other aspect of your life.
Deep sexual pleasure may occur too. In tantra we welcome sexual energy. Yes, we worship this sacred and creative power by keeping it in, instead of releasing and loosing it. We bring that energy called ecstasy in to the higher levels of your being like to the heart, that you will become more loving, or to the throat that your communication will improve, or to the head that you will become more creative and more spiritual. Its all up to us and energy flow.
Thankful that you may experience ecstasy not only in your genitals but also in all other parts of your body. Your life may never be the same ;)

This massage is a fusion of years of my own practice and study at The Rasayana Tantra Academy.
It is a mixture of techniques that I found are very powerful when used together.

This development is based on Neo Tantric massage, inspired in me mainly by Margot Anand and Marjanne Hurks.
It has elements of Kum Nye - Tibetan tantric massage - that have been taught to me by Tara Long.
I use breath and energy techniques from Tantra Kriya Yoga which I learned mainly from Anand Rudra.
Then, when energy is fully awakened, I use energetic touch a la Andrew Barnes , which I learned the basics of from Flaviu Pop.
Finally, in Tantra Movement Massage I must also credit the influence of my ex, the great masseuse, tantrika and teacher Edyta Baghira Weber

These techniques used together create a 'dance' with 5 elements and energies between the bodies of the giver and receiver, together creating a sacred space for healing, pleasure, bliss, unblocking, liberation, full body orgasms and everything we allow to happen.

Other important principles included in Tantra Movement Massage are:
- no goal
- awareness; being here and now
- using sexual energy and moving it upwards, transforming it instead of releasing it (and losing it, as would be the goal in erotic massage)
- the presence of love

The Tantra Movement Massage workshop is conducted in two parts, where the second part is differs according to gender.

1.Intro - full body massage when we prepare the energy for the things to come...
2. a) Yoni massage
b) Lingam massage

Yoni and lingam massages are used in different ways in other types of tantric massage.
There many important reasons for massaging the genitals.
Thankful yoni and lingam massage you may explore much higher types of orgasm and ecstasy than typical peak orgasm, what you may compare as kindergarten to university :)

Beside being a great source of pleasure, yoni massage can be a great source of healing for woman. There are many points where past memories are stored, along with emotional pain, conditioning, prejudices, anxieties, fears, angers, etc. Most of them are highly connected to our sexuality.

Lingam massage, especially when done in the neo tantric way, gives men a great opportunity to learn, exercise and experience the receiving part of his being. This, together with bringing upward energy and ecstasy, can open his heart – something very much needed in today's world not only by men but by women (as well as for more beautiful lovemaking).

It's not commonly known that the yoni and lingam are the most reflexologically active zones in the human body. By stimulating its different parts we are bringing health to all parts of the body.

This is why for me, one of the most important aspects of Tantra Movement Massage is to do it from the heart.

AD 12:
Full Body Orgasm Massage without touching
This massage is based on energetic touch what doesn't require physical touch. Still you may be able to bring the person to very deep full body energetic orgasm or if the body choose to deep energetic healing. This technique is also very useful in the cases when people are blocked for touch. I feel that nothing explain better than video with me as model of my teacher and student Flaviu Pop:

AD 13:
Closing Ritual

Surprise :)

Daily Program:
8.30 – 10.00 Morning Practice (open for everyone)
10.00 – 11.30 Breakfast break
11.30 – 15.00 I workshop session
15.00 – 16.30 Lunch break
16.30 – 20.00 II workshop session
Regular weekly program: (mostly open also for people who do not participate in whole retreats)
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Yoga
18.00 – 21.30 Introduction evenings
8.30 – 10.00 Kundalini Yoga
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Kriya Yoga
8.30 – 10.00 Different active Osho meditations
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Yoga
19.00 – 21.00 Conscious inspiring movie
Day off ( or space for guest teachers)
Every second one, during our courses, excursion to spiritual, natural, energetic places
After completion of the course you will be honored with Tantra Movement School Tantric Massage Certificate.

temporary early bird for first few people who would react on it:
500 USD
Couple only 1100USD, Single 600USD
When you book next courses with every retreat you get 50 USD discount on all of them :)
You could transfer the amount to Michal Grygoruk NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethical bank.

Koh Phangan.Thailand

from 2nd till 11th january
For more details check our pages and do not hesitate to ask the questions

Michal Kali Griks
If you would like to read even more detailed description of the workshops you may read my book here:
This course is a part of our Winter in Thailand program with different courses, teachers (not only tantra but connected), levels and continuation. You may invite, update yourself (and others) here:
Here you may invite yourself and friends:

Monday, November 20, 2017

All aspects of tantra – All aspects of life. Course for all (1st level) in Thailand

Invite yourself and friends here:

This Course as a whole is created to help you go deep in to your inner ecstasy, bliss and healing. Are you ready for the biggest change in your life? Go for an intensive transformation of sexuality and love to the higher levels.

Here is a list of the workshops that may be included in the course. Whole course would contain 14 workshops which each would have different subject and would take around 3,5 hours. The choice would depend on the needs and energy of the group.
Finishing whole course could be honored by receiving the certificate of finishing first level in School Of Tantra Movement

Subjects of the course:
A more detailed description of these workshops is below:

1. Taste of Tantra. Introduction to the practise. (open evening )
2. Connection3. Expanding the consciousness. Being here and now.
4. Love yourself – recognising your inner lover
5. Theory about practise. Tips for improving your relationship with yourself, with your partner, with others, with animals, the whole of nature and the entire universe. (open evening )
6. Sacred energy – worshipping your holy body, recognising your wild soul
7. Male and female energy
8. Sacred Sexuality
9. Dance with tantra
10. Communication of Love. (open evening )
11. Preparing for awakening the Kundalini energy
12. Journey to Awaken the Senses ceremony
13. Secrets of tantric touch. Introduction to tantric massage
14. Closing and sharing of the whole course

A more detailed description of these workshops:

Ad 1: "Taste of Tantra" – Introduction to practise

In this introductory workshop we give small examples of simple safe exercises which you can continue practising later with your partner or on your own. Anyone following the instructions from this introduction may rapidly and dramatically improve her/his life. We let you have a taste of what tantra is, and what we teach as a whole course at the Tantra Movement School. A little bit of everything:

– Theory; what tantra means to us and our practical use of it
– sexual meditation
– recognising and training the PC muscle
– open communication
– recognising your Inner Man and Inner Woman
– Awakening the senses meditation
– Breathing together in Shiva Shakti position

Ad 2: Connection

Nowadays, in modern times thankful technology we could contact each other even when we are thousands kilometres away. In the cities we are living so close to each other. Communication was never so fast. But still we are alienated like never before in human history. We never felt so lonely like now. Did we lost something on the way ?
This workshop is
to connect beyond capacity of mobile phones,
to build Friendship with big "F", deeper than making hundreds friends on facebook,
to feel Love with big "L" deeper than sending <3 through internet
to connect with real
nature beyond the discovery channel
To found what we lost, to find our deep nature, to connect with ourselves and other participants maybe deeper that you ever did even with your friends, with your family.
Tantra gives us tools to connect with all parts of you, connect with yourself, then connect with your partner, group, family, other people, animals, nature and whole universe. Beautiful slogan "We are one!" tantra is transforming from believe in to real experience. If you allow yourself to feel it, you would never be the same. You would never love in the same way.
That's why we choose this workshop in the beginning.

Ad 3: Expanding Consciousness.

We invite you to create space for expanding consciousness.

You will discover:

What consciousness is, and how to get ready to open yourself for full consciousness.
How to dissolve blockages in a conscious way and open yourself to a flow of love energy.
How in daily life we can develop and cultivate our inner consciousness.

Expanding consciousness is one of the main purposes of tantra. In this workshop we are going to awake, discover, explore and expand consciousness of here and now, consciousness of female and male energy, consciousness of the witness, consciousness of energy… This workshop may open your eyes, heart and mind in a way that you will never be the same again.

Ad 4: Love Yourself!

Loving ourselves is the foundation of real love, when we love ourselves we can truly love others. When we feel good about our self we will have the self-esteem needed to act in love towards another being. To truly love ourselves may increase the chance of amplifying the love shared
with our partners, family, animals, nature, the planet and the universe.

It has nothing to do with selfishness but rather with expanding love in a healthy way…

Ad 5: Theory about practise. Tips for improving relationship with yourself, with your partner, with others, with animals, the whole of nature and the entire universe.

This is more of a lecture than a workshop. If you're new to tantra and would you like to find out more, to feel and see what is there for you, this would be good for you to participate in. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers

Ad 6: Sacred energy. – worshipping your holy body, recognising your wild soul

Together we create at the workshops a safe space in which we can experience transformational processes. Remember, however, that real change happens outside the comfort zone. We work in a group, in pairs and individually. This day we will focus on the flow of energy through the body, how we experience it and how to inspire and cultivate that.

What is blocking us and how can we be consciously permeable to those blocking energies?

The tantric path opens us to experience our own, our partner's and group's deep energy levels. With thankful Tantric and sexual Tao techniques, we become aware of subtle energies which link the apparent opposites: spirit and matter, sexuality and spirituality, light and darkness, consciousness and unconscious, masculinity and femininity.

By using the keys to the door of connections, to regain our inner strength, we are giving right direction to the flow of energy.

Ad 7: Male and Female energy

Nowadays not so many people are aware that within each of us exists male and female energy. It doesn't matter what sex we are, the balance of those energies determines our health, our contentment, our happiness and fulfilment in our relationships.
 In this workshop we meet the inner woman and man within us, and recognise their energies. We will hear from them how is to live with us, what are their needs, their concerns. How we can improve their (our) life…
We will get to know the differences between male and female bodies and learn how to approach them in a way that allows beautiful sexual energy of love to flow freely, not be forced or imposed on someone or be blocked by some wrong behaviour.

Ad 8: Sacred Sexuality

In this workshop we will go on a journey to the past to heal our memories mainly connected to our sexuality. We live in a society where very often sex is considered as something bad, dirty, that develops guilt and shame in us. We're going to heal our wounds with the intention to bring sacredness and pride to not only the genital parts of our bodies but to the whole concept of sex in our life. We're going to free ourselves from stereotypes what are stopping our love.

According to tantra, human sexuality is located in the centre of spirituality. Over the millennia, it was pushed only to have the role of procreating. The wider truth was available only to a few.
At the present time the consciousness of humanity is mature enough that the truth of the sacred sexuality is revealed to all.
The consciousness of humanity at the present moment goes beyond the circle of material activities and experiences. It rises together with the energy of the Earth. Old Masters are now revealing ancient mysteries that were previously available only for the elites.
Using those secrets could be the solution for all sort of crisis that humanity and individuals are facing today.
 On the other hand, we have at the present time wide availability of pornography, which massively distorts the image of human sexuality. On a large scale, we are bombarded with sexuality stripped of beauty, holiness , power, and intimacy….

At the workshop you will have the chance to deeply answer to yourself questions such as:
how sacred sexuality is different from regular sexuality?
 How can I have access to sacred sexuality in my life?
 In what way, based on sacred sexuality, I can shape reactions with myself , with a partner, with other people, with nature and the whole universe?

These and other questions will not get ready answers , but in a series of our workshops we offer the opportunity to experience the methods which can help you to expand your consciousness in the field of sacred sexuality. 

In this workshop we will focus on the dissolution of the concepts and blockages that accumulate around the topic of sexuality.
We will recognise patterns which we adopted from family, school, society, Hollywood movies, etc. To recognise the sacred sexuality, we will unfold the veil of ignorance.
 To achieve that we will use: 
 touch, massage, 
 and communication. 

You may establish an intimate relationship with yourself .
You may enrich and raise to a higher level the relationship with your partner. 
You may attract into your life the partner/lover of your dreams.
You may heal the wounds from your sexual life and those passed to you from generation to generation.

Ad 9: Dance with Tantra

Like all my invitations, you may already learn and experience something very useful from them. But only when you read it with your heart and follow with your body… only when you use it, not lose it 🙂

There are a few passions in my life. One of course is tantra, so being love, making love, giving and receiving love. The other passion is dancing, which is very connected to tantra. Like making love, massage (my other passion ) and dancing are best if I let my mind go. This is not a time for thinking; it is time for feeling. To fall into dance, to follow the sound or even become a sound, to unite with the music. Being tuned like an instrument, fully harmonised with the music. Here and now. Letting go all your thoughts. When we are able to be in that state there is more space for our heart, for our body. Then it is easier to make the connection. Deepening into ourselves… into others.

This is my journey that I would like to share at this workshop with you.
To get more connected we will use some tantric methods like shaking off stress, dancing with blindfolds, different music and movements activating different glands, hormones and different chakras. We will use various touches and approaches. We will awake ecstatic dance in you 🙂

Ad 10:
Communication of Love.


Do you know the tantric way of communicating? Do you know your and your partner's 'love language'? Do you know that when bodies are talking to each other they can easier find solutions, even in the areas of our life where there weren't any? Do you know body intelligence? Do you use it ? Do you know that we often 'talk' via emotions? Do you know that we often do not understand each other because we talk in different love languages and we're not even aware of it ?
Can you imagine how much you could improve your life and your relationship if you knew the answers to these questions?
In this workshop we will explore the answers to those and other questions. We will do exercises in tantric and body communication. We will do things to find out what your and your partner's love languages are, and then exercise using them.
Your life could become more understandable than ever before!

As always, just a few things that everyone should learn but unfortunately very few do :/

Ad 11: Preparing for Awakening Kundalini energy.

Kundalini Energy, serpent power, is the strongest energy available to experience by the human body. In some cultures, awakening the Kundalini energy is recognised as enlightenment, a blessing, the goal of life, and biggest liberation…
Suddenly all your senses are 1000% awake. You may see, feel, experience things what you were never before aware of. Your ecstasy may shift to another, higher level. Intensity of life at that state may increase to the point that it may scare you.
 Be prepared. Be aware. Observe and accept…. or even better – permit yourself to be. To be who you really are. Recognise the god/goddess within – feel it and become one. Life will never be the same. You're not alone.

Ad 12: Journey to Awaken the Senses.

Listen to the quiet whispers of your own body.
When we fully experience our senses, we enter into the heart, into love with existence. And instead of thinking about and analysing the world, we love it, we feel it, we become a part of it. We experience the bliss, ecstasy and deep fulfilment that can come to us through our senses.

To practise this, we do a ritual that awakens each sense in turn and allow ourselves to absorb this bliss in our hearts. This is a totally yummy, delicious and deep meditation that touches the body, heart and soul. For anyone who wants to expand the experience of their senses or use the body as a gateway to the self. Done to each other it is a great way to connect and feel gratitude and more love and sympathy for your partner. It awakens the child in us, a child who is playing the adult games of love…

Ad 13: "Magic of Tantric Massage" Introduction to tantric massage

This workshop is composed in such a way that you can learn and feel what sacred touch is, so that you can allow healing energy of love into your body and life.

Mastering the art of giving and receiving tantric massage is opening us on many levels:
– It helps to recover energy
– Teaches us sacred touch
– Raise awareness of the body
– Is an Introduction to tantric sex
– Develops our potential for love.

It is not possible to mention all the benefits of tantric massage but first of all it is an experience of deep inner joy, bliss, cleansing, peace and ecstasy. It is the experience of being whole. We will mainly focus on the feelings in the body and not only on the techniques . First of all, we want to ensure that participants will experience touch, that they open up for receiving and giving on the body level, that they open up for feeling the pleasure of being a giver and receiver of a massage.

We want to go deep into the levels of feeling pleasure, bliss, and flow of the love energy. We want to free all the tension from our bodies, let them go away to make more space in the body, to make in the place of the blockages space for the flow of life energy.

temporary early bird for first few people who would react on it:
500 USD
Couple only 1100USD, Single 600USD
When you book next courses with every retreat you get 50 USD discount on all of them :)
You could transfer the amount to Michal Grygoruk NL92TRIO0390212989 in Triodos ethical bank.

Ko Phangan.Thailand

from 4th till 13th december

Daily Program:
8.30 – 10.00 Morning Practice (open for everyone)
10.00 – 11.30 Breakfast break
11.30 – 15.00 I workshop session
15.00 – 16.30 Lunch break
16.30 – 20.00 II workshop session
Regular weekly program: (mostly open also for people who do not participate in whole retreats)
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Yoga
18.00 – 21.30 Introduction evenings
8.30 – 10.00 Kundalini Yoga
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Kriya Yoga
8.30 – 10.00 Different active Osho meditations
8.30 – 10.00 Tantra Yoga
19.00 – 21.00 Conscious inspiring movie
Day off ( or space for guest teachers)
Every second one, during our courses, excursion to spiritual, natural, energetic places
Thailand ( we still didn't decide about exact location. When you have suggestion, tips about the places or when you know some organisers who would like to connect with our program please, contact us as soon as possible -Thanks )
For more details check our pages and do not hesitate to ask the questions
Michal Kali Griks
If you would like to read even more detailed description of the workshops you may read my book here:
This course is a part of our Winter in Thailand program with different courses, teachers (not only tantra but connected), levels and continuation. You may invite, update yourself (and others) here: