September 24, 2014 – Barricades were lit on RN165 in response to the eviction of the Herbin family, from the village of Liminbout on the ZAD de Notre-Dame-Des-Landes to make way for construction of the airport project.

In a statement released by the Zad activist they declare "Each step of the project, each attack against the movement of struggle (work, trial, etc.), will bring an immediate response.
Everything we have achieved so far, adding failure of the César operation until the suspension of the construction, was by a common determination of resistance and tactical diversity.
All of these victories were also possible through actions of solidarity everywhere in france."
They continue in the statement with a declaration of solidarity.
"It is our turn to be present at the side of the various struggles. Space and the autonomous political force gained by the ZAD have served to inspire and strengthen the revolt of those who do not fit in the row.
Thus, we support materially and morally people without paper from Nantes who, after being expelled from their place of life this summer, organize themselves to take up again recently. At Calais, facing the police and evictions in repetition, refugeess congregate. Without papers or airport, the ZAD is land of asylum."
"'We are wholeheartedly with the SEITA de Carquefou workers, reviving offensive practices (destruction of stocks, occupation of factory, sequestration) giving confidence to those who feel reduced to impotence by political parties and trade unions.
In Picardy, the farmers opposed to the project of the factory farm of 1000 cows stated their position by blocking several days the arrival of the dairy.
Bure, against the nuclear waste disposal centre, the struggle continues on the ground, and a campaign for action, Bure 365 is launched.
On the ZAD of Testet plays a decisive moment for opponents to 16 dams. By our action, we wish to achieve the warm breath of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes to this struggle that crosses a turning point."